A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 158 The false heir from fifty years ago

Gryffindor common room.

Harry and Ron were preparing homework for the History of Magic class, but Hermione, the top student who had finished her homework, was a little distracted.

"Who could it be?" Hermione frowned, "Who wants to drive Squibs and Muggle-born wizards out of Hogwarts?"

"Think about it, who is the person who despises Muggles the most?" Ron looked at Hermione and smiled meaningfully: "I think you already have the answer."

"It can't be Malfoy, can it?"

"Of course it's him." Ron said seriously, "First of all, I want to explain that this has nothing to do with personal grudges.

As far as I know, the Malfoy family has been Slytherin for centuries. You also saw it during the sorting last year. He was called Slytherin before the sorting hat was even put on his head. Doesn't this prove it? What?

You have also met his father Lucius at Flourish and Blott Bookstore. Not to mention Muggles, he even looks down on wizards who hang out with Muggles. "

Hermione nodded blankly and said with some suspicion: "It seems to make sense."

"What does it mean?" Ron was a little dissatisfied. "Their family must have the key to the secret room, which has been passed down from generation to generation for centuries."

"Well..." Harry looked at the two of them and hesitated for several seconds, "Do you think it could be Gaius?"

"This is impossible." Hermione decisively rejected this guess and said angrily: "Harry, you know what kind of person Aaron is. There is absolutely no way he is the heir of Slytherin."

"Maybe Harry's guess is right." Ron said thoughtfully, "Compared to Malfoy, he is more like the heir of Slytherin."

"Why do you say that?" Hermione frowned, "He is different from other Slytherins. He even managed to save us once last year."

"Don't be angry, Hermione.

I'm just talking about it, a lot of professors and even Headmaster Dumbledore said he had all the qualities of a Slytherin.

Ambition, shrewdness, emphasis on honor, sizing up the situation, being prudent in protecting oneself, victory above all else, etc. He is the representative of Slytherin, and many people think so.

Moreover, the wizarding bloodline of the Gaius family is very pure and can be traced back at least a thousand years ago. "

"You can't envy and hate a person just because he's excellent." Hermione said speechlessly.

Ron rolled his eyes and turned to look at Harry, "What do you think?"

Harry looked at the two of them and opened his mouth hesitantly, "I didn't doubt him for no reason.

First, on Halloween, he showed up at the crime scene after us.

The three of us were not in the auditorium because we were attending Nick's death anniversary party. I took you to the corridor when I heard strange noises.

But as soon as our front feet arrived, he came over with his rear feet. "

"It's just a coincidence." Hermione didn't care, "He also said he was going back to the dormitory."

"But this is too coincidental!

Why does it have to be him? Does it have to be Slytherin? Harry asked, "And he was alone at the time. No one can prove when he appeared there, maybe not before us." "

"Even if this is a coincidence, what happens next?

We went to the crime scene, and he went too, and immediately discovered those strange spiders.

Moreover, he didn't seem to care about Myrtle's answer.

Once is a coincidence, but twice is a coincidence. "

"You see!" Ron shrugged at Hermione, "This suspicion is coming up."

"Maybe both times are coincidences?" Hermione said with some uncertainty, "Besides, his purpose of going to the crime scene may be the same as ours."

"It could also be cleaning up evidence that was accidentally left behind." Ron said calmly, "That's what's written in detective novels."

"I still don't believe that Aaron has never looked down on half-blood and Muggle-born wizards.

He also didn't know that Filch was a squib and had no reason to harm Mrs. Norris. "

Harry and Ron looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes.

"I don't want to doubt him either." Harry said in a low voice, "But it's mainly because there are too many coincidences. Apart from Malfoy, he is the most suspicious."

Ron nodded, he had the same idea, and he also gave Aaron one more reason in his mind.

Aaron has a very good relationship with Malfoy, who despises half-bloods and Muggle-borns. Birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. This is a hurdle that cannot be overcome.

Hermione chuckled, "All in all, I don't believe it's him."

Harry and Ron looked at each other. They were just guessing and had no way to prove it.

"Let's put this question aside for now. We don't need to waste time on unrealistic guesses." Harry sighed slightly, "Let's check from other directions!"

Meanwhile, in the Slytherin common room.

Aaron sneezed several times in his dormitory, but he didn't take it to heart.

After all, he is only twelve years old. Although his physique is far stronger than that of an adult, it does not mean that he will not catch a cold in November.

Opening the notebook, Aaron looked at the clues he had integrated and thought for a while.

He turned the page, tore off the blank paper at the back, and laid it on the wall.

Then use a magic wand to move the clues in the notebook to the blank paper to create a simple clue wall with words and no pictures.

“There are currently two clues that can be investigated.

One is the identity of the heir, and the other is the identity of the monster in the secret room. "Aaron touched his chin, his brain running rapidly.

It is difficult to check the heirs, first of all, they are the freshmen.

There are many, but every one of them is possible.

Moreover, the opponent will not reveal his flaws easily. He can open the secret room at the age of eleven and let the monster inside out to commit murder. How dare he be so timid?

However, the student who was expelled fifty years ago can be checked, but it will not be easy.

Fifty years ago, the time span was so big that even the professors at the school might not know much about it. It is estimated that no one except the principal Dumbledore knew about that period of history.

But Aaron didn't want to deal with Dumbledore. The old man seemed kind and amiable, and he was a competent principal in the eyes of most students.

But I don’t know why, every time I see him, Aaron feels that the other person is very thoughtful, and I feel like I will be betrayed by him if I am not careful.

Thinking of the depth in Dumbledore's eyes, Aaron shuddered suddenly and immediately turned his thoughts to the identity of the monster.

A magical animal with the terrifying ability to petrify. It existed at the time of Salazar Slytherin. It has an extremely long lifespan and may be the natural enemy of spiders...


Aaron let out a long breath. With these clues, it was not that difficult to determine the identity of the other party.

After class the next day, Aaron took Abe outside the castle.

Arriving at Hagrid's hut, Abe, who was in his arms, turned his face away reluctantly.

"Let's go! He is the only one who knows the most about magical animals in this school!" Aaron said and knocked on the door.


Hagrid opened the door and was a little surprised to see Aaron.

"This is a rare visitor!

Why are you thinking of coming to my place? Abe is not sick, right? "

"Can't you think of something better?

My dragon cub is in great health and eats deliciously. Aaron rolled his eyes at him angrily, walked into the house and found a place to sit down, "I came here specially because I have some questions, and I think you are the only one in Hogwarts who can give me the answers." "

Hearing this, Hagrid raised his brows slightly and his thick beard trembled, clearly showing his inner complacency.

"You go ahead and tell me, but I can't guarantee that I can answer it."

"It's about the secret room." Aaron said calmly, "I found..."

Aaron stopped abruptly in the middle of his words, because Hagrid, who was sitting opposite him, trembled slightly, and the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by panic.

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay." Hagrid forced out a bitter smile and said with a forced smile, "I'm fine."

"You don't look like you're okay.

I'm just asking some questions, don't be nervous. Aaron tried to make his tone as calm as possible, "Hagrid, I found some clues to the secret room." "

"Really?" Hagrid was a little uneasy, "What did you find?"

"Many, the identity of the heir..."

"It's not me, it's really not me." Hagrid stood up excitedly, "I was wronged. I'm really not the heir of Slytherin."

"I didn't say it was you!" Aaron sneered, but then he seemed to have thought of something, and his expression changed slightly.

Among the clues provided by Draco, the person who opened the secret room fifty years ago was fired, and Hagrid seemed to have become a forest guard only after being fired.

Fifty years is nothing to the giant, and it is consistent with his current appearance.


Aaron swallowed and asked nervously: "Are you the wizard who was expelled fifty years ago?"

"But I was really wronged." Hagrid looked slumped, his eyes squeezed together in grievance, "But almost no one believed me at that time.

If it hadn't been for Dumbledore's insistence and lack of evidence, I would have been locked up in Azkaban. "

"It's quite pitiful, but I am willing to believe you."

"You believe me?"

"Of course." Aaron nodded seriously.

Rubeus Hagrid is the heir of Slytherin, are you kidding me?

No matter how much Salazar Slytherin lowered his standards for heirs, he would still find a normal wizard instead of a giant. This is far-fetched.

Moreover, Hagrid didn't have the right words. He was a little too honest and had nothing to do with Slytherin.

"Okay, let's get down to business. What I want to ask you is do you know the identity of the monster in the secret room?"

"I don't know." Hagrid said apologetically.

"Of course I know you don't know, but I have clues and may be able to analyze it." Old God Aaron said thoughtfully, "Magical animals have the ability to petrify and have extremely long lifespans. They may be the natural enemies of spiders."

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