A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 98: He is in a bad mood

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The night was dark.

It was late at night, and the thick night was like a huge curtain covering the whole city, but an office in the military region was still lit.

Ling Mohan was sitting at his desk, his face was cold, his lips were tight, his air pressure was low, and the cigarette he was holding was almost at his fingertips.

However, half an hour ago, he was reading this military document, and he has not turned a page so far, apparently he is not on the document.

Until the cigarette was burned out, the hot temperature finally made Ling Mohan come back to life.

He did not hesitate to extinguish the cigarette with his fingers, and finally stood impatiently, and kicked himself on the sandbag beside him.

Bang Bang!

The man fiercely hit the sandbag fiercely, glancing at the mobile phone on the table from time to time, the screen never turned on, which meant that Qin Xiaodi hadn't sent him a message or made a phone call.

Didn't the little woman worry at all if he didn't go back tonight?

Oh, maybe even happier!

Thinking of this, Ling Mohan became even more annoyed, venting all his anger on the sandbag.

The poor sandbag was beaten to the left and right, and finally broke after Ling Mohan's punch!


At this moment the master bedroom of the villa, Qin Yue has not slept.

Correctly, she couldn't sleep, she always felt that there was something around her and her heart was empty.

Every night before, Ling Mohan would hold her in a domineering manner, with a strong chest, a strong arm, and a steady heartbeat, giving a strong and comfortable sense of security.

That sense of security now seems to have disappeared.

"Asshole!" Qin Yue cursed in a low voice, pulling up the quilt and covering his head in annoyance, trying to drive a certain overbearing and cold man out of his mind.

The more he said, don't think about it, the more the other person's figure appeared, and even the bastard's brow, every move seemed to be deep in his mind, even the smell of the other person seemed to be lingering.

She had a rare insomnia, and did not fall asleep until more than three in the morning.

Woke up the next day and it was almost noon.

Qin Yue was awake from hunger, her stomach screamed, but her first reaction was to see if there was any new information on the phone or missed calls.

There were two unread messages, all of which were sent by Su Xiaoya, asking her to go out to the movies, saying that she should make a good apology.

Qin Yue stared at the sender, passing a trace of inexplicable loss in his heart.

It seems Ling Mohan made up his mind and didn't want to ignore her? Otherwise, I didn't come back yesterday, no information.

Qin Yue did not want to admit to worrying about him, but still couldn't help but call Xia Lun.

"Hey, do you call me at this time, do you want to invite me to dinner?" Sharon came in lazily, and heard him shouting again the next second, "Did you not eat in the morning? Run for me! Hurry up! "

As soon as Qin Yue heard it, he knew he was training soldiers, and smiled slightly: "You are so angry that you still need lunch?"

"Of course you need a treat," Sharon said solemnly. "However, let's talk about what's wrong with me first. I'm afraid it's a grand feast."

Qin Yan was very funny. She hadn't even asked to have dinner. The person had decided on her own. It was really rude.

She tentatively asked, "Is your boss very busy in the military area yesterday?"

Isn't he too busy to even go home ... This sentence Qin Yun could not bear asking.

But when she mentioned Sharon, she couldn't help complaining: "Don't mention it! From yesterday to now, the boss doesn't know what's going on, his face has never looked good, and he also took me to the training ground and abused him ... wrong!"

Sharon paused suddenly and seemed to guess something: "Should you quarrel with our boss?"

Qin Yue said calmly, "No."

Sharon wasn't convinced.

He has seen that the unusual relationship between Qin Yuan and the boss is definitely not as simple as the superiors.

Moreover, yesterday, when I heard Qin Yun going on a blind date, the boss's face turned dark instantly, and he carried Qin Yun out of the coffee shop. The kind of angry look, I must have thought that it was her husband who had arrested her.

So to say that these two are okay, it is absolutely abnormal, and no one will believe it.

Most importantly, after the boss returned to the military area yesterday, it was a terrible low pressure all day.

Originally, Ling Mohan was very ruthless. Yesterday was not only ruthless, but also very ruthless. He tortured the recruits, even Sharon himself did not escape his magic claws.

Sharon looked over to the training ground and saw that Ling Mohan was competing with other special forces. One of them was severely dropped on the sand. At first glance, it was very tragic!

Silently lit a row of candles for his comrades-in-arms.

"Hello, are you listening?" Qin Yue did not hear a response there, could not help asking.

Sharon said with a rare sigh, "The boss is in a bad mood. He's too busy tormenting us to vent his anger. Hey, I don't know who is so bold to provoke him. I hope that person can come forward consciously and bring our boss back to calm down. Anger, give our brothers a way to live. "

The latter sentence was deliberately told to Qin Hui, who was not stupid, of course, he could hear it.

She seemed to be indifferent and said, "Your boss was arrogant and unreasonable, even if no one provoked him, he was stern. Okay, I will invite you to dinner another day, and you will train the soldiers."

Sharon snored and hung up.

After knowing that nothing happened to Ling Mohan, Qin Yun was relieved.

Then thought angrily again, why should you worry about the bastard, he is a senior special soldier, but not a weak chicken, and it will definitely not happen.

Thinking of Ling Mohan disappearing without saying a word three years ago, Qin Mao slowly felt a coolness in his heart.

In fact, where did Ling Mohan go and not come back, why tell her?

She is not who he is.

Thinking about it that way, Qin Yun still had a hint of sourness in her heart uncontrollably, and she tried to suppress it.

Su Xiaoya sent her more than a dozen information bombers in a row, saying that she must be invited to dinner and a movie today, otherwise she would feel guilty.

Qin Yue could not laugh or cry.

In fact, she didn't blame Su Xiaoya at all. The two realized from high school that now, for so many years, Qin Yue had only her two true friends, Ji Chen.

Unfortunately, Ji Chen is gone.

"Okay, don't send me any more messages, I'll be there." Qin Hui said to Su Xiaoya.

"Hee hey, baby you are so good!"

Qin Yue drove to the commercial square in the center of Lin City.

This is a large commercial center in Lincheng, surrounded by commercial pedestrian streets, business hotels, office buildings, high-end apartments, etc., as well as shopping, leisure, dining, culture, entertainment and other functions. The traffic is particularly large on weekends.

Qin Yue finally found a parking space, parked his car and went to a specialty grilled fish shop.

Su Xiaoya was sitting there waiting for her, and her eyes brightened when she came in.

"Here!" Su Xiaoya stood up and waved at her.

Qin Yue walked over to sit down, and found that Su Xiaoya was not dressed as a lady today, and she returned to her lively and cute style.

She raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Why, an improper elegant lady? Good quality men no longer?"

"The high-quality man doesn't know where it is!" Su Xiaoya snorted. "He didn't show up yesterday and didn't contact me. I don't think anyone else meant that, so why bother asking me for fun?"

Qin Yue smiled: "I think you just make it."

Su Xiaoya smiled, held her hand and said, "I'm sorry, I was in a hurry at the time, and when I had a brainstorm, I threw the pot to you."

Qin Yun mocked: "Your brain is really witty."

Su Xiaoya poked out her tongue and hurriedly pushed the cold dish that came up in front of Qin Yue: "Baby, don't be mad at me. I'll invite you to a movie later. This meal is for me too. You can eat it. "

Qin Yan glanced at her and ate it politely.

In fact, Qin Yue was just annoyed yesterday that Su Xiaoya was not righteous. She was so angry that she was almost forced to bow by Ling Mohan.

But in fact Qin Yue knew very well that Ling Mohan's anger had been erupted for a long time. It was not just that she was angry because she went on a blind date, so there was really no need to blame Su Xiaoya.

Besides, the friendship between her and Su Xiaoya is not the only thing that will cause trouble.

They don't need to deliberately maintain this friendship. Even if they haven't seen each other for a long time, they still have a lot to say when they sit down, and they will stand up for each other at critical moments.

Qin Yue never doubted this, she believed that Su Xiaoya was the same.

For example, during that shopping trip, Qin Hui was tangled by Tang Anru and Qi Mingran, and Su Xiaoya pointed at their noses and yelled. He would never doubt that Qin Hui was wrong.

Anyway, in the eyes of Su Xiaoya, Qin Yun was right.

As a child, Qin Min thought she and Tang An were good sisters.

They will grow up together and read books together.

Who knows that a car accident later led to the loss of the most important family members on both sides, and Tang Anru apparently did not blame her, but always remembered the Qin family.

Qin Yuan felt that Tang Anru would really want her to pay her life!

"Baby, what are you thinking?" Su Xiaoya stretched out a paw and dangled in front of her eyes.

Qin Yan shrugged: "Nothing. By the way, what did you just say?"

Su Xiaoya handed her mobile phone to her: "Well, which movie do you want to watch?"

Qin Yan browsed it and decided to watch a comedy film to make himself happy.

"Very good, you are a visionary person." Su Xiaoya nodded strongly, agreeing deeply!

Qin Yue hummed and laughed.

With such a good friend by her side, no matter how much depression and worry she had, she really felt very warm.

After having lunch, they watched a comedy movie in the cinema, and they burst into tears.

Qin Yue came out to help Su Xiaoya. This person laughed very low. She laughed the loudest in the audience. As a result, she had a cramp in her stomach, so Qin Yue could only help her walk.

"You sit here for a while, and I'll drive the car over." Qin Yue lifted Su Xiaoya to the rest area with a smile.

Su Xiaoya waved to show that she knew.

Qin Yue went to the parking lot, took the car key and walked towards his car. When he was approaching, a silver luxury car suddenly rushed out.

Although the other party hurriedly turned, Qin Yuan was unable to dodge and was unavoidably bruised.

"His--" Qin Yue sat down on the ground, scratching a large part of her knee, and she inhaled in pain.

The man in the silver car stared at the woman sitting on the ground, slowly bending his lips, revealing an intriguing smile, and then quickly got out of the car and walked in front of Qin Yue.

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