73 – Sell Everything Except Your Wife and Children (5)

There are many reasons why the orphanage has been operating to this day, but it is because the father’s desired goal was achieved.

Children with the qualities of a knight.

Among them, only one child needs to show the talent of a sword master.

The father wanted a talented child, and Ethan Cesar came along.

Why did the father want a child with the talent of a sword master?

Because only then is it worth running a daycare center?


‘It’s to raise Noir.’

I don’t care what Ethan thinks, but the whole purpose of my father raising orphan children, including Ethan, to become apprentice knights is to foster Noir.

For example.

“Ethan Cesar, defeated!”



As seen in the training hall now, it is used as a sparring partner for Noir.

“It’s a shame! Whoa, damn it. If it had been a little deeper, we would have lost right away.”

Noir, sweaty and covered in dirt on her clothes, extends her hand toward Ethan.

“If you get a little stronger, I’ll stab you too? Huh?”

“…Don’t cry when you get stabbed.”

Ethan answers bluntly.

The two fists that missed the sword are trembling, and the area around the eyes is shiny with something that I don’t know whether it’s sweat or tears.

Haha! What’s the point of saying something like that after losing?”

“The one-year age gap will narrow as we grow older.”

“Even when I grow up, you won’t be there for me?”

“I will definitely win. I will definitely win.”

Although they seem to be fighting with each other-

“Oh my. If I’m going to protect my younger brother, I have to fight 100 times and win at least once.”


As Ethan lifts himself up by holding Noir’s outstretched hand, the two get along quite well-

‘It’s a bit hard to say that it’s good as a human to human, but as a knight, it feels like mutual recognition.’

It’s just appropriate.

“Just wait and see, Master Noir. It’s three years.”

Ethan sees Noir as a wall that needs to be overcome.

“Three years? Ha. Even after 30 years, you won’t be able to surpass me. No matter how far you run, I will always be ahead of you!”

Although Noir sees Ethan as below him, he sees him as a rival who can come up behind him and overtake him at any time.

“As a knight of Gibraltar, I will always be stronger than anyone else! Oh, that’s right!”

Noir takes the lead.

“Ethan Cesar! If you want to be my brother’s bodyguard, you’ll have to become stronger than you are now! Haha!”

Ethan follows behind.

“And so do you, you b*stards!”

And the knight candidates from Goa followed one after another.

“You started training faster than Ethan, but what if you’re already overtaken? Huh?!”

From noble mtl dot come

Noir began to criticize the candidates.

‘That’s not good.’

Putting someone down by comparing them is a technique that can only be used when the benefits of raising the opposite side are greater.

‘That’s just criticism and criticism.’

Gossip that has no benefit and only hurts people’s feelings.

Through that, Noir may be able to take care of his pride, but unfortunately, they should not be insulted like that.

‘What if I get betrayed and stabbed in the back later?’

Sometimes, I think like that.

Her her her her knights her who brought her with them, who assassinated her Noir.

Didn’t any of them know what she was going to do with her noir her?

Even if they didn’t know how, did no one really know that they were harboring bad thoughts?

‘Even if I knew, I wouldn’t have known.’

Even though I know, I pretend not to know.

Or pretend not to know.

If she was a loyal follower of hers forever, she would have checked or done something to stop her before she entered Noir’s bedroom, but-

‘No. Because I knew, I could have let them in even more.’

The noir of the future and the noir of the present overlap somewhere.

If you treat your subordinates like that, it will end up being a betrayal, not a betrayal, by your subordinates.

‘Is your father planning to just wait and see?’

Just as I am watching from the training ground, my father is also watching silently.

‘Are you trying to see how Noir is going to deal with it?’

My father’s tendency is not to fill his self-esteem by belittling others like that.

But even so-


“Why are you doing this, Gray?”

“Are you trying to see what I’m doing?”


My father had no answer.

He simply nodded his head briefly, signaling to me to go quickly.

“This is it.”

There is nothing we can do.

“I will wield the stick, but father will give me the carrot.”

If you think about efficient personnel selection, mine is more certain.

“Then… “

From a place where the training ground can be seen from afar, take a leisurely walk to the entrance of the training ground.

Clap, clap, clap.

Slowly, clap your hands and go inside.

At the sound of applause, everyone in the gym looked towards me-

“Tongue, bro…?”

Noir, who was pounding her chest and giving a long speech, looks at me and her expression her hardens.

“Uh, um, what is it? Why did you suddenly come to the training ground!”

Then, he puffs out his chest and shouts at me in front of the orphans behind him.

“Did you come to train too? Huh?”

“It’s a good thing.”

I’m not being sarcastic, I’m being sincere.

“The only thing a person who inherits the blood of Gibraltar does is torment the weak one-on-one.”


“Be ashamed of yourself, Noir Gibraltar.”

Noir hardens.

“If I were you, I would have fought 13 to 1 against 13 people and tried to win.”

“What are you doing… !”

“I am not you.”

People don’t know.

I am much stronger than Noir now, and have already reached the level of a low-level knight.

“If I were you, I would try to become stronger than I am now.”

“K, keuh…!”

So, if others are listening, the current conversation is for others-

“Woman, why did you come to the training hall and say something like that!”

“Well, I guess you know that well.”

He just looks like an older brother who came to pick a fight with his younger brother who is better at swordsmanship than he is.

“Why? Are you going to go and tell your father?”

My father is behind there, but he is hiding and out of sight.

“Are you going to say that a guy called Hyung, who can’t even use a sword properly, comes to the training ground and spouts nonsense?”

“Ugh, ugh…!”

“It doesn’t matter whether it’s early or not, but I hope you don’t speak carelessly to the people who will be my knights.”

The orphans all make strange expressions.

If I were to express that expression in words-

‘Who am I, that b*stard, talking about us as his knights?’


This is the reaction I was hoping for.

‘That way, people will recognize that you are more of a noir person.’

If there is a worst and a lesser evil, people are bound to be drawn to the lesser evil, even if they end up feeling like beggars.

Choosing the worst is a case where only following the worst can benefit you in the end.


“Why are you looking at me like that, Ethan Cesar?”

“Uh, well, that is…”

Like Ethan Cesar.

“You want to be my knight? I don’t think you have the skills yet to do that.”

When you have a good sense of purpose and realize that it is acting.

When you realize that the worst wasn’t really the worst.


“Yes, that’s it. All you have to do is do that.”

Ethan remained silent and followed behind Noir, and I clapped his hands again.

“Noir Gibraltar.”

Now that the atmosphere has warmed up, I turn my attention again.

“In the past, Lord Cadian Gibraltar said that he became an Auror at the age of 10.”


“You’re only 10 years old. How can you become an Auror?”

“…Can you really make an Auror like that?”

Of course, there is.

But not now.

“I’m not 10 years old, I asked you.”

“Ha, I guess you’re not confident?”

This is real.

Even though he knew it was just an act, he seemed honestly annoyed as he kept scratching his skin.

“I didn’t learn the sword from my father, but you learned the sword from your father when you were 7 years old, but you still can’t become an Auror?”

“Tsk… !”

“If I were born in your body, by the age of 10 I would have already become strong enough to be at the level of a low-level knight, let alone an Auror.”


Noir clenches his fists and trembles.

The orphans behind me looked at Noir with sad expressions, and I turned around and lightly snapped my fingers.

“What happened?”

A low voice coming from behind.

“Gray Gibraltar.”


“What are you doing at the training ground?”

My father’s voice is extremely cold.

“I would have asked you to do something else.”

My father spoke to me in a stern voice, as if I had come to a place I shouldn’t have come to.

“I just came to cheer on my lovely younger brother who is training hard with his sword.”


“Yes. There are only two months left until I turn 10, and if I still can’t become an Auror… Hehe.”

Like Noir in his previous life, twitching the corners of his mouth

“I thought you had greater talent than Lord Cadian. I guess I’ll be very disappointed.”



After being appropriately sarcastic, my father called out to me as if to tell me to stop.

“Yes, I understand. Then I will leave.”

In an instant, my father and I made eye contact.

Although he was looking at me with an expressionless expression, it seemed as if he was saying, ‘Did you really have to do that?’

‘You will know it when you see it.’

I know what kind of person Noir is.

‘Because I’m a guy with a lot of pride.’

A person who wants to be acknowledged in front of others, and at the same time, hates being ignored in front of others.

‘He’s a guy whose pride becomes his skills his his.’

Even if Noir is now 10 years old, the roots themselves are still the same.

‘I just followed someone before regression. Father.’

In the end, what I said was just something I copied from someone else.


“Yes, father.”

“Take a good look.”

When I left the training ground and got so far away that I couldn’t see the training ground.

“This is what an Auror is.”


The father showed his auror directly in front of Noir and his apprentice knights.

“Oh my.”

A shiver ran down my spine.

‘You should feel blessed.’

How many times have I been hit, cut, and beaten with the sword raised by that Auror?

‘The world has become so much better. In my time, ugh.’

There is not a single wound on this body, but just remembering it makes me feel like phantom pain is stimulating my whole body.

‘There is no other kind brother like this in the world.’

* * *

After returning to the orphanage.

“Oh my god, the Count himself showed Master Noir the Auror Sword?”

I told Robert, who just returned from vacation, the story of what happened at the training ground –

“Damn it!”

Uncharacteristically, he said harsh words and became truly angry.

“I should have followed behind you, Master!”


“Of course, the Count’s Aurors cannot be seen carelessly!”

Not because of me, but because of my father’s auror.

“Isn’t it an aura that you don’t show off in front of others, except when practicing swordsmanship alone in the early morning? Ugh, just look at how the Count creates an aura…!”

“Sir. Are you trying to steal Gibraltar’s vision?”

“W-How can that be possible?! I just wanted to see how the Count builds mana efficiently… !”

“I’m just kidding. If you feel like you did something wrong, eat a somnus cookie here.”

I handed Robert a cookie topped with somnus petals.

“Master, please eat it too.”


Sir Mente remained silently holding his sword.

A real sword, not a wooden sword.

“Hey, master. It’s not something I’m going to say now, but… “

“If you lose your concentration because someone is talking next to you, you don’t deserve to become a master.”

“No, master. You can’t say things like that so carelessly!”

“You can do it.”

The path to becoming a master is long and difficult.

“It was originally meant to be of help to Noir, but it seems like it has suddenly become an even greater help to Lord Mente.”

If Lord Mente becomes a master.

Even if I can’t become a master now, if I see how my father created auras and break down the wall.

‘Putting mana into the sword and maintaining its shape, and building the shape of the sword perfectly. That is the level of mastery.’

If only mana were not scattered like fog around the sword, but had substance in the form of a perfect blade.

‘It must be worth it to disparage Noir.’

It’s definitely worth it.

Even if my external prestige and image were jeopardized by the orphans.

“If Noir can store mana in his sword and become a low-level knight, there will be a festival in Gibraltar.”

“A festival is a festival, are you okay? Even just for you…”

“Sir. Don’t forget that I’m an idiot who can’t properly store mana in a sword, let alone an auror.”


Robert lamented more deeply than ever.

“Really, what are you going to do by hiding your skills like that?”

“Well, it would be useful to assassinate someone.”

I grabbed Robert’s right hand and pretended to stab him.

“You never know. It might be used to approach the person who sees me as an asshole who lost his place as successor to his younger brother and stab the sword into that person’s heart.”

“No matter what, people call you a master…”

“It doesn’t matter how you view me, if you see me as an idiot, I’m welcome.”

If so.

This means that the plan is clearly progressing successfully.

“It is more thrilling to be stabbed without warning than to be stabbed without warning.”

“…Why are you talking so seriously? As if you really meant to do that.”

“Actually, you’re hiding your power to do that?”

Hide your power and stab the unsuspecting enemy.

“Even if I only kill one person using that method, if it succeeds, that’s enough.”

* * *

The next day.

It has been decided to hold a small festival to be held in Gibraltar.

Subtitle of the festival.

“Noir, putting mana into a sword at the age of 10.”

The second coming of the Canadian legend.

“But it didn’t take more than a day.”

“From evening until now, have you continued to receive instructions from the Count without sleeping?”

“Are you jealous, sir?”

“Uh, um… I’m really jealous, right?”

Thanks to staying up all night and receiving one-on-one training with my father until dawn, the entire county was able to start preparations right from the morning.

“Then, let’s prepare something fun.”

“What are you planning to do again…” ” ?”

“It’s like a light trial run, and we’re holding a festival and competition.”

I raised my thumb towards Robert.

“Order of the Order of the Knights of Gibraltar.”

From noble mtl dot come

“Oh… “

“For the winner…Yeah, that would be great.”

Gold is worthless.

“After all, the product is important, right?”

You can buy armor or a famous horse with your own money.


“1 hour of 1:1 customized lecture from the continent’s strongest sword master.”

An experience that no one else can buy.

“An opportunity to spar with your father for 10 minutes to attack as much as you want.”

“What… “


No knight can stand it.

“The story of the moment Gibraltar’s ancestors became masters.”

“Well, that’s…!”

“It’s okay because it’s not contemporary anyway.”

The path to becoming a sword master.

“You never know. I took a special lecture from my father and studied the method taught by Gibraltar’s ancestors, so I guess another master may be born in 5 or 10 years.”

Human assets and accumulated know-how are the most powerful products that our Gibraltar family has.

“If I were to tell you the secret to making a sword master, wouldn’t the crown prince of the empire come and ask me to tell you?”

It will sell expensively.

“How did Gibraltar produce sword masters from generation to generation? Everyone is curious about the secret.”

“Uh, can I listen?”

“Yes. Sir, you can tell me.”


After the accident.

‘If you look at it closely, it’s mental theory.’

There are no refunds.

“If you do it, you can do it.”

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