070. snow white village

After school, quite a few people gathered at Trine Pharmacy.

Knight Department students, Instructor Elroy, Instructor Cat, and even the Plush Trio.

Sia sent a message to Trine.

“Trine, please reply when you stop by. It’s okay, right?”

I sent messages to Trine all day, but there was never a reply.

As Sia was getting nervous, Yuril grabbed her shoulder and said,

“Calm down. The fact that a communication message was sent means that you are at least alive.”

Next to me, Cat chanted a spell with Saymint,

“We have been able to determine the owner’s approximate location through tracking magic.”

Then, he drew a large circle with his finger on the map spread out on the table.

“It is presumed to be somewhere in the Teor Mountains.”

Then Instructor Elroy scratched his head and asked.

“It’s too broad. Can’t you narrow it down a little more?”

“It’s impossible here.”

“Why on earth did that idiot go to that place without telling me?”

Then Lisbeth said with a serious expression.

“Could it be that you were kidnapped by a devil? There are only devils in the area around Mount Theor.”

Everyone’s expressions hardened at those words.

There was ample possibility.

No, there was no other way to explain it than that.

In fact, Trine was known externally as the key figure who prevented the devils from invading the Academy.

… Sia suddenly stood up and shouted at Prince Sirian.

“Brother! Lend me your airship!”

“You don’t even know how to fly an airship.”

“That’s not important! Even in this situation, everyone-”

“I’ll fly the airship myself and come back.”

At those words, Lisbeth stood up straight away.

“I owe Trine something too, so I’ll go with you.”

Then Yuril also stood up from his seat.

“I will accompany you too.”

All the other students tried to stand up, but Instructor Eloy stopped them.

“Except for Sirian and Lisbet, please remain at the academy.”

Immediately afterwards, the students began to shout.

“Why not!”

“The class president is gone, it’s a big deal!”

“I’m from that area too, so I can help!”

But Instructor Elroy shouted firmly.

“It’s noisy! You can’t have the entire knight department classroom emptying out of nowhere!”

He then quietly looked at Cat, who stood up with him, and said.

“You stay too, I’ll take your place. It’s not good if the new instructor is already leaving.”

“No, that’s important right now-”

“That’s important. If you get fired for something like this, you don’t have the face to see it as a try, right?”

Instructor Elroy winked at Kat.

“Besides, I’m sure that idiot will be safe.”

“…I understand.”

Princess Xia said as she came close to Prince Sirian.

“I’m definitely going too! Don’t try to stop me!”

Even Pyrrol and Locke quietly clung to Princess Xia’s back.

Instructor Elroy scratched his head and muttered.

“That’s right, who would dare stop you?”

Then, I glared at the snowy mountain of Teor, which was glimpsed in the distance outside the window.

“You must be being tortured by demons right now… Please hold on until we get there.”


In a sense, Instructor Eloy’s advice was not wrong.

Because Trine was currently undergoing the torture of enduring a torrent of sleep.

Trine muttered to himself as he glared at the woman walking ahead with brisk steps.

‘Why is he walking so fast?’

Even as we were walking for a while, Trine was contacted by birds periodically.

Ultimately, they are preparing to send a rescue team this way.

However, there was no way to contact me here, so it was just painful.

‘If I go back later, I’m sure the kids will scold me.’

In the end, after climbing hard for another half a day, I was able to climb a mountain peak.


White snow and blue sky.

And a landscape filled with purple flowers.

While Trine was mesmerized, the woman squatted down and began to collect flowers.

Trine also asked, picking flowers next to him.

“I’ll help you. How much do you need?”

The woman held up a fairly large sack.

“That’s a lot… Well, I guess we can finish it quickly with just the two of us.”

In the end, only after the sun had completely set was we able to fill one sack.

Fortunately, the village was right at the bottom of the hill.

If it had been a little further, Trine would have passed out on the way.

“Welcome, human stranger.”

As soon as he arrived at the village, an old woman welcomed Trine.

“Oh yes, thank you.”

Looking around, I saw that it was a small village with only about 10 huts.

There were several people wearing thick fur and leather clothes walking around.

I’m not sure, but it’s probably mostly demons.

“You don’t look good. I’ll lend you a room, so don’t think about anything today and just get some rest.”

… Why doesn’t he show the slightest caution towards Trine?

But I was too tired to harbor such doubts, so I decided to accept the favor for now.

In the end, Trine went straight to bed after a light meal.


The next morning.

For the first time in a while, Trine had an unnecessarily refreshing morning.

“…Damn it. This is not the time to relax.”

As soon as I got out of bed, I tried using a contact spell, but it was still useless.

As Trine hurried out, putting the dragon scales back on his back, an old woman happened to be passing nearby.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Don’t be burdened and get enough rest.”

“Actually, I’m in a bit of a hurry.”

Then the old woman muttered as she looked at the dark clouds rolling in from the distant sky.

“There will be a big blizzard soon. Stay calm in the village until it stops.”

“Is that so? How much?”

“Even God doesn’t know. Whether it will be one day or a month…”

Trine was confused for a moment and then asked the old woman again.

“Is there any way for anyone to contact me outside of the village?”

“All the people in this village are people who have cut off ties with the world.”

“Then is there anyone who can use contact magic?”

“You are asking a strange question. Don’t you know that magic cannot be used in this land?”

“…Huh?! Ha, but I definitely could have used it when I first came…”

The old woman paused for a moment and then answered.

“In the middle of Mount Theor, there is a stone called ‘Wrath of God.’”

“Ah yes.”

“Because that stone dissipates the magic of this area, no magic can be used.”

… Only then was Trine able to understand the current situation.

The reason he was able to use magic in the first place was because the dragon was holding the stone.

However, because the dragon left, it became impossible to use magic.

Trine muttered dejectedly.

“Damn it, why didn’t anyone tell me that?”

“There is no way to know. Only the people who live in this area know.”

“is that so.”

“Anyway, stay calm until the weather clears.”

With those words, the old woman left the place.

Trine, who was left alone, muttered to himself with a serious expression on his face.

‘… ‘Something is strange.’

I didn’t really get the feeling that the old woman was lying.

But apart from that, I felt like they were hiding something.

‘Besides, if it’s true that you can’t use magic here, why didn’t anyone tell you?’

Even though it was quite important information, I had never heard of it even at the Academy.

Even the god Yumano and the nameless devil did not pay attention,

This means that there is a high possibility that neither of them knew.

Then, there was only one possibility that immediately came to mind.

‘Isn’t it true that no one who once entered the mountain could leave?’

But soon Trine shook his head.

‘That can’t be possible. Anyway, it’s too much speculation.’

In the end, Trine decided to stop raising unnecessary doubts and start worrying about the immediate situation.

‘Anyway, I can’t just wait here. ‘I should at least find a way to contact you.’

First, he decided to look for the mute woman who helped him yesterday.

Finding her was a breeze.

A very strong lavender scent was coming out of one of the cabins.

“excuse me.”

Trine knocked and entered the house.

Then the woman smiled brightly and welcomed me, then wrote something in a nearby notebook and showed it to me.

‘Did you rest well?’

“Yes, thanks. I was grateful in many ways yesterday.”

‘You’re welcome!’

For some reason, Trine laughed at the exclamation with a lot of force.

“And I couldn’t even introduce myself properly. My name is Trine.”

‘I’m Ally! ‘Let’s be friendly!’

“But what are you doing now?”

Trine asked, looking at the giant cauldron in the kitchen.

In a pot so large that two people can fit into it,

The lavender that was harvested yesterday was boiling.

Ally poured the water into a small cup and handed it to Trine.

“Oh, thank you.”

Trine took it and drank it without question.

Come to think of it, I was served this lavender tea at dinner last night too.

Even though I only drank a little, my whole body felt warm and my head felt lighter.

“Hey, shamelessly, I have one more favor to ask you.”

Allie tilted her head.

“Is there any way to contact people outside the village?”

Then Ally wrote in her notebook with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

‘As you know, you can’t use magic, so there’s no proper way.’

“Yeah… I see.”

‘Is there something urgent?’

“Yeah, actually… Huh? What was it?”

Trine stuttered for a moment and then answered a beat late.

“Oh, right! That’s right, there’s an important event next week that I can’t miss.”

Allie smiled a little bitterly and wrote again.

‘The weather will soon get worse, so it’s impossible to go down the mountain until next week.’

“Or is there any way to let them know my location? They said an airship is coming to rescue me.”

… For some reason, Ally’s expression became grim for a moment.

But before Trine could notice it, he raised his eyebrows again.

‘There is a beacon fire not far away. If that were the case, wouldn’t they notice it somehow?’

“Really?! That’s a good thing!”

‘Then come with me before the weather gets any worse.’

“Thank you! Oh, I’m sorry I keep getting help.”

Allie wrote exaggeratedly large and cute letters in her notebook and held it out to Trine.

‘Because we’re friends!’

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