A Demon’s Path

Chapter 458: Li Yuanchong vs Zou Shuai!

Knowing Zou Shuai's level, Li Yuanchong still dared to stand in front of him, Zou Shuai didn't feel that the other party was reckless at all.

Without certain hole cards, who dares to go beyond the two-level challenge?

Originally, Zou Shuai wanted to use his chariot to lure Ling Xiao out, but now he attracted Li Yuanchong, a green ranker, which was beyond Zou Shuai's expectations.

But to Zou Shuai, since Ling Xiao had made the soul oath, there was no difference between him defeating Ling Xiao and defeating Li Yuanchong.

All he has to do now is to defeat Li Yuanchong wholeheartedly.

Putting the chariot into his storage space, Zou Shuai took out his personal weapon - a precious knife surrounded by purple enveloping air.

The sword is one meter long and thirty centimeters wide. The blade is extremely shiny. If it is aimed at the sun, it must have a strong reflective effect.

Li Yuanchong took another look at the handle of the knife. There was an unknown monster engraved on the handle of the knife. It must be very comfortable to hold. Moreover, the handle of the knife was long enough for Zou Shuai to hold it with both hands.

Li Yuanchong couldn't help praising secretly in his heart, it's really a domineering knife.

Excessive, Yuan Chong's spear is not a purple-level treasure! Ling Xiao gritted his teeth bitterly. Although he really wanted to ask Li Yuanchong to change his weapon, he also knew that Li Yuanchong was used to his long spear, so let him change it. He is definitely not willing to change it into other weapons.

What Ling Xiao is most worried about now is whether Li Yuanchong's long spear can withstand the opponent's knife. After all, the opponent's weapon is a purple-level precious sword.

However, Ling Xiao suddenly remembered that Li Yuanchong had said that his gun was made of the same material as his own iron broom, and felt a little relieved.

Not allowing Ling Xiao to think and worry, Zou Shuai had already slashed at Li Yuanchong.

Zou Shuai directly held the handle of the knife with both hands and exerted force at the same time. If he cut it hard, Li Yuanchong would definitely be cut in two.

Of course, if Li Yuanchong couldn't even avoid the opponent's first move, Ling Xiao wouldn't put his life on Li Yuanchong at all.

Trust, of course, also has a foundation.

Li Yuanchong moved slightly, and Zou Shuai's saber was about to hit Li Yuanchong. In a blink of an eye, Li Yuanchong's figure had retreated to the side ten meters away, and Zou Shuai's knife slashed away.

The powerful castration caused the knife to hit the ground, and with a bang, it moved forward along the direction of the knife, and a long crack was torn in the ground.

Zou Shuai was not surprised when the knife missed. He quickly raised the knife and cut horizontally.

call! A blue-purple sword light flew out horizontally, and slashed towards Li Yuanchong's chest extremely domineeringly.

Li Yuanchong tapped the toes of his feet lightly, and his whole body floated lightly, just in time for the sword light to fly past his feet.

This levitation seems easy, but in fact it is extremely dangerous. If it is not a person who is very confident in himself, he would never dare to use such a dangerous dodge move at this time.

Seeing Li Yuanchong's floating Zou Shuai, Li Qingxuan and others couldn't help but their faces changed wildly, Li Qingxuan even shouted: Yuntianzong's Qingyunpiao! How could Li Yuanchong do this trick? Even Xiao Beimin can't help it. If he didn't learn this trick, he couldn't have learned it from Ling Xiao!

With endless doubts, Li Qingxuan's desire to catch Li Yuanchong became more and more urgent.

As long as he absorbed Li Yuanchong's soul, he would not only be able to know Li Yuanchong's weird secret, but also be able to raise his cultivation level to the purple level in an instant.

Therefore, for Li Qingxuan, killing Ling Xiao and capturing Li Yuanchong were two things he had to do.

Slowing down a little, Li Qingxuan continued to watch the duel between Zou Shuai and Li Yuanchong. Anyway, it is impossible to break through these layers of purple light curtains today. Li Qingxuan is not relieved, and observes Li Yuanchong carefully, maybe he will observe some clues.

Zou Shuai didn't get distracted for long, and continued to attack Li Yuanchong. Seeing Li Yuanchong floating in mid-air, he swung his knife directly in Li Yuanchong's direction. Brush! Another two huge sword glows intersecting in a cross shape came out of the air. This time, Li Yuanchong probably couldn't hide.

Sure enough, Li Yuanchong didn't hide, but shot straight forward.

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, did this guy want to die, and actually used the body of the gun to stab the sword light made of soul power?

Everyone was not surprised for too long, and they saw the result. Li Yuanchong's spear was very skillful, and it just hit the middle point of the cross.

Moreover, when the tip of Li Yuanchong's spear pierced the cross point, the seven soul stones on his chest lit up, gathering all the power of his seven souls into Lipo soul power and pouring out violently in time.

With a puff, the cross-shaped blade light that was cut into the intersection instantly dissipated and disappeared with the wind.

It turns out that he is also a cultivator of the Seven Souls, no wonder the Green Level dares to challenge the Blue Level! After everyone saw the Seven Souls Soul Stone Chain on Li Yuanchong's chest, they all suddenly realized.

The green level who has cultivated seven souls, even the green level who has cultivated three or four souls, is no match, and it is not impossible to fight Zou Shuai by two levels.

The key to this battle is to see how much Zou Shuai has cultivated himself, the comparison of skills and magic weapons between the two sides.

However, in the eyes of everyone, Li Yuanchong is definitely not as good as Zou Shuai in terms of magic weapons, and in terms of skills, according to the current situation, the two can compete. As for the first item, it is estimated that Zou Shuai is not too strong.

Putting it all together, everyone has come to a similar conclusion: the two are evenly matched, and it is possible for anyone to win.

The ensuing battle became even more exciting. When Li Yuan broke through Zou Shuai's cross blade light, his spear remained undiminished and turned into a shadow of the tip of the spear flying out, stabbing Zou Shuai straight. .

Li Yuanchong counterattacked! Such a thought arose in everyone's mind.

Zou Shuai snorted coldly and swung the knife vertically. puff! The shadow of the spear tip hit the knife and immediately disappeared without a trace.

He had been pressing down on Li Yuanchong, but at this time he was hit by Li Yuanchong's counterattack, which made Zou Shuai feel unwilling, so he took out the magic weapon for pressing the box.

With a wave of Zou Shuai's left hand, a transparent electro-optic ball the size of an egg hit Li Yuanchong directly.

Although I don't know what attack this electro-optical ball will unleash, but judging from Li Yuanchong's combat experience, it is definitely not a wise move to fight this electro-optic ball.

So Li Yuanchong converted the Seven Souls into the Heavenly Soul again, and used the power of the Heavenly Soul to move himself hundreds of meters away in an instant.

But that electro-optic ball was still sticking to Li Yuanchong like a piece of dog skin plaster. Wherever Li Yuanchong ran, the electro-optical ball rushed there.

Want to get rid of my lightening ball? Hmph, that's impossible! Zou Shuai sneered inwardly.

This bright electric light ball is a magic weapon that their Zou family collected a ball lightning unintentionally, and then used this ball lightning to refine it. The special feature of this magic weapon is that it can sense the soul power of humans and beasts, and it rushes directly towards the nearest person or beast, and will never give up until it hits the target, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

Of course, this bright light ball also has its shortcomings, that is, once it is released, it will no longer distinguish between enemy and friend, and it will stick to whoever gets close to it.

Whether it's a soul power attack or a melee attack, as long as Zou Shuai's attack is close, the bright light ball will help Li Yuanchong deal with him instead. That's why Zou Shuai didn't take the opportunity to attack Li Yuanchong when he was chased by this bright electric light ball.

Li Yuanchong used the power of the space formation to move several times, and was almost caught up by this bright electric light ball once or twice. Looking at Li Yuanchong, who was in danger, Ling Xiao couldn't help frowning.

However, when everyone only focused on Li Yuanchong, Ling Xiao inadvertently glanced at Zou Shuai.

Seeing that Zou Shuai didn't make a surprise attack, Ling Xiao suddenly became suspicious.

After a lot of hard thinking, although Ling Xiao still couldn't figure out why, he knew that Shuai Zou definitely didn't want to get close to this sphere of light.

Afterwards, in order to prove his thoughts, Ling Xiao immediately shouted: Yuan Chong, flee in the direction of Zou Shuai!

As soon as Zou Shuai heard Ling Xiao's words, his face immediately changed wildly.

Ling Xiao chuckled, he knew, he guessed right.

If Zou Shuai hadn't changed his face just now, Ling Xiao would have made Li Yuanchong run away from Zou Shuai, but Zou Shuai still showed his flaws.

Although Li Yuanchong didn't understand why Ling Xiao yelled like that, his trust in Ling Xiao was just like Ling Xiao's trust in him.

Since Ling Xiao said to be close to Zou Shuai, then he should stick to Zou Shuai!

The other spectators scoffed, disdainful of Ling Xiao's command: obviously under attack, he should have stayed as far away from the opponent as possible, only a pig-brained person would let him get closer to the opponent.

But they didn't expect that when Li Yuanchong started to move towards Zou Shuai, Zou Shuai also started to run away from Li Yuanchong.

Everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded. What is going on? This is it? If one is stupid, is the other also stupid?

Are idiots contagious these days?

Later, when Li Yuanchong gradually approached Zou Shuai, some of the smarter people among the spectators saw the clue, and felt ashamed in their hearts. Compared with Ling Xiao, their thoughts were really far behind.

Even Li Qingxuan couldn't help sighing, Ling Xiao's eyes are really vicious.

Above the scene, Li Yuanchong, who was chasing around by the Ming Dian light ball, suddenly formed a straight line and rushed straight towards Zou Shuai. Zou Shuai also moved quickly, trying to avoid bumping into Li Yuanchong.

Ming Dian Guangqiu chased Li Yuanchong, and Li Yuanchong chased Zou Shuai. Such a weird scene made everyone feel as if they were watching a strange circus performance.

It's really unimaginable that the duel has become like this.

After Ling Xiao's point, Li Yuanchong thought of a deeper level, what does this bright electric light ball rely on to judge the location of a person? Could it be soul power?

Li Yuanchong immediately put this idea into practice. He quickly released a spirit power to stay where he was, while he left quickly.

Sure enough, the sphere of bright lightning hit the soul power that Li Yuanchong had just released, and with a bang, the soul power was electrified into a void of air!

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