A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 522 515. In short, let him not be able to fight back first

Chapter 522 515. In short, let him not be able to fight back first

However, it is natural that Yhwach’s ‘omniscient and omnipotent’ cannot understand Xuanhao’s power.

Although such an ability is incomprehensible in this world, it is only limited to this world, and Xuanhao's power comes from a higher level of power outside the world. Just like being separated by dimensions, the power of low dimensions cannot affect the existence of high latitudes.

The so-called 'omniscience and omnipotence' has no effect at all in the face of Xuan Hao's power of law, even if Xuan Hao himself cannot control the power of law at will. Just like an elephant lying on the ground, even if it doesn't move, it will not be shaken by the bite of an ant.

After understanding this clearly, Yhwach no longer wanted to be entangled with the man in front of him. He couldn't kill this man, but he might be killed by this man. It was not a wise move to continue to stay.

As a result, spiritual pressure poured into Xuan Hao along his arm that was in contact with Xuan Hao.

"Oh? What is this?"

Xuan Hao felt something strange coming from his chest and was a little curious.

Spider-web-like spiritual pressure began to spread along his chest toward his whole body, and an inexplicable force began to affect his whole body. This spiritual pressure seemed to be trying to control the movements of his body.

"You're too careless, human."

Yhwach explained gloomily, "My holy word is 'A', 'omniscience and omnipotence'. 'Omniscience' allows me to see everything, and 'omnipotence' allows me to do everything I want to do. I can Seize the 'all power' that you can understand, and of course you can also 'give' this power to others, just like now, I give it to you."

The outer shell of the Static Blood Equipment, this is the 'power' he has given to Xuan Hao at this moment. He gave his 'power' to Xuan Hao and tried to use the shell static blood suit to control Xuan Hao's actions.

Of course, he himself knew that it was impossible to completely control such a strong man, but as long as he could buy himself time to evacuate here, it would be enough.

"So, is this a gift from you?"

Xuan Hao grinned slightly, "Then I really have to thank you!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and grasped Yhwach's wrist.


How can it be?

Yhwach looked at Xuan Hao in surprise, who was still able to move freely.

The outer shell static blood suit he used on the opponent was obviously effective, but the opponent showed no signs of being restricted from moving.

"Don't be so surprised."

Xuan Hao held Yuhabach's wrist with a slight force, "I can probably understand your intention, but you have to know that there is an absolute gap in strength between us."


The sound of broken bones came from Yhwach's wrist.


Yhwach did not scream in pain because of the pain in his wrist. He just gritted his teeth and thought about what to do next.

The moment this man exerted his strength, he understood why his outer shell static blood suit could not affect the other party's actions.

Because there is an unbridgeable gap in the sheer power gap between the two.

To put it simply, there is still a gap between the 'violence' that he understands in his mind and the 'violence' that this man actually possesses. Although he can understand such things as 'violence', he cannot understand the 'violence' that exists in the other person. Violence' just how powerful it is.

The person in front of him is a veritable monster, and the power contained in his body cannot be shaken by his static blood suit.

The opponent's pure strength alone is enough to resist the impact of the shell's static blood equipment.

And that's not all. He saw that the outer shell of the static blood equipment spreading on the opponent was being destroyed at a speed visible to the naked eye. He could clearly feel that the spiritual pressure he had given to the other party was being disintegrated into nothingness by a force he could not understand, leaving not even a spirit child behind.

This was not caused by Xuan Hao's independent consciousness, but because the power of destruction in his body sensed that something was invading and was starting to fight back.

The invading spiritual pressure began to disappear, and finally gradually moved towards the fist against his body.


Yhwach secretly thought something bad when he realized that his fist was also starting to collapse.

Without hesitation, he condensed a spirit dagger in his other hand, decisively cut off his arm held by Xuan Hao, and then retreated.

This is impossible to fight.

He instantly realized that there was nothing he could do with the man in front of him.

Whether it was a pure physical strength competition or the use of 'skills', he was completely crushed.

Fortunately, the opponent clearly had such powerful power but only used brute force instead of directly destroying himself. Otherwise, he might have died long ago.

If he knew Yhwach's inner thoughts, Xuan Hao would probably feel helpless. It wasn't that he didn't want to directly use the power of destruction to directly obliterate Yhwach, but that he couldn't fully control this power.

This force usually checks and balances with another force in him, the "power of creation", and rotates to form a complete reincarnation, just like two strong men who maintain a temporary truce and cooperate, you glare at me and I glare at you. I couldn't stand it, but I couldn't do anything about the other party, so I was holding back my anger.

If any other force dared to disturb him at this time, he would be the perfect target to vent his anger.

Just like Balegang's "aging" before, and now Yhwach's "shell static blood equipment", if you dare to provoke them on their territory, you are just looking for trouble.

Yhwach quickly stopped the bleeding from his severed arm.

He held his arms and stared cautiously at the invincible man in front of him from a distance.

Yes, invincible.

This man is the only person besides the 'Spirit King' that he cannot see through. The difference is that he is very sure that he can kill the 'Spirit King', but he is not sure that he can kill the man in front of him.

Because there is no comparison between the Soul King and the monster in front of him. One is an 'incomplete god' who cannot escape or resist even if he stands in front of him, while the other is a monster with unfathomable fighting power.

Seeing that Youhabach had no intention of escaping for the time being, Xuan Hao was not in a hurry to take action.

Because his purpose is to 'end this meaningless war', and since it is his sister's request, he will definitely do it.

However, since the punch he just hit on Yhwach did not kill him, he knew that killing Yhwach might not be as easy as he thought.

‘Omniscient and omnipotent’ is indeed a troublesome ability. Even if the ‘knowing the future’ function of ‘omniscient’ is of no use to him, the opponent’s ‘omnipotent’ is still very buggy.

His punch just now was enough to kill any mortal creature in this world, but it failed to achieve the desired effect on Yhwach. It seemed that there was an inexplicable force that offset part of the damage, or to be more precise. It is said that this guy used his 'omniscience' to rewrite the 'future' or choose a situation that is most beneficial to him.

From this we can draw the conclusion that ordinary methods should not be able to kill Friend Harbach.

At least now Xuan Hao can't think of any good way to break the 'omniscience' and kill this guy. Unless the other party commits suicide like just now, he will have a chance to be directly obliterated by the power of destruction.

But Yhwach probably wouldn't make such a mistake again, after all, he just lost an arm like that.

"What do you think we should do? Old man."

Xuan Hao asked without looking back, "How can we solve this trouble?"

"If I want to kill him, I'm sorry, but I have no choice."

At some point, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni also caught up. He stopped behind Xuan Hao, shook his head and answered helplessly.

"That was really nerve-wracking."

Hearing this, Xuan Hao scratched his head helplessly.

Of course he can hear what the other person is saying. If he can't kill him, he can only subdue him.

But this is the method he least expects. If he doesn't eliminate the root cause, things will become very troublesome, just like when he met Muzan Kibutsuji in the previous world.

"That's why I hate guys who can't be killed the most."


Are you embarrassed to talk to me? Opposite you, Yhwach's eyelids jumped as he listened to the loud conspiracy of the two people in front of him.

However, this was not because Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni and Xuanhao wanted to be arrogant and conspired so loudly. After all, Yhwach was omniscient and omnipotent. There was no difference between discussing the conspiracy behind his back and conspiring in person.

"The best way I can think of is to seal him away."

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni suggested to Xuanhao, "If you can subdue him, I can completely seal him with spiritual pressure."

"How thorough?"

Xuan Hao curled his lips disapprovingly, "I don't believe there is a perfect seal in this world."

"But other than that, there is no other way for the time being..."

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni said.

If he could, he didn't want to leave any further trouble. After all, Yhwach at this moment already had enough power to render the entire Soul Society powerless. If this man hadn't come to his aid, today would probably be the end of Soul Society.

Although he didn't think that Yhwach could kill the Soul King with the presence of Division Zero in the Soul King's Palace, it would be easy to destroy the entire Soul Society.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he really couldn't think of a way to kill Yhwach.

After all, how could he do something that even such a powerful 'transcender' beside him couldn't do?

"How to do it exactly?"

After a while, Xuan Hao stretched his muscles and bones, and asked expressionlessly as his bones crackled.

Whether or not to kill Yhwach actually has little impact on him. After all, his mission in this world is not to save the world, but to find soul fragments.


Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni was a little confused by Xuanhao's posture. Does it mean he can still 'order'?

"In short, let him not be able to fight back first?"

Seeing that Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni didn't respond for a long time, Xuanhao started talking to himself.

The ear-piercing sonic boom sounded, and Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni was even more confused by the aroused force.

Seeing from a distance and seeing up close are two completely different experiences. At this moment, he looked at the terrifying speed of this man up close and felt a little doubtful about life.

It's not a 'Shunpo', there's no spiritual power fluctuations, there's no skills, this is the explosive speed brought about by pure power.

monster! Like Yhwach, he could not find any other words to describe the man in front of him except monster.

So how did Yhwach resist this attack and not die?

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni finally understood why his fist hit Yhwach and the other party didn't have any trouble at all.

How could a guy who could withstand such a fist be suppressed with his own fist?

Speed ​​was originally of no use to the 'omniscient and omnipotent' Yhwach.

Because no matter how fast the opponent is, from what direction they attack, or where they hit, he can clearly see it.

But it was different when facing this man.

He couldn't see this man's 'future', so he could only look at his own.

Depending on the goal chosen, the possibility of the ‘future’ will be different. If an option is lost, the ‘future’ that will arise will

The number will also decrease sharply.

It was like dividing countless 'futures' into two parts. One part was taken away by that man, and all he could see was the part that would happen to him.

And this part is often the worst.

If he can see this man's future clearly, then he can see the opponent's 'fist path', know the trajectory of the opponent's punch, and try to avoid the punch.

But when he looked at the future with himself as his goal, the situation was completely different.

Because he could not avoid such a fast punch with his own abilities, the future he saw was based on the premise of "hit".

This means that you will definitely be hit, and you can only choose a less injured future from these beaten 'futures'.

This is an extremely bad situation, because even if he chooses the optimal solution every time, the damage he suffers will still be superimposed, and there will be only death in the end.

But fortunately for him, the two idiots in front of him didn't seem to know this.

After all, no one really understands the power of 'omniscience and omnipotence' except himself.

Then the plan was made, it was better to be beaten than dead.

At this moment, Yhwach looked at Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni as if he had seen a savior.

He had completely given up on resisting and just wanted to be sealed away by this smelly old man that he originally hated.

The exploding fist struck Yhwach again and again.

It shattered his pride, dignity and everything.

He originally thought that he who had grown up would be the wave of the new era, that he could trample all the old bones like Yamamoto Shigekuni under his feet, and that he could create a new world that he was satisfied with.

But now he found that the wave died on the beach after all.

This painful experience made Yhwach understand some truths. The 'omniscience' is not invincible. It is best not to act lightly before being fully prepared. Also - never, never be the enemy of this man. !

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