A Demon’s Path

Chapter 505 Fighting the Soul Slayer

The kid's hand holding the spar card stayed above the betting table, trembling constantly, his eyes fixed on the phantom numbers that appeared above the arena.

Those numbers represent the odds of Ling Xiao fighting the demon soul master nicknamed Soul Slayer, and they are constantly changing.

Oh no, to be precise, the number on the Soul Reaper's side has not changed, it is always one, while the number on Ling Xiao's side is soaring continuously, until the number stays at one thousand before stopping .

Odds of one thousand to one!

It seems that no one is really optimistic about Ling Xiao. Almost everyone is willing to bet a hundred spars to earn a hundred spars, but no one is willing to risk losing a hundred spars to earn one hundred thousand spars.

From their point of view, betting on Ling Xiao's victory is a sure loss, and if you can earn a hundred spars, you will be a hundred spars, and there is no point in betting on the illusory one hundred thousand spars.

Is there anyone who hasn't bet? The referee is a gentle middle-aged man, who looks polite, but everyone knows that no one is good in the arena. The referee was just hiding his ruthlessness beneath his gentle surface.

The boy gritted his teeth, stared straight at Ling Xiao, and spat viciously: Forget it, let's gamble!

brush! The young man quickly wiped away his only 200,000 crystals on the betting table. This time, he bet on Ling Xiao to win.

Okay, it's time to bet. Now, today's yellow-level fighting skill competition officially begins! Following the referee's kind shout, his figure immediately disappeared from everyone's sight.

Li Yuanchong's heart trembled slightly. It seems that the referee's cultivation is not weak. A person with this kind of cultivation can only be a referee in the arena, which shows how powerful the backstage boss of the arena is.

Facing a young and unfamiliar face, the Soul Reaper's eyes instinctively narrowed. He didn't show any contempt for Ling Xiao, because he knew that any contempt for the enemy could lead to his death.

Soul Reaper has earned spar in many arenas in the demon soul master's territory, this time the arena in Zimo City is the last stop for him to earn spar. And today is also his last match.

As long as he can earn enough spar, he can go to the mansion where the demon scattered and propose marriage, and marry the beautiful daughter who scattered the demon.

Therefore, this made the Soul Reaper pay more attention to it, and did not allow him to be careless in the slightest.

However, the usual opponents couldn't help rushing over when they saw him, wanting to kill him a few times. Why did that young man stand still and look at him with a smile on his face? Could it be that he is so sure?

Under Ling Xiao's gaze, Soul Reaper's spirit became tense for no reason, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he didn't dare to make a move easily.

The people in the stands watched the two men stand still and couldn't help booing: Fight, fight!

Soul Reaper, where is your bravery?

Kill him, Soul Reaper!

Most of the people on the field were betting on the Soul Reaper to win, so there was support from the Soul Reaper everywhere, which made the boy even more nervous.

Li Yuanchong said nonchalantly: It seems that what he said is right. Children really can't gamble, and they can't afford to lose.

The young man glared at Li Yuanchong viciously, stopped talking, and continued to look at the two on the field, praying secretly in his heart that Ling Xiao would definitely win.

The stalemate between the two was finally broken by the Soul Reaper himself. He still couldn't hold back the inexplicable tension. Throw it towards Ling Xiao.

Since he came here to cultivate, of course Ling Xiao would not use his cheating tools, but use his own strength to fight.

Facing the attack of the Soul Slayer, Ling Xiao also used Haotianzong's melee combat skills, and fought with the Soul Slayer.

Anyone with discerning eyes could recognize Ling Xiao's boxing skills at a glance, and couldn't help but roll their eyes: Where did this freak come from, a demon soul master can use the boxing skills of a spiritual master?

You must know that the most direct consequence of forcibly cultivating skills that do not meet the attributes of gods and demons is self-explosion and death.

And this kid actually used Haotianzong's boxing skills, and he didn't show any signs of going off the rails, what a monster!

However, they didn't continue to entangle whether Ling Xiao was a monster or not. The fighting atmosphere that had already ignited on the field attracted their eyes and attention.

Bang bang bang... As the fists of the two exchanged, clusters of yellow soul power fluctuated, and the ripples spread away from the place where they collided every time, smashing the surrounding ground into dust.

The battle between Ling Xiao and the Soul Reaper is different from the secular novels. It is impossible for two people of the same level to make a unique move as soon as they make a move.

It is definitely a way to kill yourself if you use a unique trick before you have tried the opponent's details.

Both of them are using the most basic boxing skills to test each other's strength. They know that even the yellow ranks are divided into many types, and the difference in strength is also very different.

After the two of them fought for the first few minutes, Ling Xiao easily learned about the opponent's general combat power: a yellow-level demon soul master who cultivates four souls at the same time.

However, the Soul Slayer is still uncertain about Ling Xiao's level in the fight against Ling Xiao, because every time he increases the power of his punches, the opponent's strength will also increase accordingly. Until I use the strongest state without using special skills, the opponent's strength is also maintained at this level.

That is to say, the opponent's strength is still reserved.

Looks like it won't work without using special skills! A hint of ferocity appeared in the eyes of the Soul Slayer, and at the same time Ling Xiao punched him, his body suddenly split into two, turning into two phantoms, One left and one right attacked Ling Xiao.

Is it just such a low-level skill? Ling Xiao couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Using his Heavenly Eye Art, there was nowhere to hide where the soul-trapping hand's real body was.

Snapped! Ling Xiao stretched out two fingers casually, pinching the wrist of the phantom attacking from the right with incomparable precision. In an instant, the two phantoms merged into one at the same time, becoming the real body of Soul Reaper.

As soon as the special skill was released, he was restrained, and the soul-trapping hand was terrified. He stamped his foot on the spot, and a crack stretched along the front of his toes, forcing Ling Xiao to let go of his wrist and dodge to other places. place.

In seven minutes, the two were temporarily tied!

Even if it was a temporary tie, all sharp-eyed people would already understand that if Soul Reaper didn't use his strongest killing technique Soul Reaper, nine out of ten would lose in this match.

Of course, other people could see it, and there was no reason why the Soul Reaper couldn't see it. But he was not reconciled, not reconciled to using his ultimate move like this.

That attack is powerful, but this weird skill has a fatal flaw. Within a level, it can only be used ten times at most.

In the previous battles, he had already used it nine times.

This is his life-saving tactic, if he uses it this time, even if he earns spar, there is no guarantee that he will be murdered and robbed as soon as he leaves the arena.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, he would never waste the last chance to use the Soul Reaper.

I don't believe it, you, a young boy, are really strong enough that I can't deal with it! Soul Seizing Hand once again exerted confidence in himself, and rushed towards Ling Xiao in three steps at a time.

Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand! The Soul Snatcher shouted secretly in his heart, and at the same time as he was about to fight Ling Xiao, a dark force of five elements of thunder force suddenly exerted on his hand.

He blasted out with both fists, and thunder and lightning were faintly entwined on the fists, hitting Ling Xiao's chest.

The moves are extremely simple, but the skills are full of domineering!

boom! Ling Xiao's Soul Seizing Hand hit a blow, and in an instant, countless electric currents flowed through Ling Xiao's whole body, straightening all the long and short hairs of Ling Xiao's body.

I wipe! Ling Xiao jumped violently, quickly took a few steps back, shook his hands violently, and shook off the electric current.

However, just in the time to dodge, the Soul Reaper attacked again, this time, he raised his feet like iron pillars, and swung towards Ling Xiao's head.

Windblade kick! This kick was faintly carried with the strength of five spirits, Ling Xiao didn't fall for the trick this time, and directly caught it with his hands, but used his body skills to avoid it.

If he blocked the opponent's foot with a punch, the wind blade emanating from the opponent's foot would definitely continue to strike towards his head.

Being rubbed by the fastest wind in such a short distance is not as simple as breaking the skin.

Okay, let's fight like this! Seeing that his attack moves were effective, Duohun was overjoyed. Although these attacks also consume soul power, they can make Ling Xiao suffer, and victory is a matter of time.

Ling Xiao naturally understood that it was not appropriate to have a head-on confrontation with the Soul Seizing Hand at this time, and continued to jump left and right like a monkey.

The people who were optimistic about Ling Xiao saw that Ling Xiao was almost hit by the Soul Reaper's attack several times, and couldn't help shaking their heads: Could it be that they saw the wrong person?

The boy was even more nervous, his fists were clenched tightly, and his palms were deeply dug in by his nails without realizing it.

Li Yuanchong was the calmest person on the court. How could he not know that Ling Xiao's method was just consuming the opponent's soul power.

Chu Lianyue also kept looking at Ling Xiao, her beautiful eyes sometimes showed hatred and sometimes confusion, except for herself, no one knew what she was thinking.

Damn it! Don't run away! It seemed that he was about to hit several times, but was dodged by Ling Xiao at the last moment. The Soul Capturer finally knew that the other party was deliberately teasing him, and he was so angry. Yelling, but helpless.

Haha, don't chase if you have the guts! Ling Xiao used words to stimulate the Soul Seizing Hand while running away.

Being molested by Ling Xiao was really helpless, the Soul Reaper finally roared: Look at the trick! The mountain is overwhelming!

Afterwards, Ling Xiao immediately felt a shadow appearing in the sky behind him, and with a heavy whistling sound, it quickly pressed towards him!

(Nirvana Note: Mount Tai, a very high mountain above Xuantian Continent, hee hee)

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