A Glitch in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 109: Who is Undercover

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When An Wen arrived in City S, fans picked her up at the airport, and they crowded into the car all the way.

After recording in the afternoon, An Wen and others went to the recording hall to rehearse their appearance in advance.

During the recording, the five hosts appeared first, and then it was the turn of the guests. Lu Maner maintained her pure and sweet appearance, looking very kind, as if she had never had any unpleasantness with An Wen.

It looks very presentable, no wonder the Qingchun people have been able to stand for so many years.

An Wen belongs to the enemy does not attack me, I do not attack the enemy, Lu Maner does not find fault, An Wen also looks fine, smiling slightly.

The host asked everyone to introduce themselves, because all the people who came were popular stars, everyone cheered and applauded after the introduction, An Wen smiled and introduced herself, and a rough male voice cheered from below.

Wu Lei was surprised and said, There are a lot of boys today.

And the yelling is louder. In the past, it was basically girls' yelling. Zhao Fei said with a smile.

The boy below shouted again.

After introducing one by one, Wu Lei led everyone to chat for a while, and then proceeded to the game session.

The game of the first level is who is the undercover agent, an old game with a lot of fun and collision, which tests intelligence and responsiveness.

In the first round, Guo Baidong, Pan Wei, Zhao Fei, Xia Jin, An Wen, Ye Xiaoxing, and Cheng Hanwen played.

The word An Wen drew was Spiderman, and the rest were Spiderman.

From what Guo Baidong said first, Guo Baidong thought for a while and said: Red and black.

Everyone has an epiphany.

Pan Wei: Hurry up!

Zhao Fei: It has a Chinese name.

Xia Jin said, There are several movies.

An Wen already knew that she was an undercover agent after hearing what the front said, but she hadn't guessed what they were, so she pretended to be natural and said, Very powerful, he is a good person.

Everyone nodded after listening, and continued to listen to what Ye Xiaoxing said.

He's not just a person. Ye Xiaoxing looked at An Wen and said with a smile.

Everyone looked at An Wen suspiciously, and An Wen said, He is not only a good person, but also very powerful.

The remedy was perfect, and everyone immediately regarded her as a friendly army.

Zhao Fei smiled and said, An Wen, are you talking in a jingle?

Everyone laughed.

Cheng Hanwen thought for a while, and there was a sound effect, Hiss... Smash! He almost didn't move his hands.

An Wen's peach blossom eyes were stained with a smile, as if she knew something, the audience laughed.

Start identifying undercover agents.

Three votes for Pan Wei, two votes for Zhao Fei, and two votes for Xia Jin.

There are a lot of people who move fast. Zhao Fei said.

Pan Wei pointed at Zhao Fei: There are many people with Chinese names.

Who are you referring to, Hanwen? Wu Lei asked.

Xia Jin, there are many movies and many movies.

Xia Jin looked at Cheng Hanwen and said, Brother, point at me!

I mean you!

Then I refer to Pan Wei. Xia Jin said in order to protect herself. If Pan Wei refers to him instead, it will be a 3-3 draw.

Pan Wei died unjustly, and the game continued.

This time, starting from Cheng Hanwen, Cheng Hanwen said: Not only red, black, but also blue.

Ye Xiaoxing said, Masked.

An Wen already knew what they were, so she said, Baisi.

The audience cheered.

An Wen: ... Why are you laughing, aren't you trying to expose me!

She then smiled and said, Did I say it too obviously?

Zhao Fei thought she was a teammate, and joked: It's more than obvious, it's almost ready to come out!

successfully out of the crisis.

Xia Jin said, It's very tight.

Zhao Fei: Pantyhose!

Everyone laughed.

Guo Bodong said: Good figure!

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone pointed at him, Guo Baidong spread his hands, and said, Isn't your figure not good?

Many people are in good shape. Xia Jin pointed at him and said.

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