Emperor Road.

Chu Feng closed his eyes and quietly felt the changes that were happening inside his body. He leaped to the Immortal King realm in one breath, and his body was no different from undergoing a world-shaking change.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Chu Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

A pair of blood-red pupils covered with Taoist patterns burst out with endless golden light.

Not only that, his skin was covered with layers of faint golden divine light, just like a little golden man in a golden robe.

"Although I didn't get the supreme god-level status this time, the new status is still unexpectedly powerful."

"Is this the realm of the Immortal King?"

Chu Feng blinked.

The blood-red and golden light faded away, and the immortal golden light that enveloped his body also dissipated with his thoughts. He returned to the ordinary Chu Yanzu again. Except for his slightly higher appearance, he was as eye-catching as a firefly in the crowd.

But in fact, the current Chu Feng's strength is a billion times stronger than before.

To make a simple analogy.

If the real fairyland before was in the form of a baby cow. Is the realm of the Immortal King just Grandpa Niu?


It's not that simple. Now he is - Grandpa Niu, the Dragon King God of War!

In his eyes, the vast world of demons is just a speck of dust in the universe. With just one thought, he can destroy this world and all living things together!

This is the Immortal King!

One thought reaches the sky and controls everything.

This is just his first experience as the Immortal King. After unlocking this god-level identity, he has not had time to understand the other benefits he has gained.

He looked at his panel.

Host: Chu Feng (a villain with some achievements)

Fate: Ultimate Villain【✰】

Constitution: Eternal Immortal Body

Talents: Demon King's Eye, Immortality, Skyroc Speed

Realm: Immortal Immortal King

Skills Mastered: Hunyuan Heart Sutra, Xiantian Chaos Sutra, Demon Ancestor Sutra...

Items Possessed: Book of the Realm, Heavenly Emperor Sword, Mother Talisman of All Things, Gate of Eternity, Nine Netherworld Rope, Ten Thousand Demons Tower, Destiny Treasure Box*37...

Achievements Obtained: Primary Stamp Collector, Minor Villain

Compared with the last time I drew the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Demons, the panel has changed dramatically again.

But the biggest feeling for Chu Feng is - Sir, the version has changed!

The previously awesome treasures, skills, and constitutions have become dregs in front of a series of companion treasures brought by the newly unlocked god-level identity!

What extreme emperor soldiers, emperor-level skills, fairy-level treasures, and emperor's holy body, are they awesome?

If I take out the fairy king's spiritual treasure, the fairy king-level skills, and the eternal immortal body, how will you deal with it?!

This feeling reminded Chu Feng of some online games in his previous life. When a large expansion pack was updated, the graduation outfit that he had worked so hard to get in the previous version became a waste overnight!

Even if you are a krypton gold boss, you have to start over in the new version and graduate again little by little.

It's so inhuman!

Chu Feng exhaled angrily:"It's really abominable! Fortunately, this Immortal King has a full-level divine outfit, otherwise how can I play?"

Just now, when he was sensing the strength of the Immortal King, he had already simply experienced the current identity pendant.

To sum it up.

The Immortal King's spiritual treasure, the Book of the Realm, is awesome, awesome to the extreme!

The Immortal King-level skills, the Hunyuan Heart Sutra, are awesome, awesome to the extreme!

The Immortal King's new physique, the Eternal Immortal Body, is even more awesome, it directly merges the Great Emperor's Holy Body together! The

Immortal King's Taoist companion, the Willow God, is very smooth, smooth……

"That's not right, damn system, this god-level status actually comes with a Taoist partner?"

Chu Feng suddenly realized, he was stunned! It was really ridiculous!

Too much!

Where is the morality? Where is the dignity?

Where is the contact information?

He looked left and right, let alone a Taoist partner, he didn't even see a hair!

Where is my wife?!

【Dear host, your Immortal King Taoist partner has appeared and is currently in the Immortal Realm. He is in a state of enlightenment and cannot move. 】

The system immediately answered happily.

In the Immortal Realm? Enlightened?

It seems that my future wife is a cultivation maniac.

Chu Feng was thoughtful.

The Immortal Realm, when he broke through the True Immortal Realm before, he sensed a traction that seemed to be there and not there. He had a premonition that as long as he followed that traction, he would be able to ascend to the Immortal Realm.

It was just that he was busy cutting the Martial Emperor leeks at that time. He had heard Luo Hanyan say that he would be caught to mine after ascending to the Immortal Realm, so he casually rejected the invitation of the newcomers in the Immortal Realm.

Now that the Martial Emperor has been sent away, the new leeks are also waiting to be cut in the Immortal Realm. He happened to become an Immortal King, so he could go to the Immortal Realm to stroll around. Maybe he could randomly capture a few lucky immortals to mine and experience the customs and human feelings of the Immortal Realm.

But Chu Feng was not in a hurry.

This time, the god-level status took off too fast. There are some things in it, and he has to discuss it with the dog system.

His eyes stayed on the panel, and the star that appeared behind the fate, and asked the system:"I drew the immortal fairy king this time, it is because of the improvement of fate luck, right?"

"Dog system, if the destiny and luck have not broken through one star before the god-level identity is unlocked this time, will the god-level identity drawn still be the emperor realm?"

【Dear host, the god-level identity you extract will be the real fairyland. 】

This time the system did not act as a riddler, and directly told Chu Feng the answer.

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows:"Oh? Real fairyland, it seems that this god-level identity follows my realm."

"Can fate and destiny transform one into a god-level individual?"

【The host is too smart, making this system feel worthless】

""Get lost."

Chu Feng rolled his eyes. After receiving the affirmation from the system, he roughly understood the role of this fate and luck.

It was indeed directly linked to the unlocked god-level status.

Although the benefits of the god-level status were enormous, when the ancestor of all monsters was unlocked for the second time, Chu Feng clearly felt a little weak, and it was not worthy of the word god-level.

It turned out that the way it was unlocked was wrong.

The stronger the fate and luck, the corresponding god-level status will also be critically hit and transformed when the god-level status is unlocked.

If he did not reach a one-star fate this time,���The god-level identity extracted in this way would be awesome, but it would never reach the level of the Immortal King.

Finally, Chu Feng summarized a new strategy.

"In addition to accumulating blessing points and drawing the supreme god-level identity, if you want to unlock a powerful god-level identity, you can improve your fate and luck. This is a shortcut that can produce immediate results."

What are the uses of improving fate and luck?

Chu Feng thought carefully.

【Dear host, you still have boxes to open. 】

The system dog reminded me furtively.


Chu Feng glanced at the sea of gods.

The sea of gods in the realm of the Immortal King is already vast and boundless, like a world.

In that familiar corner, there is indeed a large area of densely packed destiny treasure chests, a total of thirty-seven, which can be said to be the largest number in history.

But for some reason, he felt a little boring. He is already an Immortal King, so why open a box

? What attraction can those scrap iron toilet papers have?

System, do you think that a few thousand tons of enlightenment tea, tens of thousands of tons of quasi-emperor treasures, precious medicines, etc., can bring any excitement to an Immortal King?

Even if it is a golden legend, aren’t those immortal treasures still rotten fish and shrimp?

Tired! This Immortal King is tired!

Forget it, I have a wife today, and I’m in a good mood.

Just think of it as drawing destiny fragments.

Chu Feng took out the Destiny Upgrade Seal with a lack of interest. This thing still has nineteen opportunities to enlighten, and he used them all in one breath.

As his thoughts moved.

Suddenly, all the treasure chests of destiny in the sea of gods opened, and a brilliant light burst forth.

【You opened the top-grade destiny treasure chest, and you obtained the Immortal Level Secret Realm*100】

【You opened the top-grade destiny treasure chest, and you obtained the Immortal King-level Immortal Beast Forbidden Zone*100】

【You opened the top-grade destiny treasure chest and obtained 1 destiny fragment】

【You opened the top-grade destiny treasure chest, a golden flash of light flashed, and you obtained the Immortal King's spiritual treasure - the little green bottle】

【You opened the top-grade destiny treasure chest, and you obtained a hundred thousand acres of immortality medicine fields.】


【You opened the top-grade destiny treasure chest and obtained 1 destiny fragment】

【You opened the top-grade destiny treasure chest, a golden flash flashed, and you obtained the Immortal King's Tomb*1】


【You opened the treasure chest of destiny, and you obtained 100,000 tons of true immortal medicine】

【You opened the Destiny Treasure Box and obtained Destiny Fragment*1】

【You opened the Destiny Treasure Box, a golden flash flashed, and you obtained the Realm Lord Order*1】


Chu Feng: ???

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