A Demon’s Path

Chapter 514 Overlord Bearman

After the tenth battle of the red class, it was the orange class. Anyway, Ling Xiao was also idle. Apart from giving advice to Jiang Zifeng, he also made a few bets himself.

These small moneys are nothing to him now, but Ling Xiao, who has always believed in the principle of mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are, will never think that money is too little to be ignored.

Of course, Ling Xiao wouldn't foolishly make big bets, because he knew that even though strength speaks for itself in the arena, it's impossible for those who open the arena to lose money. If Ling Xiao bets too big, maybe the battle will be manipulated secretly, making Ling Xiao lose everything.

So Ling Xiao chooses games with similar odds, and then bets a little, so that Ling Xiao can make sure that she won't lose money.

In the past, Jiang Zifeng only cared about winning or losing when watching the battles in the arena, but now his purpose is different, and the level of his observation has also become different.

After Ling Xiao and Li Yuanchong's coaching over the dozen or so rounds, Jiang Zifeng finally understood why Ling Xiao said that whoever wins really wins.

This is not a matter of luck, it is a matter of strength and vision.

Seeing Ling Xiao and Li Yuanchong teach such a kid so carefully, Chu Lianyue, who was sitting behind them, couldn't help feeling a strange feeling in her heart.

Meeting by chance, these two people are able to do this. They are definitely not two great demons as they are said in the legends of the Shenhun sect.

In contrast, they are even more noble than those so-called decent people.

These two people didn't have any so-called rhetoric, saying how great and noble they are, but they are using their actions to prove that they are real men and bloody people, not the hypocrites of the Soul Sect.

Could it be that Dad was wrong at the beginning? Chu Lianyue became suspicious of her father's actions for the first time: Father shouldn't provoke Ling Xiao, if he doesn't go to Xihe City, nothing will happen...

It's just that this thought was eliminated by Chu Lianyue herself all her life: Whether father is right or wrong, revenge for killing father will be avenged no matter what!

Finally, it was Ling Xiao's turn to appear again.

Ling Xiao participated in the Huang level competition, and under Huang Quan's arrangement, Ling Xiao was the first to appear.

However, Ling Xiao's opponent is still undecided. What was presented in front of Ling Xiao was the elementary information of all the fighters in the arena who participated in the fighting skills of the yellow level. According to the agreement of the previous two days, Ling Xiao can choose his opponent at will.

After scanning it all over, Ling Xiao pointed to a huge guy: That's him.

Everyone gasped, this Ling Xiao couldn't choose someone, the one he chose turned out to be the demon with the strongest attack and defense in the yellow rank, the Overlord Bear.

The Overlord Bear, the offspring of the Monster Race Overlord Bear and the human Demon Soul Master, is endowed with extraordinary talents and is good at strength and defense. It is almost impossible for opponents at the same level to break through his defense, and I have never seen any opponent at the same level who can surpass him in strength.

This overlord bear competed in ninety-nine matches in the arena, killed the opponent in fifty matches, maimed the opponent in forty matches and surrendered after the opponent surrendered, and the opponent was far faster than him in nine matches, but he was still unable to break his bear Skin, surrender automatically.

Like this guy with a 100% winning rate, Ling Xiao actually chose him as his opponent, and the people in the arena couldn't help but secretly sighed: This kid is really annoying.

Huang Quan's eyes lit up in the VIP room, and he gave a meaningful smile: So, this guy came to me to find someone to practice with.

In the arena, crazy betting started again, and the odds between Ling Xiao and the Overlord Bear were once again a terrifying 1,000 to 1!

One thousand to one is the highest odds allowed in the arena. In fact, there are far more people who bet on Bawang Xiongren to win than those who bet on Ling Xiao.

People always believe that miracles are always once, not twice.

If it is twice, can it still be called a miracle?

This time, Jiang Zifeng did not hesitate to bet all his belongings, 100 million topaz, on Ling Xiao.

Those crystal stones are the cash property left by Jiang Zifeng in the soul chain of his parents.

Li Yuanchong has no interest in gambling, but Jiang Zifeng has bet on it. For Ling Xiao's sake, he naturally bet a thousand topaz stones.

Unexpectedly, Chu Lianyue also staked 10,000 topaz. However, she bet on Ling Xiao losing.

I can't kill him myself, I can only hope for others.

Okay, the betting time is over. Now, let's invite another player from the arena—the Overlord Bear! The referee's magnetic voice sounded, and he walked out of a door under the arena. A big man with a sturdy body and black hair covered his body.

Previously, Ling Xiao only observed from the video, and didn't think that the bully bear was much bigger than him. But when the two came together, Ling Xiao realized that his size was not small, but his height was still two heads behind his opponent's, and his physique was about a fist's width smaller than his opponent's.

While everyone was amazed, Ling Xiao was overjoyed: Well, it's this guy. Whether you can use this opportunity to break through the power transformation of the other four souls depends on this battle!

The match begins! After the referee yelled, he habitually disappeared with a hiss, leaving two fighters in the arena, and began the cruelest life-and-death battle.

I heard that you are very fierce, but I want to see if I can break your head off with my hand! The Overlord Bear grinned, revealing two rows of ugly yellow teeth.

Just let the bear come here. Ling Xiao smiled slightly, and gave him a contemptuous hook with his index finger.

Looking for death! The Overlord Bear's smile faded away, his eyes showed a fierce look, and he greeted Ling Xiao with a punch.

The speed of the Overlord Bearman's fist is not very fast, but it is powerful enough, and Ling Xiao has already sensed the whistling wind before touching the opponent's fist.

I want to try, how powerful this guy is! With Ling Xiao's speed, he could definitely dodge, but Ling Xiao didn't intend to dodge, but gathered the other two souls and turned them into strength, He fought hard with the Overlord Bear.

boom! In this collision, Ling Xiao's body bounced straight hundreds of meters like a cannonball!

Cut! Ling Xiao's overreaching behavior drew boos from the audience, but Li Yuanchong was the only one who remained calm.

It's not like this to want to commit suicide! Chu Lianyue knew Ling Xiao's true strength, and she couldn't help gloating at his move, secretly cursing Ling Xiao for capsizing in the gutter.

Facing the boos and laughter of the audience, Ling Xiao got up from the ground in a disheveled manner, patted the dust off his body, and showed a look of excitement: Okay, this is the guy!

Under the astonished eyes of the audience, Ling Xiao rushed towards the opponent again. While running, Ling Xiao shouted loudly: Blind Xiong, look at the fist!

The Bawang Xiongren hates others to say that he is a blind bear the most, and his two small eyes are so angry: Go to hell!



The two roared at the same time, and threw their fists at each other at the same time, the yellow soul power wrapped around the fists shone brightly!

boom! There was another crisp sound, this time, Ling Xiao was thrown farther than the last time!



There was another burst of boos from the audience. Judging from the situation, these people seemed to be able to see Ling Xiao being beaten to death by the Overlord Bear.

With a slap in the face, Ling Xiao got up again. This time, he didn't even bother to pat the dust on his body, so he looked up to the sky and laughed three times: Have fun! Come again!



Time and time again, Ling Xiao stood up again and again, as if he was an unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

Although people could vaguely see that Ling Xiao's face was already very pale, but his steps forward did not slow down at all, nor did the strength of his punches slow down at all.

Not to mention the people watching, even the Overlord Bear himself didn't bother to throw a punch. Whenever Ling Xiao threw a punch at him, he always acted as if he was on a mission. Smashed.

It's not that he doesn't want to kill Ling Xiao directly, but that Ling Xiao always uses this method to fly himself, and his speed is not fast. If he catches up with him, he will definitely not be able to kill him, and he can only wait for Ling Xiao himself Rush over to die.

However, the Overlord Bear admires Ling Xiao's ability to resist and fight. If it were any of his previous opponents, he would have been knocked down a long time ago. How could he be as lively as Ling Xiao.

What is Master doing? Jiang Zifeng couldn't help but look worried. According to what Ling Xiao taught him, he couldn't analyze the meaning of Ling Xiao's actions at all.

According to Ling Xiao's own theory, one should use one's own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses, but now Ling Xiao is clearly using one's own weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths.

In fact, Ling Xiao's strength is not weak, but compared with the Overlord Bear, his strength has become his weakness.

Li Yuanchong patted Jiang Zifeng on the shoulder and comforted him: Don't worry, if you observe carefully enough, you should find something.

What did you find? Hearing Li Yuanchong's confused words, Jiang Zifeng frowned, and began to observe the situation seriously again.

After careful observation, Jiang Zifeng found something.

What he discovered was that each time Ling Xiao was blown away, the distance seemed to be shorter each time!

Why is this? Jiang Zifeng was very happy with his discovery, and asked Li Yuanchong quickly.

Li Yuanchong replied flatly: No reason, your master is just using the opponent's strength to break through the barrier of his own cultivation. As long as his punch is equal to the opponent's strength, then the opponent will be defeated.

What Li Yuanchong said was correct. Every time Ling Xiao confronts the Overlord Bear, he will mobilize the power of the other four souls to convert into Li Po, and will be bombarded by the opponent's Li Po during the conversion process. With the help of this strong external force, his four souls were shocked again and again, gradually transforming into strength.

Until the last time, when the Overlord Bear and Ling Xiao punched each other, and they each stepped back ten steps, Ling Xiao grinned at each other: Blind Xiong, it's your grandpa Xiao's turn!

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