The battle was over, but the enemy was still alive.

When the entire battlefield was cleared, the soldiers finished finishing off all the devils. After the last gunshot, everyone began to cheer. They had won another victory, and it was a hearty victory.

While everyone was cheering, Lu Cheng's face was not very happy. In this battle, five soldiers of the expeditionary army were killed, six were seriously injured, and more than 20 were slightly injured.

The British army also killed four people, three were seriously injured, and more than a dozen were slightly injured.

After all, the Japanese army was well-trained and had very accurate shooting skills. There were always some soldiers who did not have time to dodge when shooting and were hit and killed by the devil's bullets.

The battlefield was so large, and Lu Cheng was not a god, and it was impossible for him to take care of every soldier under his command. Fortunately, the soldiers who had been trained by Lu Cheng for half a year did not suffer any casualties, which also proved the results of Lu Cheng's training.

The doctors at the airport hospital immediately began to treat the wounded, but the conditions of several seriously injured soldiers were so serious that even the doctors at the airport were helpless.

Lu Cheng immediately stood up, took off his military uniform, and put on a white coat: "I will treat them and perform surgery."

"Major Lu, these seriously injured soldiers, even the most professional doctors at our airport can't help, can you really do it?"

"Colonel William, if there is no war, I will be the best doctor. Moreover, if these seriously injured soldiers cannot be treated in time, they will surely die. Let me do it!"

Just when Lu Cheng just returned from the battle, Catherine took several photos of Lu Cheng. Seeing Lu Cheng put on a white coat and said these words, Catherine became more curious about this man: "Lu, can you still perform surgery?"

"Of course, I won't joke about the lives of soldiers."

"Can I witness the process of you performing surgery on the patient?"

"No problem, but you have to do a good job of disinfection."

There are a total of six seriously injured soldiers in critical condition, three Chinese soldiers and three British soldiers. Two of them were shot only one or two centimeters away from their hearts. The situation is very complicated, and the doctors here dare not perform surgery at all.

After Lu Cheng checked the conditions of all the seriously injured, he immediately took out a small bottle of pills from his arms and gave each of them to each of them. He also took out some silver needles and quickly performed acupuncture on several seriously injured people.

Several British doctors were all surprised: "Hey, is it really okay to stick such a long needle in your body? Are you saving people or killing people?"

"Shut up, no one can disturb me before I finish the treatment!"

Several doctors immediately fell silent. This was a tough soldier who had just come down from the battlefield. The last moment he was holding a submachine gun to harvest lives. The murderous aura and momentum all over his body were not something these doctors could bear.

However, soon a little nurse exclaimed: "Look, Tom and Thorpe's bleeding has stopped, and Wales' bleeding has also slowed down. Oh, my God, this must be God's miracle."

Catherine on the side stared at Lu Cheng with shining eyes, feeling that Lu Cheng was radiating light all over his body at this moment.

Several British doctors were also shocked by the scene before them. They had tried every possible means just now, but they could not stop the bleeding of the seriously injured soldiers. They could only watch their lives slip away.

At this moment, the Chinese major only used a few pills and inserted a few needles to stop the bleeding of the seriously injured soldiers.

At this moment, all the doctors held their breath, looking forward to a miracle.

"Scalpel... scissors... tweezers... hemostatic forceps!"

Several nurses woke up as if from a dream and immediately started to get busy, cooperating with Lu Cheng's treatment.

The surgical instruments were immediately used to clean the wounds of the seriously injured, remove the bullets, and suture the affected areas. The speed was extremely fast, but it was also very accurate. He could always complete those complex operations with the smallest wounds and the most direct and simple methods.

After the first operation, Lu Cheng immediately turned to the second patient. The little nurse next to him had already brought the second set of surgical instruments and looked at Lu Cheng's profile with admiration.

Then, the third, the fourth...

One after another, the seriously injured were treated by Lu Cheng, their wounds were sutured, and their vital signs began to gradually recover.

When Lu Cheng finished all the operations and treated all the seriously injured, applause rang out in the operating room.

At this moment, all the doctors regarded Lu Cheng as a god.

"My god! You are the best surgeon I have ever seen."


, are you really a soldier? "

Lu Cheng walked to the door of the operating room and took off his mask: "Okay, I'll leave it to you next. I need to rest."

When Lu Cheng walked out of the operating room and sat on a chair to rest, Catherine took another photo of Lu Cheng. Then she found a towel and wiped Lu Cheng's sweat: "Lu, you are the greatest Chinese soldier I have ever seen."

"Catherine, please don't use the word great to describe me. Those warriors who died outside are even greater."

Catherine's heart surged, and then she immediately took out a small notebook for reporters and began to record: "He held a submachine gun in one hand and fought against the hateful invaders just to protect the innocent behind him. He held a scalpel in one hand and fought against the god of death just to retain those lovely and respectable soldiers. Even if he faced the endless darkness alone, he would bring light to this world.

In him, I saw iron blood and light, as well as kindness and compassion. He seemed to be a messenger of God, who came to the world to dispel darkness, protect justice, and welcome the dawn..."

The celebration banquet in the evening still had to be held. The soldiers had just experienced a great battle and needed to rest.

William also asked the chefs in the kitchen to use their special skills to make delicious steaks, sausages, barbecue, cream puffs, etc. to entertain the victorious soldiers. Each soldier was also given a glass of whiskey, a glass of red wine, a piece of chocolate, a bag of candy, a box of cigarettes and other supplies.

Everyone was cheering. Although the British and the expeditionary force did not speak the same language, they sang the folk songs of their hometowns, had a big party, and danced.

Lu Cheng looked at Milong and sang a Northeast duo Turning, Bu La sang Liu Hai Kan Qiao, She Pit sang a ditty of her own composition, and sang a duet with the Englishman's Scottish folk song.

The cheerful atmosphere in the field made everyone forget the shadow of war and the uncertain future.

Even Meng Fanle, who always had a bad mouth, was smiling foolishly at the moment, admiring the clumsy dance moves, out-of-tune songs and operas.

Lu Cheng felt that they were all the best singers and opera singers, because every word they said was full of deep love for their hometown.

Catherine came to sit next to Lu Cheng at some point, and looked at the soldiers gathered below, and smiled involuntarily: "Lu, language doesn't seem to be an obstacle to communication. Look, how happy they are playing, I bet that many British soldiers have become friends with your Chinese soldiers."

"I believe this, look there. "While speaking, Lu Cheng casually pointed at two guys who were arm in arm not far away.

One of the two was Yao Ma, a veteran of the Sichuan Army, and the other was a British soldier, who were clinking glasses and talking about something.

The British guy said with a sad face: "My beloved girl got married, but the groom is not me. When I finish the war, I must get her back!"

Yao Ma was surprised: "What? You have landlords in Britain too? And they occupied your land? You are so pitiful, brother. But you are still not as miserable as me, my hometown..."

The content of the two people's chat was completely on different channels, but they became more and more speculative: "Brother, it's not easy for us, let's have a toast!"


Catherine looked at the two curiously, and then turned to look at Lu Cheng: "Lu, does your soldier speak English? What are they talking about?"

"It doesn't matter what they talk about, they are all sad people. "

Catherine didn't seem to understand what Lu Cheng meant, but she quickly changed the subject: "Lu, can I ask you to dance with me?"

"Of course..."

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