A Demon’s Path

Chapter 343: The Decisive Battle Is Coming

Brother Xiao, are you sure? Standing on the edge of the island with the sea breeze blowing, Tang Yingying looked at the dark deep sea in front of him, never before asked so seriously.

Ling Xiao wiped the bottom of his nose with his fingers, and said with a chuckle: Brother Xiao never fights uncertain battles.

Tang Yingying smiled, full of charm: Brother Xiao, you are lying again.

Ling Xiao was taken aback: How do you know?

Tang Yingying took Ling Xiao's hand, and said softly, When brother Xiao is lying and trying to deceive people, your fingers will wipe your nose unconsciously.

It was the first time that Ling Xiao realized that she had this habit. It seemed that Tang Yingying knew herself better than herself in some places.

Ling Xiao was really not sure at all.

The so-called battle of trapped beasts probably refers to Ling Xiao and the current Yaotian Continent.

Although the spirit barrier exists, Ling Xiao has long been aware of one thing. Now that the barrier has become meaningless because of Li Qingxuan's awakening.

The only function is that he can still use the power of this spirit enchantment as a sharp weapon to attack the enemy, this is also Ling Xiao's last obstacle.

All the civilians have been moved into the spirit barrier, this is the only protective measure Ling Xiao can take for the civilians on Yaotian Continent.

Without the worries of civilians, as long as the barrier of spirit and soul is not broken, everyone can only stay on the periphery of the barrier of spirit and soul to fight.

Ling Xiao gently hugged Tang Yingying in her arms, and that petite body pressed against Ling Xiao's body, like a bird finding its warm nest.

Yingying, stay inside the Tibetan Front Cliff, and let me protect you until the last moment. Ling Xiao said softly.

Tang Yingying rejected Ling Xiao once in a rare way: No, I want to be with my mother and my clan. Although I can't fight, I can't leave them behind and hide by myself!

This is the stubborn Tang Yingying, and this is the first time Ling Xiao has seen it.

Ling Xiao smiled wryly: Okay, Yingying, then you should be careful.

Ling Xiao didn't do anything to dissuade her, the two of them had signed a soul contract, as long as there was this contract, Ling Xiao could come to Tang Yingying in an instant.

If Ling Xiao doesn't die, Yingying will be fine.

This is the promise Ling Xiao made to Tang Yingying and to herself.

The two of them cuddled up to each other by the seaside, listening to the sound of the waves and enjoying the caress of the sea breeze...

This day, for the people of Yaotian Continent, may be the last day they see the sun in the sky.

To be precise, they couldn't even see the sun.

Floating in the sky was a mass of black figures, there were millions of spirit masters and monsters from the earth soul world.

The appearance of these soul masters and demon clan immediately caused panic among countless civilians. Many old people saw the snake girl with a long tail, the centaur monster, and the four-legged bird, and their hearts stopped beating immediately, and many children and women turned pale with fright and cried. Huddle together.

Only the men are still tightly holding the weapons in their hands, whether they are hatchets, axes, or kitchen knives.

Even if they are afraid, these men still have to stand up to protect their families, because this is a man's duty and dignity.

Many people who didn't know the truth suddenly understood what the weird atmosphere of the previous day was for. The legend of the catastrophe in the last days was not only found in the world of chain soul masters.

The spirit master is still headed by the white-haired old man of the Yuntian sect, while the leader of the demon side has become a blond-haired snake girl this time.

Although they were enemies in the Earth Soul Realm, this time they reached a rare reconciliation.

The group of people from the Yuntian Sect were all floating in the sky above the seven holy lands protected by the spirit barrier, while the demon clan appeared in the sky above the demon clan's Wanyao Island and the three major demon gates.

Ling Xiao didn't know for what purpose they reached the carve-up agreement, looking at the dark clouds in the sky, he just said to the people in the entire Yaotian Continent: Kill them all, let's fight!

Kill! In an instant, the chain soul masters in the entire Yaotian Continent roared wildly, and flew into the sky one after another, covering the entire sky even more pitch black, like a polar night.

The old man of Yuntianzong saw that he encountered such a neat resistance this time, and couldn't help shouting: Wait!

It has to be said that the roar of the old man of Yuntianzong was extremely powerful, and the hundreds of thousands of chain soul masters around him were roared by him, and their bodies fell like birds shot by bows and arrows.

The Yuntianzong elder glanced at Ling Xiao who was hiding in the crowd, and narrowed his eyes slightly: You are the organizer of this operation, Ling Xiao?

It's rare for me, Ling Xiao, to keep a low profile. Unexpectedly, I'm still like a firefly in the dark night, the light can't be hidden!

Ling Xiao suddenly flew into the sky from the crowd, and although he looked up at the old man of Yuntianzong, there was no respect at all on his face: It must be the message sent to you by Li Qingxuan's son-in-law, otherwise, you This old turtle can't find it here either.

Looking up, it's just because the opponent is temporarily flying higher than him.

Haha... Unexpectedly, the old man of Yuntianzong was not angry, but said to Ling Xiao very loudly: Although there is the breath of the soul world, Li Qingxuan can't exert the full strength of the soul world, but You can make him so embarrassed, which also proves your strength...

Say what you have to say, and fart if you have something to say. Ling Xiao smiled coldly, with endless mockery on the corner of his mouth: I know what you probably want to say, it's nothing more than asking me to rely on you, and you will spare my life, right? ?”

After Ling Xiao guessed his intentions, the old man's eyes became even more admirable: Ling Xiao, you are really a rare talent! I don't want to talk nonsense, as long as you take refuge in me and worship me as your teacher, I can guarantee Your family can safely enter the Earth Soul Realm, and your future is even more limitless!

Ling Xiao just hesitated for a moment, but the chain soul masters in the entire Yaotian Continent looked at him nervously, for fear that Ling Xiao would just agree to the old man of Yuntianzong.

If this is the case, Ling Xiao will definitely be fine, and the ones who have trouble are naturally they who have become food.

Master Ling!

Alliance leader!

Many people called Ling Xiao anxiously, but Ling Xiao signaled them to stop with just a wave of his hand.

Seeing that Ling Xiao seemed to be a little moved, and seemed to have made a decision, the old man of Yuntianzong couldn't help but smile: How is it?

Ling Xiao also answered the elder Yuntianzong with a smile: Although your offer is very tempting, I still have the same answer: I refuse.

Ling Xiao's voice was not loud, but it was like a powerful booster hitting the hearts of all chain soul masters on Yaotian Continent.

Why? The old man of Yuntianzong showed his fierce face. He had never been rejected like this before, and he was still in front of millions of his disciples and grandchildren.

Not to mention the world of life and soul, even if it is the world of earth soul, if he wants to personally accept disciples, he doesn't know how many people will scramble to beat their heads to the door.

And this Ling Xiao is so ignorant!

Over there, the snake girl from the monster clan laughed loudly: Li Tianxun, you are nothing more than that, haha!

Ling Xiao said unhurriedly: There is no reason, if one day I kill your family and ask all the women in your family to warm my bed and wash my feet, what are you doing?

Li Tianxun, the old man of Yuntianzong, turned purple with anger, Ling Xiao not only rejected him, but also this guy didn't have the demeanor of a strong person in Yaotian Continent, and his mouth was full of messy things.

Damn it! Kill them all, especially if you want to tear that kid into pieces! Li Tianxun roared angrily, and millions of spirit masters from the soul world immediately swooped down like locusts.

Ling Xiao had already made the arrangement, and when he saw these guys moving, he snapped his fingers and shouted: Beimin Qingtian Sword!

In an instant, with Ling Xiao as the core, hundreds of thousands of soul masters will sacrifice their soul stones and pour all their soul power into Ling Xiao.

Countless rays of light enveloped Ling Xiao, turning him into an intense and hot light source.

Even the sun has never been so dazzling as Ling Xiao at this moment.

Li Tianxun, the old man of Yuntianzong, couldn't help but his face changed slightly: This kid is so arrogant!

Li Tianxun naturally knew this sword move, because this move was originally Yun Tianzong's powerful sword skill!

This move can use the power of other people to apply it all to oneself, and unleash the strongest blow that exceeds the combined power of all people.

However, as the carrier for issuing this sword, there are nine out of ten cases where this sword move will lead to excessive consumption and loss of soul power, and what is more serious is to directly lose your soul!

But this kid Ling Xiao used this move so crazily, did he want to go all out when he came up?

Boom! As soon as the Qingtian sword came out, a sword shadow as huge as the tallest mountain on the Yaotian Continent seemed to rise straight from the ground, filling everyone's sights.

The soul masters of the Earth Soul Realm who were rushing forward had nowhere to dodge, they directly bumped into the sky-lifting sword shadow, making a bang bang bang bang sound, their flesh and blood turned into countless bloody water, flying all over the sky.

This blow directly killed tens of thousands of soul masters in the earth soul world, and its shocking power can be seen!

However, after this blow, the soul master of the life and soul world also died due to excessive consumption of soul power, and his body flew down.

It was just a counterattack, and the losses of both sides were almost the same, equally heavy.

Obviously, those soul masters in the world of life and soul already knew that this would be the result, and they were ready to die desperately.

Li Tianxun really couldn't understand why these little bug-like foods became so brave, and how Ling Xiao could have such a great appeal.

Not to mention Li Tianxun, even the chain soul masters themselves did not expect that they would have such a brave moment.

Under Ling Xiao's persuasion, the Soul Master of the Fate Soul Realm who was able to stand here this day had already ended the regrets of this life the day before. They understand that whether they fight or not, it is a dead end.

But if they fight hard, at least they have a chance to protect their relatives and lovers.

This is the truth that Ling Xiao taught each of them, as long as they can understand, they don't need Ling Xiao's call at all, they will all come to participate in this counterattack automatically.

For Ling Xiao, Li Tianxun had a deeper understanding. If this kid wasn't so stubborn, he would be really happy to accept Ling Xiao as his apprentice.

However, what surprised Li Tianxun even more was that Ling Xiao, who was the main carrier of this attack, was not only not injured, but became more vigorous than before!

The technique of strengthening the soul? How is it possible? It is not the soul of a direct relative, how can it be fused into the soul of the same person? Li Tianxun's face changed wildly, and the other soul masters in Yaotian Continent saw that Ling Xiao's attack was effective. At that time, it was even more imposing, crazily sacrificing his own soul chain.

In an instant, countless soul powers rushed towards Ling Xiao crazily!

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