A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 155 The suspicion is temporarily eliminated

Lockhart's office.

Under the bright candlelight, Dumbledore placed Mrs. Norris on the desk and began to examine her carefully.

"It must have been killed by a curse." Lockhart said emotionally from the sidelines, "The Transformation Torture Curse, I remember a very similar thing happened before.

It's a pity that I wasn't there at the time. I happened to know the solution to the curse and could have saved it. "

"Can you be quiet for a while?" Aaron looked at Lockhart speechlessly. He wanted to say that you are like a clown, but he restrained himself.

"Mr. Gaius." Lockhart's voice was slightly lower than before, "There are detailed records in my autobiography."

"Can you save Mrs. Norris?" Aaron asked meaningfully.

"Um...well..." Lockhart hesitated, looking at Filch who was choking, feeling a little guilty for no reason, "Unfortunately, my spell may not be able to save the dead."

"Then please, Professor, please be quiet for a while. At least don't hinder the work of professionals."

"It's not dead, Argus." Dumbledore raised his head and said, "Mrs. Norris was just petrified, but I don't know exactly how."

"Ask him, he did it." Filch looked at Harry Potter angrily and kept sobbing: "You all saw what he wrote on the wall. He knew I was a squib."

"Squib?" Aaron was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable, "For a wizard who can't use magic, it must be very difficult for you to stay in Hogwarts for decades!"

"Mr. Gaius," Dumbledore said solemnly, "Argus has been doing his duty for decades. I dare say that no one loves this castle more than him."

"That's it." Aaron nodded thoughtfully, "But to be fair, I don't think it was Harry who did it. When I got there, the three of them were standing there blankly. As if he was frightened.

And with all due respect, Harry probably doesn't even know what a squib means. "

Harry nodded hurriedly. He had only gone to school for one year, and he really didn't know much about the meanings of some nouns.

Snape walked out of the shadows with a hint of sneer on his lips, "Maybe Potter and his friends were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Aaron happened to find them at that wall.

Isn't that right, Mr. Potter? "

Harry was stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other briefly with the other two people, "That's right, Professor Snape, this is a misunderstanding."

"Very good. With the three of you testifying, I believe Aaron has no suspicion." Snape gave Aaron a reassuring look, then looked at the three Harrys, "Then can you explain what happened during dinner? Not in the auditorium?"

The three men immediately explained that they had attended Sir Nicholas's death anniversary party, and hundreds of ghosts could testify for them.

"You... are so boring." Aaron's eyes twitched slightly, and he was convinced by their thinking.

Is it possible for a living person to go to the ghost's death anniversary instead of attending a good Halloween party? Aren't you afraid of nightmares at night?

The three Harrys also looked at each other, feeling very regretful.

Attending a ghost party on Halloween night, it was okay to be frightened, and I could endure the hungry meal, but when I came back, I suffered an unreasonable disaster.

"What happens after that?" Snape looked directly into Harry's eyes, a cold smile flashed across his thin face, "Why don't you come to the banquet?"

"Because, because..." Harry was very nervous. He didn't dare to say that he went there because he heard strange noises, otherwise the suspicion on him would not be clear.

"We're going back to the common room," Hermione interrupted. "Aaron didn't meet us on the way back."

"I have to go back to bed after eating and drinking. You..."

"We're not hungry."


As soon as he finished speaking, Ron's stomach made an untimely sound.

He raised his head awkwardly and found that everyone else was looking at him with different expressions, but Hermione's eye roll was quite obvious.

It doesn't sound in the morning, it doesn't sound in the evening, it just sounds when it is about to get over.

"Okay! I am indeed a little hungry.

However, if you attend the ghost's death anniversary banquet, you probably won't be able to eat no matter how good the food is in front of you. "

The smile on Snape's face grew brighter.

Isn't this Chi Guoguo's desire to conceal it? Do you really think everyone here is a fool?

"Principal, I believe you can see it too.

They didn't tell the truth and were definitely hiding something. "

"Professor, I seem to have thought of something when you said this.

When I first reached the corridor, Harry asked me a question. "

"Oh?" Snape turned around proudly, not expecting an unexpected gain, "What did he ask you?"

"he asks..."

"Harry asked if there would be any pudding at the party?" Hermione said anxiously.

Aaron rolled his eyes, but seeing the pleading in the other person's eyes, he decided to help them. After all, in his opinion, these three people would not do such a thing.

"That's it, Professor."

Snape rolled his eyes at Aaron helplessly, as if asking: What good will it do to you to help them?

Aaron also gave him a straightforward look: It would be no good for me not to help them.

"Severus," said Dumbledore, "Innocent without evidence."

"But my cat was petrified." Filch snapped dissatisfied. "Someone has to be punished."

"We can cure him, Argus.

As far as I know, Mrs. Sprout cultivated mandrakes so that when they matured she could prepare a potion to cure Mrs. Norris.

During this period, we ask that everyone exercise caution. "Dumbledore said, then looked at Aaron and the other four, "You can go back and rest. "

Hearing this, the four of them walked out of Lockhart's office in tacit agreement.

On the way back to the common room, Hermione pursed her lips, looked at Aaron who was walking directly in front of him, and said hesitantly: "Thank you for covering for us just now."

"You're welcome.

To put it bluntly, I don’t think you have the courage. "

"Do you think I should tell them about the noise I heard?" Harry asked hesitantly.

"Whatever." Aaron waved his hand, "But you have to bear the consequences yourself."

"I don't think so either," Ron said. "This is definitely not a good sign."

"It's strange that you heard that sound and then Mrs. Norris was petrified," Hermione said.

"Actually, that may not be the case." Aaron said thoughtfully, "Maybe that voice deliberately led Harry there!"

Hearing this, Harry swallowed worriedly, "Do you mean I'm being targeted?"

"I didn't say that, it was just a simple guess." Aaron said, turning to the aisle on one side, "Wish you all a good night."

The three of them looked at each other, and Harry said with a grimace: "How about I tell Dumbledore about the sound! This is at least safer."

"No." Hermione frowned, "The three of us are now half suspects. If they know that you can hear strange noises, it will be difficult for them not to be unjustly accused."


Back in the dormitory, Aaron lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, slightly lost in thought.

"System, you can open the task panel."

[Find the legendary secret room:

The reward for completing the task is 800 magic points. There is no penalty for failure of the task. Does the host accept it? 】

When Aaron saw the value of the reward, he immediately thought of the mind body magic that he had been longing for. According to normal sign-in calculations, he would have to struggle for more than a hundred days to learn this skill.

But if the task is completed, it will be equivalent to eighty days less struggle. The temptation is too great.

Aaron gritted his teeth and chose to accept the challenge.

The reward for this task is not low, but it is not easy to complete.

First of all, the legend of the secret chamber existed at least in Lucius's time. The further back the time, the harder it is to find.

Secondly, the blood words on the wall and the petrified Mrs. Norris meant danger. He thought he couldn't resist that level of petrification spell.

But there was no reason for him not to accept this task, because it was related to the safety of Hogwarts. This was a geomantic treasure land for his stable development, and there could be no accidents.

The most important thing is that there is no penalty for failure. If nothing can be done, he can withdraw in time.

"System, I would like to ask, do you assign tasks randomly?"


"But weren't there three tasks arranged last school year?" Aaron asked with some confusion, "Why is there only one this year?"

"The tasks released by this system are also based on the actual situation. The comprehensive host currently has access to only this one."

"It's really... reasonable." Aaron said speechlessly, "Wait, then if I cause trouble everywhere, can I trigger more system tasks?"

"It is recommended that the host should not do that. If you cause trouble, you will die quickly."

"Hey! Don't sound so scary, I'm not that kind of person either.

Really just asking. "

“Thinking too much.

With the host's current permission, there are only three tasks a year. There is no limit to more, and there is no limit to less.

In addition, the tasks arranged by this system are completely within the scope of the host's capabilities. It will not be too simple, but it will not be too difficult. The host has sufficient autonomy to choose and can give up tasks with higher risks. This is already very humane. .

So... don't think about squeezing the wool out of your system. "

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