007 Despair for Resolve

Train was bombarded with Yuril’s punches and kicks, thrown haphazardly.

Following them with his eyes was nearly impossible.

He could only rely on instinct to defend himself.

With every hit, it felt as though it was his heart, rather than his body, that ached.

“Ugh! Damn it!”

Train was aware that the Yuril before him was just an illusion.

Yet, the phantom of Yuril whispered incessantly in Train’s heart,

“You’ll never be able to beat me.”

“Is that all you’ve got? You shouted so confidently about saving me.”

“Why not just run away?”

“Don’t be ridiculous!”

Retreat is not an option.

If I lose even to this mere illusion,

saving Yuril would truly become an impossible task.

Thus, Train clenched his teeth and had no choice but to withstand the illusion’s assault.

Despite Yuril’s merciless punches and kicks that made him stagger, he resolved never to fall.

Meanwhile, the other students simply cheered Train on with excitement.

“Way to go, Train! Keep pushing forward!”

“You’re the top talent of our academy, aren’t you?”

“Show them the power of the Knight Department’s leader!”

To the onlookers, it seemed nothing more than a scene from a movie.

They must not take it seriously since they were told no one would get hurt.

Oblivious to how much Train was actually suffering.

Instructor Eloi also couldn’t help but boast to Sir Alberts standing beside him.

“You saw that, right? That’s what he’s capable of.”

But Albert’s expression was far from pleased.

‘Something’s off.’

Normally, as one begins to overcome fear, the apparitions also weaken.

The power of that magical device changes according to the opponent’s fear.

Yet, for some reason, instead of weakening, it’s becoming even more ferocious.

There’s only one possibility then.

It’s not that he’s overcome his fear; he’s fighting with the resolve to die.

‘Even if the opponent was the sworn enemy who killed his family, he wouldn’t be this desperate.’

A sense of despair that he can never defeat the opponent.

Yet, a fighting spirit that refuses to back down at all costs.

It’s these two emotions clashing that have led to such an intense battle.

Knight Albert muttered to himself without realizing.

“It seems we’ve discovered an incredible talent.”

To which Instructor Eloi proudly responded from beside him.

“By specs alone, he’s a country commoner who can’t wield a sword nor muster decent magic—a total outcast.”

“Does that mean the student made it here on passion alone?”

“Ha ha ha! That passion is precisely what he lacks most.”

“Then what exactly is his strength?”

Instructor Eloi responded with a bitter smile.

“An obsession with something, I suppose.”

At that moment, Train shouted with all his might.


For the first time, Train threw a punch at the phantom.

Their fists collided.


Suddenly, the orb shattered,

and the phantom vanished.

Knight Albrecht exclaimed in surprise, unaware.

“What, what! He surpassed the magical device’s limit?!”

Meanwhile, Train seemed to still be reeling from the aftereffects of the welcome,

Punching the air a few times by himself, he then collapsed to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut.

After lying still for a while, he muttered in a somewhat dull voice.

“…It hurts.”

At that, the students began to laugh loudly.

“What kind of ending is that after such a good fight!”

“It suddenly turned from an action movie to a comedy!”

“Our class president is always so entertaining!”

Knight Alberz couldn’t find it in himself to laugh.

Those kids could laugh because they didn’t know what Train had just done.

Train had been fighting the terror induced by the magical device at its maximum output.

A normal person would have gone half-mad with crying and screaming long before.

Yet, he had steadfastly endured it until the very end…

Instructor Eloi asked Knight Alberz,

“Is our Train passing?”

“Haha… Among the knights, none had a mind strong enough to shatter a magical device.”

Traine rose from his seat with the support of other students.

He then approached Knight Alberz and began to confront him.

“Are you joking? Were you trying to kill me?”

“I apologize for that. I didn’t expect it to become so intense.”

Traine glared at Alberz, slightly agitated.

However, Alberz, instead of looking at Traine, muttered while gazing at the broken magical device.

“This is serious. At this rate, the other students won’t be able to take the test.”

While the students jeered at Traine, he cautiously asked the knight.

“Did I do something wrong?”

To which Knight Alberz laughed heartily.

“That’s not possible.”

Alberz extended his hand to Traine for a handshake.

“When you graduate, I’ll formally recommend you to join our Order of Knights.”

Traine did not take his hand but replied with vigor.

“I refuse.”



Sir Alberts gave a brief lecture to the students of the Knight Academy in the classroom.

It was mainly a Q&A session where Alberts answered the students’ questions.

“How much is the salary for the knights?”

“It varies by rank, but the starting salary is a thousand gold, with substantial incentives for performance.”

“Are there many dangerous missions?”

“I won’t deny it. However, the mortality rate for knights is statistically much lower than that of regular soldiers, so rest assured.”

“What kind of achievements are needed to become a Knight Commander?”

“The current three Knight Commanders have all climbed up after accumulating at least five S-rank mission achievements.”

While everyone was listening intently to Sir Alberts,

Traine blatantly lay sprawled across the desk, motionless.

Eventually, Instructor Eloi scolded Traine.

“Hey, Traine! It’s disrespectful to act like that in front of a national knight!”

“I don’t care. I’m going to drop out anyway.”

At that, Sir Albertus replied with an embarrassed smile.

“Just leave it be. It’s normal to be a bit out of it right after that exam.”

Some people even end up bedridden for days.

That student, in particular, was affected to the utmost extent, so much so that it was commendable they didn’t immediately run out of the classroom.

“Anyway, since you’re all in the Knight Department, at least half of you will end up joining our Order.”

Sir Albertus said, surveying the students with a solemn expression.

“So always remember that you are knights at the academy and set an example for everyone.”

At this, all but a few of the students responded energetically.



After the lecture.

Before leaving, Sir Albertus briefly conversed with Instructor Eloi in front of the academy.

“No matter the old ties, you shouldn’t casually summon a national knight.”

“You’re being quite petty, aren’t you?”

“And today, the cost of the broken magical device, 300 gold, will be charged to the instructor.”

“What?! Isn’t that just too petty?”

“Because of you, I have to go in and even write a report.”

“As if the pay cut wasn’t enough.”

Sir Alberts laughed once as he spoke.

“Anyway, it’s crucial to persuade Train to join the knight order before he graduates.”

Then Instructor Eloi scratched his head and replied.

“There’s no helping it. It’s part of an educator’s duty.”

“But it’s not right to coerce someone through threats.”

“Do I look like someone who would do that?”

“Train seems to be carrying a heavy burden on his heart; once that’s resolved, the path will become clear.”

Instructor Eloi said with a bitter smile.

“I’m aware.”



Traine was under a barrage of questions from other students in the classroom.

“Who is that girl, anyway?”

“A childhood friend.”

“Is she really that strong?”

“Stronger than you guys.”

“She’s pretty cute. Can you introduce me?”

“I’ll kill you.”

Traine answered each question with an annoyed tone in his voice.

Fortunately, his relationship with Yuril had not yet been discovered.

Traine had declared to his classmates that he had come to save a friend who was cursed.

But they hadn’t figured out that Yuril was that friend.

After all, considering the fight earlier, they seemed more like sworn enemies who detested each other.

Just then, Prince Shiran placed a hand on Traine’s shoulder and said,

“Don’t be so down. There’s some good news for you.”

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Traine glared at Prince Shiran as he responded.

“Got any good news?”

“Come out with me tomorrow and let’s meet someone together.”

Train looked at Prince Siran with suspicion.

“Why is that good news?”

“Just come along and you’ll find out.”

Then Jeez chimed in from the side.

“Another meeting? Can I come too?”

“You’re not invited.”


That night.

Train stood in the dormitory backyard, sword in hand, once again.

“Even scared of Yuril’s phantom, you still have a long way to go.”

It’s been nearly two weeks since he arrived at the academy.

But all that had increased was the nuisance; not a single clue on how to save Yuril was found.

Swinging the sword every day like this, perhaps it was just a meaningless obsession.

“No, please don’t think of it in such a way.”

Train shook his head once, took a deep breath, and cleared his mind.

Then he began to swing his sword again.

…After some time had passed, Lizbeth approached and spoke to him.

“You’re training again today, I see.”

Train relaxed his stance and replied.

“It’s more like rehabilitation exercise than training.”

“Is your mental state okay?”

“Are you asking for a fight?”

Lizbeth laughed once and responded.

“Sorry, that came out wrong. Did you feel better after the mock exam earlier?”

“I thought I’d swing my sword for mental recovery, at least.”

“That’s a good attitude.”

Lizbeth drew her greatsword.

And, just like before, she took up a stance beside Train.

“Can we hang out together for a bit today too?”

“Honestly, I prefer training alone.”

“Can we hang out?”

“No, I mean—”

“Don’t tell me you’re planning to say no?”

“…Do as you wish.”

Traine sighed as if the ground would cave in and began swinging his sword again,

while Lisbeth smirked slightly and matched his rhythm with her own swordplay.

As they continued their comically serious training together,

soon Lisbeth spoke to Traine.

“The truth is, I came out today because I wanted to sync up for the sports festival.”

“Sports festival?”

“You know about the sports festival next Tuesday, right?”

Traine then remembered that fact.

Though it’s called a sports festival, it’s essentially a mock battle training where each class competes.

“Train. You’re going to join me in the fencing event, right? With Jeez, that makes three of us.”

“I was thinking of joining Prince Siran in the archery event.”

“You’re participating in the fencing event, right?”

“Honestly, fencing is a bit-“

“You’re participating, right?”


Early Sunday dawn.

Train grumbled as he sat on the train with Prince Siran.

“Why do we have to take a train at this hour just to meet someone?”

To which Prince Siran yawned and replied,

“They’re busy too, so it can’t be helped.”

“How about you start telling me who we’re going to meet?”

“Let’s save that for the joy of the moment when we meet.”

With Prince Siran carelessly leaning his head against the window and closing his eyes,

Train sighed briefly and began to speculate on his own.

Who could Prince Shiran possibly be introducing?

He said it’s someone Train would be glad to meet.

Then, it’s highly likely someone Train already knows.

But there are only a handful of people outside the academy he could know.

In the end, Train came to one conclusion.

‘Could it be Yuril?!’

Come to think of it, Prince Shiran’s behavior has been odd all along.

He acted strangely familiar whenever Train mentioned Yuril.

Could it be that Prince Shiran knew Yuril from the start?

Train began to sweat profusely on his own.

If it’s really Yuril, what on earth should he say when they meet?

After all, this would be the first encounter since he ran away without a word.

Would she think of him as nothing more than a pathetic stalker?

Maybe he should just run away…

‘No. That’s the very thing he must never do.’

Train braced himself.

No matter what, let’s meet first.

About 30 minutes later.

As soon as Prince Shiran got off the train, he waved to someone.

“Hey! Over here!”

Train calmed his pounding heart and looked at the other person.

But the one approaching Prince Shiran with a brisk walk was a girl he had never seen before.

A girl with long blonde hair, somehow resembling Prince Shiran.

She flashed a mischievous smile when her eyes met Train’s.

With a dumbfounded expression, Train asked Prince Shiran.

“Who is she?”

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