A Letter From The Future Every Day

Chapter 15 Shen Moli’s true face!

Link's expression was so serious that Jiang Feng couldn't help but sit up straight.

"Say." Jiang Feng said.


Link took another deep breath and then said slowly: "I lied to you before. I once told you that I dated Shen Moli because when she was in junior high school, she was bullied on campus and I helped her. So she That’s why you’re willing to date me. Right?”

"Isn't it?"

Link shook his head: "No. In fact, it's the opposite. I accidentally saw her beating those girls. We said we were dating, but in fact I was just her shield. After several years of dating, I even I didn’t even hold hands.”

Jiang Feng:.

"I didn't expect you to be so innocent."

"What! I'm thinking about it, but I'm scared."

A trace of fear flashed across Link's eyes, and he added: "As for the girls in junior high school I just mentioned, after being bullied by Shen Moli, they all dropped out of school. I heard that they all suffered from mental trauma. Over the years, , I have been on tenterhooks for fear of offending Shen Moli. By the way."

He paused and then said, "Do you know why the school knew we were in a relationship?"

Jiang Feng blinked and said weakly: "It can't be you."

"It's me." Link paused and then said, "I reported it anonymously myself. In this way, I can drop out of school and no longer have to worry about Shen Moli."

He paused and then said: "Although my current situation is not very good, it is much better than when I was in school. At least, I don't have to be so afraid. In the past few years with Shen Moli, my nerves have been tense. I feel like I'm going crazy."

After saying that, Link quickly said: "Jiang Feng, I'm telling you this because you are my brother. You must never tell Shen Moli, she will kill me."

Jiang Feng's mouth twitched sharply.

Shen Moli was in the booth at the back.

He never expected it to be like this.

He originally wanted to induce Link to say some tender words.

But I never expected this kind of development.

"Ah, damn, today's letter from the future didn't mention anything about this happening today. Doesn't it happen in the future timeline?"

Jiang Feng was a little confused.

"Then, if I bring Shen Moli here today, what kind of future will it lead to?"

Jiang Feng's scalp was numb now.

At this time, Link's cell phone rang again.

He glanced at his phone, then stood up and said, "Jiang Feng, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. By the way, you'd better stay away from Shen Moli. That woman is really scary."

The corner of Jiang Feng's mouth twitched slightly, but he said nothing.

Link said nothing more and left in a hurry.

Then, Shen Moli sat opposite Jiang Feng again.

"Is there anything you want to say?" Shen Moli said lightly.

"Link said it."

"It's all true." Shen Moli paused and then said: "But there is one thing I need to make clear. In junior high school, it was those girls who first made trouble for me. However, I also admit that I taught them a lesson. At that time, it was a little harsher.”

"Hey, hey, you've already traumatized me, but you're just a little 'severe'?" Jiang Feng complained in his heart.

After a while, he gathered his emotions and looked at Shen Moli across from him. When he thought of something, the muscles on his face twitched.

"There are so many women in the world, and there are so many cute ones, but why are there so many potential criminals gathering around me?"

Before, Jiang Feng was worried that Shen Moli would be incited by Mo Lan and induce the dark side in her heart, but now he knew that he was worrying too much.

This Shen Moli's level of evil is probably not much worse than Mo Lan's.

"They are indeed sisters! Compared with the two of them, Xuezhu, who calls herself the scheming queen, looks much simpler.

As for his childhood sweetheart Ye Mei, let alone that.

Although this woman Ye Mei is good at fighting, has a loud voice, and has a good temper, she is not very thoughtful and has been led by her sister who is four years younger than her since she was a child.

At this time, the coffee ordered by the two people was served.

Shen Moli stirred the coffee in her cup and asked, "Are you really not considering being my boyfriend?"

"No." Jiang Feng refused again: "A relationship without love has no meaning. I don't want to be your shield."

Of course, there was another reason that Jiang Feng didn't say.

He was worried that his father's blind date today was really Shen Moli's mother.

In this case, Shen Moli is her stepsister.

"All right."

Shen Moli picked up the coffee, took a sip, and looked out the window, not knowing what she was thinking.

At this time, Jiang Feng said again: "Will you take revenge on Link?"

Shen Moli looked away, put down her tea cup, and then said calmly: "He told the truth, and he didn't slander me. Why should I retaliate against him?"

Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Shen Moli is quite dangerous, she has not yet gone down the road of committing a crime.

The real danger is her sister Mo Lan.

This woman killed her father with her own hands and intended to incite Xuezhu to commit murder.

It's a pity that Jiang Feng didn't have any evidence of Mo Lan's crime, otherwise, he would have directly called the police.

"Where are you going this afternoon?" At this time, Shen Moli asked again.

"Aren't you going back to school?"

"I don't want to go back." Shen Moli said lightly.

"Okay." Jiang Feng paused and then said: "Find a secluded place. You can't wander around on the street anyway. If an acquaintance sees this, it will be difficult to explain."

"Then go to the hotel?"

"I refuse!" Jiang Feng said flatly.

"Then do you have somewhere you want to go?" Shen Moli asked.

Jiang Feng thought for a while, then nodded.

About half an hour later, Jiang Feng brought Shen Moli to a moat.

He lay down on the lawn of the moat, and then chuckled: "When I was a child, every time I was unhappy, I would come here and look at the huge sky. Unknowingly, the unhappiness in my heart disappeared."

"This is the first time I heard that looking at the sky can heal the spirit."

"Really. The sky can tolerate all your worries and unhappiness." Jiang Feng paused, patted the lawn next to him, and chuckled: "Lie down and try."

"No. Childish." Shen Moli said.

Jiang Feng sighed: "You are a woman. Although you are beautiful and have a great figure, you lack interest."

"But you still reacted."

"I didn't." Jiang Feng flatly denied.

"I saw it all when I was in the fitting room."

Jiang Feng directly covered his face.

At this time, Shen Moli lay down next to Jiang Feng.

It was cold in the morning, but warmed up again in the afternoon.

The weather this winter is really unusual.

The two of them were lying on the lawn, the winter afternoon sun shining down and making them warm.

"Jiang Feng." At this time, Shen Moli suddenly said again.


"How can I be happy?"

"Don't you have anything you like to do?" Jiang Feng said.

"No. Whether it's studying or various interest classes, it's all out of student obligation, not my preference. I'm also too lazy to interact with people, so I deliberately look ugly and reduce my sense of presence."

Shen Moli paused and then said calmly: "I feel like a walking zombie without a soul."

"Well" Jiang Feng paused, grinned, and then said: "Then, try to like someone. Have you seen the anime "Violet Evergarden"? The heroine was originally cultivated as a war machine, she didn't "Heart" does not understand love, and is like a puppet with only a body and no soul. After meeting the male protagonist, she gradually gained a heart, gradually understood what love is, and gradually began to live like a human being."

"Then, who will be my leading actor?" Shen Moli asked again.

Jiang Feng spread his hands: "I'm not a god, how do I know?"

However, I was also a little curious.

In the future, who will be the man accompanying Shen Moli?

Unfortunately, Shen Moli was not mentioned in the future letter early this morning.

Shen Moli didn't say anything else.

The sun sets quickly in winter.

When winter sets in, the weather starts to get cold again.

At this time, Shen Moli's phone watch suddenly rang.

After answering, Shen Moli looked at Jiang Feng and said: "I'm leaving. My mother will take me to meet my future stepfather and his family later. My mother will be exempted from the bride price and will also pay for a car. This is our first meeting. , the other party must give me a thousand yuan red envelope no matter what. I will take the money back to school and give it to you tomorrow. Also. "

Shen Moli paused and then said, "Thank you for accompanying me today. Then."

She changed her tone and added: "Please forget about the fitting room. You are right, girls should cherish their innocence more. I will never live in the same room with you alone. . Just say goodbye here today and see you at school tomorrow."

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