A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 14 The stark wealth gap between wizard families

Harry and Ron seemed to hit it off immediately, chatting all the time in the carriage.

Aaron held Abe in his arms and looked at the scenery outside leisurely, feeling this rare breath of freedom.

At this time, a "click" sound suddenly came from outside the box. A slightly fat female saleswoman pushed a cart filled with various snacks and looked at the three of them and asked, "Would you like to buy anything, kids?"

"No, thank you, I brought it." Ron took out a sandwich wrapped in transparent oilcloth with some embarrassment.

"I'm not hungry." Aaron said, and then he suddenly thought of something and glanced at the pet in his arms, "But let's have some!"

The fat woman smiled happily and said: "Okay, sir, what do you need?

We have multi-flavored beans, chocolate frogs, pies, cakes..."

"No need to say so much." Aaron was a little impatient and took out a galleon. "Just these four things you mentioned! It's enough for three people."

"Oh, wait a minute."

The fat woman began to rummage in her cart, then put a bunch of snacks on the table in the box, and also found some silver sicoes for Aaron.

"Wow!" Ron's eyes widened, "Aaron, what do you do at home? You feel so rich."

"Actually, it's nothing, just doing some small business."

"That's casual. What you gave me just now was Galleons!" Ron asked in surprise, "I may not have that much pocket money in a year."

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched, and he always felt that this guy looked like he had never seen money before, "Well... I think it may be because you have four brothers and sisters in your family, so the cost is relatively high!"

Ron nodded silently after hearing this, "Actually, you don't understand fully. I have five brothers and one sister."

Aaron: ...

No wonder this baby's pocket money is less than a galleone.

An already poor family has to raise seven children, which makes it even worse! You may not be able to survive without careful budgeting.

"I originally thought your mother was great for being able to take care of seven children.

But I didn’t expect that your father was greater and could support your family with one person’s salary. "

"what do you mean?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to express my admiration for your father.

Yes, that’s right, I admire you. Aaron said, then pointed to the snacks on the table, "Don't be stunned, you two. If you want to eat, you're welcome, but remember to leave a few pies for my Abe. It would be better if they have meat fillings." "

Ron couldn't help but cast his eyes on the white cat, "Your pet is so cute! I only have one mouse, and Percy threw it away."

As he spoke, he took out a fat gray mouse from his pocket and said, "Its name is Banban. It is hopeless. It only eats and sleeps all day long."

Aaron immediately moved his body back to put as much distance between him and the mouse as possible.

On the contrary, Abe in his arms seemed to smell some disgusting smell, showing an expression of vigilance and disgust, pointing a white paw at the sleeping mouse, grinning continuously.

Ron took his pet back immediately. He almost forgot that Aaron's pet was a cat. There was no difference between taking out the mouse in front of the cat and feeding it.

"Don't worry, my Abe doesn't eat mice." Aaron comforted Abe with a wry smile, looking at the mouse with some scrutiny.

After all, Abe is a holy dragon, not a cat. What can make him react like this is probably not an ordinary mouse, or... it's not a mouse at all.

But this has nothing to do with him. Even if Ron raises a magical creature that he has never seen before, it doesn't matter!

Ron then placed Banban on the table with peace of mind, and then enjoyed the food with peace of mind.

As for the sandwiches he brought, they had long been thrown aside, but what were they compared to these snacks?

Harry picked up a packaging box, glanced at it, and put the beans inside into his mouth. Then he felt an indescribable taste, and the expression on his face became weird.

"That's Bibi's multi-flavored beans, which have various flavors." Ron said, "There is chocolate mint flavor, spinach flavor, tripe flavor, and pork liver flavor.

George said he also ate something that smelled like snot. "

"Ugh!" Aaron suddenly felt a little disgusted and immediately put this snack on the blacklist.

Harry silently spit out the multi-flavored beans in his mouth and threw them into the trash can. He felt that most of the beans he ate were snot-flavored.

After a while, Harry picked up a five-pointed star packaging box with chocolate frogs written on it, and asked curiously: "There are really no frogs in this, are there?"

"That's understandable." Aaron smiled.

"This is magic. I usually buy these snacks just for the pictures inside. Each pack has pictures of the great magician. I have collected more than 500 of them," Ron said.

Harry opened the package, and a frog croaked in the carriage. The pure chocolate frog's eyes moved slightly, and then it jumped towards the glass window.

But when it jumped into the air, Abe jumped up and grabbed it in his hand, and proudly put the piece of chocolate into his mouth.


Aaron coughed lightly, and Abe stopped moving in embarrassment.

"Eat it, but be careful, I don't want your mouth to be full of chocolate." Aaron smiled.

Abe was stunned for a moment, raised his paw and smashed the chocolate frog into pieces, then put small pieces into his mouth.

This scene made Harry and Ron stunned for a moment.

They have seen cats before, but they have never seen such a smart and understanding cat.

"Aaron, how much did you spend to buy this cat? Is it expensive?" Ron asked blankly. He silently compared Abe and Scabbers, and suddenly felt that the mouse was not fragrant, even though it was originally Not fragrant.

"This was left by the elders in my family... I guess!" Aaron said with a strange expression. He didn't know what to say, but that's what the dragon-skating license said.

"I don't know how much it's worth, but I know I won't sell it for any amount of money."

"So that's it!" Ron said angrily, "By the way, what's your last name?"

"Gaius, I am from the Gaius family."

Ron was stunned for a moment. He had really never heard of this last name.

Harry picked up the picture in the box. On it was an old man with a white beard wearing glasses. He looked particularly kind, but his nose was a little crooked. Miraculously, the image on the picture was still moving. This was impossible in the Muggle world. Less than.

The name on the picture is: Albus Dumbledore.

"It's Dumbledore, I already have six." Ron smiled.

Harry smiled, and when he looked down at the picture again, the image on it was gone. This was a bit novel for a child who was new to the wizarding world.

"He's missing?"

"He won't necessarily stay there all day, right?" Ron said, "He'll be back."

"There's no need to be so serious, our principal is Dumbledore.

Watching real people is definitely more practical than watching pictures. "

Even though he said that, Harry still put the picture away by accident.

The train passed through woods and fields and came to a plain. Outside the window was a lake. The sparkling light made people calm down.

Maybe Aaron would be in a better mood if there wasn't a rat nibbling food on the table.

"Ron, if you could, could you ask your mouse to be quiet."

"Um, I'm sorry to bother you." Ron awkwardly lifted the mouse up from the table, "By the way, the spell Fred taught me can turn it yellow. I'll show it to you two."

"Okay! Apart from Hagrid, I haven't seen any other wizards cast spells!" Harry showed great interest.

Aaron also nodded. After all, magic performances can add a little fun to this not-so-long journey.

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