98 – Seville, a Plague-Polluted City (6)

Anyway, I pray for the soul of the deceased.

A funeral is a ceremony to honor the soul of the deceased, but the funeral of a nobleman is a little different.

A social gathering held in a solemn atmosphere.

A memorial banquet with a uniform dress code of all black, with only the joys and joys hidden behind.

“The Baron of Seville has died. What will the next Seville be like?”

In the middle of a banquet hall with black ribbons wrapped around it, the nobles who attended the funeral are each holding a glass of wine and talking.

“I don’t know. Did that wreath come from the previous era or from the contemporary era?”

People are not interested in the dead.

Because those gathered here are only interested in the successor, not the dead.

“I never thought Gibraltar would send a wreath.”

“Isn’t it a neighboring territory? There must have been some kind of exchange.”

“So when Gibraltar raises its flag later, will Seville also fall under it?”

“Uh huh. That’s speculation. Even if Gibraltar has started to make some external moves…”

There is no separate Jugaekjeondo, but since it is Gibraltar, it cannot be helped.

Next to the royal wreaths that usually arrive upon the death of a nobleman, the wreath of the ‘Crimson Margrave of Gibraltar’ is proudly placed.

“You said even Viscount Romana came?”

“He’s an investigator, but he was actually sent by Morgania to pray for his resting soul.”

“What’s new this time…The Justice Department? They say he’s the actual head of a newly created organization.”

From noble mtl dot come

“I guess Baron Garmoth put a lot of grease here and there. That bratty old man must have done that… Hmm.”

This moment is always fun.

Even though the nobles are whispering among themselves, it is always fun to hear their stories.

‘It’s times like this that it always makes me feel like a banquet before returning.’

Traitor Gray and traitors enjoying a banquet below.

A bunch of mean-spirited people who laugh and say good things in front, but struggle to find fault or find fault in the back.

This is my personal favorite human group.

It is neither absolute good nor absolute evil, but rather a typical example of a selfish human being who gives in to the strong and preys on the weak.

And I feel more comfortable because I am similar to those people.

“Master. The investigation is over.”

“Lord Mente. Did you find it?”

“Not yet.”

Since it was a formal occasion, Sir Mente approached me and spoke politely.

“What happened to the ‘Numbers’?”

“I’m staying in the hotel for fear of being caught. I might run out in case of emergency…”

“No. They are helping by not coming out this time. If the opponent is the enemy as expected.”


Sir Mente silently rubbed the dark shadow on the floor with his foot.

Shadow of the Empire.

The being we are currently looking for.

‘The new bag doesn’t smell, but even if it’s not a shadow, a spy can come.’

Baron Flambell died after consuming silver.

Baron Garmoth, who inherited the title, doesn’t know anything about Silver, so it’s clear that someone is trying to contact him.

If there is any remaining silver, collect it.

Or suggest that Baron Garmoth try taking silver as well.


“Lord Mente. Where is Baron Garmoth now?”

“I am having a separate conversation with Viscount Hex.”

“Ah. The hunting ground contract issue. That’s good. It will be taken care of.”

Since we spoke briefly before, Viscount Hex may be able to draw up a contract that is beneficial to Gibraltar-Morgania.

“I got a hunting ground with just one wreath, so there’s no better deal than this… For a little while.”

Far away.

Someone is approaching.

“I don’t think it’s coming towards Lord Mente.”

“The gaze is on the master.”

That too towards me.

“Gray Gibraltar.”

A middle-aged man with dark brown hair approaches me, calling my name correctly.

It’s a familiar face.

“Meeting the Marquess of Hastings Roland.”


One of the kingdom’s loyalists, a northern noble who led the knights against the emperor and tried to block his advance, but was killed by the emperor.

“Is the Margrave safe?”

“Yes. You are still the same. This time, you gave birth to twins.”

“Indeed. I’m still feeling relaxed…”

The Marquis licked his lips with regret.

A high-level knight who did not become a master.

A person who has a sense of inferiority as a prosecutor compared to his father.

So when his father became a traitor, he was truly indignant and led the knights to attack the imperial army.

“Lord Mente is getting stronger every day. Maybe he can reach it faster than me.”

“Thank you, Marquis.”

“If I had known this would happen, I would have brought you to Roland.”

“I am now a man of Gibraltar. Please excuse me, Marquis.”

“You were confident enough to say that. I was really rude. I’m sorry, so don’t glare at me too much.”

How could you not glare?

I was the person who put a lot of effort into recruiting him to Morgania, but he tried to rip me off by throwing a single word at me.

“Lord Mente is my master and a knight of Gibraltar. He will definitely be the master of Gibraltar.”

Still, I can’t be too picky.

“Rather than that, the person behind…?”

“Ah. This is my eldest son. He is 15 years old, just like you.”

The orange-haired boy, who was two heads shorter than me, flinched and slightly lowered his head.

“My name is Felwood Roland…”


“Uh, over there… “

“Nice to meet you, Sir Roland. I am Gray Gibraltar.”

Fellwood Roland.

A person who was unilaterally called a close friend when I was a student at the academy, and an evil person who harassed me repeatedly after the fall of the kingdom.

‘It wasn’t this small when I entered the academy.’

Rather, it was as big as I am now, but it is still very small.

“Have you ever…” “Met?”

“I heard a lot of rumors. There was a talent from Roland who could become a lancer master.”

“Ah, yes. I don’t know anything else, but my son has the talent to become a dragoon.”

As soon as he praised his son, Marquis Roland smiled slightly and patted Fell Wood on the shoulder.

“How do you feel? Is it different from when you only heard rumors?”

“Yes, yes…”


“You have to see everything with your own eyes. Gray Gibraltar is different from hearsay…”

The Marquess of Hastings laughed viciously.

“You’re hiding the blade really well.”

“…I’m just the eldest son who lacks ability.”

“If you use Master as the standard, anyone who is not a Master is lacking.”


“Don’t look at me like that. It’s not like I don’t know what you’re thinking.”

The Marquess of Hastings played with his mustache and looked wistfully out his window.

“Being born into a noble family is a shackle. It would be better if you didn’t know freedom. Having the opportunity to see beyond the mountain is an even bigger ordeal.”


“Ike. Look at my spirit. Then, we’ll meet again sometime later. Say hello to the Margrave.”


The Marquess of Hastings turned and left.

Until the end, he gave Sir Mente a regretful look, but Sir Mente stood quietly and steadfastly behind me.

“…Lord Mente. Did you understand what that person just said?”


“Is it middle-aged sensitivity?…”

At first glance, it sounds like someone who wants to throw off the shackles of social status and live a free life –


It’s just a complaint from someone who even has that kind of freedom.

“Anyway. What is the average of the kingdom’s nobles? Ugh.”

Aren’t there people who come to other people’s funerals and analyze the successor structure and question whether this family will benefit them politically?

Isn’t there a person who pursues a frozen romance and runs away, screaming at the top of his lungs just because he feels like he’s being slightly pushed out in a competition between children?

“Lord Mente. “I found it.”

It’s been about two years since we started interacting with the empire.

“It stinks.”

In the meantime, isn’t there someone who has already been tainted by the empire and is wandering around?

“I think it would be good to catch it before I use it, but wouldn’t it be a shame to set a trap then?”

“That’s right.”

Sir Mente licked his lips and fiddled with his sword.

“Master. Are you giving it to me this time?”

“Of course. I’ll smoke right next to you when you sleep.”

“Hehe, this time I will definitely…”

Sir Mente pursed his lips.

“Climbing the wall.”

* * *

Early morning, 4 o’clock.

When everyone was asleep, shadows began to wander in the hallway without any light.


While the guard guards the entrance to a dark room yawns long.


The shadow approached the soldier at once, and the soldier’s neck fell down.

“Jack, what are you doing-“


Another soldier next to him also lost his head.

The sound of the neck falling was not very loud, and the bodies of the two soldiers stood still at attention.


A black shadow opens the door.

In the cold room, the magic stone was emitting a soft light, and in the center, the corpse of an old man was lying in a coffin with his hands folded neatly.

Jeopuk, Jeopuk.

The shadow walked towards the coffin in short steps and took something out of its chest.

A sharp dagger.

A dagger that twists like a thunderbolt, with red liquid sparkling somewhere on the surface.

This is clearly a morgue, a place to store corpses-


The shadow stabbed the dagger towards the corpse of the old man, Baron Flambell.

Not even anywhere else, but towards the heart.


There is no response.

There was no reaction whatsoever, such as red blood splattering or anything else.

And that moment.


The sound of a lock closing somewhere was heard from the direction of the entrance where the shadow entered.


The shadow immediately jumped over the coffin and ran toward the window, but-


A kick from a small girl who appeared after breaking the window hit me in the solar plexus and sent me rolling around on the floor.

“You piece of trash…!”

“Hold on, sir.”

I saw the shadow.

“He was dead anyway, because it was an illusion created by magic.”


Beyond the broken window, a young man with gray hair came down holding on to a rope from above.

“Hello. You’re here.”

The young man with his back to the moonlight was smiling so brightly.

“My bag is.”


The shadow immediately turned and tried to run away, but-


He was pinned to the ground by a blade penetrating his abdomen

“Lord Mente.”


“Now, wait a minute-“

The shadow opened its mouth urgently.


After realizing that his vision was looking at the ceiling, the shadow lost consciousness as his body moved to the side.

Last moment.

He realized that his neck was rolling on the floor after seeing a gray young man leisurely walking towards his body

“Gray, Gibraltar-“

The shadow lost consciousness.

* * *

“So you said you would come unconditionally, Viscount Hex.”

“…You did a good job stealing the soldier.”

The door to the morgue opened, and Viscount Hex came in with a grumpy expression and closed the door again.

“Hey. Still, isn’t this a bit too much? Keeping the magic-made doll standing outside.”

“So, we gave you some of the magic stones we hunted this time.”

“I was standing there for two hours straight.”

“The other person also checked the liver for two hours before coming in. If you’re going to argue, blame this shadow.”

I cut the decapitated shadow’s thigh with a dagger.

“Hmm… “

“Are you doing this to check whether the man or woman is male or female?”

“No. The number has been deleted.”

“…Really? Normally, burning your skin with fire like this means discarding it.”

The shadow was a woman.

The area on his thigh where the number was believed to have been burned was burned.

“I think the hair color is black…”

“It must have been dyed.”

“Damn. Is the imperial family trying to use their blood to this extent?”

“Isn’t this a country that values ability more than lineage?”

The shadow must have become a shadow because it was eliminated and discarded.

“Better than that, I found it.”

As soon as I searched the inside pocket of my body, the item came out.

“It’s white silver.”


“Check for a moment.”

Gently pour what’s inside the paper bag onto the back of your hand, lightly smell it, and then place it on the tip of your tongue.


“…Use it.”

A dizzying sensation sweeter than sugar.

“That’s right. White.”

“…Are you okay?”

“Nothing compared to Caroline.”

“Haa… I can’t survive, really.”

Viscount Hex scratched her head and raised her wand.



The moment the light started twinkling, we saw.

“…What is that?”


Inside the coffin.

The thing that should be lying down is suddenly raising its upper body

“Lord Mente! Throat!”

Sir Mente immediately stood up at my shout and swung his sword sharply at me.


A sharp, penetrating sound as if an iron sword had struck steel.

From noble mtl dot come

Crunch, crunch.

It had the appearance of a skinny old man and was chewing the sword of Lord Mente in its mouth.


It is also an empire.

“One corpse arm is amazing, really.”

Even the body of a dead old man is being used to attack the enemy.


Sir Mente drew his sword and jumped towards me, and Viscount Hex pointed his staff forward with a tense face.

“Gray, do you know what happened just now…?”


Nothing special.

“I just turned the corpse of a vampire into a ghoul before it died.”

To confirm that the dead shadow is a vampire, you have to check the fangs and ears hidden under the hood.

“At least I know that the dagger stuck in that heart contains something.”

Whether human or vampire, the power to turn a corpse into a vampire’s family lies in that dagger.

“After all, an empire.”

Well, it’s good.

‘I never thought there would be a buy-one-get-one event.’

The amount of white silver that can be obtained has increased in real time.

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