In the bathroom, Jiang Feng and Maori Kogoro have changed Gin and vodka’s clothes and are now taking pictures.

(The clothes were directly conjured up by Jiang Feng, and of course the wig cover was also.) )

“Well, Uncle Māori, you put the two of them in a face-to-face holding position, and then face to face. Yes, that’s it, don’t move. ”

By this time, Jiang Feng had turned the terminal into a camera, and he instructed Maori Kogoro to pose Gin and vodka in various forms. And this pose is the last pose.

“Okay, it’s already filmed.

I have to say that this makes me a little sick to my stomach, Gin still has some potential, but vodka is simply spicy eyes. ”

After filming, Jiang Feng couldn’t help but complain.

“Who let you come up with such an idea, I now feel like my eyes are going to be disinfected.”

Maori Kogoro also complained a little about Jiang Feng.

“Uncle Maory, you shirk your responsibility. Don’t say you’re not interested in my idea. ”

Jiang Feng heard Maori Kogoro’s complaint, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then stunned back.

“These two goods are useless.

Zi, throw these two guys into the downtown area, and then we will post these photos on the Internet, and write ‘The perverted duo is not satisfied with playing at home, they all run to the downtown area.'” ’”

Jiang Feng said with a sinister smile, and then found that a gap opened from under Gin and Vodka, and then the camera in Jiang Feng’s hand was also taken away by Yayunzi.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng nodded and walked out of the bathroom with Maori Kogoro.


“Feng, you’re all right.”

Mao Lilan, who saw Jiang Feng and they came out, asked Jiang Feng worriedly.

When Jiang Feng heard this, the corners of his mouth smiled slightly, and he said to Mao Lilan: “It’s okay, it’s much better to vent.” ”

After saying this, Jiang Feng stopped talking, and for a while the air was abnormally solidified.

Because Jiang Feng did not speak, none of the women present dared to speak, and just like that, time slowly passed.

“Feng-chan, we’re back.”

Ten minutes later, Yakumo Zi finally returned.

“Zi, you’ve been gone for so long, it wouldn’t take that long if you just took a few pictures of Gin and vodka lying in the downtown area. Say, what did you do. ”

Jiang Feng raised the corner of his eyes and asked Yayunzi.

“Just took a few more interesting pictures.”

As soon as Yakumo purple fan was displayed, the camera appeared on the fan.

The corners of Jiang Feng’s mouth kept twitching, and he didn’t need to think about it, with the undisciplined exercise of Yayun Zi, the shots must be restrictive.

“Ling’er, send me to the Internet, and then delete all these photos on my terminal.”

Jiang Feng rubbed his face, and then said to Ling’er.

“Understand, transfer complete, delete complete.”

In a second or two, Ling’er had it all done.

“Then it’s time to spread it online.”

Jiang Feng chuckled in his heart, he didn’t know where to disappear after being hit by the women’s clothing, but this time the behavior of the women was too much, and if he didn’t press it, he would go to the sky.

Therefore, Jiang Feng did not open his mouth again before Yayunzi came back, except for saying a word to Mao Lilan.


“My head hurts, I’m not dead.”

Gin, who was watched by the crowd, woke up.

“Wake up, this pervert on the phone is awake.” By passerby A.

“Not only this one, the other one is also awake.” by passerby B.

“It’s really worthy of being a pervert, even if the glass is not enough, I even wear women’s glass.” By passerby A

“But don’t you think the one in the school uniform is a bit handsome.” by Rotten Lady Armor.

“Indeed, and it is inexplicably compatible with the fat man in the maid’s suit.” by Rotten Lady B.


Gin and Vodka reacted instantly when they heard the voices of these passers-by and immediately looked at themselves.

“Big brother…”

After reading the vodka, I couldn’t help but call Gin.

“Shut up. !!!!”

Gin roared loudly.

And then…… The two men covered their faces and rushed out of the crowd and fled into the distance.

“Abominable!!!! Maori Kogoro !!!! “*2

Gin and Vodka let out a roar of grief and indignation, and vowed in their hearts that they would kill Maori Kogoro to vent their anger.

It’s just that they don’t know that things have developed beyond their imagination.



In the fantasy township world, in the eternal pavilion of the lost bamboo forest, Kaguya-hime is rolling the sheets idly.

“Ah——, the game is finished again, and these comics and novels have been turned over several times. Dead turkeys are also in trouble. There’s nothing to do. ”

Kaguya-hime, who was rolling the sheets, thought boredly.

“Speaking of which, Yakumo Zi seems to have mentioned, what ‘Chrono Library’, maybe there are some books there, but I don’t want to go out.”

As if hearing Kaguya-hime’s call, a door appeared in Kaguya-hime’s room.

“This is…”

When Kaguya-hime saw this door, she frowned slightly, wondering in her heart, and then thought of something and muttered, “This should not be the door of the Chrono Library.”

Forget it, try it first, it won’t die anyway. ”

So Kaguya-hime put her hand on the handle, and the library began to transmit information.

“So that’s it, hahaha, my darlings, I’m coming!!!”

After receiving the information, Kaguya-hime suddenly started laughing and couldn’t wait to enter the library.


“Welcome, Miss Penglai Mountain Kaguya.”

Ling’er’s voice came from the main hall.

“No need to be polite, I replaced my ‘Penglai physique’ and ‘ability to manipulate the degree of eternity and whiskers’ as well as these messy potions of Yonglin into book points.”

Kaguya-hime did not hesitate to change all her abilities.

“Copying, replication complete, optimization complete. Congratulations to Miss Penglai Mountain Kaguya for getting 750,000 book points.

Do I need to watch the optimized capability description? ”

After the conversion of Ling’er was completed, she asked Kaguya-hime if she needed to watch the optimized ability.

“No, give me a mobile terminal.”


Ling’er was speechless, and she was not curious about her ability after the library’s optimization.

Worthy of NEET Hime, nothing is more important than games, anime, novels.


The mobile terminal appeared from the void, Kaguya-hime’s eyes lit up, and she quickly received it in her arms, then opened the door and went to the ‘Happiness’ Hall.



Kaguya-hime saw this endless bookshelf and endless manga and novels and began to laugh… It was a maniacal laugh.

“This is indeed a treasure trove, let’s find some treasures first.”

Kaguya-hime’s eyes shone as bright as stars.

“This is… Fairy Tail? I haven’t seen it, take it.

“The Forbidden World of Love”? I haven’t seen it, take it.

This is “About My Rebirth into Slime”? I haven’t seen it, take it…”

In this way, Kaguya-hime began an endless journey to make up for it.

And in the process of Kaguya-hime’s search for ‘treasures’, Yayi Yonglin came to Kaguya-hime’s room.

“Princess, I’m in… What about the princess. ”

Yayi Yonglin opened the door as always, but what he saw was not the same scene as always, Kaguya-hime, who was originally here, disappeared, replaced by a large door.

“This gate… Chrono Library. ”

The moment she saw this door, Bayi Yonglin knew what it was.

“The princess must have gone to this library.”

Yayi Yonglin knew that Kaguya-hime had nothing to do recently, so she was convinced in her heart that her princess must have gone here.

“Then, let me see what this Chrono Library has that can make Yakumo Zi unreservedly believe that this thing can save Fantasy Town.”

Bayi Yonglin thought with interest, but his hand did not stop, and he directly touched the doorknob.

This was followed by a familiar recipe.

“Knowledge, it seems interesting, but the current princess must be in the ‘Happiness’ Hall.” Let’s go find the princess first.

Merely…… Go on a mission to another world?

Yakumo Zi, no wonder… Now I also want to see what this Jiang Feng curator is capable of. ”

Bayi Yonglin, who received the information, showed a mysterious smile, opened the door, and walked in.


“Welcome, Miss Yayi Yonglin.”

As soon as Bayi Yonglin entered the door, Ling’er began to greet Bayi Yonglin.

“You are the management assistant here, Ling’er.”

Bayi Yonglin asked Ling’er.

“Yes, are you coming to find Miss Kaguya of Penglai Mountain?”

Ling’er asked about the purpose of Eight Yi Yonglin’s coming here.

“I already know the location of the princess, don’t worry, now please help me exchange all these potions for book points.”

Bayi Yonglin took out all the medicinal agents on his body, and with a cursory look, there were about five or six hundred bottles.

And Ling’er swept it, and said to Bayi Yonglin; “Sorry, Miss Penglai Mountain Kaguya has all exchanged these potions.

Now that the library has included it, these potions have no effect. ”

“Yes, what abilities have the princess exchanged?”

Hearing Ling’er’s words, Bayi Yonglin sighed, and then asked.


Ling’er replied.


Bayi Yonglin had a headache.

“Then I’ll exchange ‘Heaven and Earth in the Kettle’.

This is the cultivation method. ”

After thinking for a while, Bayi Yonglin decided to exchange his ‘Heaven and Earth in the Pot’ for book points, and took out the cultivation method of the Heaven and Earth in the Pot.

“Ingesting, optimizing, optimization complete. Congratulations to Miss Bayi Yonglin for getting 500,000 book points, do I need to see the optimized ability description. ”

Ling’er asked Bayi Yonglin.

“Yes, by the way, also show me the ability of the princess after optimization.”

Bayi Yonglin nodded, and then asked Ling’er to take out Kaguya-hime’s optimization ability to take a look.

Ling’er heard Bayi Yonglin’s request, so she dropped a light curtain.

Small world: After cultivation, a small world is generated in the body, and the small world operates on its own, and the world can evolve through the laws of the cultivator, and eventually evolve a small world with the characteristics of a cultivator.

After the initial cultivation, it can help the cultivator speed up the cultivation speed, imprison the enemy, and suppress the enemy with the weight of the world.

Redemption points: 1 million book points.

Time explosion: After cultivation, you can condense time to hedge the energy ball, and after the energy ball explodes, the time in this area will be completely disorderly and chaotic, which is the best means to deal with time ability.

The higher the level of cultivation, the larger the area covered.

Note that this ability can cause the following hazards:

1. Reverse growth or accelerated growth of organisms.

2. Dramatic changes in the environment.

3. The ambiguity of the concept of time.


Redemption points: 2 million book points.

Immortal and immortal: After cultivation, the body and soul have the characteristics of immortality and immortality.

And whether it is the past or the future, there will be no cultivator.

No matter which world’s timeline, the existence of the practitioner exists on the timeline in the form of points.

The enemy cannot kill the current cultivator by killing the past cultivator, so it is an immortal body in the true sense. (The same form of existence as the Rainbow Child on the tutor.) )

Redemption points: 20 million book points.

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