90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 903 Controversy

Two days later, Wen Jing called, Fang Kun completely killed himself at this moment, and he accidentally beat him to death. He intended to continue to torture Zhao Guyu, but he didn't expect that Zhao Guyu lived a good life, his body was not strong, and he couldn't resist. live.

Yuxi, Have you seen Fang Yalin?

I see, the body that this child received for Zhao Guyu has been cremated.

Yuxi is very sad, she will not repent, she will kill herself.

Because it was a homicide case, and it was Zhao Guyu, Fang Yalin's background was exposed. Fang Xuan had never changed schools, and his classmates knew a lot, so there were many insiders. It was not exposed before, no one said it, but now it is exposed. When you come out, don't hide it.

Some people think that Fang Yalin has not repented, and he has a murderer's father. Fang Yalin has a great influence. Some people think that knowing his mistakes can make a big difference, and children are young, so they will inevitably do wrong things and cannot be beaten to death with a stick. up.

Yuxi looked at the comments. Today's fruit is the cause of Fang Yalin's own planting when he was a child. These are what he should bear.

The polarized comments made Fang Yalin a controversial person. Fortunately, they were all within the control range and would not affect the show. Instead, it brought more attention to the show.

The program was broadcast during the summer vacation, and the first episode was broadcast, and the ratings won the championship. You must know that there are many programs broadcast during the summer vacation this year, and there are imported copyrights.

Yuxi was not very happy, there were too many people who came to her, and she didn't go to the company, in order to avoid people.

Nian Junwen, You can't go to the company, the kids are on summer vacation, I rarely have time, shall we go on a trip?

Yuxi turned off the computer, If you don't travel, you can take the children to experience life.

Nian Junwen became interested, How to experience life?

Yuxi turned sideways, I don't want to donate the library, I want to take the children to see it, let them know that life is not easy, and they should cherish what they have more, instead of treating money as money with friends and acting recklessly. .”

Nian Junwen felt very good, I have been worried about the growth of the twins!

The rich second generations around him, except for the elites, really frightened him, and they never changed after repeated admonitions.

Yuxi doesn't need to go to the crew, the script is nothing to do with it, and she doesn't need to go to the company either. With more time, she can transfer to several places in half a month.

The couple had a plan and acted.

When the children knew it, they didn't feel bitter at all. Instead, they were very happy. They thought it was much more interesting than traveling.

Fang Xuan wanted to go when he found out, and Wang Fulu found out later, so he packed his son up.

The team here in Yuxi has grown even stronger, with more children, and the place to go is a mountainous area. Safety is very important, so I brought security guards and assistants with me.

Wang Fulu's family is only Miaomiao, and Wang Fulu is even more willing to spend money, so he hired two more, plus the sensitive Wen Jing, good guy, there are seven children, and there are nine people following him, not counting Yuxi and Nian Junwen Woolen cloth.

The seven children thought they were going camping, and bought a lot of equipment, outdoor tents, and various outdoor tools with the lucky money.

Clothes are sporty and comfortable.

Yuxi and Nian Junwen didn't intervene in a daze, Yuxi looked at the luggage prepared by the children, speechless, Are you going camping?

Fang Xuan felt a little embarrassed, Auntie, when you said you were going to the mountains, I guess there must be no place for us to live, so I prepared more.

Yuxi looked at the bright eyes of the children, and was speechless. They were indeed going to the mountains, but they could go, at least there were elementary schools and schools, at least they didn't even have a place to live.

In the end, seeing the enthusiasm of the children, the words on the lips did not come out, as long as the children are happy.

Yuxi originally wanted to take Xu Qiang there, but Zhao Di refused to let her go, and the back and forth was money, even if she didn't have to spend it herself, it was the money of the master's family, and she was embarrassed.

After two days of preparation, Nian Junwen arranged the time here, and the group set off.

The first stop, Yuxi, was chosen in Province G, which has the most left-behind children. Most of the village is full of old people and children. Many children have not seen their parents for a year or two.

When the plane arrived at the provincial capital, the assistant had already arranged a car. In order not to be so spectacular, I rented a passenger car and an SUV. There are fruit trees everywhere, but it is still very poor.

After coming out of the city and entering the mountainous area, there are fewer vehicles and people because there are many mountainous areas and the roads are not easy to repair. Many places off the road are dirt roads.

The purpose is that Xinglin Township is close to the town, and it has to go over the mountains. There are a hundred or so families in the township, which is considered big, and children from nearby villages will come here to go to elementary school.

If you are willing to continue to go to middle school, you can continue to study in Fanshan, but not many continue to study. Most of them either go to work with their parents, or stay at home to help grandparents.

This is what Yuxi learned. It was quite a sensation when the car entered the village. You can see many old people sitting in front of the door and working. The main force in the field in the distance is teenage children, and there are really few adults.

The head of the township is young and almost fifty years old, Excuse me, are you here in the township?

Yuxi said the purpose, We came here to look around, and we're here.

As for donating the library, Yuxi didn't plan to say it first.

The township head was very disappointed. He thought he was here to investigate the donations, but it turned out not. Their township is really too poor, especially the adults are gone. They don’t have much education. Working abroad costs a lot, and the money they can bring back is really not much. On the contrary, the village is even poorer, Oh, so, if you leave today, do you still want to stay here overnight?

Yuxi, We're going to stay here for a few days, is there any place in the village that can accommodate our whole family?

The head of the township's eyes lit up. The accommodation must not be free. This is also income. It is unrealistic for a whole family to live. If there are two connected, we should be able to live.

Yuxi, Excuse me.

Don't bother, don't bother, these two families are home for the elderly and children, if you live, you will have to pay.

It should.

The houses in the township are all old, and some houses are particularly dilapidated. The township head said as he walked, No one lives in the house, and it will be dilapidated within a year.

Nian Junwen saw many dilapidated houses, Have they all gone out to work?

The township head said, Yes, if you stay here, you earn less, so you can only go out, but you don't earn much when you go out, so life is hard.

Fang Xuan asked, I see that there are quite a few fruit trees. Fruits are very expensive now. Why can't they make money?

The mayor looked at the clean and expensive clothes, thought of the children in the village, and sighed, You have seen it when you come here. The roads are not good, transportation is a problem, and here is a big fruit province. We don't have any. A lot of sales are lost, and the price is lowered by the fruit sellers, so there is not much profit.

Fang Xuan didn't say a word, the way here is really bad, the weather is still sunny, if it's cloudy, wouldn't it be hard to go out.

The mayor pointed to the two families in front, These two are earning money outside. The house was newly renovated at the beginning of the year. The two are relatives, so it's convenient for you to live in.

The mayor's original intention was to bring them to the needy households, but in his eyes, the people following him looked like bodyguards on TV at a glance, so he could only go to the best houses.

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