A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 3: Don't let me meet you again

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Outside the military vehicle, two soldiers stood upright, guarding the chief's military vehicle without squinting, and no one was allowed to approach.

Lieutenant Li put a gun in his waist, put his hands on his waist, and walked around the car.

The windows were tightly closed and the curtains were pulled tightly. People outside didn't know what the people inside were doing.

Lieutenant Li thought: Why can't the Prince and the woman still come out? Is it possible that the prince finally became aware of his affairs?

Hey, Grandpa Prince has been stunned for so long, it ’s a rare trick, and it ’s okay for a long time. If it ’s short, it will be troublesome.

Just as Lieutenant Li staged various unruly thoughts, the door of the car was opened horribly, and a cold roar came from him: "Go!"

Qin Yuan was pushed hard and bumped into Lieutenant Li.

Lieutenant Li supported her reflexively.

In the next second, he felt that there were two cold eyes glanced up and looked up. The prince was glaring angrily at the upper hands holding Qin Yue as if to chop them down!

Lieutenant Li quickly let go.

Grandpa, isn't he jealous? But looking at Grandpa, she doesn't like this woman, otherwise she can get away?

Ling Mohan frantically pulled the collar of his military uniform, staring coldly at Lieutenant Li: "Hurry up?"

Lieutenant Li, an excitement, immediately saluted and shouted, "Yes, Colonel!"

The soldiers also boarded the military vehicle, and soon an army vehicle slowly drove away from Qin Yue's eyes and headed for the military industry group in another direction.

You bastard, better not let me meet you again!

Qin Yue stood on the spot, rubbing his tortured wrist, and scolded Ling Mohan angrily again.

She went to work just now and saw Ling Mohan get off the military vehicle at a glance.

At that moment, she really didn't hold back, and the three-year backlog of resentment and anger broke out. She wanted to grab the mineral water that she hadn't finished drinking and smashed it.

Qin Yue shook her hair, put aside the shattered things three years ago, raised her smile again, and hummed Xiaoquer to work.

Speaking of which, Qin Yue has been an intern in the First Military Industry Group for more than half a month. He never knew who the group leader was and what it looked like.

It was mainly a small intern who did not have the opportunity to contact such a big man. I only heard that the other party was a powerful officer and rarely came to the group to handle things. Generally, it was entrusted to the people below.

So Qin Wei still doesn't know the other party's information, and occasionally thinks it curious.

However, colleagues are very secretive and their mouths are tight. No one told her that no information can be found on the Internet, which shows that this leader is very promising.

But then again, if the top leader is not a big player, how can he be in power of the military industry group, which can be related to the national defense and military strength!

The next morning, Qin Wei was checking the information, and suddenly received a call from the boss: "Qin Wei, please roll me to the top!"

Qin Yue was hung up without asking what was happening.

She was so nervous, should n’t she explain that the military information she translated was wrong?

It is said that the information should be reviewed by the first person in person. If something goes wrong, it won't be great for her internship!

Qin Yue quickly took the elevator to the top floor.

This entire floor is the office of the leader of the Military Industry Group. After running up, he was stopped by the boss Lin Xian at the door.

"Boss, what happened?" Qin Yue asked carefully.

Lin Xian glared at her for a long time, shaking her hands with anger, and finally uttered a sentence: "This time you see how you die."

"Boss, I personally picked you in. You can't see death." Qin Hui hugged his thigh pitifully.

Lin Xian snorted coldly, the grandfather pushed her unselfishly into the office, and closed the door.

Qin Yue came in and took a look. Alas, this office is nice, big and spacious, and can be used as a parking garage.

At this moment, she didn't bother to appreciate the extravagance and luxury of the No. 1 office. From a distance, she saw a man standing with her back to her at the desk, looking tall.

Qin Yue trot over and stood still: "Report! I'm Qin Yue, an intern of the Secretariat. May I have any instructions from the leader?"

A guard next to him almost didn't hold back and laughed.

The man slowly turned around, and threw the files in Qin Mao's body with a pop, staring angrily at her: "Qin Xiaoyao, are you seducing me?"

Damn, why is Ling Mohan this bastard!

Is he the leader of the military industry group? !!

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