90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 721 Teacher

Yuxi sighed, she didn't notice her own problem, she finally realized after eating at night, the kindergarten began to have small groups, the couple wanted to give the best to the child, but they ignored it, the child is not old, it is The stage of personality shaping, Didn't you find that the girl is a bit too ignorant of money? Too indulgent? She has everything she wants, ideas, and ideas. Didn't you find the problem?

Nian Junwen didn't even read the book in his hand. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed true, especially after going to kindergarten, the couple was busy and only paid attention to homework. They really didn't care much about other aspects. If the child wanted it, they would Here, thinking about it carefully, my forehead is sweating. If I grow up, my temper will be stereotyped. Arrogance is not the same as pride. There are two completely different tempers. The baby girl almost has a bias, and I have lingering fears. Fortunately, you found out. , it’s too late to teach.”

Yuxi said quietly: We are novice parents, and we have suffered a lot. We have no experience in educating children, and Miao Miao is the only girl. Everyone is used to it. I can find it this time. I really want to thank you for being a relative. , After a long time, I almost forgot about the hard days, to be honest, let’s not talk about the children, just talk about the two of us, our careers are so smooth, I feel that I am a little bit more serious.”

Nian Junwen was silent, he has changed a lot, he has become more sought after, not to mention, I am really proud of it, I really thought it was all my own ability, and I was a little flustered, I think, I will go with you .”

Yuxi was surprised, Do you have time?

Nian Junwen put her arms around her daughter-in-law, I'm not busy at this time, the company has Dad and Li Yan, I think I need to get down to earth and settle down.

Yuxi put her hands around Nian Junwen, What about the two little ones? We are all gone, what about them?

Nian Junwen sighed, this is the disadvantage of not having a mother, and I don't feel at ease in entrusting the child to anyone, Do you think you can ask Dagu to stay for a few days?

Yuxi, No way, my cousin is not at home, my aunt needs to help my cousin look after the baby!

Nian Junwen pointed at herself, I have followed, it is meaningless for my cousin to go, you can call her, it is enough for the two of us to go.

The corner of Yuxi's mouth curled up, Yes, I'll call.

Zhou Lingling naturally agreed, it's great that she doesn't have to travel on business, she really didn't know the relatives of the Lu family to the point where she had to go to two factories originally, but she used to do it separately, now that Nian Junwen is here, she can feel more at ease Yes, the big boss is much better than her.

Yuxi hung up the phone and called her aunt again, asking her to come and stay for two days.

Aunt Lu laughed happily, Okay, I'll go, your master went with the crew, your cousin started school again, I'm bored at home by myself,

Just right.

Yuxi, Well, I'll send someone to pick you up tomorrow.

Okay, it's getting late, you go to bed early, and you're catching a flight tomorrow!


After Yuxi made the phone call, Nian Junwen's luggage was packed, Yuxi put down the phone, Look at my son, I'll go and pack my daughter's luggage.

When Yuxi arrived at her daughter's house, the little girl went to bed early. Yuxi packed her luggage carefully. The northwest wind was strong, the weather was cold, and her shoes must be dirt roads. You can't bring small leather shoes. Bring some comfortable bread shoes.

In the morning, Yuxi and his wife said to take Miaomiao, but Nian Feng was reluctant to give up, You can just go, the child will suffer more.

Zheng Maoran looked at Yuxi and his wife, and then smiled, The children are so happy now, it's time to increase their knowledge, lest they think it's easy to make money, and don't know that they are in the blessing.

Nian Feng immediately understood the intention of Yuxi and his wife, You are always right, you should go and see.

Miaomiao only knows that she is on a business trip with her parents, and she doesn't care about anything else. She is very happy and has no idea what she will face in the next few days.

Yuxi waited for her aunt to arrive, arranged a place to stay, and then packed her luggage to catch the plane.

The assistants and others passed by first, and the group of eleven adults, including Nian Junwen, took all the people this time, and they were in place at one time. One person went ahead to arrange the car, logistics and other issues.

Ten adults shared their luggage, and they were not overweight at all. They got on the plane quickly and could arrive at the airport in the provincial capital in two hours.

Miaomiao has been flying since she can remember. The little girl is not very old, and she has taken a lot of planes. Getting on a plane is not new at all. Instead, she asked her mother, Where we are going, is there a Ferris wheel? Are there tall buildings? Do you have a fun Barbie doll?

Yuxi replied seriously, None, only loess wind and sand.

Miaomiao frowned, Why not? Grandma's house has them!

Yuxi stroked her daughter's hair, The development speed of each place is different. Grandma's home is a coastal city with a port, so the development is naturally fast, but the northwest is different, there is no natural condition, and the development is very slow. I know how lucky you are.

Miaomiao didn't understand, she turned her head to look at her father, Nian Junwen smiled, I'll understand when I get to the place.

This time, the couple attaches great importance to the education of their daughters. They not only want to hope that their children will become dragons and daughters, but also want to educate their children well so that they can become responsible persons.

This time the flight was direct and there was no transfer. When we arrived at the provincial capital, we had to take a car. The place where Lu’s family lives is relatively remote. There is no airport in the nearest city. It takes six hours to drive there, which is very far away.

The people who arrived first rented cars in advance, and the eleven people rented four cars with the best performance, taking into account the road conditions.

In order to catch up with the journey without taking a rest, I got in the car and left directly. At noon, the food I ate in the city I passed by was authentic Northwest cuisine. Miaomiao was very happy to eat.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, I arrived at the city where Lu's family is located. The buildings in the urban area are very old and not well developed. The same is true for the counties passing through the urban area. There are not many stores.

After leaving the county and getting off the cement road, the road conditions in the villages and towns are terrible. They are all loess roads with potholes. Fortunately, the performance of the car is good, otherwise, you will suffer from motion sickness.

From the excitement at the beginning, Miao Miao gradually lost interest. She looked at the village outside the window in disbelief. Looking at Dad, Dad, can we go home?

She misses home, a clean yard, grandpa, and younger brothers.

Nian Junwen stroked her daughter's hair, We have to stay for a few days before going back.

The little girl quit, How do I live here?

As far as I can remember from birth, she lived in a spacious house and took a car when she went out. She had a driver and an aunt, and they all used the best ones. The gap this time was too great.

Yuxi ignored her daughter. The car was not a place to educate her. Instead, she looked out of the window and said with emotion: It's been a few years since I came here last time, and there is no change at all. This place is not as good as the place where I filmed.

Nian Junwen sighed, It has no characteristics, and it is difficult to develop.

Yuxi glanced at her daughter, the little girl was full of anger, at least she didn't show her temper and cry, she had a smile in her eyes, her daughter's upbringing was good.

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