A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 253: Taking the Waterway Is Not Safe

"Galion, you old bastard, we are almost out of wine."

"Those empty barrels should have been sent to Esgaroth hours ago, and the boatman is waiting!"

"You can complain as much as you want, our king has a bad temper, and his taste in wine is really high."

"Come, Elros." An elf handed a bottle of red wine to Elros, "Try it."

"I still have to supervise the dwarves." Elros took out a bunch of keys helplessly.

"They are locked up, where can they go?"

Elros thought so too, so he hung the key on the wall and turned around to taste the wine with his friends.

Bilbo squatted behind a big barrel in boredom until he heard snoring, then he tiptoed out and took the key from the wall.

He himself didn't expect everything to go so smoothly. He got the key and found the exit, which was the passage for transporting those empty barrels.

In addition, this is also a wine cellar, which just meets Groin's requirements.

He was really helpless with weapons. Ordinary weapons were locked in the armory. He couldn't get in at all, and even if he got in, he couldn't take out so many things.

As for the beast bite sword and the magic wand, they were all in Legolas' hands. He was not sure to get these things from the elf prince with strong martial arts.

Bilbo did not stop and quickly returned to the cell.

The dwarves were surprised to see the key in his hand. They didn't expect him to complete the task so quickly.

"Have you found the exit?" Aaron asked.

Bilbo nodded while opening the dwarf's cell, "Found it. There are not many guards on that road. If nothing goes wrong, we should be able to pass safely."

"That's good."

"Follow me on the road below." Bilbo lowered his voice, and the dwarves spontaneously lined up and followed him, but when they arrived at the wine cellar, everyone was dumbfounded.

The elf who was supposed to guard the dwarves was sleeping soundly on the table, with a pile of empty bottles next to him.

"I can't believe we are in the wine cellar." Qili was excited and confused.

Groin pointed at the empty bottles on the wine table with a look of regret, "It's a pity that there are no ready-made ones."

"You should have taken us out instead of going deeper and deeper." Bofur said depressedly.

"Is there a secret passage or a secret room?" Aaron thought, because his wine cellar was like this.

Bilbo nodded, and then led everyone to a pile of empty barrels, "Everyone, climb into the barrels quickly."

"You are crazy, they will find us." Dwalin looked at Bilbo angrily and said.

Bilbo was about to say something, and a voice came from above saying "They escaped". An elf found that they had escaped from prison.

"There is no time to explain, you must believe me." Bilbo said anxiously, "Please."

"Do as he says."

At Thorin's command, the dwarves got into the barrels one after another.

Aaron also got in. He vaguely heard the sound of water flowing from under the floor, and immediately understood Bilbo's plan.

"Be prepared, there may be a hidden river below us."

"It's much safer to go by water than by the gate." Bilbo said as he pulled the switch, the wooden board slowly tilted, and all the barrels on it rolled into the underground river.

Just as Bilbo was about to leave, the wooden board returned to its original state.

The switch remained on, and the footsteps of the guards were getting closer and closer. Bilbo was at a loss and retreated in panic.

But he took a few steps back, and the wooden board began to tilt under his pressure. Bilbo slid into the passage below, but was still seen by the elves such as Taril who were chasing him.


Water splashed everywhere, and Bilbo grabbed a barrel to avoid being so embarrassed.

Draw out of the dark underground river, there is a small waterfall.

The transportation of the crowd was just a barrel, and they could only go with the flow and move forward with difficulty along the turbulent water.

Legolas, who was chasing after them, saw this scene and immediately ordered people to close the gate of the waterway.

As the melodious horn sounded, the elves guarding the dam pulled the switch, and an iron gate slowly closed.

"No." Thorin roared in anger. He was only half a meter away from escaping.

"Alas!" Aaron sighed and shrugged at Bilbo in the river. "It's not that you didn't find the right way, it's just that our luck is a little worse.

But it doesn't matter. We are still valuable to Thranduil. He won't kill us."

"But we will still be locked up. It won't be so easy to escape this time." Balin said bitterly.

"It's not that there is no way. At worst, we can follow the previous plan. After we are released, we will find a way to break the prison. But whether we can get to the Lonely Mountain before the Day of Durin is an unknown."

"Absolutely not. We have to find a way to open the gate and pull the switch before the elves catch up." Thorin said anxiously.

"I'll go." Kili volunteered and was about to row to the shore.

"Why are you going?" Aaron grabbed his wooden barrel. "There is a team of elf guards on it, and you are unarmed. One arrow from each of them can turn you into a sieve."

"What should we do?"

Aaron hesitated and turned to look at Bilbo.

Besides him, only Bilbo could be invisible here, and pull down the switch openly and quietly.

"Me again?" Bilbo pointed at himself speechlessly, "You can't do it?"

"My wand has been confiscated." Arli refused confidently. He could cast spells without a wand, but there was no need to expose himself.

"I believe Mr. Snitch must know what it means to be able to work hard, right?"

The corners of Bilbo's mouth twitched, it seemed like only he could do this job.

"I'll do my best!"

Bilbo sighed helplessly and prepared to dive into the water and put on the ring.

But before he could take action, he saw an orc climb onto the dam.

"Oh!" Aaron shook his head tiredly, "One wave has not subsided, but another wave has arisen!"

"Be careful, the Oak is coming."

The elves discovered the orcs, decisively abandoned the dwarves below, and fought with the orcs.

But facing this surprise attack, the few and unprepared elves were at a disadvantage and suffered heavy losses.

"Kill them, hurry up, kill them all for me."

A strong orc roared from a high place, and the army of orcs rushed out from behind him.

"Who is that?" Aaron asked in surprise, "It doesn't feel weak, it's much taller than ordinary orcs."

"Borg, Orc Warlord." Balin said solemnly, "He is Asog's confidant, his strength is not inferior to Asog, and he is considered to be above ten thousand people among the Orcs."

"Overseer?" Aaron raised his eyebrows, "Looking at the situation of the battle to stabilize the elves, he is worthy of this position."

"It may not be for the elves." Ouyin said solemnly.

"If it's not the elves, then it's us..." Halfway through his words, Aaron's face changed drastically, "Waltfak!"

As if to verify his words, several orcs jumped directly from the bridge and launched an attack on everyone.

The dwarves fought back. Although they had no weapons, they could barely withstand the attack with only their fists.

Bilbo stabbed an orc to death. Aaron immediately took the dagger from his hand and used this crude weapon to defend himself.

"His uncle, I take back what I just said.

What kind of brain is this? Even if they want to intercept and kill us, there is no need to be in the elves' territory. Wouldn't it be easier to wait for us to escape? Aaron was furious, but he quickly thought of something, "No, we are the main target, but the elf is not going to let go."

Bilbo, move quickly, we have to get out of here quickly. "

"It's really not possible now." Bilbo looked embarrassed. If it was just now, he could take the risk, but now he is surrounded by a pile of barrels and blocked under the stone bridge, plus the surrounding mysterious creatures. Without obstruction, there is no way to act.

"I go."

Kili jumped to the shore, killed an orc, took his weapon, and quickly rushed to the switch.

The distance of more than ten meters was not long, but four orcs were blocking the road to kill him.

Fortunately, with the support of everyone under the bridge, he successfully reached the switch.

However, at this moment, Borg released a cold arrow and hit his right leg.

"Kili." Fili watched his brother lying on the ground wailing in pain, feeling anxious in his heart.

"Fuck!" Aaron cursed secretly, "I'll go take a look."

After saying that, Aaron jumped onto the barrel, stepped on the shoulders of several dwarves and jumped to the shore.

Just then an orc climbed up the dam and found Kili with an injured leg.

As soon as Aaron threw the short knife in his hand, an arrow hit the orc's neck.

Turning around, he saw Tariel holding a bow and arrow and killing him single-handedly.

The orcs along the way were no match for her, and their lives were harvested just like chopping melons and vegetables.

"What are you looking at?" Aaron patted Kili's face, "I admit she is very cool, but you are the one who was rescued, don't you feel ashamed?"

"I don't think so." Kili smiled happily, forgetting even the severe pain in his leg.

Aaron: ...

For a nymphomaniac like you, if you get married in the future, you will most likely be a henpecker.

"Stop gossiping and open the floodgates quickly." Thorin said impatiently.

"Okay." Aaron threw Kili into his barrel and pulled the switch.

Everyone was rushed down the waterfall and swayed left and right in the rushing water.

"The dwarves are running away," Borg yelled. "Follow me."

Most of the orc army immediately separated and chased the expedition team along the river.

Aaron looked at the dozen wooden barrels drifting further and further away with a confused look on his face. Could it be that they had forgotten me?


The sound of breaking through the air came from one side. Aaron heard the sound and decisively stretched out his left hand to grab the arrow.

"It's not that easy to plot against me." Aaron gave Borg a middle finger, turned around and chased the expedition team. After running for a while, he jumped into his empty barrel.

"Don't tell me that you forgot about me again." Aaron said, looking at everyone.

"I know you will definitely catch up." Qili smiled weakly, "We have no doubts."

"Isn't your face too white?" Aaron frowned slightly and looked at the arrow in his hand. He found a strange pure black on the arrow, and his pupils suddenly widened a bit.

"Kili, you, you..."

Qili's face changed slightly, and he immediately said: "He was injured a little and lost a lot of blood. This is normal."

Aaron read the prayer in his eyes, and after struggling for a moment, he threw the arrow in his hand into the rushing river.

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