A Demon’s Path

Chapter 130 Li Yuanchong's Little Trick

There are signs of life, but no fluctuations in the soul, which means that Ling Xiao is already considered a dead person!

Even if he lived like this, he could only be regarded as a living dead.

Cheng Yu felt as if her sky was about to fall down. She always felt that all this was just a dream and it couldn't be real.

Will this little scourge die? He is a hooligan, a scoundrel, a pervert, a slut...

But he is also one of the pillars of Beimin faction now, how can he fall? How could he die so irresponsibly?

Get up, get up! Cheng Yu was like a crazy woman, desperately pulling Ling Xiao, who was not moving at all, no matter how much she cried and made trouble, the first man lying on her bed was ignore her.

After a long time, her hair was disheveled, her eyes were red and swollen, and she was finally tired from crying, so she fell on his chest and listened to his powerful heart beating.

This chest was still so warm, just like the moment when she was forced under him that day.

However, the man no longer scolded himself.

Cheng Yu slowly got up and stared at this hateful guy seriously.

Even when he was asleep, he still had a smirk on his face, hateful, really hateful.

Cheng Yu leaned down lightly, and lightly pressed his lips on that hateful guy's lips.

At this time, Cheng Yu's tongue seemed to be electrocuted, and he jumped up immediately.

That guy's tongue was able to move, and even touched the tip of his own tongue!

Cheng Yu's mind turned blank at this moment, and filled with anger at the next moment: You pervert, how long are you going to pretend to be dizzy?

Ling Xiao yawned, stretched her waist, and slowly got up from the bed: Huh? What place is this? Miss Cheng, why did your eyes turn into red peaches?

Looking at Cheng Yu's angry eyes, Ling Xiao looked numb, and wiped his wet face: What's wrong? Why is my face covered with rain? When did it rain?

Just about to stick out her tongue to wipe off the rainwater around her mouth, she suddenly stopped and smacked her mouth a few times: Strange, why is my tongue so sweet?

Snapped! An extremely loud slap hit Ling Xiao's face firmly: You rascal bastard!

Ling Xiao covered her slightly burning face, still puzzled: That bastard lied to me that Beimin Tianxijian had no side effects, and I just went to settle accounts with him, why did I get beaten when I woke up? ?”

Cheng Yu spit out a few words angrily: Because you should fight!

The battle outside was still hot, no less hot than the slap Ling Xiao received just now.

Li Yuanchong faced Tao Baobao in Huiyuan Palace.

Tao Baobao is also at the Huang level. Most people think that he should not be the opponent of Li Yuanchong, who also cultivates four souls, but everyone seems to have forgotten a truth. Geniuses are not rare, but they have not been discovered.

Just right, Tao Baobao is a genius who has also cultivated the five souls, and he has cultivated one more soul stone than Li Yuanchong.

No matter what aspect Li Yuanchong was controlled by the opponent, he couldn't use it at all.

Of course, it is not so easy for Tao Baobao to accept Li Yuanchong.

The two fought back and forth with one spear and one sword, and fought for more than half an hour, but there was still no winner.

Li Yuanchong hit the Sky Spinning Spear, and Tao Baobao hit the Earth Breaking Slash. Li Yuanchong released a celestial gang god thunder, and Tao Baobao naturally released a five-qi yuan shield to block Li Yuanchong's sky gang god thunder.

Li Yuanchong wanted to use the Phantom Six Changes after reaching the yellow rank to attack his opponent, while Tao Baobao simply set up several formations around him. As long as Li Yuanchong rushed to his side, he would be swallowed by these formations.

The so-called soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, probably refers to the situation in front of us.

Li Yuanchong was not in a hurry, and Tao Baobao was not in a hurry, but Wang Zeyuan was in a hurry.

Tao Baobao is one of the most proud disciples under his seat. He has spent a lot of hard work as a miser. He is obviously stronger than Li Yuanchong, but he can't take Li Yuanchong. This makes Wang Zeyuan feel a little anxious: Baby, use it directly! The strongest killing move to attack him.

The master has spoken, how dare Tao Baobao disobey?

The soul stone of Tao Baobao's chest lit up, and a white light immediately covered Li Yuanchong, who had only time to spread his fingers forward.

It was just a blink of an eye, and the people outside the venue didn't think much of it. However, Li Yuanchong found that he was caught in a boundless light. Apart from being able to see himself clearly, the dazzling light beside him made him unable to see any scenes around him.

Spiritual Wisdom Soul Skill - Bright Phantom!

Phantom? Li Yuanchong frowned, stood where he was, closed his eyes, and used his mental strength to sense the possible danger around him.

brush! A knife broke through the dazzling white light and stabbed straight at Li Yuanchong's chest.

Li Yuanchong blocked it casually, and with a hum, the knife suddenly turned into a white light and disappeared without a trace.

Afterwards, attacks from all directions surrounded Li Yuanchong, attacking endlessly. Li Yuanchong blocked from left to right, abruptly blocking these attacks from himself.

In the eyes of the people on the field, Li Yuanchong looked like a lunatic, waving a gun around when there was nothing around him.

Tao Baobao held his breath, controlled the fluctuation of his soul power, and slowly approached Li Yuanchong who had no reaction to him.

All Beimin faction disciples were sweating for Li Yuanchong. They really wanted to shout out, but they found that the be careful could not be uttered.

Li Xuanyi sneered, neither salty nor bland, as if the people on the field had nothing to do with him.

Tao Baobao approached one meter behind Li Yuanchong, with a smug smile on his face, raised his sword, and stabbed at Li Yuanchong's back heart!

Many people were very indignant at Tao Baobao's move: he clearly controlled the scene, but the attack was so vicious, it was obvious that he wanted to kill Li Yuanchong!

Puchi! A bright blood flower splashed, and the dust settled.

Tao Baobao still couldn't believe it. Li Yuanchong stabbed himself in the chest with a backhand shot without even turning his head.

But Tao Baobao's sword only pierced halfway.

You can't... see through my light phantom... why...you will know... Tao Baobao wanted to know where he lost.

Li Yuanchong said coldly: I am naturally sensitive to murderous intent, and before I released that light phantom, I sprinkled a handful of incense powder on you.

As soon as they heard Li Yuanchong talking about sprinkling incense powder, everyone remembered his gesture of spreading his fingers forward just now.

No one knew what Li Yuanchong meant by this action before, because the face powder was colorless and shapeless.

Besides Ling Xiao, who else can research such a thing?

If the murderous intent revealed his intention and whereabouts, then Tao Baobao had nothing to say. But if he fell into such a small trick as spreading incense powder, he, Tao Baobao, would not be reconciled!

Okay, now that you know how you died, let's go!

Wait! Wang Zeyuan originally thought that Li Yuanchong would take care of his face and would not kill, but when Li Yuanchong said that, he shouted anxiously.

It is a pity that it is still too late.

Li Yuanchong's spear had already been pulled out from Tao Baobao's chest, and the tip of the spear passed Tao Baobao's heart, directly cutting off that guy's vitality.

This guy's behavior style is actually very similar to his grandfather, there are no taboos, it all depends on personal preference!

Li Yuanchong glanced back at Wang Zeyuan, and said calmly: He deserves to die. If he didn't think about killing me with that sword, I would naturally not kill him.

With a smile on the corner of Li Xuanyi's mouth, he was very satisfied: Li Yuanchong not only learned Ling Xiao's tricks, but also learned how to pour dirty water on others. It seems that letting him follow Ling Xiao is indeed a good choice. .”

Wang Zeyuan was speechless for a moment, and could only accept this boring loss abruptly.

Li Yuanchong was right. In the situation just now, anyone who was not blind could see that Tao Baobao wanted Li Yuanchong's life.

What's wrong with Li Yuan rushing to kill him?

Even the hypocritical soul master sect is very straightforward when it comes to dealing with enemies. If you want to kill yourself, just kill yourself!

The scene fell into an extremely abnormal silence. At this moment, a voice broke the silence: Haha, I, Ling Xiao, are back again.

The faces of the people from the five holy places all sank, and their faces were as smelly as a menopausal woman, the head of the Supreme Sect.

The disciples of the Beimin Sect, however, seemed to have taken a reassurance, feeling relieved, and cheered: Senior brother Ling Xiao is back safely!

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