055. Roots for the Possessed

The next morning, the entrance to the main school building.

Trine was standing at the entrance of the school wearing a student council armband, warning students.

“Senior, if you’ll excuse me, please wrap the blade in a sheath or paper and carry it with you.”

“These are just kitchen knives to use for cooking, right? We are in the gourmet cuisine department.”

“You there! Flying magic is prohibited at the academy!”

“To be picky.”

“Senior! Please button your uniform properly!”

“You are Trine? Cheer up the student council!”

… Trine sighed as he looked around at the various students.

Trine also had no intention of being particularly strict.

I especially didn’t want to be criticized by my seniors.

However, it was unavoidable because the student council president or vice president occasionally appeared to monitor Trine.

At that time, two vaguely familiar people came in.

“Trine! How are you?”

“long time no see.”

Trine paused for a moment before answering.

“Hello, Senior Serbia, Senior Megryu.”

Serbia invited Trine to a tea party.

Thanks to that, Megryu placed a curse on Traen.

Trine looked a little surprised at the fact that the two were walking around together.

“I guess you two have reconciled?”

“Heh, what are you talking about? We weren’t even close enough to fight in the first place.”

Then he passed by Trine and smiled mischievously.

“Let’s play again next time we get a chance, quack.”

Megryu followed Serbia and muttered to Trine.

“I will confess properly at the festival.”

“…Good luck.”

It was then.

I could sense the presence of three people trying to sneak in behind Trine’s back.

Trine quickly stopped them.


Then three people in ordinary school uniforms stopped, startled.

Trine looked at them closely for a moment, then said,

I sighed and asked, “The ground will disappear soon.”

“What on earth are you guys doing?”

“Hehe. I’m touched that you recognized me right away, senior.”

“So you like us enough to even see through our cognitive impairment, senior?”

“As expected, swordsmanship and observation are inseparable, senior.”

As each of them said that and tried to calmly enter the building again, Trine grabbed Sia’s arm.

“Why are you trying to sneak in? And I’m not your senior yet!”

“Then shall I call you Oppa Trine?”

“Just play around a little bit, princess.”

“Senior also calls me Sia.”

“Don’t be ridiculous and get out. Outsiders cannot enter without a pass.”

“Hey, don’t be so strict between us.”

As Trine and Sia were arguing for a while,

Suddenly, Maria appeared, grabbed Trine’s arm, and started dragging him somewhere.

“Trine! I have something important to tell you, so follow me for a moment.”

“Wow! What’s happening all of a sudden!”

“You’ll know once you get here.”

“No, if I leave here, the student council president will scold me!”

“That’s a lot to say! There are more important things than that right now!”

Sia muttered as she looked at the back of Maria leaving.

“It seems like that person is also interested in Trine.”

Then Pyrrhol asked her from the side.

“Are you going to nominate that person as a candidate too?”

“I don’t know. I can’t read his mind as well as he.”

Locke frowned and asked.

“You guys have been talking about being candidates and all that since last time. What are you talking about?”

“Men don’t need to know.”

“Never mind.”

As Locke grumbled quietly, Sia walked back into the building and said,

“Okay, now! Let’s get in quick.”

However, before he could even take three steps, he was caught by Instructor Eloy and kicked out.


Meanwhile, Maria, who had arrived at the backyard of the dormitory, immediately handed out a large package to Trine and shouted.

“We’ve finally arrived!”


“A holy relic that finds hidden demons!”

At those words, Trine, whose face was always filled with dissatisfaction, relaxed his expression and shouted.


“I really went through a lot of trouble to get this.”

Maria opened the box and took out the contents right in front of Trine.

Something that looks like a thick and long burdock.

Trine frowned at the appearance, which seemed too insincere for a sacred object.

Soon, Trine’s head was in chaos.

‘The roots of a mature tree?! “Why did you cut it without my permission!”

‘You could use some, why are you so petty?’

‘You’re missing out! Do you know how important mature trees are?’

‘Well, it’s just a tree.’

Trine asked Maria, ignoring their argument.

“So how do you use this?”

“Just put it in your mouth.”

Maria said that and suddenly shoved the end of the root into Trine’s mouth.

“Woop! Woop!”

“If there is no devil, there will be no reaction like now, and if there is a devil, you will suffer.”

When Maria pulled out the root, Trine became irritated.

“You were surprised!”

“Because I was going to test it on you first in the first place.”

“Does this mean I look the most suspicious?”

Then Maria said with a kind smile.

“Because I want to trust you without worrying about anything.”

… Trine sighed briefly and asked inwardly.

‘But wasn’t this supposed to react to nameless demons as well?’

‘joy. I don’t know about other compatriots, but there’s no way I could be influenced by such low-level roots.’

‘That’s so low-level, how far do you plan to ignore sacred trees!’

At that time, Pochi suddenly came running and barked,

He arbitrarily bit off the root that was in Maria’s hand.

“Pochi! No! You’re not eating that!”

… Pochi reacted.

He spat out tree roots and rolled around on the floor, cackling.

“Pochi? What’s wrong!”

Trine asked, frowning.

“Could it be that it also reacts to monsters?”

“A monster! Pochi is just an ordinary dog!”

“It’s not normal, and it’s not even a puppy.”

Black fog spewed out from Pochi’s body.

Then he suddenly started running away from the academy with all his might.

“Po, Pochi?!”

“Could it be that he’s been possessed by the devil?!”

“Let’s chase after him first!”

Maria started chasing Pochi with all her might.

Trine hurriedly chased after her, but no matter how fast he ran, he couldn’t catch up.

“Come with me for a moment! Why is he so fast!”

“Oh really! You’re slow!”

Maria turned around and ran towards Trine.

“Ride on my back!”

“What?! No, no matter what!”

“Quick! There’s no time!

Trine reluctantly clung to Maria’s back.

Then Maria lifted up Trine’s legs and started chasing Pochi again, jumping up and down like a rabbit.

“Pochi! Stop! Our cute Pochi!”

They shouted so loudly that everyone around them looked at them.

Even Sia was staring at me with a quite funny expression.

Thanks to this, Trine’s face brightened up, but now was not the time to worry about that.

Surprisingly, Maria gradually narrowed the distance to Pochi even while carrying Trine on her back.

As Pochi jumped over the high wall of the academy in one go,

Maria followed suit and jumped over the wall.

Trine screamed.

“Are you human?!”

“It’s noisy! It’s just Yumano-sama’s power!”

In the end, in front of a nearby stream, Maria succeeded in jumping on Pochi and clinging to his back.

Pochi barked wildly and struggled to get Maria away from her.

The recoil caused Trine to fly away alone.

“Pochi! Please calm down!”

“Wal, wal, wal!”

Trine calmly stood up and took Hwaran out of his arms.

“You said that possession would be broken only if you evoke dramatic emotions, right?”

The loud crow of a rooster rang out from Trine’s Hwaran.

However, Pochi only caused more rampage.

Maria shouted, still struggling with Pochi.

“It’s no use! Pochi likes you, so the fear he feels for you is halved!”

“Damn, then how about this!”

Trine also jumped onto the porch and jumped on his back.

I tried to grab Pochi’s fur, but I got tangled up with Maria and had no choice but to hug her back with all my strength.

“Wait a minute! That’s vulgar!”

“It’s rude, it’s the same as before!”

“Carrying someone and being hugged are completely different!”

“Pochi! Let’s travel through the battlefield together at high speed!”

Then, even while Pochi was struggling, he barked loudly in a voice that somehow seemed happy.

“Okay! Here we go!”

Pochi flew all over the place with lightning-like movement.

“Wal wahl wahl wahl!”


“Hold on a little!”

If negative emotions don’t work, try generating positive emotions.

And Pochi was definitely happiest when traveling at high speeds with Trine.

Trine’s judgment was not wrong.

Soon a black fog rose from the porch,

It was transformed into a human shape and thrown to the floor.

“Good job, Pochi!”


Porch suddenly stopped above the stream,

Thanks to this, Trine and Maria were thrown off at the same time and fell straight into the stream.


“It’s cold!”

The two jumped up and took out magic swords and maces as if they had made a promise.

Then the demon that had fallen also stood up, hesitated, and pulled out his sword.

“Shit! Shit shit shit!”

The appearance of this devil was very similar to that of a human, unlike the previous bat-man.

Trine was wary of him and spoke quietly to Maria.

“They might try to possess us, so be careful.”

“No, it’s okay because demons can’t possess you continuously.”

At those words, Trine cleared his throat once and asked the devil.

“But why did you possess Pochi?”

Then the devil shouted as if it was unfair.

“Do you think I possessed someone because I liked it? I originally tried to possess the student council president!”


“That student council president’s magical power was abnormally high and he failed. What can I do?”

“What can I do…”

“Damn it! Why am I so unlucky!”

Seeing the devil truly crying, Trine sympathized with him.

“I’m sorry about something.”

“Of course I should be sorry! Thanks to you, the plan to steal the heavenly sphere during the festival is-”

The devil stopped speaking and then closed his mouth tightly.

But it was already too late.

“…Stealing what?”

“Oh, I didn’t say anything!”

Maria asked, striding up to the demon and aiming her mace at his head.

“Do you want to die here? Or do you want to surrender quietly?”

The devil glared at Maria indignantly, then smiled evilly and said,

“I would rather die myself than die at the hands of those dirty Yumano b*stards.”

The devil immediately pierced his own neck with his sword.

Then, the body exploded and turned into black fog, dispersing and disappearing.

Maria raised her mace and prayed with her hands clasped in front of her.

“Lord Yumano, I am sending a demon to your side, so please make the right judgment.”

Then Yumano Shin spoke in Trine’s head.

‘Thank you, Maria.’

Then, Trine sighed briefly, released the magic sword, and asked inwardly.

‘This isn’t the only devil, right?’

‘of course.’

‘By the way, do you know what a celestial sphere is?’

‘I’ll explain that later.’

A nameless devil interrupted those words.

‘It’s like a compass that points to heaven.’

‘Now, wait a minute! ‘What are you talking about?!’

‘I’m your helper, so wouldn’t it be polite to tell you this much?’

‘I was planning to tell you later when the time comes!’

‘That time probably means when Trine gets old and is on the verge of death.’

Trine approached Maria and asked.

“I think we should soon inform the principal and instructors of the situation.”

“No. If they have already been possessed, the situation may actually get worse.”

“But it’s too dangerous for us to do it alone.”

Then Maria squeezed both of Trine’s hands and said.

“Please. You are the only one I can trust.”

Trine was taken aback for a moment by her serious expression, and then,

He soon sighed and answered.

“Okay. If you say it that way, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

“thank you.”

Maria answered those words with a grin.

Somehow it felt like Maria showed her real smile for the first time.

Thanks to that, Trine hesitated for a moment.

Pochi, who was still very excited, suddenly rammed his head into Trine.

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