A Demon’s Path

Chapter 333 Besieging the Monster Race Envoy

Including Ling Xiao, there are seventeen purple ranks in total, and the four black-faced muscular bodyguards of the Yaozu envoys face them without any fear.

Little bugs in the Soul Realm, let me show you the gap between you and the Earth Soul Realm! The four black-faced bodyguards collided with each other with their fists, and with a few bangs, their bodies instantly became blue. The Big Mac in the Moon Realm is almost as tall!

These four tall bodies landed on the surface of the sea, there were several loud bangs, and several groups of violent waves were aroused by the lack of wind. These groups of giant waves pushed away in all directions, and within a short time, several small islands near Wan Yao Island were razed to sea level!

When the demon clan in the earth soul world made a move, it was so overwhelming that they must have wanted to give Ling Xiao and the others a blow.

But since Ling Xiao has already decided on something, even if he is desperate now, he has no intention of retreating.

Come out! Ziqiongmen plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum Siying didn't hold back when she made a move this time, and immediately joined forces to summon the world-destroying angel.

The tall and burly purple sword angel and one of the black-faced bodyguards stared at each other, and the spark of the battle was immediately sparked.

Tang Huan of Falling Wind Valley once again exerted a huge force, and his body became extremely tall. In addition to the armor that He Sheng made for him, although he still looks five or six heads shorter than the other party in size, he still has three other Patriarchs to help. In terms of combat power and defense power, it should be able to barely handle one.

Moreover, as soon as Shen Jintang made a move, he immediately used a life soul skill, and the purple life soul came out of his body, with amazing power!

Elder Sixuan of Xuanhai Sect reached the purple level Dzogchen, their hands swung quickly, and countless talisman papers flew out of their hands.

Under the help of a strange wind, the talisman papers all over the sky turned into a golden armored God of War.

The Golden Armored God of War also got entangled with one of the black-faced bodyguards, and got entangled together.

The four demon generals of Wanyao Island formed a four-phase formation, and entangled the last big black-faced bodyguard. On the scene, there were only the demon master, Demon Lord Pan Chi, Ling Xiao, and the emissary of the demon tribe.

Ling Xiao didn't talk nonsense with the demon envoy either, and killed the demon envoy together with Pan Chi and the demon master.

Really dare to do it? The fat body of the demon messenger moved a bit, and he took out a pair of big iron gongs from his own storage space, held the gong hammer in one hand, and the iron gong in the other, and slammed it.


The violent and ear-piercing sound stopped Ling Xiao and the others, and then, a burst of golden light flew out from the surface of the iron gong, hitting Ling Xiao and the others.

Ling Xiao was terrified, the sound of the iron gong had the power to block space, and the light it emitted was the power of chaotic soul.

First, they were blocked to immobilize them, and then they attacked. As soon as this treasure made a move, Ling Xiao and the others could only be hit by the golden light!

I never imagined that the treasures of the Earth Soul Realm are so terrifying! Ling Xiao quickly and crazily mobilized the power of chaos in her body, trying to break through the space and block the golden light.

It was just a moment of lightning and flint, Ling Xiao just moved a few times, and suddenly saw Pan Chi Demon Venerable roar, transforming into a real body, a five-clawed demon dragon tens of meters long and pitch black broke the entire space!

It's my turn! The demon lord also transformed into a golden weaving bird at the same time the space was broken, waving her giant wings to scatter the golden light of the iron gong.

The natural ability of the five-clawed dragon, the space is released!

Jin Zhiniao's innate ability, soul power decomposition!

Ling Xiao secretly sighed in his heart, in terms of talent, some monster races are indeed more suitable for cultivation than humans.

Even though my own strength is much stronger than that of Demon Master Pan Chi and Demon Master Pan Chi, facing the sudden serial attacks of Fabao, the talents and abilities of Demon Master Pan Chi and Demon Master Pan Chi came in handy immediately, but I could only Passive parry.

However, now is not the time for Ling Xiao to be emotional. When Demon Lord Pan Chi and the demon master broke through each other's magic weapon attack, Ling Xiao also teleported to the back of the demon envoy, waving the iron broom towards him. The back of the head of the Yaozu messenger was smashed off.

With this blow, Ling Xiao transformed all the Qipo power in his body into the power of vigor, and concentrated it on the broom, trying to smash this hateful piece of fat into meat sauce with one sweep.

Turning seven souls into strength is Xiao Beimin's strength skill in the earth soul world, and Xiao Beimin only knows how to turn seven souls into strength.

In the Earth Soul Realm, Yuntianzong is also a sect that is good at strength. Although it also cultivates seven souls, it still majors in strength.

Despite the chubby appearance of the Yaozu envoy, when confronting the enemy, his movements are also strangely fast.

Sensing that Ling Xiao's mighty broom might bring him danger, the demon messenger immediately turned around and blocked Ling Xiao's iron broom with a gong.


With the ear-piercing sound and a burst of strong golden light flashing, Ling Xiao's body flew upside down, and Ling Xiao's sweep of the demon messenger also knocked him onto the sea surface, and with a bang, a wave of waves arose.

Stinky boy, how dare you beat this envoy into the water! The demon envoy flew out of the sea all at once, wet all over, snorted, puffed, and the salty sea water flowed from his ears, nose, and mouth. Squirting out indiscriminately.

He never thought that a human boy from the life and soul world could hurt him to such an extent.

The magic iron gong in his hand was dented by Ling Xiao's sweep!

That's not all, with the rest of Ling Xiao's broom, the Yaozu envoy just felt his internal organs vibrate violently, as if he was about to be shaken to pieces.

The anger of being bitten by a small bug made him have no time to think about it, so he immediately got out of the sea, and he was bound to crush the small bug to death!

call! A ray of light like a black belt flashed past the eyes of the Yaozu envoy. Before he could do anything, he was immediately entangled by this black belt.

The Yaozu messenger only felt that his hands, feet, and even his soul power were entangled, and his whole body fell into a state of powerlessness.

It can seal all the abilities of the opponent for three seconds, and Demon King Pan Chi's main body skill is Shadow Entangling!

Apparently, the demon master is also very familiar with the skills of Demon Lord Pan Chi. As soon as Demon Lord Pan Chi entangled the demon envoy, she pounced on him and bumped her head towards the demon envoy's head.

The demon messenger only saw a strange horn flickering in front of his eyes, and there were bursts of severe pain immediately between his eyebrows.

The weird horn on the head of the demon master actually pierced the eyebrow of the demon envoy!

Ah! The demon messenger roared several times, but he still couldn't stop the soul power in his body from flowing out through that horn.

That horn of the Demon Lord can absorb the soul power of others!

The demon master sucked for a full three seconds, taking out one-third of the soul power in the demon envoy's body. This power made the demon master's body directly break through from the blue level to the purple level!

In the mid-air above the sea of ​​Wan Yao Island, the demon master reached the purple level because of the chain soul power of the human body and the main body power of the demon body at the same time. Once the human soul and the demon soul merged, even the main body became half bigger!

The demon envoy watched with distress as his power was sucked away by the demon lord, and at the moment Pan Chi Mozun's Shadow Entanglement skill had just expired, he let out a fierce howl and flew towards the demon lord!

Little demon in red, go to hell!

Demon Lord Pan Chi's shadow entanglement exhausted most of his own strength, so he could only let the emissary of the demon tribe get rid of him at this time, and watched him kill the demon lord without any power to stop him.

And the demon master is at the moment when the two souls are fused, which is when her defense is weakest.

If the gong and hammer of the emissary of the demon clan hit the demon lord, then the demon lord can only end up being crushed to death with a hammer!

Want to bully my mother-in-law? Fatty, let you try your grandpa Ling's broom again!

At the very moment, Ling Xiao's figure stood in front of the demon lord, and with a sweep, he smashed the demon envoy's face away.

Ling Xiao's broom was much longer than the Yaozu messenger's gong and hammer. Before the gong and hammer hit Ling Xiao, the broom might hit the Yaozu messenger.

That guy who is as fat as a fat pig naturally cherishes his own life, and will never think of dying with Ling Xiao.

So, without hesitation, he chose to retreat and dodge.

Just such a wrong decision will cost the life of this fat pig.

Ling Xiao's broom did not retract, the moment it passed in front of the Yaozu envoy, the black thread at the end of the broom suddenly lengthened and turned into thousands of filaments, tightly entangled the Yaozu envoy's body.

What kind of broom is this? The monster messenger's eyes showed horror, and just thinking about how to get out, Ling Xiao immediately rushed in front of him, and countless fists pounded on the monster messenger's body.

The skills of the six ways of dispersing demons, the heart-shocking demon drills the fist!

Ling Xiao fused the chaotic power of the two souls of the gods and demons, and the power of the seven souls was transformed into a power soul. This fist attack is equivalent to how many purple-level Dzogchen soul masters with the power chain soul masters attacked the monster envoy at the same time. attack!

The Yaozu envoy was dizzy for a while, and his ears seemed to hear the sound of his internal organs being blasted into minced meat...

boom! Ling Xiao punched the Yaozu envoy's head for the last time, and everyone around could clearly hear that crisp sound.

The head of the Yaozu envoy was not split open, and his eyes looked at Ling Xiao blankly, like a foolish person.

Ling Xiao held back her fists, and instantly returned to the Demon Lord, gasping for breath, with sweat rolling down her forehead.

Ling Xiao didn't know if he killed the other party, although the other party seemed to have lost all life, but he still didn't dare to be negligent, his eyes were fixed on the demon messenger.

Bang! The body of the monster messenger suddenly exploded, and its dirty internal organs, together with his body, turned into a piece of blood and sprinkled on the surface of the sea.

A soul chain fell from the explosive place of the demon envoy's body, and with a thought, Ling Xiao immediately put the soul chain into his bag.

Finally dead! Ling Xiao had never felt so tired before, it was a kind of tiredness from the depths of his soul, which made him unable to lift up his spirits.

The battle just now exhausted all of Ling Xiao's mind.

Although his strength was not completely exhausted, Ling Xiao spent all his spiritual power. Keeping an eye on the actions of the demon messengers all the time, even though Ling Xiao's mental power is strong, it still makes him feel stretched.

And in this battle, without the help of the Demon Lord and Demon Lord Pan Chi, the possibility of killing the envoy of the Yaozu on his own is almost negligible.

The characters in the Earth Soul Realm are indeed not something that the Fate Soul Realm can handle alone.

After recognizing the reality, a sense of frustration and loss quietly rose in Ling Xiao's heart, but he was still forcefully suppressed by himself.

If you fight, you fight, and you kill, do you have any other options?


Anyway, it's a dead end, so why not fight vigorously?

No matter what, the token of gods and demons in his hand is the most precious treasure in the world of heaven and soul. Even if I can't exert its power, its power still exists.

Ling Xiao didn't believe that he, who possessed this treasure, would die so uselessly in the Soul Realm!

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