A Demon’s Path

Chapter 414 Min Kang

Ling Xiao didn't answer Zou Tiezhu's words right away, and personally took the pulse of Zou Tiezhu's mother, and then used mental power to scan the part of Zou's mother's brain related to the eyes, and then nodded with certainty: It can be cured. Tomorrow you will come with me Go to Zou's house, where I will personally make medicine for your mother.

Zou Tiezhu looked at Ling Xiao gratefully: Thank you, Master Xiao, but you should still remember what I told you that day.

Ling Xiao laughed and said, Of course I remember, this parchment is for you.

Zou Tiezhu took a sheepskin scroll from Ling Xiao's hand, and was immediately attracted by the sheepskin scroll at a glance: Purple-level attacking treasure-the Immortal Killing Chariot!

Huge conception, precise layout and construction, complex raw materials, and ultra-high-strength forging techniques, these are all the characteristics of a top-level forging map!

Zou Tiezhu's hands were trembling non-stop, his eyes were full of hunger and greed, as if he wanted to create the things recorded on this parchment in one go.

It really is a purple-level forging map! It took Zou Tiezhu a long time to come back to his senses, and he knelt down towards Ling Xiao with a plop: Meet the lord!

If he promised himself to heal his mother's eyes, and was able to present such a precious atlas to himself, if such a caring and generous boss didn't follow, who else could Zou Tiezhu be with?

Okay, I can't leave Wangyue Tower for too long. I'll wait at the gate of Zou's house at 2 o'clock tomorrow morning. I'll take you in with me. Ling Xiao patted Zou Tiezhu's shoulder, and left tens of thousands of topaz stones before leaving .

Although Zou Tiezhu's mother is blind, she has experienced a long life, and her heart is like a mirror: Son, this young master really wants you to be his blacksmith, such a caring master, even if tomorrow mother's If your eyes are not cured, you have to do things for others wholeheartedly, understand?

Of course Zou Tiezhu understood that he hadn't started to do anything for Ling Xiao yet, and he hadn't proved his forging skills, so he had given him so many benefits just by his few words.

If it weren't for the sincerity and foresight of Master Xiao, who would do so many things without a clear reward?

Mother, don't worry, I will. Zou Tiezhu nodded. He is now eagerly waiting for the arrival of tomorrow, so that he can heal his mother's eyes, and then take his mother and leave Zoucheng with the master. .

As soon as Ling Xiao left Zou Tiezhu's house and returned to the street, a cold snort sounded in his mind: It's good for you, after running for more than half a year, you went to Zoucheng to recruit a son-in-law without saying a word, which made your It's abominable that the little girl of the Ling family doesn't think about tea or food.

Ling Xiao giggled twice: Yuxuan, it's not like you don't know my situation. Who knows if that girl Shiyu is under surveillance. Didn't I hurt her by contacting her on my own initiative?

Aren't you afraid of hurting me? Long Yuxuan's voice was slightly angry: I heard that Xiao Lang is very rich and won the first place in the show off wealth competition. Now the price of that map has increased. One hundred million!

Ling Xiao laughed and said, As long as you are willing to speak, I will give you any money.

Ling Xiao didn't say a word, even you are mine, your money is not mine? It's just a question of whether to put it in the left pocket or the right pocket, no big deal.

Long Yuxuan snorted again: Come on, I'm a businessman, as I said, there is only a transaction between us. Clearly mark the price, no one can deceive you...

Then you raised my price just now? Ling Xiao immediately choked on Long Yuxuan's speech for a long time, and it took a long time to say quietly: Be careful yourself.

Ling Xiao put away his unscrupulous face, and replied seriously: You also have to be careful, wait for me to come back.


Without any more words, the connection between the two was cut off.

When Ling Xiao returned to Wangyue Tower, it was already dinner time, and all those young masters piled up in twos and threes in each private room of Wangyue Tower, eating and drinking. The Zou family is rich, so they can afford to eat and drink whatever they want.

As soon as Ling Xiao appeared in the lobby of Wangyue Tower, several servants immediately walked towards Ling Xiao, and then handed over their master's name cards one after another, hoping that Ling Xiao could enjoy the face and drink with him.

Ling Xiao casually glanced at the few name cards, and then selected one of them. This post reads: Haotianzong Minkang.

A Haotianzong disciple happily led Ling Xiao into the private room where Senior Brother Min was, and opened the door respectfully to invite Ling Xiao in.

There were only two people in the private room, Shang Ziheng and the young master Pianpian from Haotianzong, this person should be Min Kang from Haotianzong.

Seeing Ling Xiao walking in, Min Kang immediately smiled: Young Master Xiao is so flattering, Min Kang is flattered.

Shang Ziheng watched in astonishment as Ling Xiao sat down, his lips moved slightly.

Ling Xiao pretended not to know him at all, and smiled and chatted with Min Kang: Brother Min, I should be flattered... But, sorry for my ignorance, Brother Min's status in the Haotianzong...

Min Kang smiled slightly, and Ling Xiao could tell from that smile that Min Kang was deliberately cultivated by that kind of family. Although this smile is false, the person who sees it can't point out anything wrong no matter what.

In other words, Min Kang's smile is the standard and professional smile of the well-educated young masters.

I am the fourth-generation great-great-grandson of the patriarch of Haotian Sect, ranking first. Min Kang revealed his identity, and then carefully observed Ling Xiao's reaction.

So it's Young Master Minxuan, I'm sorry. Although Ling Xiao's tone was respectful, he just smiled lightly, without much surprise.

This man is so deep in the city, I am far from his opponent! Min Kang secretly sighed in his heart, showing his identity, but the other party didn't care at all, which made Min Kang feel frustrated.

But Min Kang didn't mind too much, he mainly wanted to win over Ling Xiao to achieve the goal of increasing his influence in the sect, so the stronger Ling Xiao was, the happier he was. Min Kang raised his wine glass and laughed loudly: Come on, for Brother Xiao's honor today, I offer three glasses to Brother Xiao, the first is the first!

Ling Xiao was also polite, and waited for Min Kang to drink three glasses before he drank three glasses, and then said quietly: I don't like to drink like this, I want to drink, I like to drink from a wine jug.

Shang Ziheng immediately remembered the days when Ling Xiao was in the Deep Valley of Mystery, and the image of Ling Xiao drinking heavily and eating meat immediately appeared in his mind. His heart became hot, and he hurriedly said, Senior Brother Min, I'll go get some wine!

Okay. Min Kang replied, and after a while, Shang Zi asked the servants from Wangyue Tower to bring thirty jars of spirits.

Just when Min Kang was looking at these wine jars with some astonishment, Shang Ziheng had already picked up a wine jar and held it up to Ling Xiao: Come, Mr. Xiao, I respect you for this jar of wine!

Ling Xiao smiled and nodded at Shang Ziheng: Same respect!

With a bang, the two wine jars collided, and then Ling Xiao and Shang Ziheng each held a wine jar and drank with their necks up.

Min Kang could only stare at the way these two people drank. From childhood to adulthood, the family education that Min Kang received was to be gentle and elegant in everything he did, and to conform to the demeanor of the children of the aristocratic family in every word and deed.

Such a barbaric way of drinking is absolutely not allowed in the family.

However, seeing that Ling Xiao and Shang Ziheng had each poured down four jars of spirits, Min Kang was heartbroken, and also picked up a wine jar and Ling Xiao and Shang Ziheng poured down their fifth jar: Do it!

A burning smell rushed up Min Kang's throat from bottom to top, choking him almost to vomit. He suppressed the discomfort and suppressed the strength of the drink. After a while, he found that this way of drinking was really refreshing.

Haha! Ling Xiao laughed loudly as he looked at Min Kang's flushed neck.

Min Kang knew he was making a fool of himself, so he laughed a few times and continued drinking.

Apart from the word dry, no other voices came from this private room.

At night, on the roof of Moonwatching Tower, Min Kang looked at the moon alone, and Ling Xiao's voice came from behind him: Master Minxuan, what do you want me for?

Min Kang didn't look back, he laughed and said, I just want to make friends with you, that's all.

Ling Xiao shook her head and said: It's not a problem to make friends, the key is that I am too afraid of trouble, and I am too embarrassed not to help my friends when they are in trouble, so I seldom make friends.

Min Kang didn't continue talking, but just sighed a little: Young Master Xiao, do you know Junior Brother Shang Ziheng?

Ling Xiao was secretly surprised, but he didn't show it on his face: Why do you see it?

He is my father's first apprentice. I have known him for so many years. How can I not see that there is something wrong with him? Min Kang seemed to be talking about something, and continued to talk: He is an extremely conceited Man, even if it is me, he is only respectful on the surface. But I can see that he is willing to fetch wine for you in person, which shows that he admires you from the bottom of his heart.

Min Kang knew very well that after his senior brothers went to the Deep Valley of Mystery last time, their respect for a person reached a level that was almost worshipful, especially Shang Ziheng.

Min Kang is the son of their master, and he has played with them since he was a child. It is not difficult to ask who that person is from their mouths.

Ling Xiao smiled slightly: So what?

Min Kang looked at Ling Xiao resentfully like a woman: Don't tell me, do you want me to make it so clear, Uncle Thirteen?

Haha... Although Ling Xiao was surprised by Min Kang's deduction, but when it comes to pretending to be crazy, pretending to be stupid, and pretending to be stupid, Ling Xiao is very strong: Brother Min, you must have mistaken someone.

Seeing that Ling Xiao refused to admit it life and death, Min Kang had no choice but to give up: Uncle Thirteen, I know Xuanzu values ​​you very much, even my father is not as important as you in his heart. I don't want to ask you anything, I just hope that you can see that you and I have a drink together tonight, if I have any danger in the future, you can give me a hand.

Ling Xiao heard too much helplessness from Min Kang's words, but Ling Xiao asked herself that she couldn't take care of herself, how could she care about Min Kang's affairs?

Of course, Ling Xiao doesn't dislike Min Kang. If he can help in the future, Ling Xiao will not refuse: Okay, I promise you. If there is anything I can help in the future, I will definitely help you. I will help, but you'd better give me enough in return.

Ling Xiao turned around and left. After walking a few steps, she suddenly turned around and laughed twice: I'll say it one last time, I'm Xiao Lang, not your Thirteenth Martial Uncle.

Seeing Ling Xiao's leaving figure, Min Kang could only sigh weakly to Yue Xing a few times.

Afterwards, a black shadow under the moon moved and quietly disappeared near the roof where Min Kang and Ling Xiao were.

Ling Xiao looked in the direction where the shadow was standing, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

I don't know if I'm being stared at, Min Kang, Min Kang, you idiot! Ling Xiao couldn't help but secretly scolded Min Kang: If my identity is exposed, then even you can't afford to go around!

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