052. goddess for devil

“Hahahaha! I’m lucky to be able to obtain the body of a hero!”

The Bat Demon shouted as he entered Trine’s image world.

“Oh, by the way, it’s a pretty neat and nice view for a hero, isn’t it?”

Pure white space and huge stained glass.

After wandering around that space for a while,

A sobbing sound was heard from somewhere.

“…What is that b*stard?”

On a fairly old-fashioned chair, a man in a tuxedo was crying with an open book.

The bat demon approached him, thinking it was just some kind of trauma.

“Hey, get out of there! This place is mine now!”

Then the man, who had only one eye open, wiped away his tears with his sleeve and spoke.

“Oh, this looks ugly. This book is so touching.”

“Okay, okay, get out of here quickly.”

“Don’t you think it’s heartbreaking for a rabbit to have everything taken away by something like a turtle in a moment of misunderstanding?”

“Why are you talking so much! I told you to get out of here right now!”

Then the man calmly destroyed the book and summoned a teacup.

“I’m in a really good mood right now, so I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear anything in particular.”

“You’re laughing! I’m in a very bad mood!”

The bat demon suddenly rushed at the man.

But the man easily grabbed the bat demon’s head with one hand.

“You foolish b*stard, you kicked away the best opportunity you had with your own hands.”

“Hey, this guy, why is he so strong?”

“Does he not even recognize his own people? There is no way to save him.”

At those words, the bat-man’s expression turned pale.

“Now, wait a minute, you really are a nameless devil…”

“Your voice is really annoying.”

The man put his hand up to the bat demon’s face.

Then his mouth moved onto the man’s palm.

“Get the hell out of here before you make me feel any worse.”

When the man let go of the bat demon’s head,

The devil groaned and ran away.


Trine hurriedly raised his hands above his head.

“Hey, everyone? Just calm down, right?”

Eloi and Sirian, as well as other children, were surrounding him and pointing their weapons.

Instructor Elroy spoke in a very sad voice.

“Trine, calm down and listen to me. A person possessed by a demon will soon go on a rampage and kill everyone around him.”

Prince Siran pointed his gun and clicked his tongue.

“Die with honor before you turn into a monster like that envoy.”

Even Princess Xia forced a smile and said.

“I’m sorry, Senior Trine.”

… In the end, Trine bowed his head in resignation.

“Tell Yuril to be happy with my share.”

At that time, black fog suddenly rose from Trine’s body,

He returned to his bat demon form from before.

Then everyone rushed at the bat demon at once as if they had been waiting.

“Hold on!”

“Don’t you have holy water, holy water?!”


In the end, Instructor Elroy was the first to knock the demon to the floor and stabbed his fingers into both of his eyes.

“They say that devils possess others with the power of their evil eyes, right?”

The devil struggled as if in pain.

But for some reason, no voice came out.

“Huh? Didn’t this kid always have a mouth?”

The devil struggled even more, as if trying to appeal for something.

But in the end, I couldn’t say anything.

“…If you can’t speak, we can’t interrogate you.”

Instructor Eloi thrust his sword into the devil’s neck without hesitation.

Then the devil’s body exploded and dispersed into black fog.

Trine sat down on the floor and muttered.

“You got rid of it, right?”

Then Instructor Elroy smiled.

“Yeah, you lucky guy.”

“No, is that really what you’re going to say after trying to kill me?!”

“Fool, I was just acting to scare the devil away.”

Prince Siran struck Trine in the back of the head.

“Did you fall asleep during class on demons?”

“…Ah! You guys scared me so realistically that I forgot!”

Trine huffed for a moment, then sighed and muttered.

“Anyway, why did that demon escape so easily?”

“Isn’t it because of your stigmata? Demons and Yumano are enemies.”


At that time, Locke stood in front of Trine.

“Hey, you’re also a trine, not a jizz, right?”

… Trine resignedly took off his eyepatch.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hide it with any bad intentions.”

Then Locke glared hard at Trine for a moment,

Immediately, he bent his waist ninety degrees and shouted.

“Brother Trine! Teach me magic swordsmanship!”

Then Trine was very embarrassed and jumped up.

“What?! Why are you doing this so suddenly!”

“I have always admired magic swordsmanship! I realized that the only person who can use it properly is you!”

“No, wait! I’m not a good vessel to teach anyone!”

Then, as if she had a good idea, Princess Sia came next to Locke and bowed down with him.

“Please teach me swordsmanship too!”

For some reason, even Pyrrhol bowed half-heartedly as they stood side by side.

“Sir, please teach me too.”

“What are you guys? One of you is a fake swordsman and the other doesn’t even use a sword!”

Next to me, Instructor Eloy said with a grin.

“That’s good. The experience class was canceled today, so let’s open a Trine swordsmanship class like this.”

“Don’t be ridiculous! The instructor should have taught you instead!”

“I’d like to, but I think I’ll be busy with the demon intrusion case today for a while.”

“Stop putting all the annoying things on me!”

Prince Sir’an said, placing his hand on Trine’s shoulder.

“Hero, accept your fate.”

… In the end, Trine gave up and sat down on the floor again.

“Okay, whether you roast me or boil me, it’s up to you.”

Pyrrhol was inwardly delighted.

With this, the target change was completed successfully.

The rest will be solved with time and all the seduction techniques she learned at the Assassin’s Guild.

Then, she could clean up her identity, become a noblewoman, and live the rest of her life in vain.

When you think like that,

Sia quietly grabbed Pyrrhol’s arm and dragged him to a corner.

“That’s strange. Wasn’t Pyrrol targeting Prince Sirian?”

“Yeah, but I think the prince isn’t someone like me, so I’m going to give up.”

“I hope you realize what you are saying.”

“You know it so well, right?”

Pyrrhol made a charming expression and playfully pressed his finger on Sia’s cheek.

“Yuril, no, Princess Sia, who is still chasing after you because you arbitrarily broke off your engagement with senior Trine. Why don’t you give in to me?”

Then Princess Xia smiled brightly and answered.

“If you want to join Trine-senpai’s harem, I agree.”

“What? Harem?”

“Instead, just remember this one thing.”

Sia grabbed Pyrrhol’s fingers and slowly pulled them away from her cheek.

Then suddenly, Pyrrhol felt a terrible pain, as if his whole body was frozen.

“I am infinitely generous to my friends, but I never show mercy to my enemies.”

Pyrrhol tried his best to pull Sia’s hand away.

But the more she did it, the more her fingers became frozen.

Sia whispered into Pyrrhol’s ear.

“Are you my friend or my enemy?”

Pyrrhol trembled in fear and answered.

“Chi, we’ll be friends!”

“Yes. Thank you for saying that.”

Only then did Sia let go of Pyrrhol’s hand.

And then he spoke with a smile that seemed infinitely pure.

“Let’s meet often from now on. I think I can become truly close with you.”



A dark room in an unknown location.

Twelve black flames appeared around a huge round table and began talking to each other.

“They said Murcielago was hit.”

“Hmph, that guy was the weakest among us.”

“Hey, did you stop looking at comic books?”

The biggest flame among them all shouted.

“Everyone be quiet!”

Then all the other flames fell silent.

“This is why I told you not to take any individual action!”

The flame, which had been burning wildly for a while, calmed down a little and he spoke.

“If you move on your own without my instructions again, I will kill you myself.”

From noble mtl dot come

Then, after a brief pause, he opened his mouth again.

“Sappo, Menshaze, and Hippopotamo. Each of you must hide while possessing an Academy official.”


“They say there will be a festival at the academy in a few days, so I’ll try to aim for that time.”


That night.

Trine fell asleep immediately while lying down on the bed.

And then he woke up again from his own world of images.

“…What is it again this time?”

In front of Trine, a man and a woman were dancing with their hands joined together.

A one-eyed man wearing a very old-fashioned tuxedo.

A woman wearing a simple yet beautiful white dress.

Their dance moves were an elegance that I had never seen before.

… No, when I looked closely, I saw that they were not dancing, but competing with each other.

“Get out now!”

“That’s what I’m going to say!”

And for some reason, even Hwaran was tearing the man’s head and screaming.

“Get out, you devil!”

… Trine’s eyes, who had been dazed for a moment, opened.

“You, you are a nameless devil!”

“Hehe, oh, it’s been a while. I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to chat right now!”

Soon, Trine’s gaze naturally shifted to the woman next to him.

“Are you really the new devil?”

“Excuse me! I’m Yumano!”


“I came here because I had something to tell you, but this devil came in at will!”

Only then did Trine understand the current situation.

Currently, a tremendous goddess and a tremendous demon were fighting each other.

And that too, arbitrarily, in someone else’s mind.

“Hey, if possible, can you both go somewhere else and fight?”

“Did you hear that, Yumano? I told you to get out of here right now.”

“I told you this! If your ears are clogged, can I unclog them?”

Trine sighed briefly and squeezed in between the two people.

“Now, now, it would be unsightly for great people to be fighting barbarically.”

Only then did the two step back, letting go of each other’s hands.

Yumano Shin said with a huff.

“Well, okay, anyway, if we continue like this for the rest of our lives, there won’t be a final decision.”

The devil also spoke, trying to hide his distressed appearance with a smile.

“Wow, you really are a persistent woman.”

Yumano Shin took a deep breath for a moment, then smiled kindly at Trine and spoke.

“It’s been a while. Thank you for listening to my unreasonable request.”


“I came today to warn you.”

“A warning?”

“Currently, there are signs that numerous demons are moving in Artoria.”

At those words, the nameless devil shrugged his shoulders and said.

“By the way, these people have nothing to do with me.”

Then Yumano Shin glared at the devil and said.

“Don’t lie. Who else can move all those demons but you?”

“I appreciate you thinking highly of me, but I really have no interest in such nonsense.”

“Don’t make fun of me, tell me quickly what’s going on.”

“This isn’t some kind of witch trial, but the author Yumano Shin had to be this foolish to write it.”

In the end, the two started a childish power struggle again.

Trine could only watch quietly until they both sighed and collapsed from exhaustion.

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