A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 11 6. Ancient Dragon Corpse

Chapter 11 6. Ancient Dragon Corpse

The underground wine cellar of Cassel Manor, which was originally supposed to be used to store wine, has been transformed into an operating room.

A white cloth separated the wine from the coffin in the center, but the aroma of the wine couldn't stop coming. Maybe this would save even anesthetic.

Dr. Modler's assistant opened a suitcase, which contained the surgical tools for this dissection. The blade of the knife reflected the light under the dim kerosene lamp, reflecting Dr. Modler's excited and nervous face.

Angers wore a white coat and stood behind Dr. Modler. He had tried to persuade the old people to terminate the autopsy before, but unfortunately, he failed, so at least he wanted to stay here personally, just in case. one.

"Can we... start?" Dr. Modler asked Angers excitedly.

Anger nodded, took out his folding knife, soaked it in the silver amalgam basin prepared nearby, and then cut the blade into the gap in the coffin lid. The folding knife cut through the iron like clay, cutting off one coffin nail after another as if there was no resistance.

The coffin, which had been covered in dust for an unknown number of years, was opened, and countless inexplicable gases gushed out from the gaps. The doctors and nurses subconsciously retreated, but Angers was still standing in front of the coffin.

He pushed open the coffin lid expressionlessly and looked at what appeared in front of him. Even he was a little shocked.

"Oh, my God, this is really a medical miracle!" Dr. Modler came forward excitedly, holding his hand on his chest and unable to conceal his excitement. The purpose of his coming here today was precisely to witness the miracle.

Dr. Modler graduated from the University of Munich. In the university museum, he saw many ancient corpse specimens from all over the world. No matter how well-preserved it is, it is completely incomparable to the "corpse" in front of you.

In front of him was a sleeping Chinese boy. His skin looked soft and his black hair was warm. At first glance, he looked like he was really just asleep. Even the eyelashes on his eyelids were well preserved.

But he was indeed dead. Dr. Modler could see that the body showed signs of dryness and dehydration, and the muscles throughout the body were atrophied. Even if it was well maintained, it was still a mummy. But there is no doubt that this is the most perfectly preserved ancient corpse that Dr. Modler has ever seen. Not only the gold, silver and jade buried beside it, but also the Confucian clothes and crown of the Han people at that time, including the dragon, phoenix and peacock decorations, have been preserved. The Chinese boy lies on a beige moiré tapestry with a silver medal at his feet. Time seemed to have stood still from the moment he was buried.

"Is this true?" Modler couldn't believe his eyes. With such perfect preservation technology, he really couldn't imagine that the ancients thousands of years ago could do this.

Angers picked up the silver medal. The moment he touched the brocade, the seemingly well-preserved cloud-pattern brocade turned into dust like smoke. Sure enough, thousands of years are not something that mortals can lock away.

"Oh my god, this is a sample from a thousand years ago! It's just gone!" Modler was a little sad.

"You don't need me to prove the truth anymore, do you?" Ange looked at the silver medal in his hand, his expression changed, and he remembered Xuan Hao's bet with him, "There are too many unknown things in this world, don't try All explained by science..."

Angers wanted to confirm something. He patted Modler on the shoulder expressionlessly: "Stop the dissection. I will be back soon. No one is allowed to act rashly before I come back."

"Huh? Why is this like this?" Dr. Modler looked surprised. He was about to witness history, and now he was told to stop? How could I be willing to do so!

In a certain room in Cassel Manor, Xuanhao was chained to the pillar with a thick iron chain. He lowered his head and squinted his eyes, as if he was sleeping.

Lu Shanyan was sitting aside, wiping the revolver in his hand. Just as he said, he would always keep an eye on Xuan Hao.

"We took a sample of your blood and found that you really do seem to be a pure human being."

"Then you won't let me go?" Xuan Hao said lazily with his eyes closed. His spirit had been tense since before, and now he finally had time to rest.

"We're sorry, but we can't guarantee you're safe, though."

"But I can't even deal with an iron chain... Why do you think I'm dangerous?" Xuan Hao shook his body helplessly, and the iron chains that tied him jingled.

"A viper never shows its fangs before attacking."

"Then you tied me up and planned to dissect me for research?"

"We have this plan...but now we need to dissect the just-delivered goods first."

Xuan Hao sneered in his heart, these guys couldn't find a way to seal him, so they wanted to study it?

"What did you say to Ange? Since he came back, he has been trying to persuade those old stubborns to stop the autopsy." Lu Shanyan looked at Xuan Hao. In his opinion, Ange would never easily believe this guy who popped up out of nowhere.

"Ha...it's nothing, I just made a bet with him." Xuan Hao yawned and opened his eyes. He wanted to let himself fall asleep. Only when he fell asleep could he truly relax. Unfortunately, being tied up did not allow him to have a good night's sleep.

"What are you betting on? You don't have anything worth betting against, do you?" Lu Shanyan frowned.

"Your lives." Xuan Hao turned his head and looked at Lu Shanyan with a smile.

"What!" Lu Shanyan raised the revolver in his hand. No matter how he heard this sentence, he thought it was a provocation.

"Save your bullets. Your gun can't kill me. Maybe you will use the bullets next?" Every member of Xinhui is his family to him, including you, Lu Shanyan, of course."

"Oh? I don't remember that I introduced myself to you." Lu Shanyan pressed the muzzle of his gun firmly against Xuan Hao, but his eyes showed surprise.

"Then am I right?" Xuan Hao asked.

"..." Lu Shanyan said nothing.

"So he can't afford to gamble. I said that you will all die. No matter whether he believes what I say or not, even if there is only one chance in ten thousand, he will not dare to gamble with your lives." Xuan Hao continued, "Or Say...you really think that is just a corpse?"

"No... you don't have to tell us... if we all die, wouldn't it be just right for you?" Lu Shanyan shook his head.

"Yes, it is indeed of no benefit to me. You are right." Xuan Hao raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "It was me who was wrong. I once had good intentions towards the world, but the world has always been full of malice towards me. People and It’s true that people can’t understand each other easily.”

"..." Lu Shanyan felt that the guy in front of him looked like a madman.

"Now, you'd better pray that Angers can stop them. Otherwise, you will all fall into the trap and become sacrifices for the Dragon King's awakening."

"What! You mean, that thing is the Dragon King?" Lu Shanyan's eyes widened.

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