Xuanjie, the passage to the sea of sacred trees.

Several saints emitting powerful auras surrounded the entrance of the passage.

These saints surrounded a sturdy, round-faced man.

"Sima Dasheng, didn't we agree to form a group to go to the new world to expand the territory and become a saint? Why are you here to guard the gate?"

A saint advised earnestly, and the other saints also looked at him with anxious eyes.

"Not going anymore. Not going anymore."

"If you want to go, go by yourselves. I have now turned over a new leaf and worshipped the Emperor Chu Tian."

Si Budao waved his hand impatiently as if to shoo away a fly:"Also, let me emphasize again, don't call me Sima Dasheng, I am not called by that name now."

The saints were silent.

This bastard is too damn outrageous.

You were the most active one jumping up and down some time ago.

Now you are clinging to the Emperor Chu Tian. Is there any justice in the world or the law?

Seeing that Si Budao was not leaving, the saints could not help but ask about the wedding that day:"Si Dasheng, is it true? On the day of the Emperor Chu Tian's wedding, did he really serve all the guests a penny of enlightenment tea? ?"

"Impossible, although Emperor Chu Tian is the strongest quasi-emperor, Enlightenment Tea is a rare treasure after all. There are so many people at a wedding. If it is really according to this standard, it must be more than five kilograms of Enlightenment Tea. What is the concept? Even if the Emperor of Heaven wants to give it, with the foundation of our Xuan Realm, even in the ancient times, it is impossible to gather so much."

"Si Dasheng, in fact, at the wedding that day, only people like you who are generous enough to spend money were qualified to taste the enlightenment tea. We can understand that Chongxuan Pavilion exaggerated the publicity in order to flatter Emperor Chu Tian."


"Nonsense, of course it's true!"

Si Budao said as he carefully took out a wrinkled leaf with some crystal saliva from his sleeve. The green leaf was a little yellow, and it was obvious that it had been bearing a heavy burden in the past few days.

Even so, this damaged version of the enlightenment tea still attracted the attention of the saints around him.

"I know your little thoughts very well."

"But unfortunately, that was the reality. On that day, everyone who attended the wedding had a chance to see it."

"Moreover, the enlightenment tea bestowed by Emperor Chu Tian is of perfect quality. Compared with the enlightenment tea of our Xuan Realm, it is not even on the same level."

"If you are willing to live in your own world and don't want to believe, then I can't do anything about it."

Si Budao held the enlightenment tea leaves between his fingers, like a cigarette, and said unhappily to the saints who were looking at him eagerly.

Upon hearing this, the saints looked at each other, and their faces became visibly uncomfortable, as if they had lost their souls.

Many people regretted it very much!

In fact, they were already outside the mountain gate preparing to enter the venue that day.

Unexpectedly, a rich woman came out from nowhere and gave them a pound of enlightenment tea. Who could resist this?

In order not to lose face, they left on the spot.

But unexpectedly, Afterwards, they learned about the news from the wedding ceremony of Chongxuan Pavilion.

The Chu Great Saint at the wedding ceremony turned out to be the owner of the Emperor Sword!

On that day, he even treated everyone to a tea for enlightenment!

It hurts!

It hurts so much!

If they had known earlier that it was the owner of the Emperor Sword, they would have gritted their teeth and sent him some expensive gifts, which would not be impossible!

But now, not only have they not become familiar with Emperor Chu Tian, they have not gotten the tea for enlightenment for free.

When they thought that many ordinary kings and powerful people had it, these saints were so heartbroken that they couldn't breathe!

One saint couldn't help but say,"Is it fake? That, that was the tea for enlightenment. How could Emperor Chu Tian be so willing to give up an ordinary concubine wedding?"

Seeing that he was so uncomfortable that he couldn't even speak clearly, Si Budao glared at him and pointed at him with his finger holding the tea for enlightenment:"Hidden Saint, I tell you, don't talk nonsense here, you are already going to die!"

The Hidden Saint was covered in Si Budao's saliva and was stunned for a moment. What's wrong with me? Wasn't it just a casual remark? How could it lead to death?

Si Budao sneered:"Although Emperor Chu Tian is the strongest quasi-emperor, he is friendly and loyal. Mistress Nangong is just a concubine of the Emperor, but she broke through to become a saint on the same day. You don't think it's just a coincidence, do you?""

Okay, okay, you are a great saint, you are so good at licking.

A concubine is called mistress.

A female saint said jealously:"I heard about this. It was the good fortune bestowed by Emperor Chu Tian."

The saints were silent. Becoming a saint is as difficult as ascending to heaven.

When they became saints, they all survived nine deaths before finally reaching the Saint Bridge and gaining the recognition of Heaven. As for

Nangong Qin, who didn't know what kind of shit luck she had, she was actually chosen by the Emperor of Heaven and became a saint directly at the wedding ceremony, which shocked them extremely.

Many of them sensed the Saint Bridge that day and wanted to take a closer look, but they found that they could not sense any movement in the direction of Chongxuan Pavilion.

Si Budao sneered again and took a sip of the enlightenment tea:"You only know one side of the story."

"Nangong's wife was once seriously injured, and her future was cut off. She was originally unable to become a saint."

"On the wedding day, Emperor Chu Tian summoned the Saint Bridge and personally reopened the Avenue to Heaven for her. What kind of great power is this?"

A saint was surprised and said,"This is impossible! The way forward is cut off. Even if the Saint Bridge is summoned, the Heavenly Dao will not approve it."

Si Budao said proudly,"That's the truth, but in front of Emperor Chu Tian, reason must give way. Emperor Chu Tian personally took action to protect Mistress Nangong, and even the Heavenly Dao finally retreated in front of Emperor Chu Tian."

He said this with a proud look, as if he had made Tiandao retreat.

In fact, the reason why Si Budao chose to hug Chu Feng's thigh without hesitation was because of Nangong Qin's sainthood!

The banquet for Wudao Tea shows that Emperor Chutian is rich!

He is willing to offend Tiandao and help Nangong Qin become a saint, proving that Emperor Chutian values love! He values love, is rich, and is strong. In Si Budao's vicious eyes, this is a life of wandering for half a lifetime, and finally meeting a wise master!

Hearing this, the saints were silent.

They can become saints, they are not fools, and they understand why Si Budao said that Yinsheng has a way to die.

For a concubine, he is willing to offend Tiandao, which proves the status of Nangong Qin in the heart of Emperor Chutian!

Yinsheng's frivolous statement just now, if it is spread out, it is indeed a dead end.

They looked at Yinsheng with sympathy, but found that this man was standing there in a daze, licking the corners of his lips from time to time with his tongue, and there was confusion in his eyes.

"Hidden Saint, why aren't you speaking? Are you scared silly?"

"Shit! This bastard suddenly realized something. How could he suddenly realize something?"


The other saints stared at the Hidden Saint in disbelief, and suddenly realized something. They all looked at the enlightenment tea leaves between Si Budao's fingers, and were all stunned.

Si Budao was also stunned, and then he understood and his face changed!

"Damn it, this brat is taking advantage of my holy saliva for free!"

The Saints:"……"

They now believe that the quality of this enlightenment tea is really outrageous. Yinsheng was also a famous genius in the Xuanjie back then. He has been stuck in the saint realm for many years. Unexpectedly, he can now enter the state of enlightenment.

At this time, Si Budao was also thoughtful and seemed to have received inspiration.

He took out a small black ball in his hand.

"The old man Tiandi is full of treasures, but I can't understand the tricks of this black man's basketball"

"Although I was warned not to eat it, I was not told not to lick it, right?"

Before this group of saints came to harass him.

These days, he has created 77 clones to guard the Xuanjie passage, which is very boring.

With nothing to do, Si Budao can only study Heizi's basketball, but he found nothing. He can only sense the extremely terrifying aura in it. After being disturbed by the Hidden Saint, Si Budao suddenly had an inspiration. Heizi's basketball is definitely a treasure. Maybe licking it can get some opportunities?

"Si Dasheng, what is this thing?"

The female saint saw Si Budao take out a black round ball and immediately asked curiously.

Si Budao said coldly:"Kuroko's Basketball.""

Kuroko's Basketball?

What kind of shitty name is that?

The saints frowned. The fancier the name, the worse the quality.

They still focused their attention on the enlightenment tea between Si Budao's fingers.

Seeing that these bastards were indifferent, Si Budao snorted coldly and boasted loudly:"This Heizi's Basketball is a holy object for self-defense given to me by Emperor Chu Tian.""


It was given by Emperor Chu Tian.

The female saint's eyes immediately lit up:"This name is really elegant, and it sounds extraordinary. Si Dasheng, can you let me touch it?"

The other saints also looked at him expectantly:"I want to rub it too, just rub it for a while."

Si Budao held it proudly in his arms, and treasured it very much:"Get out! This is the exclusive treasure of this great saint, don't even think about it."

The saints were very disappointed, wondering whether they should talk to Si Budao again. It would be a great profit to get some great saint saliva for free.

At this time, in the passage of the sea of sacred trees below.

The ten thousand feet mountain, the vast sea...

Across all the passages in the entire Xuanjie, a terrifying aura like the abyss and the sea came, pressing towards the Xuanjie.

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