A Demon’s Path

Chapter 124 Cruel revenge (Part 3 of the 8th)

Ling Xiao forcibly restrained her emotions, and pulled back all the souls that had left just now.

Shen Mingfang is still far away, but Cheng Yu is very close.

Cheng Yu took off Cheng Qiantai's soul chain and hung it on his neck: Father, don't worry, I will definitely guard the Beimin faction!

Cheng Qiantai showed a slight smile on his face: Yu'er, if you have any difficulties, you can find Ling Xiao and your senior brother, don't make yourself too tired... If you like any man, just tell him, if he likes you too, I won’t look down on you because of this. If you look down on a man because of this, don’t worry about it, our Yu’er, I’m afraid no one will care about it, right?”

What Cheng Qiantai said seemed to be speaking to Cheng Yu, but also to Ling Xiao and Li Yuanhuan, who knows except Cheng Qiantai himself?

Cheng Qiantai closed his eyes slowly, the smile on his face was so serene that one felt that he was just asleep.

However, Cheng Qiantai no longer has any fluctuations in his soul.

Ling Xiao and Li Yuanhuan kowtowed three times to Cheng Qiantai at the same time: Master, rest in peace...

Cheng Yu's crying gradually spread from Cheng Qiantai's room to the outside.

Those disciples who had been waiting outside the door knew that this matter was inevitable, but they still found it difficult to accept this fact, so they all knelt on the ground and couldn't afford to kneel for a long time.

A burst of mournful cries instantly spread throughout the Beimin faction...

Before there was any hesitation, Ling Xiao, Li Yuanhuan and Cheng Yu hid in the secret room after asking the disciples to arrange Cheng Qiantai's funeral, and forcibly improved Cheng Yu's strength.

Cheng Yu's whole body was covered with cyan light of the soul. These blue lights emanated from Cheng Yu's soul chain, passed through his body, and returned to the soul chain again.

With each cycle, the tendons on Cheng Yu's body expanded a bit, and the painful expression on Cheng Yu's face also increased a bit.

Ling Xiao could imagine the pain caused by the forcible expansion of the tendons, as if a hand that was originally only sixty or seventy centimeters long was forcibly pulled to a length of more than one meter.

This is a kind of pain that goes deep into the bone marrow, and it is too painful to live.

But Cheng Yu endured it time and time again, beads of sweat rolled down her forehead, and she never said a word.

What a poor girl... Ling Xiao shook her head, she had no choice but to express her helplessness.

Maybe, I can invent a medicine that can avoid the shortened lifespan caused by this forced promotion? Shen Mingfang who was locked up.

They are all poor women, and this is probably all I can do for them for the time being.

Finally, this painful and long process is over.

Cheng Yu's face was a little pale, but those eyes were particularly bright.

There seems to be one thing we haven't dealt with? Cheng Yu glanced at Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao understood: Let's go, I will definitely do what I said.

In a remote dilapidated house in Beimin City, more than 20 homeless men who made a living by begging gathered.

As soon as it was dawn, they had to get up and prepare to go to Beimin City to see if their breakfast was there.

Suddenly, a white figure flickered, and with a plop, it fell into the huts of these tramps.

The eyes of the tramps stared wide open.

A naked girl lay on the ground, staring at them in shock and anger, but couldn't say a word.

For women, these guys have always been just fantasies, fantasizing that one day they can sneak into a woman who forgot to close the window to take a shower or something.

But now, such a real young girl was placed in front of them, so that they couldn't believe their eyes.

They shook their heads violently, and realized that they were really not dreaming, and evil fire burst out from those eyes with strange light.

Without any hesitation, these bums vented decades of energy on this young girl and managed to become a real man once.

Even an old beggar in his seventies who was persuading others not to spoil the little girl before, when those tramps sat on the ground to rest contentedly, he couldn't help lying on the little girl, even though he only lay on top of her. for a minute.

All the bums laughed, mocking the old beggar's incompetence.

The old beggar snorted twice, sat on the side, angrily complaining that his stuff was so unsatisfactory.

Twenty-one, just right. Ling Xiao said to Li Yuanhuan and Cheng Yu beside her, However, I don't intend to just let her go.

Ling Xiao's voice was not loud, but there was an attacking chill in it, and the two people beside him could naturally feel it.

Li Yuanhuan and Ling Xiao really didn't expect that Cheng Yu would see the end of this cruel torture method from the beginning, without a trace of expression on his face.

Are you going to kill her? Cheng Yu's tone was no longer the arrogance of the past, but only as cold as Ling Xiao's.

Ling Xiao shook her head: I won't kill her, I want to keep her alive, let her live in my nightmare for the rest of her life!

As soon as Ling Xiao finished speaking, she quickly swept Mo Yan back from the homeless man's house. Those tramps didn't see what was going on at all, they only knew that the girl who made them ecstasy had disappeared.

It must be the gods in the sky who have pity on us poor people without women, so they rewarded us with a beautiful girl, thank God! The group of tramps bowed to the sky inexplicably, which made Li Yuanhuan and Cheng Yu stunned.

For the existence of gods, these people at the bottom of the continent naturally believed deeply.

Ling Xiao looked at Mo Yan with a sneer: Unexpectedly, you did a good deed... No, it's twenty-one good deeds.

Mo Yan was covered in filth, and her legs were stained red with blood, which was not much worse than Cheng's tragic state before his death.

You'd better...kill me... Mo Yan stared at Ling Xiao viciously, the resentment in his eyes was enough to make countless people tremble with fear.

But at this moment, what Mo Yan stared at was Ling Xiao, that man who was fearless of any power in the world and ignored everything.

I won't let you die, I will let you continue to suffer until you kill yourself. Ling Xiao said flatly, Because, that's how you killed my master's woman.

On this day, a piece of explosive news suddenly came out from the Piaohong Courtyard in Beimin City.

A young woman pays someone to prostitute her, one orange spar at a time, and the limit is three people at a time.

It doesn't cost money to go whoring, and there is still money to take?

The news spread like wildfire in Beimin City, countless men scrambled to be the first, almost crowding the entire street where Piaohongyuan was located.

There are even many wives from poor families who encourage their men to earn income through sex. One orange spar is worth their living expenses for a month.

Some men who have prostituted are still talking about it, saying that the woman's appearance and figure are so good, not to mention giving him an orange spar, even if he gave her an orange spar himself.

All of a sudden, the men in Beimin City went into extreme madness.

It wasn't until a burst of blood that soared into the sky turned the entire street of Piaohongyuan into a pool of blood, that this madness stopped abruptly, and was replaced by the sadness of half of the families in Beimin City who had lost their loved ones.

Old men lose their sons, women lose their husbands, and children lose their fathers.

What's even more ironic is that there was a family of three grandparents who died together in that ray of blood, truly making blood thicker than water.

Li Yuanhuan showed a look of unbearable: Is it really good to do this? After all, those people are innocent.

Ling Xiao looked at Li Yuanhuan with contempt: Which of the dead disciples of our Beimin Sect was not innocent? Besides, we didn't kill these people.

Li Yuanhuan still disagreed with Ling Xiao: Soul masters should protect these ordinary people, but we watched them die. How can we explain to these people?

Ling Xiao chuckled twice: If it's just an confession instead of feeling uneasy, I will naturally give them an explanation. Let's go, otherwise I won't be able to stop those two murderers.

A man and a woman were carrying Mo Yan, who was wrapped in a sheet, and quickly fled from the Beimin faction. Before they could walk more than a hundred miles, two men and a woman blocked their way.

brush! The woman who escaped with Mo Yan immediately took out the scimitar, her eyes were full of vigilance: If you don't want to die, then get out of here!

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