A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 185 Ginny’s request for help

Knowing the last clue, the three Harrys immediately decided to investigate Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

However, due to the school's martial law, there are many people patrolling various places every day, and in addition to the regulations issued by Dumbledore, the bathroom can only be used with the company of a teacher, especially since the location of that bathroom is the first time The area next door to the attack scene was heavily guarded, which undoubtedly made their investigation more difficult.

Due to various reasons, they could not find an opportunity to make a move for a long time.

A few weeks later, Professor McGonagall made two announcements in the Great Hall.

First, the final exam will not be canceled and will be held as normal on June 1.

This news hit every student's heart like a bolt from the blue. This school year, everyone was on tenterhooks because of the secret room incident, and they were not in the mood to study hard at all.

Even many bad students assumed that they would not have exams, but they did not expect that the reality was so cruel.

Professor McGonagall looked at the students with bitter faces below and couldn't help but darken, "Under the current abnormal situation, the school has not been closed. The purpose is to allow you to receive education, so we will examine your studies this year." The knowledge gained is inevitable.”

"Besides that, there is another good news to tell everyone." Professor McGonagall said with some excitement, "The mandrakes can be harvested, and the petrified students, ghosts, and Filch's cats will all be harvested tonight." Back to normal.

Maybe one of them will tell us who their attacker was, and we might be able to catch him. "

As the words fell, strong cheers erupted in the auditorium.

After being mentally tense for so long, the school can finally lift the martial law. It looks like we just need to get through tonight.

However, Aaron and others who knew the real situation were not so optimistic. It was gratifying to be able to lift the petrification of the victims, but they knew without thinking that they only saw the basilisk, and the heir was definitely not in their sights.

It's obviously not enough to know what the murderer looks like, you also have to know where the murderer is hiding.

Moreover, all the roosters raised by Hagrid have been killed. Except for the two roosters that Aaron secretly captured, the basilisk has no natural enemies in Hogwarts.

The most important thing is that without Dumbledore in charge of Hogwarts, the heir of Slytherin has the confidence to overturn the table.

Once the opponent is cornered, even if the professors can block the basilisk, there will definitely be a lot of casualties.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared opposite Aaron. He slowly raised his head and unexpectedly discovered that the person who came was Ginny Weasley.

"Ginny, what do you want from me?"

Ginny nodded anxiously, "I have something to tell you, and you are the only one who can help me now."


Aaron was slightly startled. Although he had lived in Hao for two days, his relationship with this little girl was not that good. At most, they were just ordinary friends.

Moreover, Ginny has several older brothers protecting her at Hogwarts, and one of them is a Gryffindor prefect. Even if she has any trouble, she doesn't need to ask him, a Slytherin, for help!

"This is interesting.

You tell me what it is first, and then I decide whether to help? "

"It's about the Chamber of Secrets." Ginny lowered her voice and kept looking around as she spoke. She looked very nervous and tired.

When Aaron heard this, he immediately stopped feeling sleepy. He very skillfully took out an orange from Abe's pocket and put it on Ginny's tray.

"Don't be anxious, speak slowly."

"I, I..." Ginny said two words intermittently, her eyes gleaming a little, and her voice also had a cry, "I'm sorry, I don't know if I did those things, but I'm sure It has a certain connection with me.”

"What on earth is going on?" Aaron tried to keep his tone as calm as possible, because Ginny's current state obviously couldn't stand the stimulation.

"Diary, Tom Riddle's diary." Ginny said in panic, her body shaking uncontrollably, "Everything was fine at first, but since I got that diary, everything has become weird. Get up."

"Okay, don't talk yet." Aaron interrupted her immediately, "You are very scared, maybe you will faint before you finish speaking.

Next, I'll ask you questions. If you don't want to answer, you just need to nod or shake your head. Do you understand? "

Ginny took a deep breath and nodded.

"Don't be nervous, stay strong.

First of all, do you know the location of the secret room? "

Ginny shook her head.

"What about the identity of the heir?"

Ginny still shook her head, but this time she held her head in pain, "I don't know, but I think I know.

I even thought that the heir to the secret room was myself, but I felt that it couldn't be me. I couldn't even speak the most basic snake language. "

"Soul-stealing curse?" Aaron frowned, "Or similar means. There is no doubt that you were controlled and did things you didn't even know you did."

Ginny nodded hurriedly, "Yes, that must be the case."

"Okay! Last question." Aaron looked directly into her eyes and asked softly: "Is Riddle's diary in your hand now?"

Ginny nodded, she had indeed stolen it from Harry's dormitory.

After hearing this, Aaron fell into deep thought.

Riddle's diary, Ginny Weasley and the multiple attacks were tied together in dense lines in his mind.

Half a minute later, he suddenly opened his eyes wide, but his expression became particularly solemn.

"I always thought that the heir of Slytherin was the current student, but I didn't expect that the other person was much more perverted than I thought."

"what do you mean?"

“The heir of Slytherin from fifty years ago has never left. He preserved himself in the form of memory and looked for opportunities to guide others to continue Salazar Slytherin’s great cause.

Ginny, that diary is very dangerous, and Tom Riddle is very likely to be the murderer behind it. "

Hearing this, Ginny's face instantly turned pale.

Before, she only thought there was something wrong with Riddle's diary, but she didn't expect the problem to be so big that it could even involve the secret room incident fifty years ago.

"Help me." Ginny sobbed and grabbed Aaron's hand as if holding on to the last straw, "Please."

"I know, I will help you, but can you please stop crying first." Aaron said with a sneer, "In the public, you don't know what you think I did to you!"

Ginny burst into laughter and slowly let go of her hands, "What should I do?"

"It's very simple, bring me Riddle's diary."


"No need to, I know what you want to say.

The diary is difficult to destroy, but it is not impossible to destroy it, as long as you find a suitable method.

But before that, I need to keep it properly and prevent it from falling into other people's hands.

Also, you have to be careful not to open it. "

Ginny nodded seriously, "I understand, I'll go right away."

“Wait, don’t rush yet.

Today's class is not over yet. If you disappear, Professor McGonagall will probably think you are missing.

Give it to me during dinner tonight! Just put it in a bag and don't let others see it. "

"You're still thoughtful."

"Low-key, low-key." Aaron waved his hand sheepishly, "By the way, let me ask you, why did you come to me?

Percy, Fred, George, Ron and Harry Potter, aren't they more trustworthy than me, a Slytherin? "

Ginny lowered her head, bit her lip, and hesitated for a while before timidly saying, "I don't want them to know, especially Harry Potter."

"That's it." Aaron suddenly realized, and then gave Ginny a smile, "Don't worry, I will keep it a secret for you."


Ginny took a deep breath and was about to leave, but then Percy suddenly walked over.

His eyes lingered on the tears in the corners of Ginny's eyes for a few seconds, and then he turned to Aaron with an angry expression, "Gaius, I think I need an explanation."

"Huh? Did you make a mistake?"

"That's right, Ginny has obviously cried. My sister..."

"Percy." Ginny looked at him angrily and said, "You misunderstood, he didn't bully me."

"It's okay, Ginny." Percy patted her shoulder with concern, "My parents have written to me more than once asking me to take good care of you.

Feel free to tell me if you feel wronged. I am still the prefect of Gryffindor, so I still have this power. "

"I'll say it again, you really misunderstood." Ginny was so anxious that she was about to cry. What if Aaron got angry and didn't help her.

But her performance made Percy strengthen his judgment.

Ginny was definitely bullied and was too scared to tell the truth.

Can this be tolerated?

His sister was bullied, so naturally he, the older brother, had to stand up.

He straightened the prefect's badge and said to Aaron seriously: "Apologise to my sister."

Aaron looked at Percy in astonishment, the corner of his mouth twitching, and millions of grass and mud horses galloping past in his mind.

He didn't know whether Ginny had been wronged, but he knew very well that he had been greatly wronged.

It was obvious that he had to take a huge risk to deal with a magic item, but he didn't expect that he would have to endure a wave of psychological damage first.

"Percy, did you listen to me?

I told you this was a misunderstanding, why don’t you believe me? "

Seeing Ginny's helpless look, Percy calmed down a little, "Then tell me, why did you cry?"

"I..." Ginny opened her mouth but hesitated, unable to speak a single word.

What did this make her say? You can't tell Percy about Riddle's diary!

Although she was not the murderer, she was still involved in this series of attacks. If word spread, she might be expelled from the school.

"Okay, no need to say anything." Aaron saw Ginny's embarrassment and stood up directly, "Isn't it just an apology? It's no big deal."

"No." Ginny kept shaking her head, "You don't have to, you can't, and there is no need to do this."

"But the problem is that now I can only do this, just think of it as protecting a little girl!" Aaron shrugged helplessly, and then said sorry to Ginny.

"Are you satisfied, Gryffindor Prefect?"

"You know what's going on, but I'll deduct ten points from Slytherin."

"That's enough." Ginny threw Percy's arm away angrily and glared at him fiercely, "I really hate you."

After saying that, she gave Aaron an apologetic look and ran away quickly.

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