A Demon’s Path

Chapter 907 Breaking the Seal

While Zhu Xiaolu and Xin Luoting were fighting fiercely, Zou Wei and Luo Huixin were also teaming up to deal with Priest Gui.

Compared with Zhu Xiaolu's battle, Zou Wei and Luo Huixin had an absolute advantage in this battle, and Priest Gui had no defense.

Luo Huixin was split into two, and she cast the hexagonal starlight of the Eye of Smashing non-stop, using the technique of splitting the body, and the whole space was filled with a piece of red released by her.

Although Priest Gui was in a weak position, his dodges were orderly, without any signs of panic.

Only after Zou Wei found Priest Gui's vacancy and made up for it a few times, Priest Gui seemed a little embarrassed.

However, it is not easy for the two of them to defeat Priest Gui in a short time.

Both Luo Huixin and Zou Wei knew in their hearts that Priest Gui had been dodging their attacks and not fighting back. On the one hand, he might be delaying time, on the other hand, he might be waiting for an opportunity.

When their strength was exhausted, he was launching a powerful counterattack.

Eight people came down, leaving the last two battles unfinished. In addition, Li Yuanchong was seriously injured, Xia Yuhua also needed to adjust, and everyone was stuck on the second floor.

The battle outside the tower of gods and demons is still going on. Although the battle scene was very fierce, and the casualties on both sides were huge, after all, this was a battle between tens of millions of soldiers and monsters, and it was not a battle that could be resolved in a few days.

Even if the two sides fought softly, the battle still lasted for ten days and ten nights, until the sky was dark and the sun and moon were dark.

Although Ling Xiao, who was in charge of the battlefield formation, could not act without authorization, this did not prevent him from observing the situation on the battlefield.

After ten days of fighting, the four great families of the Alliance finally gained the upper hand. From the looks of it, it only takes one more day to end the battle.

However, the casualties of the Alliance fighters are also innumerable.

For this final battle, the entire Tianhun Continent paid an extremely painful price.

Compared with the situation at this time, the so-called corpse lying thousands of miles away, bleeding and floating oars, is nothing short of insignificant.

Only those who have seen it with their own eyes can understand how tragic this battle is.

The corpses of more than 10 million warriors and monsters fell densely on the ground. Many corpses were completely broken and mixed together, making it almost impossible to find where their body parts fell.

The blood on the ground was red, green, and blue... The blood of all colors mixed together, and when the wind blew, the entire Tower of Gods and Demons was filled with a strange smell of mixed blood within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

Brother Xiao, isn't the price too high... Tang Yingying, who was in Ling Xiao's space of gods and demons, closed her eyes impatiently and sighed.

At the gate of Becoming a Demon through Hundred Refinements, Ling Xiao had already seen the situation of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​corpses. Although he was very moved by this situation, it did not shake his state of mind.

Yingying, I hope this is the last battle... Ling Xiao said such a sentence inexplicably, which made Tang Yingying stunned: What's going on? Could it be...

Ling Xiao sighed slightly: When Murong Huatian goes out of customs, I don't know how many people will die again.

It was only then that Tang Yingying realized that Ling Xiao was worried about Murong Huatian, and she breathed a sigh of relief: Brother Xiao, I believe that sister Yuxuan and the others should be able to force Murong Huatian out, and let Brother Ling Xiao defeat him, so that there will be no more troubles. Did you fight?

Ling Xiaoman said gently: Well, Yuxuan and the others can do it, Yingying can rest assured. After this big war, brother Xiao will definitely create a world without disputes for you.

En. Tang Yingying nodded in satisfaction. She always believed that her brother Ling Xiao would be able to help her realize this dream.

On the eleventh day, the fighting continued.

In the basement below the first floor of the Tower of Gods and Demons, Murong Huatian stood in front of the stone statue of Murong Jing, with a rare kindness on his face.

Jing'er, dad is here to see you. Murong Huatian said softly, as if he was coaxing his naughty daughter to sleep.

Murong Jing's melodious voice came from inside the stone statue: Father, are you alright?

Hehe, Jing'er, dad is fine. Murong Huatian showed a long-lost smile, but the wrinkles on his face were more crowded together: Your son is outside, he wants to come in and save you.

Murong Jing suddenly fell silent, and it was not until a moment later that she said again: Father, stop.

Hehe... Murong Huatian laughed twice, and said, Impossible... Don't worry, Jing'er, after Dad has fully mastered the power of the Creator, he will resurrect your mother and help you undo the Heavenly Sacrifice Spell. Wouldn't it be nice to let Ling Feng and Ling Xiao stay by your side forever?

Father, if people have become monsters with empty forms, are they still people? Murong Jing's voice was extremely calm: If you can't be human, what's the point of living? You spend your whole life guarding the empty shell of your lover. Even the soul is fake, so what's the point?

Who says it's meaningless! Murong Huatian suddenly roared loudly: Your son Ling Xiao died a long time ago, and the Ling Xiao outside now is actually just your husband using his own soul and Ling Mietian's demon He was formed by the fusion of souls, don't you still treat him as your son?

Xiao'er is still Xiao'er, he is my son, he can't be wrong... Murong Jing's voice was filled with a mother's love for her son: He is the son of Brother Feng and me, before, now, and in the future Always will be.

Hmph! I'll go out and kill him right now, and then create another one. I'll see if you still recognize this son! Murong Huatian showed a fierce look: Why, you fell in love with my enemy's son! Fan and Ling Mietian I will destroy everything related to the old guy, including you!

After finishing speaking, Murong Huatian flicked his sleeves, left the basement angrily, and returned to the altar on the first floor.

On the altar, the seals left by the three heavenly treasures are shining, indicating that they are not far from here.

As long as he re-seals the three heavenly treasures on the altar, Murong Huatian will be able to completely control the three realms.

At that time, he will grasp the taboo power with one hand and control the Three Realms with the other. Murong Huatian will be the almighty Creator, the only voice in the Three Realms!

Therefore, for this grand goal, Ling Xiao must die!

Haha, hahahaha... Murong Huatian looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, countless colorful auras entangled his body quickly.

These breaths reacted with the altar, making the ground below the altar transparent.

Below the ground, the figures of the eighteen masters of the Night Demon Clan suddenly appeared in it!

These eighteen night demon masters all closed their eyes tightly, with painful expressions on their faces, as if something suppressed their spirits, making them unable to control their bodies and souls.

Beside the eighteen night demon masters, there are countless small green particles swimming, which look like little green tadpoles.

Hmph... Murong Huatian had a smirk on his face: Is the battle outside already over? Well then, the old man will give you some more ingredients, haha!

Murong Huatian's palms faced each other, and he rubbed them quickly, and the colorful aura covering his body was all condensed in the palms of his hands, forming three colorful balls of light.

Go! Murong Huatian raised his hands, and the three colored light balls immediately flew to the grooves on the altar that originally belonged to the three heavenly treasures.

As the three colored light balls fell into the groove, the altar immediately emitted a burst of strong and dazzling colorful light, and began to shake violently!

rumbling rumbling...

The altar shook violently, and even the entire tower of gods and demons began to shake.

Ling Xiao's face in the sky above the tower of gods and demons suddenly changed: Damn it, this Murong Huatian has three days before he can barely control the power of taboo, open that sealing table now, does he want to be caught?

Feeling the familiar and disgusting aura of Night Demon clansmen rolling out from the bottom of the Tower of Gods and Demons, Ling Xiao knew that it was meaningless to let his gang of buddies go to the next floor, so he quickly used the communication crystal to send a message to everyone. ** roared: Everyone, get out of the tower immediately!

Before Li Yuanchong, the nine of them and Xiao Linzi entered the tower, Ling Xiao had already placed a special teleportation soul stone on them.

This teleportation soul stone contains the same power of heaven as the tower of gods and demons. As long as they feel danger, they can crush this soul stone and get out of the tower immediately. Nothing works.

Although everyone didn't understand why Ling Xiao made this decision, they believed in Ling Xiao's judgment. Therefore, when Ling Xiao gave the order immediately, ten meteor-like rays of light flew out from the second floor of the Tower of Gods and Demons, and flew back to Ling Xiao.

How are you all? Although Ling Xiao's face was serious, anyone could hear the caring meaning in his question.

It's okay. Everyone answered together, and Zhu Xiaolu, who was covered in scars and bleeding green blood, added: I didn't kill that female scorpion named Xin Luoting.

Priest Geng was not killed either. Zou Wei and Luo Huixin also reported the situation to Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao frowned tightly, and said: Let's ignore these now, and think about how to deal with these night demons.

Night Demon Clan people? There was a look of surprise on the faces of everyone, who didn't know what the so-called Night Demon Clan people were in Ling Xiao's mouth.

But then they saw it.

Wow ha ha ha ha……


Hee hee hee hee hee hee……

All kinds of strange laughter emerged from the first floor of the Tower of Gods and Demons, and the sharp, inhuman laughter made the people of the Heavenly Soul Alliance outside the Tower of Gods and Demons shudder!

Everyone line up quickly to meet the enemy! Ling Xiao yelled loudly, waking up the soldiers who were in a daze because they didn't understand what happened, and retreated to the side of their coaches in the east, west, north, and south directions.

The next moment, a large group of green monsters poured out from the first floor of the Tower of Gods and Demons. The skin of these monsters is like green moss, with long pointed ears, big eyes, small nose, big mouth, and generally short stature.

As soon as these monsters came out, they let out bursts of strange laughter that was worse than howling ghosts and howling wolves. When they saw humans, their big eyes widened, and their disgusting and sticky saliva flowed.

These warriors stared dumbfounded at the countless monsters emerging from the first floor of the tower of gods and demons, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

These monsters are drooling, do they, like the previous monsters, treat humans as food?

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