A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 198: The clones also have human rights

The moonlight shined on the hospital bed through the window, and Aaron sat up with some agony.

Although bandages can protect and fix the injured part, they also have a certain impact on their own movements.

Abe thoughtfully placed a pillow behind Aaron's back, then lay on his lap obediently, and took a few candies for him from his pocket.

"I will definitely get you a piece of clothing with a larger capacity when I go back this time." Aaron said happily, "But right now, we still have to do business, and the security work depends on you."

Abe straightened his back immediately, looked at the door with a pair of clear dragon eyes, and vowed to send a signal to the master as soon as someone came, patting his chest.

Aaron couldn't wait to open his task panel, and the joy on his face could hardly be suppressed.

Logically speaking, such a secret thing should be done in the dormitory, but he really couldn't help it, especially after a particularly exciting battle.

[Find the legendary secret room; reward 800 magic points]

[Kill the monster in the secret room; reward 1000 magic points]

[Destroy Voldemort's Horcrux; reward 1,200 magic points]

With three thousand magic points in his account, Aaron suddenly felt that all the hard work in this school year was worth it, and then he opened his personal panel.

[Host: Aaron Gaius]

[Magic energy: 5000 (junior magister, you are considered a qualified wizard)]

[Talent: rare in a century (can be improved, magic power increases by 2 points every day)]

[Items: Moon Drops (can remove any negative spells), Resurrection Potion (can resurrect any creature that dies within an hour)]

[Magic Points: 4744]

After reading the evaluation behind the magic energy, Aaron curled his lips, what does it mean to be qualified?

Magisters are the backbone of the magic world, and many people are stuck in this bottleneck throughout their lives.

Although he has barely reached the elementary level now and is the weakest among the magisters, as long as there is enough time, his strength will rise sooner or later.

When he read the numbers behind the magic points, Aaron's heart surged. These were all the wealth he had worked so hard for!

Although I know this number will shrink soon, it still looks very eye-catching now.


Aaron took a deep breath and rubbed his hands excitedly.

Decisively open the system mall and place an order for the Thought Body worth two thousand magic points without hesitation.

The next moment, complex magic knowledge filled Aaron's mind, and the magic of missing body clones was as easy as if it had been used countless times.

"Try it!" Aaron muttered in his mind and tried this magic.

He stared straight ahead, clearly feeling that the magic energy in his body was draining away at a rapid rate, and his strength was also declining rapidly, but he did not feel weak at all.

This power left his body, but he could use it and take it back anytime and anywhere.

At the same time, a vague figure gradually solidified in front of the hospital bed. It looked exactly like Aaron, but its clothes were ordinary wizard robes, not covered with bandages like the original body.

Abe flew up in surprise and looked at the two Aarons carefully, as if trying to find any difference.

"Don't forget to be on guard." Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Abe shrugged and continued to stare at the door, but from time to time he turned his head to take a look, which made both Aarons feel dumbfounded.

"This is the first time I see myself in this way, and it feels unusually strange.

He is still quite handsome. It is no exaggeration to say that my appearance is a perfect score for my age. "

"I have a different opinion." Missing Body said with a strange expression, "It turns out that I am so embarrassed.

Also, it was somewhat disrespectful for me to meet in this place for the first time. "

Hearing this, Aaron scratched his head in embarrassment. His current image was indeed in sharp contrast to the elegant Missing Body.

And next to them are five petrified objects, including humans, animals, and ghosts.

Although they have lost all senses and cannot move, they are still alive after all.

This meeting place seemed even weirder than a hospital morgue.

"That speaks volumes about how much I value you."

"Pull it down!

The one who knows you best is yourself. I know exactly what you think. "

Aaron pursed his lips and sat up as straight as possible, "I have figured out the principle of this magic, but after all, it is the first time to use it.

You have an independent consciousness and your own memories and emotions..."

"We will also completely obey the orders of the main body." The missing body interjected meaningfully, "We have exactly the same personality, you don't have to worry about anything.

Although I have absolute autonomy before returning to my true self, it does not mean that the connection between us is severed. You can know what I am thinking with just a thought. "

“I know, I mean what help do you need?

After all, you have just been born, and apart from my knowledge, memory and half of my power, you are truly nothing. "

"Hahaha..." The missing body couldn't help covering his face and laughing, but when he thought that this was the school hospital, he quickly restrained his expression, "I didn't expect that my body is so humorous. Aaron Gaius can call Aaron Gaius has all the resources I can easily handle if the need arises.

But since you mentioned it, get me two wands! "

Aaron couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and after hesitating for a while, he took out his white wand, "That's it, just use it!

You also know my uncle's temper. If I can get him to give me two wands, it's already an exception. If I ask for two more wands, he will definitely drive him out of the wand shop.

Besides, it’s not like you don’t know how to cast spells without a wand, so don’t be so picky. "

"Okay, but can you change the wand to a black one?"

"This won't work." Aaron refused without thinking, "Many people in Hogwarts know what my wand looks like, and suddenly changing the style will affect my image.

And I don’t need you to show up in public, just develop slowly in the dark.

For example, practice magic in the dormitory, or study in the library, and strive to become proficient in the depiction of the ultimate magic circle as soon as possible.

As long as it can be instantaneous and the magic energy can be increased by one or two levels, we may not be able to compete with the Great Mage, and Genes will no longer be able to control me. "

The missing body held its forehead and shook its head, smiling bitterly: "Although your order is absolute to me, I still want to say one thing: the clone also has human rights and is not your cheating machine."

"But that's the meaning of this magic, otherwise why would I learn it?" Aaron asked, "Besides, I won't be lazy just because of your existence.

You can't stop learning no matter what, you just have to work harder than me. "

"Is it just a little harder?" The missing body looked directly at its own body, "You are planning to use me as a boss of the production team!"

"Ahem...don't say it so bluntly!

Let me apologize to you! "

Aaron smiled with embarrassment, feeling quite embarrassed to be said so.

If it were an emotionless clone, he would have used it at will, but the missing body was so advanced that it could not only exist for a long time but also have its own emotions and memories.

If he really manipulated his missing body like an ox or a horse, it would not be much different from treating himself as a slave. He didn't want to feel resentment against himself when he took back his missing body. That was too outrageous.

"I won't take you back until there is a critical moment." Aaron looked at the missing body and said seriously: "Let's do whatever you want, but be careful not to appear in the same place at the same time with me. ”

“Don’t worry, I have sense and know what to do and what not to do.

If there is an emergency, I will notify you in time. "The missing body smiled and pointed at his head, "Use here. "

"That's good."

At this time, Abe suddenly sent a warning: someone is coming.

"I'll avoid it for now. See you tomorrow." The missing body waved its hand to Aaron, and then cast a disillusionment spell on itself.

Not long after the missing body disappeared, two more figures appeared outside the door.

Aaron simply adjusted his expression, but when he saw Dobby behind Harry, his expression became a little tense.

"Isn't it a little inappropriate for you two... to walk together so openly?"

"Don't worry, Dobby is no longer Malfoy's servant." Harry explained immediately, "I secretly gave my socks to Dobby through Lucius Malfoy's hand. He is free now."

"Really?" Aaron glanced at Dobby in surprise, and saw that he had a black sock on his left foot, so he no longer doubted the authenticity of this matter.

"That's really impressive, but you've offended the Malfoy family badly."

"It doesn't matter." Harry said carelessly. Originally, he and the Malfoy family disliked each other. Unless something unexpected happened, there would be no possibility of reconciliation in this life.

"Then why did you come to see me?" Aaron looked at Harry and Dobby meaningfully, "Don't tell me that you came here specifically to see me.

It's almost curfew now, and even if the secret room incident is solved perfectly, most students should still be partying in the common room.

In addition, bring some gifts when you come to visit the injured!

I don’t expect you to send me a fruit basket or a flower basket, but at least bring a bunch of grapes like Colin did!

But you are empty-handed and have brought nothing. Do you think you are looking down on me? "

"We definitely don't mean that." Harry said urgently, "It's Dobby. He is homeless. I want to ask if your family can take him in?"

Aaron was stunned for a moment and looked at Harry in astonishment.

In his opinion, Dobby was indeed pitiful, but he also made Harry miserable during the summer vacation.

Although his original intention was to protect Harry, blocking him at platform nine and three-quarters and causing him to miss the train was a bit too much.

"Do you know that there is so much light about you?"

"What do you mean?" Harry asked confused.

"It means you are so kind, so kind that I feel a little ashamed of myself.

If I were you, helping him gain freedom would be the most benevolent thing, but you actually want to help him arrange his future life. "

Hearing this, Dobby sobbed and pulled Harry's sleeves, "Mr. Gaius is right, Dobby is indeed not qualified to accept help from Harry Potter anymore."

"Don't say that, Dobby." Harry said comfortingly, then looked at Aaron and asked: "The Gaius family should be able to give Dobby a job, right?

The requirements are not high, it is enough for him to support himself, with enough food and clothing. "

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