Chapter 1247 1240. Cleaner

"——Don't think of me as a fool. After all, I am also a magician. If the other party wants to fight, I will definitely accompany him to the end."

Trying not to be overwhelmed by his courage, Emiya Shirou faced off against the red knight with all his strength.

The guy snorted as if he was insulting someone and shrugged his shoulders in an exaggerated "Ouch, ouch" way.

"It's a joke. A magician who doesn't even smell of blood is just half-hearted. Didn't your master teach you this, Emiya Shirou?"


The momentum disappeared instantly.

...Yes, Kiritsugu did say that.

Magicians live with blood.

It has nothing to do with hurting others. Even if he didn't take action, the road ahead would be stained with blood.

Because of this——Kiritsugu told him not to become a magus.

"...Are you saying that I don't smell of blood?"

"That's right. From this point of view, Emiya Shirou is not suitable to be a Master at all. There is a huge difference between him and Rin."

"——This is nothing. Does Tohsaka smell of blood?"

"Of course. Although she is a little naive, she will never show mercy when it's time to strike. If not, she wouldn't have been wandering the streets searching for the Master for several days."


For several days in a row, you have been searching for the Master...?

That means a battle with the Master.

It’s impossible to say that once you find it, you’re done.


"...So, Tohsaka does something like today every day?"

That thing at school.

It's the same thing as killing each other in the forest every day...?

"How is that possible? I don't want to look as embarrassed as today again. For a magician with such awareness and talent, taking you as an opponent is like returning to her actual age."

"Besides, with her ability, there is no need to cooperate with Emiya Shirou. But she still did unnecessary things. As for me, I am opposed to this cooperation--forget it, there is no other way. Servants must Obey the Master."

"Is that so, Shirou Emiya? Even if the Master is a useless immature, the servant must still obey the Master's wishes."

……This sentence--

I'm probably talking about him and Saber.

"——That's right. Tohsaka is really pitiful. He has to be paired with a guy like you who loves to tease people."

"...I can't stand it. You're so talkative that you can't stop talking. You still keep saying such things. I'll give you a piece of advice, don't consider the character of your followers. We are just things summoned purely for fighting. ’. Anyway, the servants are just tools connected through command spells, so the jokes said by the tools can be completely ignored.”


"There is no such thing", Shirou Emiya could not say this.

The words spoken by Archer, who was bound by the Command Seal, were unquestionable truth.

...Although he never thought of Saber as a tool, in fact, Saber was indeed bound by the Command Seal.

"Then why did you stop me? It couldn't be some stupid reason to deepen our friendship."



There would be no reason.

It's just because I really can't hold a breath in my heart, and it's really uncomfortable not to complain a few times.

"That's right. Archer, do you want the Holy Grail too?"

I had no choice but to ask questions I already knew the answers to.


"Holy Grail——? Oh, an evil treasure chest that can grant human wishes. I don't want that kind of thing. My wish, that kind of thing cannot come true at all."

The crimson knight made a clear assertion with contempt.

"----what happened……?"

Isn't this a contradiction?

Servants all want to get the Holy Grail.

Wasn't it because he wanted to obtain the Holy Grail that he responded to the magician's call and became a servant...?

"Wait a minute, this is too ridiculous. Then why do you want to become a servant?"

"I can't help myself. I have no free will at all. Do you think the servant responds to the summons according to his own will?"


No free will...?

So, this guy obviously has no interest in the Holy Grail, but he was still summoned...?

"What a happy man. Have you really not thought about it? Listen up, the so-called servants are 'people who are called out'. No, heroic spirits do not rely entirely on their own will, but are summoned because of the will of others. Called out. He became a heroic spirit because of his past achievements, and was later passed down by people and became their pillar. "

"——But. Then, does that heroic spirit really think about 'helping mankind' from the bottom of his heart?"

"——No, that's..."

...Since he is called a heroic spirit, he should be a noble person.

Therefore, we must protect people, but most of the servants Shirou Emiya saw did not have this image.

"That's right. After all, 'heroic spirits' have no will at all. After becoming a heroic spirit, they are only regarded as a force that protects humans."

"An existence that is called out when the situation is unfavorable for oneself, cleans up and then disappears. Something that exists but does not exist. It is a thing that saves the world from crisis, but no one recognizes it. This is a heroic spirit———— A convenient being called a guardian. After becoming a heroic spirit, his will was stripped away and he became nothing more than a cleaner who continued to work for humanity.”


Something is called out, and then there is nothing but disappearance.

It's just an item without a will. Could this be a heroic spirit...?

"It's not like that. Don't you and Saber both have their own consciousness?... Although it has nothing to do with your own wishes when you are summoned, you can make your own choices after being summoned. Saber doesn't want to do it either. She will refuse."

"That's natural. We are Servants. Although we don't know who made the ritual (), this war was designed very ingeniously. It gives a body to a heroic spirit that originally only had the touch from its body, and uses it as its body. . When the heroic spirit gains the shell of a servant, it regains its past humanity, past obsessions, and at the same time, its past regrets.”

"That's why Servants pursue the Holy Grail. If they obtain the Holy Grail, they can make up for past regrets and stay in this world as humans for a longer period of time."

"Stay as a human being——"

In other words, you should gain freedom not as a servant, but as a human being.

...In addition, the Holy Grail also has the power to grant wishes.

Servants will indeed cooperate with their masters if their wishes that were not fulfilled during their lifetimes can be fulfilled.

Even to them, who are heroic spirits, the Holy Grail is like a miracle given by God.

"...Why. Would you say you don't need such a thing? It can fulfill unfulfilled wishes. Even if you want to get rid of your status as a servant, you can do it."

"——The reason is very simple. As for me, I don't have any unfulfilled wishes."


"Unlike other heroic spirits. I died and became a heroic spirit after my wish came true. So I don't have any wishes that I want to fulfill, and I have no interest in staying here as a human. This is your servant. It should be the same."

"Don't, don't say anything stupid. Saber said that the Holy Grail is necessary for her. It's not like you, who is a servant with no purpose."


Archer whispered blankly.



Although he didn't say anything special, a chill ran through Shirou Emiya's body.

"...Hmph. It's the same whether she has a purpose or not. If you care, try asking. Although Saber's purpose is the Holy Grail, she is definitely not using the Holy Grail for herself. From this point of view, she is a typical guardian. , a veritable 'slave' - if you are still her master, you must not forget it."

The breath gradually disappeared.

The knight in the crimson coat said annoying words until the end and then left.


"I'm back."

Emiya Shirou's current brain, which is not very capable of thinking, can still speak those idioms. Anyway, let's talk about it after entering the entrance hall.

There was a lively atmosphere coming from the living room.

Fuji-san was lying down watching TV, and Sakura was probably preparing dinner.

saber————is it in the living room?


Thinking of Archer's words, Emiya Shirou quickly shook his head and drove it away.

What the guy wanted to say, he didn't know and didn't want to know.

Despite this, those words still echoed in my mind, and I couldn't ignore them.

A familiar known as a Servant.

The true meaning of the guy who demoted heroic spirits to be janitors.

"Ah. Welcome back, senior."

Sakura was still cooking, but she ran out to greet him.

"I'm back. I'm sorry for being late. Where's dinner, how are you preparing it?"

"Well, I just started making it. But I don't think I need help from the seniors. Tonight's menu is a stew made according to Fujimura-sensei's request."

"That's right. Then you really don't need help."

After a quick look, the kitchen was lined with many cut food ingredients.

Sakura's handwork is always good, so all that's left is to cook it.

"——Where is Saber? She doesn't seem to be in the living room."

"If you want to find Ms. Saber, she is sleeping in her room. She said she would wake her up when the senior comes back..."

"Um...Saber, is she...angry?"

"Well...I don't think there is such a thing, right? Miss Saber has always been very serious."

...Sakura hesitates when speaking, which means Saber is obviously angry.

This is also the case, he failed to keep his promise to come back before sunset.

"Hey, you're back, Shirou. Saber is angry, isn't she? She said she would go to the dojo to talk when you come back."

Fuji-san, who was eating a large amount of satsuma mandarin oranges, leisurely said something very scary.

"——-Sister Fuji. Well, you didn't instill any strange thoughts into Saber, right? ...For example, those who violate the agreement will be punished with bamboo swords in the dojo?"

"I told you. I said my Shirou plays sports, so you don't have to show mercy when fighting."



The enemy is not only the Master, but also lurking in places like this.

"I'm asking you something irrelevant. Sister Fuji, did you take Saber to the dojo? Then if you want to compete, just use a bamboo sword."

"Yeah, I just wanted to have a little fun, but who knew that girl is really amazing. She doesn't know kendo, but she seems to be a better kendo expert than me. Is that girl practicing fencing abroad? of?"

"No, I don't think she has practiced fencing. But anyway, she is completely different from Fuji-san... That one seems to be wielding a big sword that is completely disproportionate to her size, and attacking the enemy like a wild animal. "

"Forget it, who asked you to ask for it? Speaking of Sister Teng, about Meizu...has that guy gone home?"

"Huh? Why would Shirou know about this? The matter about Mizu has not been made public yet."

"Ah, that was eavesdropped from the student union office - and then what happened. What happened? Did you find the beauty?"

Emiya Shirou stared at Fuji-san without moving.

... Even though Sister Teng looks like this, she is still a teacher.

Teachers do not say what they should not say, and they also use some expedient measures to make students feel at ease.

Therefore, you can't miss even the slightest change on her face, and you must ask how Meizu is doing.

"What's going on, Sister Teng? Still no progress?"

"...I really can't do anything about you. If I didn't tell you, you would have run out to look for me right away. It's not an absolutely secret topic anyway... But Shirou, this is a special situation. It's just because Shirou is a friend of Mizu-san. I just told you?"

"I understand. I will remember this kindness, so tell me quickly."

"Then let me tell you the result directly. Mizu-san has been protected just now. He should have completed the examination and gone home by now. Although he seems to be a little unconscious, there is no external injury or life-threatening——Others I can’t say it anymore. If Shirou is her friend, just ask Mizu-san himself.”

"————Really. Anyway, nothing happened at all. That guy..."

……Very good.

Although he didn't know what happened to Meizu, he at least understood that it was part of this series of events.

There is a high possibility that the culprit is the Master lurking in the school.

If something happened to Meizu because of this, he really didn't know who to regret to.

"...Right. Sakura, excuse me."

"...Huh? What's the matter, senior?"

"No, it's not a big deal. It's just you know how Shinji is doing?"

"Ah... well, I'm sorry, senior, yesterday I stayed here and went directly to school? So I didn't go home. Although I also heard from the teacher about my brother's unexcused absence, but..."

"Don't you understand the situation? That's right. How could Sakura know such a thing? I'm sorry for asking something I shouldn't have asked."

"No, there is no such thing...! I should know the best about my brother. It's my fault that I don't even know the reason why my brother doesn't go to school!"

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