A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 355 348. The boys who slayed the dragon

Chapter 355 348. The boys who slayed the dragon

"Sure enough, following Lu Mingfei is the right thing to do."

Fingel is very glad for his decision.

The only problem that stumps him now is that he has clearly reached the location of the signal, but he just can't find it, nothing. There was only a vast white ice field here, and neither Lu Mingfei nor Leviathan was seen.

"How do you get there?"

Fingel knew exactly why this was the case, and there was no other possibility than Nibelungen.

But he has been thinking about it for several days and still has no solution, because not everyone can enter the Nibelungen. It is very likely that Lu Mingfei has encountered Leviathan now, and he is still trapped in the Nibelungen. Outside Borungen.

Fingel was very anxious at this moment. Of course, he was not afraid that Lu Mingfei would be killed by Leviathan, but that Leviathan would die before he arrived.

"Junior brother, you have to take it easy, this is my prey..."

Fingel murmured to himself as he used a pile of unknown materials to place a strange alchemical matrix on the ground. This is material he has been preparing for years to prepare for today.

Flamel is an excellent alchemist and an excellent mentor. And Fingel was not a good student.

Because Fingel has not spent his energy on the research of various alchemies over the years, but has focused on destructive power and cracking various fields.

Strengthening the destructive power is for revenge, and learning how to crack the domain of dragons is for finding and entering the Nibelungs for revenge. In short, everything he does is for revenge.

Silent, cold, lonely.

Lu Mingfei felt like he was sinking. He smelled death. This time, no one came to help him. The boss is gone, and the devil who claims to be with him to the end of the world has also left. He is left alone, dying alone in this cold and biting sea water.

Speaking of which, he seems to have no regrets in his life. Even God King Odin was beaten to pieces by him. What else is there to regret? I just don’t know if everyone has remembered it.

Yes, Lu Mingfei still remembers that the purpose of his coming here is to regain everyone's memory.

does it worth? The boss did help him a lot, but there was no need to work so hard, right? Lu Mingfei felt that he was really stupid now that he thought about it, but he still did it because he thought he should do it.

Even if we don’t owe each other now, right? No, no, he doesn’t want to die yet!

Lu Mingfei suddenly regretted it. He felt that he should not die here, right, little devil! Lu Mingze told him that he was only leaving temporarily, and he would have to wait for Lu Mingze to come back. If Lu Mingze came back and found that his brother was gone, wouldn't he be sad?

No, no, no, that's not right either. He was going to find Lu Mingze, how could he stand still here? It's not okay to wait for others for everything...

Lu Mingfei swam upward crazily.


He seemed to have hit something, hard and cold, a thick layer of ice, sealing him below the water like a barrier between life and death.

"Gulu gulu..."

He was suffocated, so uncomfortable, he felt like he was really going to die.

There was no strength left to struggle.

There was silence and darkness all around, and the world was moving away from him.

A fire ignited on the rag that had been frozen into a popsicle. The hot flames melted the ice on the stick and burned the rag that wrapped it into flames.

It was a pitch-black knife. As the black flame burned, a black light glowed on it. The black light greatly extended the length of the blade. The blade was twisted, and a long knife with a strange shape emerged.

The darkness was suddenly cut apart.

It was a long black knife with blazing flames. It cut down like the beginning of the world, cutting open the ice and water together. The blazing high temperature melted the ice and snow and evaporated the sea water, instantly dispelling the severe cold, and the world seemed to become bright again.

Strong hands grabbed Lu Mingfei's collar and lifted him up from the bottom of the water. What followed was a ferocious kiss that smelled of biscuits. The kiss made Lu Mingfei feel that the water in his lungs was instantly drained. Make time.

The man spat out the seawater with a "tui" sound and continued to perform artificial respiration.

Lu Mingfei felt as if a bear was giving him artificial respiration. His entire lungs were instantly filled with air, and then a loud slap woke him up.

"Junior brother useless! Junior brother useless!"

Fingel slapped Lu Mingfei on the ear, and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Mingfei open his eyes, "Finally woke up! I knew you wouldn't die so easily!"

Lu Mingfei had just come back to his senses and gradually realized what had just happened, "You, you, you, you..."

"Me?" Fingel pointed at himself in confusion, and then quickly reacted, "Oh, don't worry about the details. Isn't this a crisis moment?"

"And now is not the time to talk about this..."

Fingel threw the weak Lu Mingfei aside, brandished his knife and turned around to stare into the distance.

Only then did Lu Mingfei realize that the good-for-nothing senior brother in front of him was completely different from usual, especially the pitch-black sword in his hand, which was so cool! Even more impressive than his Seven Deadly Sins!

etc! Where are my seven deadly sins? When the Seven Deadly Sins were mentioned, Lu Mingfei immediately realized that his set of alchemical knives had gone somewhere.

But now is not the time to look for knives, because something is approaching here.

Following Fingel's line of sight, he saw a vast expanse of white ice, but if he looked carefully, he would find a huge black shadow under the ice moving in their direction.

As the shadow approached, Lu Mingfei felt the temperature around him drop sharply, and his body, which was already covered in water, began to freeze and tremble.


The majestic sound lingered between heaven and earth, like a giant whale singing. However, the sound did not sound good to people, and even made people feel frightened, as if they were listening to the song of death.

"Coming, coming, coming!"

Fingel's whole body was trembling, and he was muttering involuntarily, speaking faster and faster, becoming more and more excited, like excitement, but also like anger.

The long knife in his hand once again burst into blazing black flames.

Lu Mingfei was shocked. This was the first time he saw the terrifying appearance of the good-for-nothing senior brother. His face was as ferocious as a ferocious beast. No, this can no longer be called a loser. He even feels that Fingel is stronger than Caesar and Chu Zihang now! For some reason, he suddenly remembered that this senior brother once had an A-level bloodline.

It turns out that this man was never bragging, everything he said was true! He was once the best commissioner at Kassel College! At this moment, Lu Mingfei was convinced of this.

The surrounding temperature was getting lower and lower, and at some point, a thick white mist enveloped the world, blending the ice surface with the sky.

"Junior brother, can you still move?"

Fingel's voice was low, as if he was suppressing anger.

"Uh... yes!" Lu Mingfei replied quickly.

"Okay, if you can move, get out of the way. This is my hunting ground next!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fingel had disappeared from the spot.

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the cut marks on the ground, which were the marks left by Fingel dragging the long knife at high speed.

The flames burst onto the solid ice, like a pitch-black missile, rushing towards the shadows ahead.

Suddenly cracks appeared on the ice, and Fingel's calf muscles exploded as he jumped up.

The black flames drew a perfect arc in mid-air, and the knotted muscles bulged in his arms. He held the long black knife in both hands and swung it down towards the ice below.

The flames roared, and his target was the shadow beneath the ice.

"The Dark Killing Flame Demon Sword!"

Lu Mingfei watched in stunned silence as Fingel swung his knife. Was he going to break the ice and the things underneath?

Where to stay? Senior brother, is he crazy? Lu Mingfei backed away crazily.

The high-pitched roar of the dragon sounded, and the ice broke before Fingel could break it. The huge body rose from the bottom of the sea, breaking through the hard ice and setting off a huge wave that seemed like a craze at the end of the century. Facing the dark flames.

"I'll wipe it!"

Lu Mingfei felt that Fingel had already exploded, and this scene was even more powerful than when he fought Odin.

The moment the seawater came into contact with the flames, it evaporated, and the violent force cut off the huge waves. Fingel continued to fall, and would soon fall on top of the huge guy.


Fingel shouted this guy's name, he was laughing wildly, the power in his hands continued to increase, the bright golden eyes were burning with angry flames, and his face was covered with fine scales before he knew it.

The flames on the long knife are getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that it can burn everything in the world!

The whale song sounded, and the split frenzy quickly condensed into ice from bottom to top, forming an ice wall that blocked the sky and blocked the progress of humans above.

An angry roar came from under the sea, and the endless majesty suddenly rose up like anger.

But Leviathan's anger was meaningless, and no one of the two people present was intimidated by its majesty.

Fingel was still falling with the long knife in his hand, and the burning flames melted the extremely cold ice. He roared angrily. Nothing could block the flames on his knife. This was the anger he had hidden for many years, even if it was God will also be burned!

Violence and fire shattered the ice.

Where the man fell, the ice cracked with force before it could completely melt. The overwhelming ice fragments shot out in all directions, scratching his body but unable to stop him from moving forward.

The next moment, Fingel's figure approached Leviathan, and the black flames of the long knife extended the blade and slashed it down, as if it was about to split the giant whale's head in half.

"Mortal, how dare you!?"

Angry roars fell from the sky.

The overwhelming majesty came towards Fingel alone, as if the whole world was pressing on him.

His forward movements were delayed for a second.

At this second, a slender arm with pale blue scales clamped Fingel's long knife.

The extreme cold extinguished the flames on the blade.

Fingel was stunned.

When he got closer, he discovered that there was a tiny figure standing above Leviathan. Compared with the majestic figure of the giant whale, it was insignificant, and he had even ignored it from the beginning.

But this figure easily caught his almost full blow!

A faint blue aqua halo lingered around this figure. This was a human figure covered in blue scales. Judging from its petite and bumpy figure, it seemed to be a woman. The blazing golden light in her pupils shone in the sky. It looks particularly eerie against the blue light.

This figure stood above Leviathan's head, catching Fingel's long knife in one hand, like a god coming.

"Mortals, when you see the throne, why don't you kneel down!?"

A cold voice sounded, and the man exerted slight force with one hand.

The anger in Fingel's eyes turned into horror, because his Word Spirit is a Bronze Throne, a pure power Word Spirit, and he is in a violent state at the moment. He is confident that even Lu Mingfei, who is already a genuine S-class, can follow him. He will be suppressed even if he competes for strength.

But even with such power, he was easily crushed by the figure in front of him!

The blazing golden pupils were filled with anger, and the humanoid exerted force with one hand. The powerful force forced Fingel to kneel down.

Above the head of the huge white whale, two tiny figures looked at each other.

Fingel knelt on one knee, with unwillingness and anger in his eyes. The figure in front of him suppressed him with one hand, his eyes cold and ruthless.

"It's not you I'm looking for, get out."

A cold voice sounded, and Fingel felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and then the scene in front of him continued to retreat.


The blood was condensed the moment it spurted out, and Fingel flew backwards quickly.


Lu Mingfei hurriedly ran in the direction of Fingel flying backwards, trying to catch the falling figure. Everything happened too suddenly, and the senior brother who was so fierce just now was knocked away in an instant!


Lu Mingfei barely caught Fingel, but both of them were hit by the huge impact and fell into the cold sea water.

The pale blue figure looked at all this indifferently. Under her body was a docile white whale. The cold wind blew her long sea-blue hair, surging like a sea tide.

Lu Mingfei struggled to drag Fingel to the ice floe, and was horrified to find that Fingel's entire abdomen had collapsed at this moment, and the scales covering it shattered under the violent power of the figure. If it weren't for his speech spirit, The Bronze Throne is probably a dead man now.


Fingel coughed violently, and sea water mixed with blood spurted out. He wiped the corners of his mouth with some effort, and miraculously stood up again!

"It was such a close call, I almost died."

Fingel said with a ferocious smile, "How careless."

"What on earth is this guy?" Lu Mingfei asked.

He looked at the blue figure staring at him indifferently in the distance and felt a little trembling in his heart. For some reason, Lu Mingfei always felt that this guy was coming for him!

"I originally thought there was only Leviathan, but I didn't expect that someone more troublesome would appear." Fingel's voice was a little hoarse. "If I guessed correctly, this guy should be the first generation species."

Yes, the first generation species. Apart from this, Fingel could not think of anything else that could use Leviathan as a mount and possess such unconventional power. There was no other possibility except the first generation species.

"You mean...the King of Ocean and Water?"

Lu Mingfei's eyes widened.

Are all the current Dragon King level guys so worthless? He just killed an Odin, and here comes another King of the Ocean and Water! How about putting it in the queue?

"It seems like he's targeting you," Fingal said.

"Then what should we do now?" Lu Mingfei frowned. He had just experienced a fierce battle and he had not recovered at all. How could he deal with a dragon king? Not to mention the Dragon King, he felt that even that mount could swallow him in one bite.

"What else can we do?" Fingel gritted his teeth, with a cruel smile on his lips. He didn't seem to be afraid, but instead was extremely excited, "Fight with all your strength!"

"Got you."

The cold voice reached Lu Mingfei's mind, making him feel chilled all over, and a chill surged into his heart.

The white whale floats in the ice sea like an island, and the pale blue figure standing on the top of the white whale's head is talking to him!

Lu Mingfei raised his head and looked at him. He couldn't see clearly the expression of the figure, but for some reason he always felt that the other person was smiling. The contemptuous sneer seemed to have convinced him!

The man slowly raised his hand, and ice cones condensed in the cold air, hanging above the heads of Lu Mingfei and Fengel, like the sword of Damocles, seemingly ready to fall at any time!

The slender arms waved down gently, like a decree from the God of Death, and the frost blade fell from the sky accompanied by the biting cold wind.

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the oncoming sharp blade, and subconsciously stood in front of the injured Fingel. He stretched out his hand to block the sky-hanging sword.

Their lives were swaying with the ice floes like candles in the wind. They had no chance of winning against the person in front of them here.

Because what is in front of her is the King of Ocean and Water. This is her home court. She is almost invincible here. For some reason, Lu Mingfei even felt that the pressure she brought was far greater than that of Odin!

"The boss is really...always finding us challenging jobs..."

Some plaintive voices sounded.

Lu Mingfei was stunned.

At some point, a small submarine surfaced through the broken ice, and two figures in tight-fitting combat uniforms crossed lightly in front of him and Fingel.

"Boy, you can't die now. If you die, the boss won't be able to come back."

The black shadow turned his head and glanced at Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei was stunned by the exquisite figure, the exquisite curves, and the long legs. But for some reason, this woman looked at him with a look of disgust on her face.

Mai Shutoku raised her head and stared at the falling sword, her eyes burning with blazing golden flames.

The ancient spirit of words seemed to still echo in her ears, lingering word by word.

This was the last strength the boss gave her before leaving, to protect this young man who looked like a loser!

‘I give you blood to refine your soul with blood. You will never be able to reach unreachable places, but wherever you go, you will be radiant! I give you a sword to kill all those who rebel! ’

‘Said, Tian Yu Yu Zhan, said, Budu Yuhun! ’

She stood firmly in front of Lu Mingfei, waving the two sharp blades in her hands.

"Let's see whose sword is sharper!"

Extremely sharp, she is the boss's sharpest sword, like the realm of death spreading out from her body, covering everyone around her.

She drew her swords with both hands, using the 'Tianyuyu Slash' in her left hand and the 'Budu Yuhun' in her right hand!

Another petite figure beside her also stretched out his hand, drew his sword, and slashed at the falling ice sword.

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