019 A Banquet for Carnal Desires

In a small inn room near the lake in the village.

Lizbeth stamped the floor with her greatsword and declared,

“The trial will now begin.”

At that, Cat, bound tightly with ropes, struggled and shouted,

“Cowardly! After all the cooperation I offered, this is how you repay me!”

Beside her, Muscle, also tied up, muttered,

“Of all things, to be royalty, talk about bad luck.”

And next to him, a man similarly bound and blindfolded grumbled,

“For me, it was completely out of the blue.”

Princess Shia sat demurely in her chair and said,

“It seems the three of you have yet to reflect. Shall I assist you a bit?”

She stretched out her hand and summoned thick chunks of ice onto the knees of the three.

Princess Shia smiled brightly as if it were a light prank, but

the three thrashed about, causing a commotion.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch, it’s cold, it hurts!”


“Wait! My side!”

Then Lillian sent off a blue bird and said,

“I’ve sent a message that I’ll take a different airship with Train tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you. What about the grimoire the thieves stole?”

“It seems they’ve agreed to buy it back at three times the price.”

Lizbeth crouched in front of Train, staring intently at his face, and asked,

“Are you really Train?”

“Indeed, I am.”

“No matter how much I look, I can’t tell.”

It was sincere, not teasing.

The recognition impairment effect was so strong that even knowing wouldn’t help.

Lisbeth still frowned and asked,

“What was the gift I gave you?”

“You gave me a total of four magic potions.”

“It seems like it’s Train… Princess Shia, you managed to recognize it well.”

Then Cat chuckled and replied from the side,

“It must be the power of love.”

Princess Shia paused, then cleared her throat and said with a laugh,

“It’s only natural since we’re engaged.”

Train couldn’t bring himself to respond.

He was thankful to be recognized, but…

If Princess Shia truly started to like Train, things would undoubtedly become complicated.

Suddenly, Lizbeth yanked hard on Train’s eye patch.

“It really won’t come off.”

“They say it takes a day to fall off.”

“Why not just wear it for life? It suits you quite well.”

“I think so too.”

Lizbeth punched Train in the head with her fist.

While Train glared at Lizbeth, Princess Shia clapped her hands, dispelling the summoned chunks of ice, and said,

“Lizbeth, please untie Train.”

As Lizbeth was untying Train’s ropes, Shia muttered to the other two,

“What shall we do with the other two? Given the grave crime of airship terrorism, it’s hard to just forgive.”

At those words, Cat and Muscle wore expressions of deep sorrow.

Regardless of the current circumstances, the two had been wanted for a long time.

Even if leniency was shown, they were looking at decades of imprisonment.

“Ah, it was a short life.”

“I have no regrets.”

At that moment, Train asked cautiously.

“Princess, isn’t there a law that allows a noble to take a commoner as a servant if the commoner commits a crime against them?”

At his words, Cat’s ears perked up.

Muscle also looked at Train with a slightly surprised expression.

Princess Shia, as if she had been waiting for that question, countered.

“Would that be acceptable to you?”

“It’s true that these two saved my life when I fell from the airship, and besides, they’re not bad friends.”

Princess Shia, feigning defeat, said to the two thieves.

“Then, can you both swear to never betray and to serve Mr. Train for the rest of your lives?”

“We swear!”

“We will swear.”

“Good. Lizbeth, release the other two as well.”

As soon as Cat and Muscle were freed, they threw themselves into Train’s arms.

“Thanks, you rascal! It’s all your fault, but thanks anyway!”

“From now on, we’ll call you our master!”

“Get off me! You’re disgusting!”


After spending a day at the inn, Trainne and his party decided to board the airship early the next morning.

Seemingly exhausted mentally, everyone promptly went to sleep as night fell.

Trainne had planned to sneak out and practice his swordsmanship as usual, but

Lizbeth astutely noticed and pushed him back into the room.

“You’ve taken quite a beating today, so rest up.”

Yet, he couldn’t settle down to sleep peacefully.

There was still one matter left unresolved.

After making sure that Cat and Muscle were asleep,

Trainne quietly lit the lamp and opened the grimoire ‘Hwaran.’

“Aren’t you asleep yet?”

Then, a voice spoke directly into Trainne’s mind.

‘The grimoire isn’t going to read itself, is it?’

‘Besides, is sleep really what’s important right now?’

“You must have a lot to talk about with me, don’t you?”

“…So what exactly are you?”

“I am the magical tome Hwaran.”

“I was born from the fairy tale book that Yuril-nim gave you.”

Upon hearing this, Train briefly checked the cover of the book and muttered,

“It’s true.”

“It’s true?! Is that really what you should be saying right now?!”

“How could you just abandon me and never come looking for me!”

“Do you even know how it feels to be sold around like a slave?”

It was then that Train remembered the fact he had forgotten.

During the fierce fight with the wolf beasts in the forest,

he had unknowingly dropped the fairy tale book.

And afterwards, he was so preoccupied that he completely forgot about it.

“…I’m sorry. It wasn’t on purpose.”

“Alright. I’ll accept your apology.”

“Consider yourself lucky that I’m broad-minded.”

“And I’m somewhat aware of your circumstances, Master.”

“You know about my circumstances?”

“We are practically one and the same, you and I.”

“I can read all your thoughts, Master.”

“Though your magic is broken, which has dulled the sensitivity.”

Honestly, Trine was creeped out.

To think that a grimoire could read all his thoughts.

“Well, that aside, how did you become a grimoire in the first place?”

“I was born out of your intense longing and love for Lady Yuril.”

“In simple terms, I’m akin to being your child.”

“So, essentially, Master, you’re the villain who abandoned his own child in the forest.”

There were more than a couple of things that seemed suspicious.

For starters, he had never heard of a grimoire that could converse directly.

And grimoires weren’t supposed to be so easily created, were they?

Especially suspicious was the name of the grimoire itself.

“What in the world made you choose the name ‘Hwaran’?”

‘Of course, I thought of it myself.’

“Lies. It’s too unfamiliar and out of the blue to believe that.”

‘Don’t change the subject! Is that really what’s important right now?’

‘In any case, you must treat me with care from now on.’

‘Change the cover to new leather and add a cute bookmark too.’

“To be honest, it’s so suspicious I just want to throw it away.”

At that, Hwaran changed her attitude and pleaded desperately.

‘I’m sorry! I made a mistake! Please don’t throw me away!’

‘I’m not really a suspicious book!’

‘I will definitely be of help to you, Master!’

“Then tell me honestly, what does the name Hwaran mean?”

‘Master, you’re too smart for your own good.’

‘Actually, it’s the name I had before I was reincarnated as a grimoire.’

“I have no lingering attachments to my past life, so please don’t worry about it.”

“How suspicious. How am I to know what schemes you might be harboring?”

After a brief pause, Hwaran spoke with a calm and firm voice.

“Trust me. My only wish is for you and Yuril to be happy together.”

…Traein sighed deeply and said,

“Alright. But if you do anything even slightly suspicious, I’ll discard you immediately.”

“Yes, I will never disappoint you.”

“Besides, with your intelligence, you’d quickly notice if I were lying, wouldn’t you?”

“It’s good to be cautious, but trust is also important with a reliable partner like me.”

“So, exactly what abilities do you possess?”

“I can use the magic spells on your behalf.”

“They’re more efficient than your currently broken magic circuits.”

“Plus, I can use all the spells from the magic books you’ve read so far.”

“That’s impressive!”

Train inadvertently cried out.

It meant that all of Train’s current flaws could be covered.

Moreover, it became possible to rewrite the lost grimoires.

“Have you finally realized how amazing I am?”

“So, please lavish your praises on me.”

“For your information, I prefer a natural white inner leather cover.”

“Alright, if it really helps, I’m willing to do that much.”

Then suddenly, Hwaran spoke in a slightly sad voice.

“But, I’m not omnipotent.”

“I’m just here to assist with your magic, after all.”

“…Right. I can’t break Yuril’s curse by relying on you alone.”

“Convenience is a double-edged sword.”

“Please don’t become arrogant just because you’ve obtained me.”

“I know. Whether you’re here or not, what I have to do doesn’t change.”

“Then, I look forward to working with you.”

“It’s definitely me.”

Though doubts hadn’t completely cleared,

somehow, the sincerity in Hwaran’s voice seemed genuine.

Train decided to trust Hwaran for the time being.

“Alright! Since it’s been brought up, I should swing my sword around today too.”

Train tucked the book back into his embrace and grabbed the wooden sword, opening the door,

only to find, for some reason, Lizbeth and Princess Sia standing firm.

“I knew this would happen.”

“Lord Train, didn’t we tell you to take a good rest today?”

Train stepped back in surprise.

“What! How did you know?”

“Your voice shouting about swinging a sword was heard all the way to the next room.”

Lizbeth approached with a rope to tie Train up.

Train retreated further and exclaimed,

“Wait! I get it! I’ll behave and rest quietly!”

“Princess! Please hold the train!”

“Stay still!”

In the end, Train had to be tied up with ropes and forced to sleep.


Two days later, after Train’s group arrived at the Romer Empire Airport by airship.

Barbara, Narsha, and the butler Elford were there to meet them at the airport.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing Train’s face unmasked,

but after hearing the whole story from Princess Shia…


Barbara commanded Train abruptly.

As Train knelt down, Barbara looked down at him and asked,

“So it’s all because of your foolishness, isn’t it?”

“No, I couldn’t help it…”

“Die! You! Worthless! Brat!”

Barbara kicked Train mercilessly.

During this time, Princess Shia asked the butler Elford.

“Has everything been alright with you all?”

“We’ve had no issues, but the situation with Prince Siran has become complicated.”

“What do you mean?”

“It would be faster to see for yourself.”

Train’s party immediately rode camels and set off.

What they reached after half a day was a small palace beside an oasis.

Everyone was momentarily spellbound by the palace, ornately decorated with gold.

Princess Shia, gazing intently at the palace, asked Elford.

“What place is this?”

“It’s Prince Krumchuck’s villa.”

“Don’t tell me they’ve imprisoned my brother…”

Just then, the palace gates opened,

and soon, soldiers came out carrying a palanquin.

The man riding atop the palanquin shouted out.

“Oh, Princess Shia! I have been waiting for your arrival!”

A handsome face with a bronze glow and a refreshing smile.

A slender yet muscular figure.

Adorned with numerous golden accessories.

Princess Shia frowned and muttered,

“Prince Klutz…”

“Come inside! I have prepared a small banquet for you!”


The palace interior was as splendid as the outside.

Interiors decked out in all manner of gold.

A table laden with the finest delicacies from land and sea.

Dancers numbering in the dozens.

Thanks to this, the female students whispered to each other,

“Indeed, the Romer Empire is wealthy.”

“Who would have thought we’d be personally entertained by the prince.”

“Don’t let your guard down, everyone. They are our rivals.”

Meanwhile, at one end of the table sat familiar faces.

Princess Sia recognized them and approached immediately.

“Siran oppa, everyone, I’m relieved you’re all safe.”

Prince Siran shook the handcuffs filled in his hand and replied,

“Just so you know, it hasn’t been exactly comfortable.”

Soon, other students joined, greeting each other and exchanging pleasantries.

Instructor Eloi smirked at Train.

“You’ve managed to decipher the Book of Walpurgis?”

Train, unable to help himself, smiled back.

“It seems your team didn’t make it.”

“Tsk! We did manage to get the flower of the Bulroc cactus.”

“Talk after you get those handcuffs off.”

Just then, Prince Koomchuck took the head seat at the table and exclaimed,

“Now! Everyone must be hungry, let’s enjoy the meal!”

At those words, everyone cautiously took their seats.

As Prince Kkeumcheok began to tear into the meat on his own,

Princess Shia, with a feigned smile, said,

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“What is it that you desire?”

“Hmm, quite impatient, aren’t we?”

“I would appreciate it if you could understand my current situation.”

To which Prince Kkeumcheok replied nonchalantly,

“Prince Shiran has been imprisoned for stealing the unyielding cactus flower of our empire.”

“That flower isn’t particularly a royal treasure, is it?”

“All treasures of our empire belong to us. Isn’t that obvious?”

Princess Shia remained silent for a moment,

Then Prince Kkeumcheok, laughing loudly to himself, said,

“Well, I’m not such a devil. I’m aware of the circumstances requiring the flower.”

And then, looking at Train, he asked,

“You’re Train, right? Are you prepared to lift Princess Shia’s curse?”

After a short sigh, Train replied.

“If we have the flower of the Bullock cactus, we could proceed with the ritual right away.”

“Good, good! Then I’ll specially permit the ritual to be held here.”

“Thank you.”

“After the ritual, I will also release the Princes of Sirian.”

At those words, Train furrowed his brows.

Why is he suddenly so compliant?

As expected, Prince Kumchuck spoke with a sneer.

“There’s just one condition.”

Prince Kumchuck rose from his seat.

Approaching Princess Shia,

he casually stroked her hair and said,

“After the curse is lifted, I shall personally enter into a betrothal with Princess Shia.”

Just as I thought.

Princess Shia struggled to maintain a smile, barely concealing her look of disgust.

Train hesitated for a moment, gauging Princess Shia’s mood before he dared to ask.

“May I be so bold to inquire, why does Prince Kumchuk wish to be betrothed to Princess Shia?”

“Isn’t it obvious? To pluck such a beautiful flower is a man’s desire.”

Prince Kumchuk suddenly pressed his nose into Princess Shia’s hair, sniffing audibly.

Princess Shia’s expression gradually began to contort in disgust.

Seeing this, Prince Kumchuk spoke to Train with a satisfied smile.

“Don’t resent me for stealing your fiancée. She was too much of a woman for you from the start, wasn’t she?”

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