A Demon’s Path

Chapter 526 Comprehend the Five Elements!

Tie Zhu, open the windshield! Ling Xiao yelled loudly when he knew that Aji and Li Yuanchong were about to make a move.

Ling Xiao can't do it now, she had a fight with Yuntianzong's fourth child, and was hit by Chu Lianyue's Five Elements True Yuan Jue, so it's not bad to be able to retain her original Huang-level cultivation base.

If he wanted to use the purple-level clone, unless Ling Xiao wanted to explode the seven souls in his body, he would never do such a crazy thing.

Therefore, Ling Xiao can only rely on other companions now.

Received! Zou Tiezhu responded, and with a crack, the windshield opened suddenly, and two figures shot up from the flying boat in an instant.

The sunset magic bow in Aji's hand was shining, and with Aji's body spinning continuously, the blue soul power in the soul stone was continuously gathered on his bowstring.

At this time, the setting sun magic bow is like a vortex, attracting all the lingering soul power from the surrounding spatial fragmentation. In an instant, the blue light of the setting sun magic bow illuminated this dark area brightly!

Meteor flashes! With Ah Ji's yell, he let go of the tight string in his hand, and countless arrows of light exploded like shooting stars, scattered in all directions.

At the moment of the explosion, Li Yuanchong swung his silver spear, and a pure power of holy fire instantly merged into the explosion. As soon as the meteor-like arrow light dispersed, it took Li Yuanchong's holy fire power and shot towards the black-blooded magic winged bats all around.

Squeak... As the red and blue arrows with the sacred flame hit the bodies of those black-blooded devil winged bats, they caused bursts of extremely ear-piercing screams.

No matter which part of the body of the black blood winged bat was hit by these meteor arrow shadows, the arrow shadows directly exploded the entire body of these black blood winged bats.

Those exploded bodies were sprayed with black blood, but they just wanted to disperse, and were immediately evaporated into air by a burning holy fire.

With just one arrow, Ah Ji wiped out hundreds of black blood winged bats!

However, this arrow also exhausted Ah Ji's soul power, his body fell lightly from the sky, sitting cross-legged in the flying boat, it seemed that he could not support the next battle.

In the sky, Li Yuanchong was the only one left standing in the air, facing thousands of black-blooded devil-winged bats, with no fear on his face.

Are you looking for death? Then I won't be polite to you... Li Yuanchong frowned, stretched out his left hand, and rolled up his sleeves, revealing pieces of fiery red dragon scales.

This is the first time these people have seen Li Yuanchong use this holy fire dragon arm, and they are very looking forward to it. They believed that Li Yuanchong's move would definitely not disappoint them.

Fire Dragon Soaring Nine Heavens! Li Yuanchong's arm suddenly grew bigger, turning into a huge sacred fire dragon shadow, which roared out with a bang.

This holy fire dragon shadow dragged its long body, like a real dragon soaring nine days, and swam around for an unknown number of times.

Boom boom boom... Following the movement of the holy fire dragon shadow, traces of flames streaked across the dark sky, as if cracks had been burned in the space!

Where the traces of flames passed, those black-blooded magic winged bats turned into a pile of ashes with their screams.

Because the holy fire dragon shadow was too fast, when Li Yuanchong retracted the dragon shadow into his arms, the bodies of those black-blooded magic winged bats could still maintain their original shape. It wasn't until a gust of cold wind blew past that these black-blooded magic winged bats turned into real fly ash and drifted away with the wind.

It's so strong! Although everyone knew that this holy fire dragon arm must be extraordinary, but the power was far beyond everyone's expectations.

If Li Yuanchong can fully utilize this arm, how many people on Xuantian Continent can be his opponents?

Of course, Li Yuanchong can only use some elementary skills now. The move just now had exhausted most of Li Yuanchong's soul power, making his stern face a little pale.

As soon as Li Yuanchong sat back in the flying boat, like Ah Ji, he immediately sat down cross-legged and adjusted his soul power.

Are you alright? Seeing the two people whose soul power was greatly consumed in order to deal with the Black Blood Demon Wing Bat, Ling Xiao couldn't help but asked with concern, and handed them a few pills to replenish soul power.

It's okay. The two agreed at the same time, then took the pill from Ling Xiao's hand, swallowed it in one gulp, and continued to adjust their breath.

Tie Zhu, let's take a rest here and start our journey after they recover. Ling Xiao was worried that the two main combat powers had not recovered, and it would be game over if they ran into those black-blooded magic wing bats again.

Okay. Zou Tiezhu stopped the spaceship, and the people in Longzhen were vigilant, ready to guard against the attack of creatures with space fragmentation at any time.

Fortunately, after half an hour, no alien creatures were found, and the hearts of everyone stopped.

Ling Xiao reckoned that Li Yuanchong and Aji would not be able to recover within three or four days. Anyway, this period of time was quite boring, so he might as well just sit down and practice.

After receiving Chu Lianyue's Five Elements True Essence Jue, Ling Xiao suddenly felt that her ability to sense and use the power of the Five Elements was much stronger all of a sudden. Perhaps, you can take this opportunity to try to convert Liupo into Qimo.

Sitting cross-legged on the spaceship, Ling Xiao closed his eyes, thinking about the moment when Chu Lianyue performed the Five Elements True Yuan Jue in his mind.

After Ling Xiao kept thinking back, his feeling returned to that moment again, feeling the oppression brought to him by the power of the five elements at that moment.

Spatial fragmentation is the most primitive origin of the universe, and the origin of all things is naturally inseparable from the most basic five elements.

Ling Xiao practiced the power of the five elements in this kind of place, and what he came into contact with happened to be the most primitive power of the five elements. The spirit of the five elements on his body just resonated with the environment here, giving Ling Xiao a vague sense of the unity of man and nature.

Unknowingly, Ling Xiao gradually sank into this beautiful state of harmony between man and nature. Although there is darkness all around, in his consciousness, the surrounding environment is colorful and colorful, and there is no so-called darkness at all.

Afterwards, Ling Xiao felt that he had also merged into this colorful phenomenon. Every time he moved his hands and feet, he could sense the power of the five elements in this colorful world; every time he breathed, he could inhale the power of the five elements into his body , exhaled out of the body...

Three days later, when Li Yuanchong and Aji had recovered from their injuries, Ling Xiao was still in such a good state.

They all knew that Ling Xiao was in the most critical period of transforming Liupo into Qimo, no one would wake him up at this time, so they waited quietly aside.

Another seven days passed, Ling Xiao suddenly opened his eyes, stood up suddenly, and suddenly laughed loudly: Okay, I understand! This is the source of the power of the Five Elements!

Under everyone's amazed gaze, Ling Xiao soared into the sky from the flying boat, the seven soul stones on his body shone at the same time, the six souls transformed into vigor at the same time, and the multicolored light suddenly rose!

At every moment of Ling Xiao's gestures, the multicolored light always flowed along with his actions, as if the multicolored light was originally a part of Ling Xiao's body.

Ling Xiao kept making fingerprints with both hands, and the multicolored light flowed continuously around his fingerprints.

Go! With Ling Xiao yelling, five domineering rays of light flew out from his opened handprint, and quickly flew forward to a piece of rubbish the size of a small hill floating in the spatial shattered current. stone.

With a bang, the rubbish and gravel were like smashed tofu, easily shattered into countless dust powders!

Five Elements True Yuan Jue! How is this possible! Long Wuxing's expression changed, as if he had seen a ghost.

Long Wuxing knows that the Five Elements True Yuan Jue is actually an attack that overdraws the body's strength and transforms it into vigor. Injure the enemy one thousand, and self-injury eight hundred.

Not only that, but the activation speed of the Five Elements True Yuan Jue is not fast, unlike Ling Xiao, it can be done with just a few handprints.

But the shape, aura and power of Ling Xiao's blow, what else could it be if it wasn't the Five Elements True Essence Art?

Looking at Ling Xiao's live and frisky appearance like a live shrimp, where is there any sign of overdrawn body strength?

What a monster! Long Wuxing couldn't help spitting, regardless of whether Ling Xiao's move was the real Five Elements True Yuan Jue, in short, he just needs to understand two points.

First, Ling Xiao doesn't need to overdraw his body strength; second, the power of Ling Xiao's attack is by no means inferior to that of the Five Elements True Yuan Jue.

Haha... Seeing that she had really transformed the six souls into a boldness, Ling Xiao couldn't help laughing a few times triumphantly.

Then, a cold voice came from behind Ling Xiao: Ling Xiao, I'm so bored to death, if you don't move forward, I will use my hand to draw a few times on your body every day...

Ling Xiao's body trembled suddenly: Zhu Xiaolu, this aunt, is angry, so she should take it easy and be proud.

Ling Xiao quickly flew back to the airship, and yelled at Zou Tiezhu: Tie Zhu, didn't you hear Miss Zhu's words, let's go!

Okay! Everyone was delayed here for about ten days, and this time they had to hurry.

In the next ten days or so, Ling Xiao and his group never ran into a large-scale group of creatures like the black blood magic wing bat, except occasionally encountering a few solitary but not very powerful space fragmentation creatures. Arrived in the Yinhai area.

Yinhai, as the name suggests, is a large space that glows with silver light and has waves like the ocean.

They have seen the blue sea a lot, but this is the first time these people have seen the silver sea.

Facing the very dazzling but not dazzling silver light, everyone couldn't help feeling a strange feeling in their hearts.

The good fortune between heaven and earth is really miraculous. Some things can't be seen on the mainland at all, but they can see this kind of spectacle in a place far away from the mainland.

Although everyone still wanted to take a few more glances, but Ling Xiao was in a hurry, so everyone had no choice but to give up: Let's go, we entered the Yinhai, and then just fly west.

Just like that, Ling Xiao and his group drove the spaceship into the silver sea...

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