A Demon’s Path

Chapter 314 Dou Yangtian

As soon as Maureen left, those monsters such as the snake girl and the leopard man also fled in all directions.

Apparently, these demons didn't have their own consciousness, and the one who commanded them fled, and they also fled.

Ling Xiao didn't intend to let them go, and just happened to burn the soaring anger on these guys.

Tianleihuo, go! Ling Xiao made weird handprints with both hands, and the entire sea area was instantly covered by a thunderbolt with nine-distance flames.

There was a crackling sound, and then the monsters in the entire sea screamed frantically.

The sky thunder and fire that burned people's souls hit those monsters, making their bodies and their souls bear Ling Xiao's full of anger together!

In just one breath, thousands of monsters were burnt to death by the thunder and fire of Ling Xiao!

Those Yaozu who were still resisting in the corner watched their opponents turn into air in a daze, and subconsciously looked up at the sky.

The person above the sky has long since disappeared, and he does not know where he went.

The main island of Wan Yao Island was in a mess, with potholes and broken walls everywhere caused by the explosion of soul power.

The demon master was fighting fiercely with a demon soul master, while Tang Yingying hid in a golden light array, looking at her mother with a worried face.

That man was very strong. After his mother fought hard with him, although he was not defeated, the bright red blood at the corner of his mouth showed that his mother could not last long.

Brother Xiao, why didn't you come... Tang Yingying sensed that Ling Xiao was nearby, but she seemed to pause for something just now.

I'm here. Ling Xiao's calm voice appeared beside Tang Yingying.

Tang Yingying turned around excitedly, and it turned out that it was Brother Xiao who brought her to talk about life ideals all day long!

Brother Xiao! Although Tang Yingying wanted to bury her head in Ling Xiao's arms, she was more worried about her mother: Go and help my mother, that man is so fierce!

Ling Xiao took a look at the situation on the scene, stretched out his finger and drew in the air, and a phantom of the blue talisman waved towards the Demon Lord casually.

As soon as Ling Xiao arrived, the Demon Lord had already noticed it, so she didn't resist the talisman paper, but took a step back and flew towards the talisman paper.

In an instant, the demon lord was surrounded by blue soul power, streams of soul power passed through the tendons in her body, quickly repairing the injured limbs and bones in her body.

In just one breath, all the wounds on the Demon Lord's body were healed!

The Demon Lord gave Ling Xiao a lukewarm look, and said with a hum: Boy, your cultivation level has improved again.

The demon soul master retreated vigilantly, and looked at Ling Xiao curiously: Are you Ling Xiao?

Ling Xiao said coldly: Yang Tian, ​​you won't kneel down when you see the leader!

Although the two had never met, Ling Xiao guessed right away that the demon soul master was the priest of the Holy Demon Palace and Yang Tian, ​​the right protector of the Seven Demon Sect!

Haha! Yang Tian looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: Little Huangkou, even if your current cultivation level seems to be higher than that of the Seven Demon Patriarchs, I may not take you seriously! Even the Seven Demon Patriarchs can't Leave me in the Seven Devils Sect, let alone you!

Presumptuous! Ling Xiao didn't talk nonsense with Yang Tian, ​​and rushed towards him with a teleportation.

This guy has already become a running dog of the Holy Demon, and he is no longer a member of the Seven Demons.

Since he is not a member of the Seven Devils, Ling Xiao will kill him if he kills him!

Seeing Ling Xiao attacking him, Yang Tian smiled coldly: Okay, let me see the strength of the current leader of the Seven Demons!

Bang bang bang!

The shadows of the two intertwined together, and the blue soul power scattered in all directions, blasting the already devastated main island of Wan Yao Island into piles of dust!

If the main island of Wan Yao Island hadn't been guarded by a protective formation, the fight between these two just now would have turned the entire main island into dust!

boom! Ling Xiao kicked out with a heart-piercing leg, which hit Yang Tian directly in the chest, and sent Yang Tian flying hundreds of meters away.

After fighting for nearly two minutes, the two finally separated the advantages and disadvantages for the time being.

Good boy! Yang Tian stood up straight, with the same evil spirit as Maureen in his eyes: It seems that without the power of the Palace Master, I really can't deal with you!

Ling Xiao looked sternly, and said coldly: You are just a low-level food in the eyes of the holy demon. You are regarded as a pig and you are willing to work for others. You are really not as good as a pig!

Don't show off your tongue! I'll talk after you beat me! After being tempered by the demon energy, Yang Tian's level suddenly rose from the blue level to the purple level!

Looking for death! Ling Xiao took out the iron broom and swung it forward neatly.

In an instant, countless shadows of brooms flew towards Yang Tian, ​​and the sky was full of brooms. This spectacle is really hard for ordinary people to see.

Broom? Yang Tiantian yelled loudly, this Ling Xiao actually treats herself as a piece of rubbish, which is tolerable or unbearable!

Devil swallows the world! Yang Tian drew his hands in a circle and put them on his chest, a black and purple soul power vortex formed between his hands.

All the shadows of the broom released by Ling Xiao were sucked in by the whirlpool in Yang Tian's hand.

I'll give it back to you! Yang Tian pushed his hands forward, and the black-purple vortex turned into a ball of soul power, pushing the surrounding air towards Ling Xiao.

This ball of soul power contained countless dust, like a hurricane, with a strong pressure, as if it wanted to squeeze Ling Xiao into pieces.

Even Tang Yingying, who was hiding in the golden light, felt the power of this soul power ball, and couldn't help exclaiming: Brother Xiao, be careful!

Tang Yingying didn't know what kind of state Ling Xiao had reached now, otherwise, she would never have been so worried for Ling Xiao.

I saw that Ling Xiao just stretched out his hand and pointed forward, and the soul power ball was frozen about ten meters in front of Ling Xiao in an instant, unable to move forward any more!

Space soul power lock! Yang Tian's eyes were full of cold light, this kind of skill, even some purple-level soul masters of Tianchong soul chain may not be able to display it. This kid Ling Xiao is only blue-level, but he can do this. What kind of monster is this kid?

At this time, Ling Xiao's evaluation in Yang Tian's heart suddenly mentioned the same height as the ancestor of the Seven Demons, without any slightest contempt.

However, Ling Xiao is destined to give him more shocks.

Go! Ling Xiao directed the dance with his right hand, and a space array of hexagonal stars was formed in front of Ling Xiao's right hand. With a wave of his right hand forward, the six-pointed starburst instantly imprinted on the purple soul power ball, and bounced the soul power ball back!

It took a long time to say it, but in fact it was just that blink of an eye, the soul power ball rolled towards Yang Tian and crushed back, the speed and momentum were a bit more fierce than when it came.

Yang Tian didn't dare to be careless, he gathered his soul power into one hand, turned it into a palm knife, and slashed forward.

With a swipe, a purple knife shadow flew forward, splitting the purple soul power ball in half.

Yang Tian originally thought that if he split the soul power ball, the attack would be resolved. Who would have thought that when the soul power ball was split, a huge black broom shadow flew out of it, and blasted at Yang Tian's body.

Snapped! Yang Tian's body was hit by a sweep, and instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist, which dispersed into the air.

Ling Xiao, a sliver of my soul is left with the master. Even if my current body is gone, I can still be resurrected infinitely. Just wait for me to ask you to settle the debt next time!

Yang Tian's angry voice lingered in the sky above the main island of Wan Yao Island, and could not dissipate for a long time.

Fuck! Come back and fight again! Ling Xiao fiercely spat: Next time, I'll kill you along with your master!

The demon master snorted: Boy, don't underestimate that guy's master!

Ling Xiao looked fearless: It's not like I haven't seen that guy before!

The demon master was stunned: Have you seen the holy demon?

Ling Xiao sneered and said, He's just a stray dog ​​who came here and couldn't return to the Earth Soul Realm!

The demon master looked at Ling Xiao again, but she didn't expect that Ling Xiao, who was so lucky, had even seen the holy demon, and even knew the origin of the holy demon.

It's just that in less than three years, this kid has grown to the level he is today, and even the demon master himself has to admit that she was wrong.

Brother Xiao! Tang Yingying swooped into Ling Xiao's arms.

When Wan Yao Island was in danger, she immediately thought of her brother Xiao, so she hurriedly asked for help.

She believed that her brother Xiao would definitely come, but she still didn't expect that brother Xiao would come so soon!

Ling Xiao also hugged Tang Yingying, and patted her on the back: Be good, it's okay, don't be afraid, brother Xiao is here.

Hmph! The Demon Lord snorted coldly, clearly expressing his dissatisfaction with the intimate behavior between Ling Xiao and Tang Yingying.

Because of Maureen's relationship, Ling Xiao was not in a good mood at the moment. He let go of Tang Yingying, and said to the Demon Lord angrily: Your Excellency, Demon Lord, I don't know how I offended you to make you dislike me so much.

The demon master gave Ling Xiao a sideways look: I hate the flirtatious man the most in my life, if you can get rid of all the women related to you and only love us Yingying in this life, I would be very willing to marry Yingying to you.

So it is!

Ling Xiao took a deep breath, but still shook her head firmly: I won't turn my back on those women who are kind and loving to me because of Yingying, otherwise, what's the difference between me and that Tang Yuchen?

As soon as Tang Yuchen was mentioned, the demon master gritted his teeth: Don't mention to me that man who only knows how to deceive women with his face, and only thinks with his lower body!

Think only with your lower body? Ling Xiao weighed this sentence over and over again, as if, as if, it should be... Are all men like this?

If a handsome man doesn't know how to use his own charm to seduce a woman, and maintains a pure friendship relationship after being seduced, can such a man still be considered a man?

Ten men, nine flowers, and one poor physique, such a sentence in the mortal world still makes sense.

If you really want to find a handsome but not careless cat, how is it different from finding a cat that doesn't eat fish?

Of course, no matter how wildly Ling Xiao thought in his mind, he would not dare to show it in front of the demon lord.

After all, the other party was Yingying's mother, her future mother-in-law.

However, Ling Xiao didn't intend to compromise on this, and agreed with the demon lord: Your Excellency, you can't judge the relationship between me and Yingying by your own experience, and you can't involve Yingying in your own failure. body.

What did you say? The demon master's eyes widened angrily, as if he wanted to slap Ling Xiao a few times.

Ling Xiao really got stuck with the demon lord, and looked at the demon lord relentlessly.

Ling Xiao's idea is very simple, I just like your daughter, if you don't agree, you have to agree, I'm afraid you won't succeed?

Ling Xiao was not afraid, but Tang Yingying was.

With a crying face, she begged: Brother Xiao, don't quarrel with mother, okay?

Just as Ling Xiao wanted to comfort Tang Yingying, the four little demon generals Ao, He, Qin, and Gui, supported by several demon clans, came to the demon lord with injuries all over their bodies.

Demon Lord, your subordinates are useless... A trace of shame appeared on the faces of the four of them at the same time: If it weren't for His Excellency Ling Xiao's arrival, our Wan Yao Island would have been wiped out...

The Demon Lord said coldly: Not yet! My Wan Yao Island has been standing for so many years, and it is not because of you trash! One day, I will let you know that even if Ling Xiao didn't come today, Those guys still can only obediently get the hell out of Wan Yao Island!

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