A Demon’s Path

Chapter 883 Night Demons

Eternal darkness and loneliness?

No matter who thinks of this kind of fate that is worse than death, like falling into eternal hell, they can't help but tremble all over.

Ling Xiao is naturally no exception, this fate is enough to make him vacillate.

Choosing this path of becoming a demon through a hundred refinements will undoubtedly improve his cultivation as quickly as possible, which undoubtedly has great benefits.

However, if it fails, then everything will be over!

The current Ling Xiao is no different than before. He used to be alone, and when he died, he died, and it was no big deal.

But now he has a large group of people following him. They believe in him and are willing to stand on his side. If he fails, not only himself, but also the whole group of people standing in his team will die!

The most important thing is that Ling Xiao is not without a way out.

Even if he doesn't choose the path of becoming a demon through one hundred refinements, he can still choose to pass through any one of these eighteen gates, and then continue to improve his strength. This is undoubtedly the safest method.

May I ask, how long does it take to pass through the eighteen gates and the gate to become a demon through hundreds of refinements?

Undecided, Ling Xiao thought for a while, and asked a question that he hadn't noticed before.

The middle-aged man smiled: It takes twenty years to pass any one of the eighteen gates. If you have passed the gate of 'Becoming a Demon through Hundred Refinements', you only need fourteen years.

Ling Xiao's heart couldn't help but tremble, and even his hands began to tremble.

My grandfather must know this time, but he didn't say anything, and sent himself here directly.

Obviously, he should know the existence of this door, and what he wants to choose is this door!

How is it? Have you made a decision? the middle-aged man urged again with a smile.

The agreed time with Murong Huatian is full and there are fifteen years left, that is to say, he really has no choice.

That being the case, does Ling Xiao still need to choose?

Gritting her teeth, Ling Xiao said viciously: Okay, don't go crazy, don't become a devil! I choose the road of hundreds of refinements! Tell me, where is the door?

The middle-aged man smiled slightly and said, The door is right under your feet.

After the gentle voice of the middle-aged man rang out, his figure disappeared in front of Ling Xiao.

Immediately, the circular hall around Ling Xiao began to rotate at high speed, and the eighteen gates also rotated rapidly, turning into a blurred phantom, which made Ling Xiao dazzled for a while.

The black characters on the 18 doors seemed to be thrown out, and flew towards Ling Xiao one after another, and landed on the ground where Ling Xiao was standing.

buzz buzz...

The surrounding purple light quickly faded away, leaving only the gleaming streaks of dark light on the ground.

Four large black characters appeared on the ground in front of Ling Xiao's eyes, and those four characters were the ancient characters Become a Demon after a hundred refinements.

Boom—like a heavy door slowly opened, the ground in front of Ling Xiao split into two sides, and a deep hole in the shape of a door appeared.

There is no doubt that this is the door of becoming a demon through a hundred refinements.

Since there is no choice, let's move forward! Ling Xiao forced herself to abandon all thoughts that interfered with her, and stepped into the deep pit...

Where is this place? After an unknown amount of time, Ling Xiao woke up leisurely.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was lying among a pile of corpses.

What's going on here? Ling Xiao jumped up all of a sudden, looking around, seeing corpses everywhere!

These corpses include humans, monsters, and monsters.

In addition, there are a large number of corpses of creatures that Ling Xiao has never seen before.

These creatures also have the body of the human race, but their facial features are slightly different from those of the human race.

Their ears are pointy, pointing up; their large eyes have no eyelashes, or a few loose eyelashes hanging from the corners of the eyes.

As for their noses, they are uniformly short, with large nostrils; the lower jaw of the mouth is significantly longer than the lower jaw.

The most obvious difference between them and the human race is that some of their skins are green, some are blue, and some are purple!

Where did these monsters come from? Relying on Ling Xiao's wisdom, he analyzed the situation on the battlefield and understood.

Whether it's human race, monster race or monster race, they all died fighting against this monster!

Swoosh, swish... Dozens of figures suddenly appeared beside Ling Xiao, surrounding Ling Xiao.

After discovering that the appearance of these phantoms was similar to those monsters on the ground, Ling Xiao did not hesitate at all, and immediately raised the Tushen and slashed at these guys.

Puchi puchi...

Before those dozens of guys had time to react, they were chopped into two pieces by Ling Xiao, and blue blood splashed everywhere!

It seems that these guys are here to clean up the battlefield, and their cultivation is not very good. Ling Xiao easily dealt with these guys, thinking to himself.

You must know that some dead human races on the ground have reached the seven soul blue level, and the monsters who perish with them must have corresponding strengths to be able to do this.

Forget it, let's find a place with people first. For the current Ling Xiao, of course, he had to figure out where he was first.

If he could see a living person now, no, even if it was a living monster, Ling Xiao would definitely feel very kind.

However, when you look up, you can see corpses everywhere. Where can you find a living person?

Ling Xiao tried to use his mental power to spread out and investigate. He was surprised to find that the place where he was located was exactly the same as the terrain near the Demon Soul Mountain Range!

It turns out that this is the Heavenly Soul Continent! Ling Xiao was overjoyed, and quickly ran towards the Demon Soul Mountain Range.

Of course, he was extremely restrained and moved forward cautiously. If he ran into those monsters stronger than himself here, it would be over.

When Ling Xiao came to tens of thousands of meters in front of the Demon Soul Mountain Range, he hurriedly stopped in his tracks.

He had to stop. At this time, the Devil Soul Mountain Range was full of monsters with pointed ears!

Damn it, how did this place become a lair for monsters? Ling Xiao's face twitched suddenly, and he turned and left.

Huh? It seems to have a human breath? In front of the Demon Soul Mountain Range, a monster taller than Ling Xiao by a head discovered Ling Xiao's spiritual power, and immediately chased after Ling Xiao.

This guy walks like flying, and his foot strength and Ling Xiao are even faster than Ling Xiao.

After Ling Xiao escaped thousands of miles away, he was finally stopped by that monster.

There was an extra trident in the monster's hand, and the trident let out a dull sound, and the tip of the halberd shone brightly: Human boy, stay here!

call out!

With a strange soul power and a sharp sound of breaking the wind, the trident flew towards Ling Xiao's back.

Ling Xiao had already discovered the existence of the other party, and he also wanted to get rid of this guy as soon as possible, but it was too close to the Demon Soul Mountain Range, so it was difficult to attack.

He didn't stop until he attracted the other party to this place where Ling Xiao's mental power didn't detect any fluctuations in soul power.

Want to kill me? Hmph! Ling Xiao slashed out with a backhand, and with a Dang, the trident was sent flying.

What's going on here? Ling Xiao was stunned. With the sharpness of killing gods, he didn't cut off the opponent's trident. What kind of material is the opponent's weapon made of?

The monster's big eyeballs were also wide open, obviously he was more surprised than Ling Xiao. Huh? Can you actually block my Night Demon Halberd?

Ling Xiao ignored the surprise, picked up the Tushen and slashed at the monster in the sky.


A sharp invisible sword light flew out from the God of Slaughter. If it was an ordinary opponent, he would either be cut in half by God of Slaughter or quickly dodge.

Only an opponent of Murong Huatian's level would take on Tushen's sword light hard.

However, this guy even waved his trident, and the same invisible force collided with the sword light of the God of Slaughter, and the two canceled each other out, disappearing without a trace!

Heavenly Meteor Iron!? The monster yelled, with an angry look as if his wife had been stolen by Ling Xiao: Why do you have this kind of weapon made by Heavenly Meteor Iron?

It was also the first time Ling Xiao had heard that the material used to kill God was called Tianyun Iron, so he couldn't help but stop fighting, and asked curiously, Is this kind of iron rare?

The monster's skin was green, but his face was flushed at this time: This is the holy iron of our Night Demon Star Clan. When the Great Demon God Emperor forged all the sacred iron into five weapons, there is no such thing as this one in your hand! Tell me, where did you get this weapon?

Ling Xiao inquired about the source of God-slaying materials, so she didn't bother to chat with this guy anymore.

Seeing that Ling Xiao didn't answer his question, that guy directly fucked the guy and fought Ling Xiao again.

Ping pong pong...

The invisible sword light and the trident's edge collided again and again, even though there was no real collision, there were still countless light and crisp metal clapping sounds.

Where the blade glow and the halberd edge collided, sparks flew and the space burst, the momentum was amazing.

Both of them didn't use their own strength, and the weapons alone caused such a movement, which shows the ferocity of their weapons!

No, that guy's cultivation base is not weaker than mine. If he continues to fight like this, he will attract other monsters from the Night Demon Star Clan. It's better to dodge first!

After thinking about it, after Ling Xiao slashed out with a knife, he fled quickly while the other party didn't react immediately.

Want to escape? There's no way! The monster followed Ling Xiao holding up the trident, like a piece of brown sugar, it couldn't be shaken off no matter how hard it was.

The two flew for three days and three nights, and when they reached a seaside, Ling Xiao finally stopped.

The monster also fell to the ground, pointed at Ling Xiao with the trident, and said angrily: Human race boy, leave the Heavenly Meteor Iron behind, and let you live!

Ling Xiao laughed strangely: What do you think? I think, leave the harpoon in your hand, and I will let you live.

Harpoon? Hearing that Ling Xiao called the holy weapon in his hand a harpoon, as if Ling Xiao had taken over his wife, that guy roared angrily, Whoever insults the holy weapon, die!

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