A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 38: I did not mean it

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The pantry was quiet all of a sudden.

A few people stopped talking. They looked embarrassed and didn't dare to look at Qin Wei, and bowed their heads to play mobile phones or drink coffee.

It is no wonder that when people gossip behind their backs and get caught by the parties, it is inevitable that they will feel guilty.

Qin Yue came in, and slowly brewed a cup of coffee: "I just heard you talked very well, why didn't I talk for a while?"

Xiao Su scorned.

Tang Anru got up and walked to Qin Yue, and said softly, "Qin Yue, don't care, colleagues and colleagues, just care about you."

"Oh?" Qin Yan raised his eyebrows and took a sip of coffee. "Since you care about me, ask me face-to-face if you have any questions. Don't be afraid and frightened behind me. I'm afraid I can't afford your silent concern."

It was ironic that anyone could hear this. A few gossiping colleagues looked very ugly, and the tea room was quieter for a while.

Tang Anru smiled unchanged, but instead took the initiative to hold Qin Hui, said softly: "You misunderstood, everyone really cares about you, afraid that it is not safe for you to live with other people alone, after all, you are a girl, just We are all embarrassed to tell you in person. "

"That's right, kindly treated as donkey liver and lungs." Xiao Su rolled his eyes.

Others reacted and quickly echoed: "Yeah, Qin Yun, we are all colleagues, we care about you before we talk about it. We will not bother to change it to other irrelevant people."

Qin Yue listened so funny that she had to admire Tang Anru's mouth, and she could say that the root of her tongue was so beautiful behind her. It was indeed a kind and simple goddess!

"Thank you for your concern." Qin Yan smiled, and Mei Mu swept over the faces of these people. "But I still want to remind you that some things are not suitable for speaking in front of others. Don't say that behind Lest the notoriety of the long tongue woman be dropped. "


Everyone froze, and even Tang Anru was a little uncomfortable: "Qin Yue, you are saying too much ..."

"Article 86 of the Military Industry Group Staff Code stipulates that colleagues are not allowed to gossip, and offenders are all fired." Qin Yue interrupted Tang Anru with a smile. "You also know that this is the first military industry group in the country and involves the military In all aspects, the most taboo is not strict! Everyone is just an intern who has just come in. Don't be greedy for a while, and the final internship will not turn right. "

Everyone's face changed drastically, the tea room was silent, and everyone's face was more or less worried.

Only Qin Yun, with red lips, smiled and said, "Yes, I care about you too. Don't think I'm intimidating you."

As soon as she was gone, someone immediately complained: "Xiao Su, I blame you, and mention what Qin Yue is! I don't want to pull me into the water anymore, I want to stay in the military industry group and work hard."

"Yeah, I don't know what to worry about!" The other said dissatisfied.

Everyone got up, and someone said to Tang Anru, "Thank you for helping us round the round, but you still have to be careful. Don't pick anyone up and you will treat her as a good person. Maybe I want to use you to deal with Qin Hui."

The man said, and looked at Xiao Su.

Xiao Su was half dead with anger: "You, you ... An Ru, don't believe them, I didn't want to use you!"

Tang Anru said with a gentle face, and he was empathetic and said, "Xiao Su, don't worry, I know you won't hurt me."

"It's good if you know, and only you understand me." Xiaosu said gratefully.

When these people bite back and said that she provoked right and wrong, only Tang Anru was willing to believe her, and An Ru was really gentle and kind.

After the lunch break, all the interns were called to the meeting room for a meeting. The main content was to report on the work of the groups.

Of course, there is the most important intern assessment.

The Minister made it clear that the assessment time will be next Wednesday. The assessment will cover a wide range of issues, and will determine the question of where these interns will stay to the greatest extent!

Everyone dare not take it lightly. When they return to the office, they bury their heads to work, find information, and some people hurried to consult their predecessors, hoping to stay in the military industry group smoothly.

The First Military Industry Group is an important military group of country A. It involves the defense military secrets of the three territories of sea, land and air. The employees who can enter the internship are also screened and cleaned!

With such strict requirements, the wages and benefits given to employees by the military industry group are naturally scary, which is definitely not what other companies can achieve.

This is one of the important reasons why interns are trying their best to stay in the military industry group.

The interns were fighting each other, and they had a good chat in the tea room in the last second. In the blink of an eye, they could tear their faces because of their interests. Only Tang Anru was liked and trusted by everyone.

As for Qin Hui, because of her sturdy reputation at the National Defense University, her academic performance is quite good, and she is not as good as Tang Anru every time.

So everyone didn't think of her as an opponent, but secretly jealous that she could get Lin Xian's favor. They all guessed in her heart whether she seduced Lin Xian.

Qin Yun didn't care what others thought, anyway, people don't offend me, I don't offend.

But if anyone offends me, he will show no mercy!

In the evening after work, Qin Yue came out of the elevator door and happened to meet Tang Anru coming out of the elevator door next to him.

"Qin Hui, shall we talk about it?" Tang Anru stopped Qin Hui, his soft face with a trace of pleading, "for a while, I have something to say to you."

Qin Yue said lightly, "I still have something. Let's talk about it later."

"I won't delay you for a long time." Tang Anru refused to relax, holding her hand.

Qin Yue had a headache and he felt his inner irritability and said, "I don't think there is anything to talk about, just keep quiet and don't disturb each other."

If Tang An refused, his eyes were faintly red: "There is really a misunderstanding between us, would you please give me some time? Qin Yun, I cherish the love between us as a child, even if my father and mother died unfortunately in a car accident, I have never complained to you, I just hope that we who are lucky to survive can cherish each other. "

In the car accident that year, the Qin family was sorry to the Tang family. The Qin family owed Tang Anru two lives.

Qin Yue is the daughter of the Qin family. She couldn't ignore this. She owed Tang Anru all her life.

So she must tolerate everything Tang Anru does behind the scenes!

"Come on, go to the cafe opposite." Qin Yue finally let go.

Tang Anru was so happy that he held Qin Yue's arm tightly, making people want to throw it away, and it seemed that the two were like a good sister.

Only Qin Yue knew how ironic and helpless.

Sitting in the cafe, Qin Min's arm was finally liberated, and he opened the door and said, "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Two cups of cappuccino." Tang Anru smiled softly at the waitress. After the waitress left, she looked sadly at Qin Yue. "You, must you talk to me in this tone? Qin Yue "How good we were before, how could it be like this, I feel so sad."

It's the same nonsense again.

Qin Hui showed impatience and said coldly: "If you just want to miss the past emotions with me, then I leave first." "No, don't leave!" Tang Anru quickly shook her head, bit her pink lips, hesitated for a while, "Actually, I want to explain to you today what happened between me and Ming Ran."

"Oh?" Qin Yun sneered, "Okay, you explain."

She wanted to hear how Tang Anru would explain carrying Qi Mingran with her.

But Qin Yun was wrong.

Tang Anru didn't admit that he stepped in, but said sadly, "Qin Yue, I feel so uncomfortable when you become like this. I know that you still like Mingran, so you refuse to accept the fact that I am with him. But I I did n’t really know that you were with him before, and obviously you never mentioned to me. That time I invited you to dinner, I thought you and him were meeting for the first time. Qin Yun, I ’m so sorry, if I knew If you like it so clearly, I won't be with him. "

Tang Anru's beautiful eyes were filled with a layer of water mist, her eyebrows frowned, and her expression was bleak. Such a pitiful appearance reflected in others' eyes, which was really distressing.

But Qin Hui was not Qi Mingran. She didn't feel distressed at all, but had a headache.

She looked at Tang Anru quietly, suddenly took out her mobile phone, opened a recording file, and Tang Anru's soft voice came out quickly.

"Mr. Qi, I have thought about something for a long time, but I still want to tell you, otherwise I will regret it later. Do you know? I like you so much that I first saw you and my heart was shocked. My life, just because of your mature and elegant temperament deeply attracted me. But I know that you and Qin Yun are together, I can not destroy your relationship, so I can only hide this love in my heart ... ... "

Before the recording was finished, Tang Anru's face had changed greatly, and he was pale and asked stiffly, "Why do you have this passage?"

Qin Yan put his phone away and said lightly, "The day you posted it to Qi Mingran, I was in the rest room of his office."

Tang Anru bit her pink lip and sat there stiffly, unable to say a word.

At noon that day, Qin Min personally prepared a hearty lunch for Qi Mingran, and wanted to surprise him, so he didn't tell Qi Mingran that he was going to find him.

After Qin Yue went to the office, the secretary said that he was in a meeting, and Qin Yue waited in the lounge inside.

I ran into this scene without expecting it.

At the time, Qin Yun was chatting with Su Xiaoya on WeChat. When she pressed the voice button, she heard Tang Anru's confession before she spoke.

The waiter brought coffee and broke the rigid atmosphere between the two.

Tang Anru came back, his eyes were hazy, and he was pitiful: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your relationship with Mingran, or I wouldn't be with him unless there was no relationship between you and him ..."

"Just do it." Qin Yue didn't want to listen to these nonsense anymore, and interrupted her indifferently. "I still have something, let's go first."

Qin Yue got up and left, Tang Anru eagerly grabbed her: "Qin Yue, not like this, I didn't mean it!"

Qin Hui finally got impatient and waved his hand.

哐 Dang!

She smashed the coffee when she waved her hand, only to hear Tang Anru scream, and then she fell down on the stool with her hands in her hands, and the tears in her eyes swirled in her eyes.

"Anru!" Qi Mingran suddenly came in from the door and strode to Tang Anru, holding her tightly. "What's wrong with your hand? Have you got a burn?"

"I'm okay ... ah, it hurts." Tang An bite his lower lip and looked up, only to see Qin Yue disappearing into the corner of the door.

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