A Demon’s Path

Chapter 456 The battle between the two fronts in the southeast

To the east of Xihe City, Long Mo was manipulating the Immortal Slaying Chariot and fired the first shot. There was a loud bang, and the purple soul power scattered in all directions flew wildly.

The 100,000 Allied Forces of the Soul Sect who were 50,000 meters away were bombarded to death thousands of people in the blink of an eye, but they acted as if nothing had happened, instead of advancing, they retreated, and retreated tens of thousands more rice.

What's going on? Long Mo was taken aback, unable to figure out whether these people came to attack the city, or came here on purpose to be ravaged.

He didn't fight back when he was beaten, but retreated back. If it wasn't intentional death, what else could it be?

Not to mention that Long Mo was puzzled, even Nangong Yuzhuo, who was in charge of this offensive, couldn't help feeling extremely depressed.

It was originally negotiated that the attack on the two wings should be coordinated with the attack in the middle. Nangong Yuzhuo had previously received an order to attack, but he had only moved forward for a short time, and immediately received an order from Li Qingxuan to stop the attack.

What the hell is this Li Qingxuan researching? Nangong Yuzhuo couldn't help but want to curse.

Nangong Yuzhuo and Nangong Yurong are completely two types of people from the outside. Nangong Yurong is gentle and elegant, like a woman, while Nangong Yuzhuo has a red face and a big beard. He looks like a grumpy person.

However, this irascible guy was only showing a little mania at this time. He didn't rush forward like Zou Shuai in disregard of orders because thousands of ground disciples died. This kind of patience is not bad.

On the other side, Long Mo also received the news of the enemy's setback on the frontal battlefield, and immediately understood the intention of retreating here, and couldn't help being in a good mood and laughing heartily.

He yelled towards the outside of the city with a loudspeaker: Cowards of the Shenhun sect, you have the guts to fight your grandpa of the Long family. If you don't have the guts, you are all bitches! Haha!

Long Mo's insulting words made the disciples of the Shenhun sect along the way furious, but the order from the superior is there, what else can they do?

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Long Mo asked the mercenaries in Xihe City to shout insults at the other party with loudspeakers one after another.

These mercenaries from the lowest level are all rough people, and they have done a lot of rough things, let alone swearing.

They took turns greeting each other's female family members, ranging from the grandma who was thousands of years old to the granddaughter who was five or six years old, all of them were greeted over and over again.

What's more, even the female animals in the other party's house will not be spared, threatening to let the pets they raise go to the other party's house for a few laps and give birth to a few litters of cubs.

An unbearable sound of abuse and laughter came from Xihe City, causing Nangong Yuzhuo and the allied forces of the Soul Master sect to blush at first, then turn pale, and finally completely petrified.

What are we still doing standing there? There are only more than 100,000 people in the whole city, and it is enough for them to suffer if we kill them all the way. Why do we have to stay here and listen to these people's swear words!? There was a young and energetic The guy finally couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly stood up: Anyone who is a bit bloody, follow me!

As soon as this guy greeted, thousands of people immediately responded to his call and rushed out together with this guy.

Nangong Yuzhuo was surprisingly calm, and was not furious because of the other party's abuse and the departure of more than a thousand disobedient guys.

A Disciple of the Digan Sect couldn't stand it any longer, and whispered: Young Master, they...

Nangong Yuzhuo gestured for him not to speak, and then he shouted loudly: Those guys don't obey orders, if they die, it has nothing to do with us. If they come back alive, I will punish them as usual! If you still Anyone who dares to disobey orders and leave the team without permission will be killed without mercy!

Nangong Yuzhuo said this at this time, obviously wanting to tell the fate of those thousands of people to his team, what will happen if they don't obey orders.

Everyone couldn't help but gasped, this eldest son of the Nangong family really has a ruthless style of acting!

Everyone didn't dare to disobey Nangong Yuzhuo's order, and quietly looked at the companions rushing forward to Xihe City.

When Long Mo saw that some food was finally delivered to the door, an incomparably bright smile appeared on that wicked face: Archer, get ready!

This army is mainly composed of mercenaries from Xihe City. They usually deal with beasts most of the time, and their bow and arrow skills are not bad. At this time, they had a defensive advantage, shooting arrows condescendingly, and the accuracy was much higher than usual.

Brush! The strong bows flying thousands of meters caught the thousands of allied forces of the Soul sects a little off guard, but they are elite disciples of various sects, if they can't even dodge the bows and arrows of these mercenaries, wouldn't their sects be wasted in vain? Have the energy to cultivate them?

Ding Ding Dang Dang... Thousands of soul masters took out their weapons and blocked the incoming bows and arrows, none of them hit them.

But the moment they broke open their bows and arrows, they immediately realized something was wrong, and shouted at their companions: Everyone, be careful!

Unfortunately, it is still too late.

The broken bow and arrow were slashed by their weapons, and balls of white powder scattered in all directions. Once the powder was scattered, as long as a little bit of it touched their bodies, wherever the powder touched, it would quickly rot, turning into a terrifying blood hole!

Ah... Thousands of soul masters screamed in pain. The smart ones reacted extremely quickly and cut off their own arms with swords. Those who were slow to react, turned into a human being in just ten seconds. A pile of bones.

Erosion powder! Nangong Yuzhuo's red face was slightly moved, he had only heard of this poison, and this was the first time he had seen the power of this poison.

The people behind Nangong Yuzhuo watched from afar as his group of disobedient comrades turned into a pile of bloody bones, their faces turned blue and white, and those with poor endurance could not help but vomit.

Of the thousands of attacking soul masters, only three or four hundred were left alive. Seeing the miserable conditions of their companions, they finally realized that they were too impulsive.

Retreat! Someone yelled, and none of these guys cared about anyone, and immediately turned around and fled.

Long Mo laughed strangely twice: Brothers, let them experience your Lianzhu arrows!

No problem! These thousands of mercenaries drew their bows and set their arrows one after another, but they set up one arrow before, but this time they set up two arrows.

Sigh... With a sharp sound of breaking the wind, bows and arrows shot at those fleeing guys like raindrops.

Sensing bows and arrows flying towards them from behind, these spirit masters didn't dare to block with weapons this time, but used body skills to move, preparing to dodge in the rain of arrows while continuing to escape.

Strangely, they found that the batch of bows and arrows did not shoot towards them, but shot above their heads.

They were just stunned for a moment, and then they understood each other's intentions.

When this batch of bows and arrows just flew over their heads, another batch of extremely swift bows and arrows precisely hit the tail of the previous batch of bows and arrows, shooting the previous batch of bows and arrows in half.

Papa... As the arrows split into two, the poisonous powder buried in the arrows shrouded like mist.

This time, none of the three or four hundred fleeing guys were spared, and they turned into a pile of blood-stained bones amidst howling ghosts and howling wolves.

Haha, it's done! All the mercenaries raised their hands and clapped each other's palms to show their congratulations.

Their level is weaker than the disciples of these sects, and their overall strength is not in the eyes of the other party. But they relied on the poisonous powder arrows specially made by Ling Xiao to make the enemy die even if they attacked, and even if they ran away, they couldn't even get close to themselves.

These mercenaries originally only held the belief of killing one or two opponents desperately, but they didn't expect the first confrontation to let them see the dawn of victory. Their desire to survive and win was aroused at once, and each of them became eager to try. , as if no matter how many people the other party came, they would kill as many people as possible.

What Ling Xiao wants is their belief that they must win. It seems that the defenders here have truly met Ling Xiao's requirements.

Nangong Yuzhuo and the allied forces of the Soul Sect behind him watched their companions turn into bones. Apart from shivering all over their bodies, each of them was also thankful that there was no strong attack just now.

Although there were not many archers on the other side, once the poisonous powder spread out, the attack range could reach tens of thousands of people.

If they had attacked just now, they would have become bones now.

The person involved in that kind of death doesn't know how it feels. Anyway, they, the bystanders, will have nightmares even at night after seeing it, like a lifetime of psychological shadow, which will never go away.

After being silent for a long time, Nangong Yuzhuo, as the chief offensive officer in this area, finally said: Don't worry, everyone, there will always be a time when they will pay the price!

The south side of Xihe City is defended by the Dragon and the Five Elements, and the defense on this side can be said to be the easiest.

Although there were also 100,000 enemy troops, the leader of the opponent did not know why, he only moved forward a few kilometers before, and then stayed still. This kind of inexplicable march made Long Wuxing yawn again and again unconsciously, and suddenly felt sleepy.

Originally, he also wanted to fire a cannon at the enemy like Long Mo in the east, but Ling Xiao had issued an order early on, as long as the opponent's troops did not charge 50,000 meters behind his own city, Long Wuxing would not take the initiative to shoot at the enemy. Fire the gun and provoke the other party.

It's so boring! Long Wuxing thought very boringly, the opponent really did what Ling Xiao said, and did not attack. Could it be that the commander of the opponent is also Ling Xiao's concubine?

Nonsence! What kind of concubine is not concubine? In this way, doesn't it mean that even his own patriarch has become Ling Xiao's concubine?

Long Wuxing quickly let go of those boring thoughts in his mind, and began to practice his reaction speed with the Immortal Killing Chariot: raising arms, lowering arms, moving forward, moving backward...

As boring as Dragon and Five Elements, it is naturally Elder Chen, the commander of the allied forces of soul masters on this side. He and Shang Ziheng received direct orders from their masters to keep them from attacking Xihe City no matter what. Don't act rashly before.

Although Elder Chen and Shang Ziheng didn't know the reason for the sect leader to make such an order, it was undoubtedly the best news for Shang Ziheng.

Shang Ziheng was naturally happy that he didn't have to meet the Thirteenth Master Uncle in battle. Shang Ziheng kept praying in his heart, praying that his thirteenth master would not lose in the frontal battlefield.

Except for Zou Shuai and Zou Zheng, all the chariot troops of the Zou family have been wiped out. Now, Zou Zheng is controlling his chariot to fight with Zou Tiezhu's chariot.

When Elder Chen and Shang Ziheng heard the news from the frontal battlefield, Shang Ziheng's spirit couldn't help being shocked: Well, I hope Master Ling can withstand the frontal attack, so that I don't have to fight with Ling. The uncle is fighting!

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