A Demon’s Path

Chapter 361 Treasures of Xihe City

Even though this Dazzling Sky Continent is huge, there are not many grandpas who can truly be called rich, and there are even fewer grandpas who are rich and have personality.

Old Man Beggar is one of the few people. His wealth is recognized by the entire Xuantian Continent. As long as he likes something, no matter how expensive it is, he will buy it, and spend money until others are soft.

And his personality is not only because he is a shopaholic, but also because he always likes to dress himself up in tatters. When he is bored, he even plays a guest role as a beggar himself, and competes with real beggars on the street. started a business.

Probably because he was unhappy staying in other big places, so this weird old man came to this kind of no-regret area, probably looking for some novelty things to play with.

At this time, this rich man with personality was on the first floor of the Xihe Chamber of Commerce, walking around in tattered clothes carelessly.

In the books written by many poor literati in the world, the rich are described as fools who only know how to show off. In fact, those are just wishful thinking of those poor literati.

Those who can buy things in the Xihe Chamber of Commerce are naturally rich, and what these rich people must do is of course to have foresight.

When the beggar old man pointed out in the hall on the first floor that the swords bought by the customers here were not good, and the medicinal materials bought by the customers there were not authentic enough, many guests on the first floor were attracted by the old man beggars, please The old man scouted out some good stuff for himself.

The beggar old man seemed to like this feeling very much, grinning his teeth, pointing to the east and comparing to the west in a bully manner.

Of course, the items of the same kind that he had selected were naturally better than the ones that the guests themselves liked, causing more people to gather around, and even Ling Xiao couldn't help being curious about the old man.

It wasn't until a well-dressed young woman came out and brought the old beggar to the reception room on the top floor with a smile, that the guests on the first floor reluctantly bid farewell to the old beggar as if they were parting from their lovers.

He was brought into the reception room with the beggar old man, and naturally there were Ling Xiao and Ling Shiyu.

In the luxurious reception room, Long Yuxuan's white dress and Ling Shiyu's red dress set off each other, making Ling Xiao's eyes dazzled.

Seeing her idol again, Ling Shiyu couldn't help but want to strike up a conversation with Long Yuxuan, but a kind of inferiority from the bottom of her heart made Ling Shiyu stop her footsteps, and could only stand in the distance and watch Long Yuxuan. Yuxuan.

As the president of the Xihe Chamber of Commerce and a strong woman, Long Yuxuan is naturally the idol of Ling Shiyu, a child from a merchant family.

Senior Hai, why didn't you notify in advance when you came? It seemed that Long Yuxuan knew this old beggar very well.

The old beggar raised his beard, rolled his eyes, and said angrily, Dragon girl, it's really embarrassing for you not to sell me any good things here!

Long Yuxuan hid her surprise very well, and smiled slightly: Senior Hai, I don't know what you are talking about?

Even through the veil, Long Yuxuan's smiling face is still lethal, not to mention Ling Xiao, even Ling Shiyu couldn't help but praise in her heart: The president is so beautiful...

The beggar old man grabbed it casually, and Ling Xiao who was standing in the distance was grabbed by the beggar old man with one hand: Ask this kid, what do I want to buy?

Ling Xiao reluctantly took out the piece of dead wood: It's this...

Not to mention the old beggar, even Long Yuxuan's eyes lit up: Ling Xiao, where did this come from?

The beggar old man was stunned for a moment, then he understood immediately, and shouted: Okay, you boy, how dare you lie to me! So this thing belongs to you!

Ling Shiyu still didn't understand why even Long Yuxuan couldn't help but feel moved by Ling Xiao's only piece of wood.

She sighed, it seems that she is so blind, she is indeed much worse than the president.

Ling Xiao rolled his eyes, but he still told the origin of this piece of dead wood: I killed Kongshan old devil and found it in his soul chain.

Long Yuxuan suddenly sneered and said, Unexpectedly, those guys from the Kongshan Gang would have the guts to covet the treasures of Xihe City, how ridiculous!

Ling Shiyu was completely dumbfounded: Treasure? From Xihe City? Do we have any treasures in Xihe City?

Long Yuxuan suddenly realized that there was Ling Shiyu beside her, and a cold light flashed in her eyes, revealing her murderous aura.

Ling Xiao quickly stood in front of Ling Shiyu and shouted loudly: Wait!

No matter how stupid Ling Shiyu was, she understood that she had heard something she shouldn't have heard, and her face turned pale.

At this time, the figure of Ling Xiao standing in front of her became extremely kind.

This titular master looks more like his own bodyguard!

Long Yuxuan snorted coldly: What? Do you feel sorry for the fragrance?

As long as it is within the scope of my ability, no one can touch my person, even if she is just my slave. Ling Xiao looked directly at Long Yuxuan, not paying attention to the other party's murderous intent.

Ling Shiyu's heart warmed, besides father and master, he is the best person to me...

Long Yuxuan's eyes showed a mocking look: Boy, what is your ability? Now I want to crush you to death, that's a piece of cake.

Really? Ling Xiao immediately gave the other party a mocking smile: Has the scar on your face less itchy recently?

Long Yuxuan's beautiful eyes widened and her whole body trembled slightly: What have you done?

Ling Xiao said coldly: It's nothing, just to relieve some pain for you. However, if I die, your pain will double in ten days!

Long Yuxuan was so angry that she gritted her teeth, this guy who looked extremely lecherous, turned out to have poisoned herself so much that she didn't even realize it while touching her scar!

Long Yuxuan paused every word: You dare to threaten me?

Ling Xiao retorted: You forced this. A businessman? A ghost will believe what a businessman who is only interested in profit will say. If you don't hold back, how dare you stay with you?

Haha... The beggar old man laughed loudly, as if he saw something very interesting: Dragon girl, this problem is actually easy to solve. The little girl in red is left here to accompany her master. That is, as long as we find that treasure, can we just erase the little girl's memories of this period?

Looking at Long Yuxuan's eyes that were still full of murderous intent, the old beggar went on to say: As for this kid, one of the most critical things is to rely on his central beast.

Purple jade unicorn? Long Yuxuan looked at Ling Xiao with a very different look, as if surprised.

The beggar old man nodded: There is no place to find if you have broken through the iron shoes. It doesn't take much effort to get here. It seems that this time is the right time to come here, haha!

With the confirmation of the beggar old man, Long Yuxuan no longer wanted to kill Ling Shiyu.

If she wanted to kill, she would kill Ling Xiao together!

Ling Xiao, take your slave back to the room. If you need anything, just tell the servants at the door. Without my order, you are not allowed to step out of the door! Long Yuxuan said coldly: You threaten me, I'll threaten you with this girl's life, so it's best for everyone to be sensible and live in peace.

Ling Xiao said lightly: There is one thing I forgot to tell you. After ten days, you'd better let me touch your face again. Otherwise, the pain will be doubled. Don't blame me for not reminding you.

If Ling Xiao could be killed, Long Yuxuan would definitely chop Ling Xiao into eight pieces, chop each piece into a meat paste, and feed it to the dogs.

Get out! Long Yuxuan gritted her teeth at this moment, probably only she could understand.

The beggar old man gloated and laughed, Interesting, interesting. Long girl, this is the first time I've seen you fall down in so many years, haha!

Please go and explain to this girl's father, so that her father won't be worried. After saying this, Ling Xiao pulled Ling Shiyu, who was in shock, back to the room that looked like a small prison cell.

How did this happen? Huh... Ling Shiyu couldn't help but shed tears, squatting in the corner of the room, hugging her knees and sobbing softly.

This little girl did have a reason to cry. Her idol, Long Yuxuan, was so ruthless, that perfect image instantly shattered in her mind.

What made her feel even more sad was that she lost her personal freedom just like that. She didn't know how long she would be locked up, or whether she would die.

The only good thing is that his beast owner seems to be good to him, at least he can temporarily guarantee his personal safety.

It's just that, if you want to be locked up with this beast owner all day, who knows if he will become a beast, and then...

Ling Shiyu shook her head violently, forget it, she is a motherless girl, so let her life be more miserable.

This master, who seems to be very quick to kill, is not too bad looking...

How could Ling Xiao have the time to guess what nasty things this girl Ling Shiyu was thinking now, all his thoughts were on the content of the conversation between the two just now.

Ling Xiao lied to Long Yuxuan earlier, but he did not poison Long Yuxuan's face. The scar on Long Yuxuan's face improved because of the spirit power of the Seven Souls Demon Chain in Ling Xiao's body and the blood in the scar. The power of the curse was extremely close, so it naturally absorbed some of it, easing Long Yuxuan's pain.

Long Yuxuan's face changed wildly because she didn't notice that Ling Xiao had poisoned her, but Ling Xiao didn't poison her at all, so how could she notice it! ?

Although the scene of cheating on Long Yuxuan just now was thrilling, Ling Xiao's heart didn't even jump a few times. Lie people.

As far as the kung fu of swindling people is concerned, Ling Xiao is definitely one of the best in Xuantian Continent.

Ling Xiao wasn't worried that Long Yuxuan would find out that she had lied to him. What he was worried about now was what she and the beggar old man were going to use Xiao Linzi for.

Ling Shiyu, come here and ask you something! Ling Xiao waved her hand, signaling Ling Shiyu to get up and speak.

Ling Shiyu wiped away her tears, revealing a determined look on her face, with the potential of being heroic and righteous: Come on!

Looking at this girl's posture, Ling Xiao knew that she must be thinking about that again. Since the other party is so active, if she procrastinates, won't she be looked down upon by this girl?

Huh! Ling Xiao snorted coldly, and pulled off a large part of Ling Shiyu's sleeves, revealing her jade arms as smooth as lotus roots.

Ah! Ling Shiyu screamed, with a pair of big eyes showing a look of incomparable fear, she took two or three steps back, and Dou Da's tears rolled down again.

Little girl, if you're afraid, don't pretend! Ling Xiao said coldly, Tell me honestly, what places in Xihe City might be the hiding places for the treasures they mentioned?

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