050 Target for the Target

“Go quickly, you stupid fool!”

Rock pushed the Trainee hard and shouted.

“Don’t rush. Always be careful in the dungeon.”

“Shh! Is it really worth risking a C-grade dungeon for the sake of the Academy’s theme?”

As he spoke, he glanced back at the modified gear that was being held out to him.

“Rock, if you move too quickly, you’ll soon be struck by misfortune.”

“What do you mean? Are you saying I should fight?”

Just then, Rock suddenly stepped on something and slid his buttocks.

“Ah, geez! What’s going on?! This is monster poop!”

“Look, I told you.”

“You’re really something!”

As Trainee tried to restrain Rock’s shouting, Pirol and Princess Sia whispered to each other behind him.

“They’re a bit lacking, don’t you think?”

“It’s fine if they’re happy, isn’t it?”

For a long time, the idol didn’t even show up.

Anyway, the team ahead of us had finished processing, so…

As we walked in a slightly awkward atmosphere, the female idol Pirol opened her mouth.

“Jizi hyeong~.”


“Sorry, but I’m feeling a bit tired, so can we take a break for a moment?”

However, Rock got angry.

“Don’t be ridiculous! We’ve only been in for 30 minutes, you know.”

“It’s impossible, right? I didn’t know I’d have to enter the dungeon and wore high-heeled shoes.”

“Then take them off, you useless thing!”

“Jizi hyeong~.”

Trail pulled out a leather shoe from his backpack and said.

“Let’s rest for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, Pirol will change into these leather shoes.”

“Thank you~ But isn’t this a bit too big?”

“This is a shoe with adjustable size, so as long as the strap is secure, it should be fine.”

“It’s not okay if you tie it up for me.”

Eventually, the trainee had to tie her shoelaces, and as she did so…

The Princess of Sia quietly approached from behind and whispered to her.

“It seems like you’re fond of being coddled, senior.”

“No, not at all.”

“Do seniors like me, who are fond of being coddled, senior~?”

“Stop talking nonsense.”

“Senior~ Can you please tie me up properly~.”

At that moment, Teli looked at the modified schedule carefully and said to Teli.

“You, too, have a tendency to believe in the wind of love today.”

Rock laughed at Teli’s calf, saying it was nonsense.

“Who would be so reckless as to do this even in the dungeon?”

Just as Teli was about to explode in anger…

Suddenly, two dogs that had been following from behind ran quickly towards Teli.

One of them sat on Teli’s shoulder.

“Siran! Trail! Barbara-ne group faces an abnormal strong demon and joins forces!”

Trail took a short breath.

Elohim, as expected, finally called Trail by his name, as if recalling something.

Fortunately, it seemed that no one else suspected anything except for Sia.

However, it seemed that there was no more time to relax.

“It seems that there’s an issue with the previous team, so let’s hurry up and join forces.”

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At that time, Telei, looking back, spoke.

“We’re in a rather dangerous situation, aren’t we?”

…A dozen or so rodent demons gathered.

Originally, these weak demons could be easily defeated just by stepping on them with one’s feet.

However, why were they all as big as humans?

Trail noticed the strange atmosphere and calmly placed his hand on the hilt of his sword.

“Everyone, retreat. Don’t take any action without my orders.”

However, Locke ignored his words and drew his sword to charge at the demons.

“Why are you afraid of C-grade dungeon demons?”

It seemed reckless, but he had his own skills.

He wielded the sword with a rough, powerful stroke.

Rock soloed the two demon heads.

“Look, it’s nothing special!”

However, his boastful tone was already showing signs of exhaustion.

As soon as the demon rat that had followed soon attacked Rock, whose neck was just about to be crushed, unable to react-

“Be careful!”

Trailen quickly dispatched the demon rat with high-speed movement.

“General defense fire!”

Behind, Tel’s flames and Shia’s ice arrows rained down in abundance.

During the brief pause when the demon rats froze,

Trailen pushed Rock back and summoned the magic sword.

Just then, Princess Shia suddenly halted her magic and drew out a sword.

Trailen glanced sideways at her.

“Why did you switch from gun to sword?”

“If you’re not a gee, you can’t stand alongside your seniors, can you?”

“Just kidding?”

“Why do you think it’s just kidding?”

The two of them exchanged glances for a moment before…

“We should stop, it looks like we’re going to get out of control!”

As soon as the teleportation spell was cancelled, the two of them sprinted forward at the same time.

Then, they began to stab at the demonic beasts with a nimble and elegant swordsmanship.

Each of them dodged the other’s sword strikes with a hair’s breadth, engaging in a cooperative battle.

The demonic beasts in front of them began to fall one by one.

Tel and Piro also lost their composure.

“Even if the seniors are like that, this Yu-ri is quite impressive.”

“Doesn’t it seem like the two of them fit together really well?”

As Pirol’s sword flashed wildly, he still managed to understand the words spoken by the Firol.

“Did you hear that! We’re getting along well!”

“That’s for later!”

“But your senior’s martial arts skills have largely declined, you know.”

“It’s because you’re bothering me that it’s like that!”

At that moment, the Teli hastily shouted.

“Monsters are gathering behind us!”

The Trael immediately turned around.

“I’ll go, so Yu-ril will hold the fort here!”

“Hold on!”

Teli and Locke moved aside to give Trael a path.

But Firol remained standing still, as if waiting, and let out a mournful cry.

“Ka-ah! Save me!”

“No, I won’t let you!”

Trael forcefully pushed Firol’s shoulder to the side.

Thanks to Pirol’s pressing the suspicious button on the wall, he and Trian were transported to a strange location.

“What’s going on?”

“It seems like I’ve triggered the forced transmission mechanism.”

“Ah, no way!”

Trian focused his attention on the surrounding sounds, his nerves on edge.

“…I can’t hear a thing. It’s like we’ve been sent to a very deep place.”

Then Pirol suddenly looked up and said:

“I’m sorry… I was pushed too hard by the senior and didn’t mean to…”

In reality, he was just pretending to cry.

However, Trian coldly slapped Pirol’s cheek.

“Darn it, don’t cry in the dungeon. Calm down and focus. Always be on your guard.”

Pirol’s expression turned pale as he nodded involuntarily at Trian’s stern face.

“It seems like there’s no one around us, and the remaining members are the problem.”

At that time, a messenger bird flew down and shouted in a voice like Sia’s.

“‘Hey, seniors, are you okay?! We’re managing somehow over here!'”

The Trail immediately dispatched a messenger bird to her.

“‘I and Pilol are safe. Elohim’s coach will come to rescue us soon, so just hold on a bit longer.'”

Then, she released the magic sword and muttered to herself.

“‘Well, what’s to be done now?'”

“‘As long as we’re safe, someone will come to rescue us, won’t they?'”

“‘That’s not wrong, but something feels off.'”

“‘Then shall we go up gradually?'”

“‘There’s no other way, I suppose.'”

The Trail took a deep breath, then raised her hand to the sky.

“‘Alright, it looks like that’s the exit, so be careful and let’s go.'”

As Trail led the way, Pilol followed closely behind, saying:

“‘You’re quite skilled at this dungeon.'”

“‘I’m a beginner at dungeons. I just know some basic things.'”

“Don’t be modest. Seniors are also known for their impressive backgrounds in journalism and elite groups, aren’t they?”

“That’s just a matter of luck.”

Piol’s eyes narrowed slightly at the tedious response.

But soon, something clicked in his mind and he smiled, opening his mouth again.

“What’s the matter with Trian seniors?”

“Really? Ah, he’s just a windbag.”

“Really? I’ve heard he’s a very capable and impressive senior.”

“That’s just the newspaper blowing things out of proportion. That damn newspaper should get a good scolding.”

“It’s not like I read it in the newspaper, it’s like Siran the prince said it himself.”

“Be careful. That guy’s just blabbing nonsense.”

…What’s the point of praising him, only to have him reject it?

Eventually, Piol grew tired and clamped his mouth shut for a while.

As he walked in an awkward atmosphere, Trian suddenly stopped and pointed ahead.

There were five similar-looking rat-like creatures roaming around, similar to the ones he had seen earlier.

Phirioh asked.

“If you’re seniors, you can handle it without any issues.”

“What kind of magic can you do?”

“There’s none.”

“What’s this?”

Tailin glanced back at Phirioh, his expression twisted in confusion.

Then Phirioh chuckled slightly and held up his cane.

“This is just a fashion accessory, you know.”

“Is it a sword or a gun?”

“Are you kidding? I wouldn’t learn something like that.”

Tailin looked at Phirioh with an incredulous expression before taking a deep breath and summoning his magic sword.

“It’s unavoidable. I’ll just hide quietly.”

“Ah, okay! Go ahead, seniors! I’ll cheer you on.”

Tailin silently rushed forward.

As they fought together more nimbly and without hesitation compared to when they fought together earlier.

The words in the newspaper article seemed to prove that it was not just empty talk.

Thanks to the back view, Pirol was convinced that he was on the same track as Trail.

“Hey, shall we go? It seems like we’ll have a better life after marrying the prince of Siruan.”

However, he soon shook his head, denying his own thoughts.

“His personality is too rigid. The difficulty level is likely to be even higher.”

At that moment, Pirol felt a faint presence approaching from behind him.

Should he call out for help to his senior, Trail?

No, it would be pointless, as it would be of no benefit to Pirol.

Therefore, Pirol quietly pulled out a dagger from his sleeve.

And then, without looking back, he threw the dagger and struck the monster’s head with one blow.

…A short while later, Trail defeated all the monsters and took a breath.

“Pirol, are you okay?”

“Yes! Thanks to Senior’s help, I’m safe!”

Trail turned around briefly and looked at the monster lying on the ground, his eyes wide with astonishment.

As Pirol slightly moved to the side, blocking Trail’s gaze, she said:

“Ah, that monster was already lying there from the beginning, wasn’t it?”

Trail looked at Pirol with a piercing gaze.

Pirol knew all too well the meaning of that expression.

Disdain and hatred…

Initially, those around her liked her or disliked her, one or the other.

And indeed, Trail had completely turned to the latter.

Pirol was about to completely give up on the thought of getting close to Trail, but

“Did you get trained at the assassin’s guild after being taken from an orphanage?”

Pirol took a brief pause and then smiled, saying,

“What nonsense? It’s too speculative.”

“Says who? I’ve heard that sort of thing happened a lot when I was at the orphanage.”

Trail turned back around.

Pirol chased after him, asking in a voice one step lower than usual, a tone that was more serious than usual,

“Did your senior also experience that?”

“Really, you’re an orphan too?”

“I’m not, though.”

“Let’s just say that.”

“…The assassin’s guild has already withdrawn.”

At that, Trail paused for a moment, turned around, and looked back.

“You must have had it tough, too.”

Piroli smiled wryly and said.

“That’s because it’s the first time I’ve heard you talk like that. I’ll give you a point for that.”

“That’s secondary, but I didn’t come here to scheme against Siran, did I?”

“I’m aiming for the prince, yes. But it’s not his life I’m after, it’s his heart.”

“If I ever did something silly to my friend, I wouldn’t forgive it.”

At that, Piroli raised his hands, his voice trembling with excitement.

“So, will senior be watching me closely to make sure I don’t do anything silly?”

At that, Trail raised an eyebrow and turned his head again.

“It looks like you’re really after his life, not just his life.”

“How can I be sure?”

“I warned them anyway.”

At that moment, a somewhat tumultuous battle sound echoed from the front.

As Trian and Piro ran towards the commotion, they found themselves in a wide open area where many children were fighting against numerous monsters.

Trian drew out her magic sword again and muttered to herself.

“It’s Shiran’s team, isn’t it?”

Instead of fighting, they were using flash bombs and defensive magic to keep the monsters at bay.

It was an uncharacteristically cautious approach for Shiran, but it was a good strategy to ensure the safety of many children.

However, the sheer number of monsters made it difficult to predict when the defense line would be breached.

As Trian hesitated for a moment, Piro called out from behind her.

“Wait here and come back when you’ve done something amazing.”

“What’s with the ‘do something amazing’ nonsense?”

“Make sure to show yourself off here so you can earn the admiration of those kids.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You’re the one who deserves a score with Prince Shiran, right?”

“I’ll just remain a weak and fragile girl.”

With that, Trailen let out a brief sigh and charged towards the monsters.

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