The battle was over, but the battle was over.

At first, Lu Cheng entered Burma to fight in late April, and returned to Zenda with a regiment of soldiers at the end of May. He spent more than a month on reorganization and training. By the end of July, the entire 118th Regiment had more than 2,200 people, and everything was on track.

During this period, the two female agents did the most work, which was to obey Lu Cheng's orders and ask their superiors for ammunition and supplies.

At the beginning, the superiors responded to Lu Cheng's requests, but later found that Lu Cheng was not satisfied at all and still asked for it frequently. The commander of the Sixth Army was also afraid of Lu Cheng, so he simply ignored Lu Cheng's telegrams.

Because of this, Lu Cheng became famous in the Sixth Army and was given the title of "Taotie".

Since he had gained so many benefits and taken so many guns and ammunition, Lu Cheng had to show something.

At the end of July, Lu Cheng led the special operations team that had undergone a month of special training, and quietly crossed the Nujiang River along a rope left before, and came to the west bank of the Nujiang River.

At this time, the entire west bank of the Nujiang River had been fully occupied by the Japanese, and the Japanese on the Nantianmen began to build fortifications and confronted the 39th Division of the Sixth Army on the east bank across the river.

After a disastrous defeat, the previous Takeuchi Regiment, which had nearly 3,000 soldiers and horses, lost most of them. Takeuchi Renshan was dismissed and almost sent back to his country.

Later, Takeuchi Renshan relied on his advantage in civil engineering to develop a detailed construction plan for the Nantianmen defensive fortifications and presented it to the Japanese headquarters in Myanmar.

The devils in Burma are currently busy consolidating their rule in Southeast Asia, and indeed do not have the spare energy to launch a full-scale attack on western Yunnan. It is time to defend.

Therefore, Takeuchi Renzan was re-employed and became the deputy commander.

At this time, the troops stationed on Nantianmen were the 128th Regiment of the 53rd Division of the devils, and the commander was Okada Hiroji.

In the area from Nantianmen to Heshun Town on the west bank of the Nujiang River, there were as many as 4,000 devils in the Okada Regiment and the Takeuchi Regiment that was beaten. Compared with the original drama, the current Nantianmen is more dangerous.

Of course, Lu Cheng is not afraid of this danger. More devils can also give him more opportunities to train.

After crossing the Nujiang River late at night, Lu Cheng led his men to conduct a new reconnaissance of the entire west bank of the Nujiang River, find out the deployment of the devils' troops, and focus on finding the devils' artillery positions and arsenals.

The Okada and Takeuchi units were busy building fortifications. There had been no fighting on both sides of the Nujiang River for two consecutive months, and the Japanese defense and patrols were inevitably a little careless, and they did not notice the infiltration of the special forces at all.

In order not to expose the target, the special forces hid during the day and came out at night, rarely contacted people, and temporarily did not touch the patrols and sentries of the Japanese, just purely doing reconnaissance.

During this period, Lu Cheng also deliberately trained the special forces' camouflage, lurking, and reconnaissance capabilities, and also taught them some simple Japanese.

After two days of reconnaissance, they finally figured out all the areas near Nantianmen and found many artillery positions of the Japanese.

Lu Cheng came here for only one main purpose this time, zero-yuan shopping.

It has to be said that the number of artillery equipment of the devils far exceeds that of the Chinese army. Just near Nantianmen, there are 91-type 105mm howitzer positions, 94-type 75mm field gun positions, 92-type 70mm infantry gun positions, 94-type 90mm mortar positions, etc.

Generally speaking, 105mm howitzers are rarely equipped to combat units at the regiment level, but due to the special geographical location of Nantianmen, it is also equipped with six 105mm howitzers, 12 75mm field guns, and 12 70mm 92 infantry guns.

In combat, the Japanese tactics are highly dependent on artillery, and they are accustomed to using artillery for covering strikes before fighting.

The Chinese troops, due to the lack of sufficient artillery support, can only learn to withstand and defend artillery.

Seeing so many artillery of the devils, Lu Cheng was naturally envious.

In order to move as many Japanese artillery as possible this time, Lu Cheng basically emptied the storage space in advance. In addition to the weapons and equipment needed for this battle, the artillery, ammunition and other supplies stored before were all stored in his private secret warehouse.

After observing the various artillery positions of the Japanese, Lu Cheng temporarily gave up the 105 howitzer position that he coveted the most. The reason was that the position was closest to the Japanese army and there was a squadron of Japanese defense around it. With the current twelve special forces, it would be difficult to eat


In the end, Lu Cheng chose the Japanese Type 94 75mm field artillery position as the main target of this sneak attack.

At 3:30 in the morning, the Japanese on the artillery position were all sleeping soundly, and the sentries around were also dozing off. Only a small group of Japanese, divided into five patrols, were patrolling around.

When a 10-man patrol team was talking and approaching a jungle, Lu Cheng took the lead and quietly walked out of the bushes, followed behind the last soldier of the patrol team, instantly covered the soldier's mouth and nose, twisted his neck, and put him out of the field.

At the same time, Bu La, who was wearing a Japanese military uniform, followed the patrol team and replaced the Japanese who had just been killed by Lu Cheng.

Then, Lu Cheng stepped forward again, a dagger appeared in each of his hands, caught up with the patrol team, and gestured to the darkness.

In an instant, several special forces rushed out of the bushes, and everyone worked together. Lu Cheng used two daggers to kill two more people in an instant. Bu La also covered the mouth and nose of a patrol soldier and stabbed him in the back with a knife.

Yao Ma and Bu La's actions were similar. She Pit covered the mouth and nose of a Japanese soldier and directly stabbed his neck with the kitchen knife in his waist.

Dong Dao was more individualistic. He held a machete and directly chopped off the head of a Japanese soldier.

Mi Long used the butt of the machine gun in his hand to hit a Japanese soldier on the forehead, knocking the Japanese soldier unconscious on the spot, and then stepped on his neck and broke it.

The other special forces were also very decisive. They quickly killed the other Japanese soldiers without letting them make any sound.

After all the Japanese soldiers were killed, several people quickly cleaned up the battlefield, dragged the bodies of the Japanese soldiers into the jungle, and changed into Japanese military uniforms.

Yao Ma looked at the kitchen knife that Snake Buttocks had put back into his waist, and suddenly felt a little awkward: "Snake Buttocks, I don't want to eat your cooking anymore."

Snake Buttocks smiled: "Isn't it just stained with a little Japanese blood? Just wash it clean."

"Damn it, who knows if you washed it clean?"

"Okay, pack up quickly, the next patrol team."


After changing clothes, everyone hid a saber in their sleeves, took the Japanese rifles, and quietly approached another patrol team.

In the darkness, the Japanese patrol team saw Lu Cheng and his group and shone their flashlights at them. Bu La, who was walking in front, quickly covered his face with his hands. Lu Cheng behind him immediately said in Japanese, imitating the voice of a Japanese soldier in the previous patrol team: "What are you shining? It's blinding."

The Japanese soldiers on the opposite side laughed: "Nakamura, why don't you turn on the flashlight?"

"It's out of power. It's bad luck."

At the moment when the two groups of people were about to pass by, the leading Japanese soldier seemed to find something wrong. Just as he was about to speak, Lu Cheng quickly cut his throat with a knife.

The two daggers in Lu Cheng's hands were as fast as lightning. After killing the first Japanese soldier, he quickly killed two more without waiting for the other Japanese soldiers to react.

The other special forces members also selected their targets and shot instantly.

The unprepared Japanese soldiers were all killed without making any sound.

After collecting the bodies, cleaning the battlefield, and gathering the weapons and ammunition together, the special forces returned to the woods and took their original equipment.

Lu Cheng also took this opportunity to put all the weapons and ammunition of the devils into the storage space.

After killing the third patrol team of the devils in the same way, the defense of this artillery position had a major gap.

After that, Lu Cheng asked the special forces to split into two groups, each to keep an eye on the other two patrol teams of the devils.

As for Lu Cheng himself, he went directly to the artillery position and replaced his weapons with two Glock 68s equipped with silencers.

After hundreds of years of development in the previous life, the latest silencers, coupled with new models of pistols and bullets, can reduce the sound of pistols to a negligible level.

Lu Cheng raised his hand and fired both guns at the same time, killing all the sentries in a flash and knocking out the lights on the artillery position.

At the moment when the lights went out, Lu Cheng threw three or four grenades into each of the devils' tents.

At the same time, the special forces, divided into two groups, opened fire at the same time, and the machine guns and submachine guns instantly killed the other two teams of devils.

Lu Cheng also took the opportunity to store the mountain cannons and shells into the storage space...

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