A Demon’s Path

Chapter 405: The Process of the Son-in-Law Contest

Soon, Ling Xiao immediately found out the news from the Lingtong Temple, which was in charge of inquiring about the news of the Seven Devils Sect. He was only eight years old when the Devil taught.

Although Zuo Xiao thought that he was hiding Yu'er in the dark room of his room without anyone noticing, he didn't expect that the ancestor of the Seven Demons had already known about it, but he was too lazy to worry about such trivial matters. Shang and Zuo Xiao are just arguing.

Brought back by this guy at the age of eight? What a beast! Ling Xiao shook her head helplessly as she looked at Yu'er with a dazed expression.

For beautiful women, Ling Xiao thinks that they are the best gift from the creator to men, and they are not to be spoiled by those pig-like men.

Fortunately, Zuo Xiao died because of the backlash of the curse, otherwise, if it fell into Ling Xiao's hands, Ling Chi would definitely blow up Zuo Xiao's thing.

Anyway, he is now surrounded by men's subordinates, so it would be nice to have a beautiful personal maid.

The only thing Ling Xiao was worried about was that this girl was not as capable as Xiao Mo and Shi Yu, after all, this girl was raised as a plaything.

After a one-day trial period, what Ling Xiao didn't expect was that Xiaoyu, a maid, did a pretty good job in daily life, keeping Ling Xiao's room in good order and washing her clothes clean.

Ling Xiao reckoned that when she returned to Xihe City next time, that crappy girl Ling Shiyu could be laid off.

Yu'er, do you usually clean up this room? Ling Xiao asked with interest.

Yes, master. Yu'er replied mechanically, her little hands were quite spiritual, and she was not ambiguous at all about wiping the wardrobe.

Well, you are my personal maid. Ling Xiao walked out of the room very satisfied, and came to the courtyard that now belonged to her.

Those women were scattered by Ling Xiao long ago. Although Ling Xiao likes to visit brothels, he doesn't like the place where he lives like a brothel.

Standing in front of Ling Xiao now are the Five Demon Brothers from Black Demon Mountain and the Ten Nether Heroes, and hundreds of shadowmen from the Seven Demon Cults of Yaotian Continent standing behind them.

These people looked at the newly appointed Left Guardian of the Seven Demon Sect inexplicably, wondering why he summoned them here.

Ling Xiao sighed helplessly: Unexpectedly, I changed my appearance, and you really don't recognize me.

Upon hearing that familiar voice, the five brothers of the Black Devil Mountain reacted the fastest, and at the same time they cried out in ecstasy: Master...

Ling Xiao put his index finger on his lips, and made a gesture of silence: Now you want to call me Seventh Young Master, or Zuo Protector. Don't mention the title of leader again.

After knowing that Ling Xiao was the Seventh Young Master who overwhelmed the heroes of the Seven Demon Sects, everyone was overjoyed and fell silent.

The elders of the Seven Temples of the Seven Devils Sect in Yaotian Continent can still recognize the Seven Devils Patriarch as the leader, because they are originally from the Seven Devils Patriarch.

And if these people want to recognize the Patriarch of the Seven Demons as the leader, they think they can't do it.

When they entered the Seven Demon Sect, the clone of the Seven Demon Patriarch in Yaotian Continent was already dead, and Ling Xiao was their guide. In their hearts, Ling Xiao will always be their only leader.

But they also understand that the situation now is different from then.

Hei Mo Shan Mo Da broke the silence the most: Teach... Seventh Young Master, you came to us this time...

Ling Xiao showed them a very harmless and perverted smile: Come with me, we are ordered to pick up girls.

This group of people started from the Seven Demons Sect in a mighty way. Except for them and the ancestor of the Seven Demons, no one knew that the Seventh Young Master, the rookie of the Seven Demons Sect, was Ling Xiao who had made a fuss in Xuantian Continent some time ago.

Everyone only knew that this time, the left protector and seventh son of the Seven Demon Sect was out, and he didn't know what kind of deeds he was going to do to exterminate the clan.

Because Zuo Xiao, the former guardian of Zuo, was specialized in this kind of thing in the Seven Devils Sect.

However, very quickly, this man and horse immediately disappeared from the sight of those who cared, disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace.

Those caring people were very depressed, why did a large number of demon soul masters come out, and the highest level was only orange level, why did they disappear under their noses?

The reason is very simple. Ling Xiao used the soul-changing pill to convert the soul power of these people into divine souls, and walked in batches.

Ling Xiao himself only took the five brothers from the Black Demon Mountain, and the rest of the shadow warriors let the Ten Nether Heroes scatter, and one person led a team, and they agreed to rendezvous in Taishan City, which was under the control of the Zou family.

At this time, Ling Xiao was sitting on the old captain's boat with Yu'er and the five brothers of the Black Devil Mountain, basking in the sun leisurely. This time, seeing Ling Xiao brought his men over, the old captain just grinned with his yellowed teeth, and didn't bother to chat with Ling Xiao anymore.

Ling Xiao also took advantage of this time to study his strategy of picking up girls.

This time, Ling Xiao's identity is a casual cultivator in the Shura Sea Region in the extreme east of Xuantian Continent. As for the name Ling Xiao, I don't even bother to think about it.

Anyway, it's not the first time he's done this kind of thing of pretending to be a rich man from a remote place, and he's proficient in doing it again now.

The five black devil brothers are his followers, and the purpose of going to the Zou family this time is naturally to become son-in-law.

The fake identity of the Seven Demon Patriarch has already been arranged for him, so Ling Xiao naturally knows a lot about the situation in the Shura Sea Territory. The only thing Ling Xiao needs to worry about now is how to make himself, the seventh son, stand out from the crowd among so many sons and brothers, and stand out from the crowd.

The Zou family's son-in-law post stated very clearly that in order to marry this melancholy beauty, the sons and daughters had to win several contests arranged by the Zou family. Whoever wins the most games is the final winner.

Of course, if there is a tie, then Miss Zou Wei's final choice shall prevail.

The first game was vulgar and rustic, but they had to compete: compare who has more spar treasures.

In this contest, Ling Xiao could win with a blindfold. How many people in Dazzling Sky Continent are richer than the beggar old man?

What's more, is Ling Xiao still afraid that there will be nowhere to get money? As long as he opens his mouth, Long Yuxuan will definitely borrow a lot of money, and then he will sell himself and return it to her.

So in the first Ling Xiao match, Ling Xiao directly ignored it.

After the competition of financial resources, the second match is a competition of physical strength.

This Zou family is also really interesting. The method of comparing physical strength is very simple. People in their family will set up an overlapping space, and let all the son-in-laws who want to be son-in-law go to run in that space, whoever runs out first, Whoever is the winner of this game.

Of course, the prerequisite for this is that no tools are allowed, and only one's own soul power can be used.

Everyone will watch those young masters running, under the watchful eyes of everyone, no one has the shame to cheat, and there is no need to cheat.

Ling Xiao was a little nervous for the second round, but fortunately, it was written at the top of the post that participating sons and sisters could not be older than the youth level, and their age should not exceed one hundred years old.

From this requirement, Ling Xiao saw two points: first, a hundred years old is still very young in Xuantian Continent; second, the strongest players in this competition can only reach the junior level.

The third is a skill competition, everyone can perform their own unique skills, and the judges of the Zou family and representatives of each spirit sect will decide who is the winner.

stunt? Ling Xiao thought maliciously, does that kind of ability count as a stunt?

Ling Xiao didn't bother to care about what the third skill competition would be like. Anyway, with Amakusa Tsunmu in hand, and the magic medicine refined, what skill is cooler than this skill?

The fourth match is the cruelest martial arts competition, and if one wins in this competition, one match can be used as two matches.

This is also normal, if there is no force in Xuantian Continent, who would dare to marry your daughter to you?

Savage, savage, human beings are still savage animals after all, so they can't be more gentle? Knowing that he might not be able to win this competition, Ling Xiao had no choice but to express his emotions and strongly wanted to come up with this one. The members of the Zou family in the martial arts competition despised him a hundred times a hundred times.

The last match is a novelty, whoever can make Miss Zou Wei laugh will win.

To make a woman happy? Ling Xiao laughed twice, he is very good at this.

With the life experience of everyone in Yaotian Continent, what kind of woman has he never seen?

A woman's mind is nothing more than romance, power and property.

Women who like Feng*yue like men who are handsome and romantic, Ling Xiao thinks that she is doing a good job in this regard.

Power? In terms of Ling Xiao's current status in the Seven Devils Sect or Min Tianqi's disciple status is pretty good, but these two identities can't be made public now, so forget it.

If the other party is a woman who loves money, Ling Xiao is afraid that she won't be able to handle it?

Okay, the son-in-law of the Zou family must be me! Ling Xiao stood on the deck, with the evening wind blowing his hair head-on, fully revealing his confident face under the setting sun.

Confidence, no matter what you do, have confidence, this is what Ling Xiao requires of herself.

Even if there are many difficulties and obstacles in front of him, Ling Xiao will never back down, because Ling Xiao knows that what he will face in the future may be an enemy like Heaven.

If all these difficulties can't be solved, why would he talk about going to the Heavenly Soul Realm to help his father fight the enemy together?

The Zou family, here I come! That woman called Zou Wei, you just wait for the seventh son of your family to marry you, haha! Ling Xiao looked up to the sky and laughed extremely proudly.

The old captain looked at this guy with high fighting spirit, the gray beard couldn't help but move, nodded secretly, and looked at Ling Xiao approvingly.

The old captain's boundless life didn't know when it would end, so he had to find something to do when he was bored, to pass this boring life.

And where there is this kid, he will not be bored, the old captain always believed so. He will keep watching to see where this kid's path will go...

(Recommend the new book of the brothers in the same group: Wushuang Mingxian)

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