90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 864 A Little Late

The four boys were lying upright, watching eagerly, Yuxi stood up, there are four little ones who need to be taken care of, just now they were frightened, the children were frightened, and they wanted to scream and cover the four children with quilts, Sleep!

The biological clocks of the four children have always been very accurate, wobbly, and soon closed their eyes, Yuxi stroked the hair of the children one by one, and called the names softly in the ears of the four children, and when they fell asleep, the two The girl also fell asleep on the sofa bed.

Yuxi looked at the time, it was half an hour, and he had already passed another village, so he felt relieved.

The photographer called, Boss Lu, there is a town ahead, shall we enter the town?

Yuxi, Don't go, go directly to the highway, let's go in the direction of the provincial capital.

The photographer was stunned for a moment, Aren't you going to call the police?

Yuxi thought a lot, It's like calling the police in the provincial capital.

She had to think too much. If it was a den of human traffickers, it would be better to stay away from it. If it was an individual, there would be relatives nearby, and women with children. ?

Right now, the most important thing is to leave here, as far away as possible, not only for the woman and child, but also for them and their four children, safety is very important.

There were people lying in every possible place in the RV, and Yuxi didn't dare to sleep. She sat by the bed and kept watching the time. It wasn't until she got on the expressway in an hour and was out of the city that Yuxi breathed a sigh of relief. Leaning against the bed, resting in a daze.

When it was dawn, Yuxi found that the car had stopped. She opened her eyes and saw that it was already six o'clock. She opened the curtain and was in the rest area.

Yuxi stood up, the driver in front fell asleep on the steering wheel, took the money and got out of the car, and when he got to the show team car, he could see that everyone inside was sleeping, so he was tired.

Looking at the map in front of the rest area, Yuxi realized that for the rest of the journey, she could enter the provincial capital in two hours, and went back to the car with a smile on her head. She hadn't stayed up late for a long time, not only her eyes were uncomfortable, but her whole body was also very uncomfortable.

The movement back to the car was a bit loud, the two girls woke up, sat up quickly, embarrassed, Boss Lu, we're back in the car.

Yuxi waved her hand, Sit down, there is no room in the car, everyone is resting.

The two girls looked at each other, and one of them said, Let's sit on the side, come up and rest for a while!

Yuxi's eye sockets are indeed green,

But she is a little bit obsessed with cleanliness. When outsiders pass by, she won't lie down. It's okay, I can't sleep anymore. I'll wash up first and change my clothes. If you can't sleep, go back and get your clothes and change. After washing, You can go to the service area to have breakfast.

The two girls really didn't dare to stay together anymore, they fell asleep and took up the position. In their eyes, Mr. Lu was the existence that crushed the director, so they didn't dare to provoke him!

Yuxi waited for the two girls to come back and change their clothes before going out. She looked at the quilt that had been arranged and silently glanced twice. The appearance of the woman completely disrupted the plan.

Yuxi took the money and went to buy seaweed soup and some boiled eggs, took out the sushi, and called the four boys to get up for breakfast.

After breakfast, everyone in the program team got out of the car, and the women also changed their clothes. They couldn't see clearly at night, but they could see clearly during the day. The women's clothes were dirty, their faces were bruised, and their hair was bruised. The traces of being burned, in order to sell a good price, the child is not thin, but very timid, and hides in his mother's arms when he sees outsiders.

At breakfast, the woman didn't know how long she hadn't eaten. She was very hungry. She was so hungry that she didn't have the energy, but she never let go of her child's hand. This is maternal love.

After eating and knowing it was safe, the women wept with joy.

Yuxi took the tissue and handed it over, Stop crying, it's all over.

The women's hands have been working all year round, and there are cuts on their hands. After wiping away tears, the girl in the program group couldn't help it, Is the person who sells the child a human trafficker?

The woman shook her head, No, the child's father and the child's grandmother, the child's father is an only seedling. When I was pregnant with the second child, in order not to pay a fine, the first daughter was sold. It was said that she fell off the mountain. After she died, she was actually sold, and the second one was born as a daughter, and they tasted the sweetness of selling a child, and a child earned more than a year's work, so they sold it without even thinking about it, and later.

The woman paused, crying choked up!

The audience around were dumbfounded, this father and milk are more vicious than human traffickers, tigers don't eat their own children, they sell their own children.

The woman's voice was full of hatred, Then they got pregnant again, but they stopped talking about their son, and hoped to be a daughter, because they could be sold for money. These years, there are five daughters, and this is the youngest one. I can't have one, so I stayed I got down, not long ago, I went to sell mountain goods with me, and I saw the eldest daughter who was sold to the city. I recognized her. The eldest daughter got married and lived a life that was not human. It's numb, I really hate it!

Photographer, You said last night that you want to sell your little girl?

The woman sniffled, Knowing that I can't give birth, they wanted to have a son, and they planned to sell the little girl and marry again, and locked me up, so I secretly took the child and ran away.

This time everyone knew that it had happened, and it opened their eyes.

The girl who just graduated couldn't believe it, This is the 21st century, how can there be such lawless and ignorant people?

Photographer, You are a child in the city, a little princess at home, and you have received a good education. In some remote areas, these situations are not just exceptions.

This topic is too heavy, Yuxi looked at the ignorant child in the woman's arms, and looked at the woman. She woke up too late, and all the children in front of her were sold.

Yuxi looked at the time and signaled that she could leave. Two hours later, when she arrived in the provincial capital, the director communicated with the phone number she reached first, and the director knew what had happened.

When they arrived at the police station, the woman called the police, and learned through chatting that selling a child was a crime, which was her belated revenge.

Yuxi and his party can't control the rest of the matter.

The two girls who just graduated couldn't bear it, Her health is not good, and the child is so young, what will happen to her life in the future!

Yuxi looked at the woman holding the child tightly. The woman can't go back to the village. Her natal family must be avoiding her. It's easy to guess. The natal family must know the woman's suffering. Doesn't take women seriously, is raising a baby, life is hard.

Yuxi looked at the director, How much money is in your pocket?

Director, ...what are you doing?

Yuxi looked at the wary director and was speechless, Forget it, use my own.

Saying that, he took out his wallet from his bag, since he won’t be shooting anyway, it’s okay to use his own money, there’s a bank ATM nearby, just after crossing the road, Yuxi looked at the people in the bank, made sure he read it right, and opened the door to go in , Why are you here?

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