90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 620 Favor

Chapter 620: Favor

Yuxi read it twice, They were all nominated.

Huang Liang grinned to the back of his head, Yes, they are all nominated. There are a total of four nominations, and you accounted for two. The chance of winning this time is 50%. I think this award belongs to you. belongs to.

Yuxi glanced at the two films from the two foreign countries. From the box office, she completely crushed them, but they are both well-known screenwriters. She is indeed not sure. Fifty percent is considered a great joy, A I'll find out in a month.

Huang Liang, If I win an award this time, I will really be able to do it. It's not like the last time I won an award and took advantage of it. People made irresponsible remarks and didn't even make it to the news.

Yuxi, So this time is very important to me, by the way, where is the director? Do you have any news?

The director has to wait for two days. I think Wen Rong can get on, and he also needs a chance to wash it off to take advantage of it.

Yuxi, After this year, I will prepare a TV series next year. I will be the best screenwriter of the TV series. I am really good.

Huang Liang hopes that the company will get better and better, I can't help you with anything else, I can only encourage you spiritually.

By the way, for the dress, I prepare it myself.

She has no endorsement, so she has no sponsorship, so she can only prepare by herself.

Huang Liang said: I was just about to say, Bu Xinxin is very malleable, but she doesn't have a big-shot clothing endorsement. Do you have any better resources here?

Yuxi, Where is the foreign brand we have been cooperating with? Leiyin cooperated at that time.

Bu Xinxin's traffic is not as high as the popularity, they only sign men's clothing with us, not women's clothing.

Yuxi thought about the artists in the company, I found out that our company is prosperous, and the female artists are only two young ones.

Yeah, that's why it is said in the circle that our company is compatible with male artists. Although female artists have developed well, they are not as good as male artists. The ones I just signed became popular with a small supporting role and took on a lot of jobs. Yes, many people have sent me messages, asking me if I can jump over here!

Yuxi laughed, Forget about job hopping. I think the current one is pretty good. The company's resources are not enough. However, our company's female resources are indeed scarce. Bu Xinxin, let me figure out a way.

Come on,

If you agree, I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Yuxi, You really trust me.

To be honest, we have been in business for five or six years. In my impression, you are really omnipotent. Every time I recall the original decision, I can drink two or two more drinks. It was too witty at the time.

This is what he said in his heart, the company is getting better every year, not to mention that the dividends are getting more and more every year, but the status in the circle is really getting higher and higher.

Going out now, it's no longer Brother Huang, Mr. Huang, who is always polite, this is respect, and respect for him has a different meaning.

He sometimes thinks, if he didn't agree to help Lu Yuxi back then, he would probably still hang out on the periphery, pretending to be the third grandson in front of the supporting role leader, not to mention respect, he can bury you as he wants, the right choice , is really important.

Yuxi didn't know Huang Liang's emotion, and said with a smile: We are a win-win situation. We have grown together all these years. I still keep the same old saying. As long as you remain the same, my side will remain the same.

Huang Liang smiled, he is not a fool, everyone in the circle can see that the company will develop into an existence like Yuehui sooner or later, and his brain has not been kicked by a donkey, I am still waiting to retire in the company!

Yuxi was smiling, she liked Huang Liang's shrewdness, she could always understand her other meanings, and expressed her determination to her by the way.

Huang Liang went to work, Yuxi was thinking about Bu Xinxin's endorsement, Nian Feng could have something to do with it, but she didn't want to use it, Nian Feng's level of speaking was too much, even if it was a debt of favor.

So after thinking about it for a while, I still wanted to call Wang Fulu, and the phone was connected, and Yuxi said what he wanted.

Wang Fulu didn't delay either, I do know it, but I'm still a little hypocritical. Let me talk about it. It's okay to be an endorsement, but if you want to say ugly things first, you can sign for one year. There is no other way. After one year, you will have to look at the endorsement. It works.

Yuxi said: You can help me, I am very grateful.

Wang Fulu smiled, My publicity company was suggested by you. I should help you with this job. Thank you so much, I don't need it.

Yuxi squinted her eyes. Although she and Wang Fulu got along well in the past two years, she was forced to be a relative, but when it comes to human relationships, this guy is quite clear, and she can understand it. Speaking of endorsement must have used a big favor.

The two chatted for a while and hung up the phone.

As soon as the call was dropped, Xue Ya came over with a document in her hand, This is the one-month opening performance of the movie theater in City C, and it has been sent.

Looking around in Yuxi, City C is the provincial capital, and there are quite a few theaters here. Yuxi opened relatively late. This time, Dongfang built a shopping mall, and the rent is free. It's not bad, at least I didn't lose money.

Xue Ya said: I checked in late, and the publicity didn't keep up. I'm trying to think of a way to promote it, and the performance can be improved.

Don't worry, take your time, you have to get used to it first, but theaters in other cities also have to open.

Xue Ya hesitated and said, Are you only considering first-tier cities?

Well, I only consider the first line. First of all, the development and flow of people can be guaranteed, and then the ability to accept is the highest. As for the second and third lines, I will not consider it in the next ten years.

She only wants to make money safely, and will never develop rashly, so as not to lose money in the second and third tier cities, and finally drag down the theater chain, which is not worth it.

Xue Ya took the document and said that she understood, There is also a company coming to discuss project investment, Internet company, do you still not consider it?

Yuxi is at home, not only watching business news, but also watching the stock market. Sometimes, changes in the stock market indicate the development of an industry. But there is no rush, as long as there are results next year, those who can survive next year will have real skills.

Xue Ya smiled, Aren't you afraid of being robbed?

There are too many companies opening every day. What am I afraid of? Just look at the capital, how many companies are registered every day, and then look at the office buildings. Are there any vacancies? We have no shortage of companies to invest in. If you grab them, you will grab them. Well, it can only mean that it has no fate with us.

After listening to your words, I know what's going on in my heart.

I finished talking about work, Yuxi hasn't chatted with Xue Ya for a long time, Xue Ya is really a strong woman, either on a business trip or busy with work, I believe it now, Yang Xi really engraved you in his bones, you guys Of the two, one of them was destined to sacrifice more for the family and the children, but I didn't expect it to be Yang Xi, I thought Liu Xing would be recruited, and you would spend more time at home!

Xue Ya, What happened, even if it is in the past, there are still traces. I can't return to it. There have been shadows. My career is too important to me. Fortunately, he understands me.

Thinking of her husband, there is sweetness on her serious face.

Yuxi is so sweet, Yang Xizhen is really courageous, obviously the heat has been on all the time, this year she was even nominated, just waiting to win the award, she was firmly seated on the front line, but in the end, she pushed a lot of work for the sake of her daughter-in-law and son.

She sometimes thinks that Yuehui must regret giving Yang Xi the best contract!

Xue Ya remembered the college entrance examination, and looked at the time, I don't think you have any work, so go to the examination room?

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