"No...it's not..."

"I can swear to God... I really didn't eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil!!"

In the dock, Eve clasped her hands on her chest in prayer, and swore to the judge in the court with tears in her eyes.

However, she seemed to have forgotten one thing. This was Valhalla, the heavenly realm, and the person in front of her was the god she spoke of.

Swearing is meaningless in front of the gods.

Sure enough, God immediately rejected her statement: "No! I saw it with my own eyes! Eve stole the fruit of the tree forbidden by God!"

Xuan Hao suddenly understood after listening to this conversation.

The fruit of knowledge of good and evil is a fruit forbidden by the gods. Legend has it that Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden by the gods because they ate this fruit. Therefore, it was also called the 'forbidden fruit'. Later, this fruit was The word is also used to describe doing something taboo, as well as experiencing something on your own.

In short, Xuan Hao probably had a little understanding of the current situation.

In this time and space of this world, it seems that Eve was really unjustly expelled from the Garden of Eden because of the fruit of a certain divine tree.

As for what happened, he still doesn't know yet.

"No...no! It's obviously you..."

Eve's face was full of shame and anger as she listened to the words of the God who refuted her words.

The god in front of her was a snake god. The real situation was clearly that this guy had a misguided plot against her, but she escaped, so he wanted to use such a crime to get her expelled from the heaven, and then this guy could do whatever he wanted!

"What not!? This is the proof!"

Facing Eve who wanted to defend herself, the snake god presented the so-called evidence righteously.

It was a fruit shaped like an apple, with traces of being bitten on it.

But as long as anyone has eyes, if you look closely, you will find that the bite marks on it obviously do not belong to humans.

This was clearly a bite taken by the snake god himself, and then used as evidence to frame the case!

However, the next scene made Eve and Xuan Hao, who was quietly watching all this, understand the truth of "it's okay to impose a crime on others".

This is heaven, the government is God, the judge is God, and the prosecutor is also God. Where all power is in the hands of God, the probability of a person being found guilty is almost equal to 100%.

Of course, none of the gods who originally discriminated against humans and believed that it was a mistake to create Adam and Eve would be interested in Eve.

So the judgment seat was full of voices supporting the snake god.


"She must be exiled!!"

“Please convict quickly!!”

With the support of the gods, the priest slowly raised the hammer of judgment, and the verdict to be given was naturally self-evident.

"How come...does this mean...that I have to be separated from Adam?"

After understanding the truth, Eve immediately fell to her knees helplessly.

She knew that she could not resist the judgment of the gods in any way, and the only result was to be exiled from the Garden of Eden.

In this way, she would never see Eve in the Garden of Eden again.

Seeing this, the snake god had a smile of success on his face.

Seeing this, can Xuan Hao still not know what is going on?

This damn bastard is bullying Eve, who holds the fragment of his sister's soul!

However, just when Xuan Hao was about to make a fuss in the court, the door of the trial room was pushed open.


As the door slowly opened, the figures of the guards appeared in front of the gods.


The gods looked at the guards at the door in confusion, "What's the matter? The court is in session now!"

However, the guard did not answer, but fell to the ground with a thump.


When the gods saw this scene, they immediately realized something was wrong and stood up to look at the door.

"What...what's going on!?"

The priest asked angrily, holding the hammer of judgment that he had not yet had time to knock down.

Bang bang bang——

Light footsteps came from the door.

I saw a naked figure, not even wearing shoes, holding two baskets of fruits in his hands, stepping over the fallen body of the guard and walking slowly into the divine court.


Someone recognized the identity of this figure.

Yes, this is the only other human being in heaven besides Eve.

"Yes...it's Adam! Did he...did he knock down the guard?"

The gods were extremely puzzled by the scene at this moment.

In this heaven, even the guard is a god! A mere human being was able to defeat a god and break into the divine court! ?

"Huh!? What...what is this guy holding in his hand!?"

The gods found something more outrageous than defeating the gatekeepers.

The fruit that Adam is holding in his hands at this moment is none other than the fruit of knowledge of good and evil! And not just one or two, but two baskets! ! !

"Did this guy pick all the bald sacred trees and bring them here!? Is he crazy!? In this case, just holding these fruits is a felony!!"

"Adam! What are you doing here!?" The snake god angrily asked the human in front of him who dared to provoke the god.

But if you look closely, you will find that the thing in his eyes at this moment is not anger, but jealousy.

Yes, the serpent was jealous of Adam for being able to have the Eve he couldn't have.

This face can be described as ugly.

Xuan Hao looked at these so-called gods and shook his head repeatedly.

Is this the Garden of Eden known as ‘Paradise’? Why are there so many dirty guys living here?

Adam seemed to agree with him.

He liked these guys and looked down upon them, and he knew what the outcome of the trial would be, so he simply brought these fruits to cause trouble.


A crunching sound sounded.

I saw Adam biting a fruit unceremoniously in front of the gods.




Three, four...

He kept biting the fruits he brought, taking one bite of each one and throwing them on the ground. After destroying both baskets, he spat in the stunned eyes of the gods and cursed: "It's so sour~"


The gods seemed to be shocked by the scene in front of them.

From ancient times to the present, no one has ever dared to ignore the rules of the Garden of Eden and provoke them like this.

The snake god blocked Adam's path with a gloomy expression, trying to stop him from approaching Eve: "Adam, even if you want to disrupt the order of the court and save Eve..."

However, Adam seemed not to see him at all and had no intention of listening to what he said. He walked directly around and came to Eve and stretched out his hand.

"Eve, if you want to leave, I will come with you."

His words were 'leave' rather than 'be driven out'.

Yes, what Adam did at this moment was that he had already made up his mind to take Eve with him to leave the Garden of Eden.

The so-called paradise here is not a real paradise, it is just a filthy place where filthy things gather.

He will leave, but he will not be expelled, but leave with Eve in an upright manner, with his chest raised and his head held high.


Seeing Adam's hand reaching out to her, Eve was moved to tears and rushed forward to hug him excitedly.


Xuan Hao looked at this scene and couldn't help but have a faint smile on his face.

Good boy, you are so good at pretending, you are worthy of being my brother-in-law.

Yes, just because Adam dared to stand up against the gods, he had already concluded that Brunhilde had not chosen the wrong person.

Perhaps this is the first human being in this world who dares to resist the gods.

Xuanhao has probably guessed the next plot, because Brunhilde mentioned hatred.

So what happened next was nothing more than Adam taking Eve, leaving heaven with anger and hatred, and then multiplying the 'human' race.

From this point of view... it can be understood that the existence of 'humanity' is to resist the gods.

From a certain perspective, allowing humans to exist is itself a defeat for God.


The harsh sound of teeth grinding came.

It's the wrath of the snake god.

He grinned and looked at Eve and Adam hugging each other. He felt as if there were thousands of ants crawling around and biting him, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

"You...know where this is? Do you know your identity? Do you know who you are facing!?"

As he spoke, he tore off his tie and tore open his suit. His body continued to expand, and finally transformed into its most primitive form.

It was a giant snake with thick limbs.

"How dare you offend the gods! Don't expect a happy ending!"

Shadows enveloped Eve and Adam, and the snake god stared down at them with a ferocious expression.

However, facing such a snake god, Adam just gently protected Eve behind him, raised his head, and looked at him expressionlessly.

"It's so ugly! And... you made Eve cry, that's unforgivable."

"Damn clay doll! You actually mocked the gods!"

After listening to Adam's words, the snake god suddenly waved his claws angrily and attacked in the direction of the two of them.

"No need to banish you! I will tear you and your wife into pieces on the spot, and let you return to dust together!!!"

"Is it?"

Adam remained expressionless.

Those eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate the truth were staring at the movements of the snake god in front of him.

God's virtual vision·Copy.

This is the ability that Adam had when he was created.

Although he is a human, he has been given power comparable to that of a god.

Everything he sees with these eyes can be perfectly imitated by him and turned into his own power.


Two figures passed each other and blood splattered everywhere.

"Cut...chop...chop...into...dregs?" The snake god muttered, and the expression on his face gradually changed from ferocious to horrified.

The next moment, countless streams of blood spurted out from his body, and his limbs were cut into pieces by Adam at the moment they intertwined!

"It looks more pleasing to the eye this way. Then you won't be able to do bad things, right?"

Adam calmly looked back at his masterpiece.

From then on, the snake god had no arms and legs. This was a sanction imposed by humans on gods.

For a moment, the scene was so silent that you could clearly hear a pin drop.

The gods looked at the shocking scene in front of them, and for a moment no one dared to step forward again.

"Adam...I'm sorry...for me..."

Eve looked at this scene and said apologetically.

She knew that there was no turning back for Adam. Although he had not committed the serious crime of killing God, it would be impossible to live in this 'paradise' from now on.

"It's for our sake."

Adam smiled and stretched out his hand towards Eve, "It's okay if you don't want to stay in a place like this. Let's go, let's create our own real paradise together."

The two held hands and slowly walked out of the divine court under the frightened and angry eyes of the gods.


came an angry voice.

The gods seemed to have finally recovered from the shock, roaring and swarming towards the door, seemingly ready to catch up and cut these two disrespectful people into pieces.

However, before they reached the door, the door slowly closed automatically without any wind.

Adam and Eve couldn't help but turn around when they heard the voice coming from behind.

I saw a figure with his back to them, giving a thumbs up.


The door was completely closed, and then the divine court became as silent as a coffin.

Adam and Eve never expected that they would be able to leave so smoothly. They were originally prepared to face the wrath of the gods, but who knew that they didn't seem to have to do so now?

In short, the two of them went to the earth together and created the Western civilization of this world.


"You...what...did you...do?"

Seeing the blood-soaked demon-like figure returning to the Hall of Valor at this moment, Brünnhilde couldn't help but feel a sense of horror.

"It's nothing, I'm just helping you clean up the garbage in heaven."

Xuan Hao wiped his face to make it a little clearer, and replied with a smile.

"Yes...really?" Brunhilde didn't dare to ask any more questions.

What makes Xuan Hao strange is that after he slaughtered the gods in that time and space, this time and space did not seem to be affected.

Or... is my appearance actually reasonable?

In order to confirm something, he asked Brünnhilde in front of him doubtfully: "By the way, if it weren't for me, how would Adam and Eve escape the blame of the gods and escape from the Garden of Eden?"


Brünnhilde was slightly startled when she heard this, "It doesn't seem right... Historical records say that Adam and Eve were exiled for eating the forbidden fruit, and were sent to the human world with hatred. Adam did not defeat the gods. This A scene...wait...could it be said..."

She looked at the man in front of her in horror.

At this moment, she and Xuan Hao had the same terrible thoughts in their hearts.

It was his appearance that completed this unreasonable history.

All this seems to have its own cause and effect.

"Oh, are you including me in the cause and effect of the world? It's really... a bit interesting."

Xuanhao couldn't help but smile.

He guessed it was because his current power was not enough to completely transcend this world, just like why his power of law was suppressed by the will of the world.

"Okay, let's forget about this for now. In short, let's decide the candidates for the second battle."

"Um... But haven't you tested Adam yet?" Brynhildr asked doubtfully.

The last Lu Bu was educated twice by this man.

"I said he is qualified, and he is. What? Do you have any opinion?" Xuan Hao smiled, the blood stained on his face not yet wiped clean.


Brünnhilde did not dare to speak again.

In this way, under someone's selfishness, the list of the human side in the second battle related to the survival of mankind was determined.

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