A Demon’s Path

Chapter 188 Transferring the Treasure

All the monsters were chilled, it was obvious that Ling Xiao was only at the yellow rank, yet he dared to challenge two green-rank demon clans in front of the demon lord, that's crazy!

But everyone believed that Ling Xiao had such crazy capital. The two demon generals who had fought before were lying there one injured and one unconscious. This is the strength Ling Xiaoming is displaying.

Qin Wan smiled: Ling Xiao, my advantage lies in the sea, and I won't compete with you in ground battles.

The turtle who looked like a chubby man also said: Your Excellency Ling Xiao, I believe that our four little monsters will not be your opponent. If you have the strength, you can challenge the four little monsters.

Four Great Monster Generals? Ling Xiao suddenly realized that these four were just small shrimps that were a little bigger than Wan Yao Island, and the real big crocodile hadn't appeared yet.

It's normal, under the demon lord, there must be many powerful demon clans, otherwise, they wouldn't be able to guard Wanyao Island for so long without being wiped out by the chain soul masters of the two ways of gods and demons.

The demon master snorted coldly: Ling Xiao, you have passed this test of strength. I admit that you have the strength to compete with Mo Yi, and it will be up to you when the time comes. Let's go!

The demon lord waved his red sleeves, and another strong burst of light flashed across, spreading this large group of demon clans out of the god-and-devil space.

Yingying! Ling Xiao could only watch Tang Yingying leave helplessly, helpless.

Brother Xiao, I'll wait for you!

The Demon Lord actually left like this? What an inexplicable woman... no, banshee.

Everyone couldn't understand that the demon master brought a large number of demon clans with such a large amount of money, just to fight Ling Xiao twice before leaving. Only Liudao Sanmo understood in his heart that half of the demon lord's huge force was aimed at him and Mo Yi.

Use a powerful army to suppress him, so that Mo Yi will obediently hand over the Hailuo astrolabe.

But why didn't she grab Ling Xiao's other half? And let his subordinates fight Ling Xiao twice?

What puzzled everyone the most was why the Demon Lord had to drag Mo Yi to accompany Ling Xiao?

For all men, Tang Yingying is definitely a fatal temptation, even if Mo Yiming knew that the demon master had other plans, he would admit it.

Moreover, Mo Yi seemed free and easy, but he was actually a very strong person. Being treated by the demon lord as Ling Xiao's foil, he felt very uncomfortable.

No matter how powerful Ling Xiao is, he can't be compared with him, this is what Mo Yi thinks. How could he be willing to serve as a foil to someone who was inferior to him, with his character of arrogance down to the bone?

We must win Tang Yingying! Mo Yi's eyes revealed a firm light.

Ling Xiao looked at Mo Yi calmly, with a calm face. Only Li Yuanchong behind Ling Xiao could feel the endless anger and murderous aura suppressed under that calm appearance.

Others don't like murderous intent, but Li Yuanchong likes it.

Now that the Hailuo astrolabe in Mo Yi's hand is gone, Ling Xiao understands that the attention of all the big forces will definitely be focused on him.

Killing seemed inevitable.

After the demon lord left, Ling Xiao had already noticed that there were countless people lurking in this direction.

The demon lord made a big move, then patted her beautiful ass and left, but attracted countless enemies to Ling Xiao.

This woman is cruel enough.

Ling Xiao handed Xiaomo over to the three brothers of the Li family: I think it will be difficult to get out, please help me take care of Xiaomo.

Li Yuanhuan said: Don't worry, leave it to us.

Then Ling Xiao showed Xiao Mo an apologetic smile: Don't worry, Xiao Mo, we'll see you in Tianjiang City.

Xiao Mo felt a little sad, she knew that she would only be a burden to Ling Xiao, but Ling Xiao didn't think she was a burden, but really put her safety first.

Moreover, Ling Xiao's actions also made the three brothers of the Li family less dangerous, which is something Ling Xiao would like to see.

Ling Xiao really wanted to have a friend who could help him, but he didn't want his friend to die because of him, so that he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Ling Xiao, who was an orphan since she was a child, understands the meaning of friends very well, they are people who sincerely treat her well, let alone let them hurt because of herself.

Li Yuan straightened his face and hummed twice: Go back to Tianjiang City alive.

Ling Xiao stretched out her hand sincerely: Reconciliation, for the sake of the previous quarrel.

Li Yuanzhi looked at Ling Xiao very strangely, and stretched out his hand reluctantly.

As soon as he held Ling Xiao's hand, Li Yuanzhi was startled suddenly, his body trembled slightly: You...

Ling Xiao smiled slightly: What me? Don't you even have the guts and confidence?

Li Yuanzhi looked puzzled: Why me?

Ling Xiao smiled evilly and said: First, your strength is stronger than that of senior brother and Li Yuanchong's little brother. Second, in case something happens, I don't want them to be the ones who die.

Li Yuan rolled his eyes straight, but didn't say anything.

Be careful. Thousands of words, only turned into a sentence of Xiaomo's two words.

Ling Xiaoxiong hugged Xiao Mo, took the opportunity to squeeze Xiao Mo's soft chest with his chest: Hey, yes.

Xiao Mo's tears flowed down naturally, she wished that Ling Xiao would have such a chance to take advantage of her every day, but even she herself found it hard to believe that Ling Xiao could walk out of the battlefield of gods and demons alive.

Ling Xiao let go of Xiao Mo in his arms, and held up a pointer in his hand: Guys who want this thing, come here!

After Ling Xiao yelled, he ran towards the opposite direction of the exit of the battlefield of gods and demons.

In an instant, the entire plain of ten thousand corpses erupted, and it was impossible to count how many people followed Ling Xiao and chased after him.

They have only one goal, the pointer in Ling Xiao's hand.

Someone spread the news that as long as anyone can snatch the treasure in Ling Xiao's hands, no matter which sect it is dedicated to, any sect is willing to exchange all the treasures they snatched from the battlefield of gods and demons with Ling Xiao's treasure.

All the chain soul masters lurking in the dark all moved. Some of them had already snatched a lot of treasures, and felt that their strength had greatly increased, and they could completely compete with Ling Xiao.

Some people didn't grab many treasures and wanted more treasures, so they wanted to fish in troubled waters to see if they could get a bargain. Anyway, with so many people, maybe good luck will catch you like a shit basin falling from the sky.

At this moment, all the hunters regarded Ling Xiao as their prey, and followed Ling Xiao.

They all believed that Ling Xiao was a person who was afraid of death, and he would not give up his life to die with them. So, anyway, there are still a few days left, if Ling Xiao wants to go out, he won't be able to go too far.

Li Yuanzhi shook his head: Let's go too, I hope this kid will be fine.

Li Yuanchong stood still: I'm going to help, have you forgotten the task grandpa gave us?

Li Yuanzhi smiled wryly: As long as we return to Tianjiang City safely, our mission will be considered complete. Just now, Ling Xiao has given me the real pointer.

Everyone recalled Ling Xiao's handshake with Li Yuanzhi just now, and it dawned on them that Ling Xiao didn't really want to reconcile with Li Yuanzhi, but just took this opportunity to sneak into Chen Cang!

Xiao Mo's face was pale, and she clasped her small fist under her beautiful chin with both hands, silently praying that Ling Xiao could break out of the encirclement safely.

Ming Qingchen, Mo Yi, Mo Lin and Liu Dao San Mo looked at Ling Xiao's direction at the same time, but no one moved.

No matter who snatches the treasure in Ling Xiao's hands, as long as they don't leave the battlefield of gods and demons, no one can escape their grasp, so Mo Yi is not in a hurry at all, allowing Li Yuanzhi and the others to leave at will .

Mo Yi even hoped that Ling Xiao would be killed just like that. You know, Liu Dao San Mo said that he would not steal Ling Xiao's treasures, but he did not say that he would not steal treasures that fell into other people's hands.

As long as he has his master to help him, Mo Yi is not afraid of anything.

Under Liu Dao San Mo's purple hair that was struck by lightning, there is a face with an admiring smile: The descendant of the ancestor of the Seven Demons, hehe, has courage and courage! Volunteering into this kind of predicament, I would rather See how you can get out of it!

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