90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 247 Still in the game

Yuxi shook her head, It's nothing, Master, just keep talking.

He Feng said: I can find very little information, and it belongs to city g. You also know that city g has not returned. It is difficult to check city g. I can only find out that it is the registration of Hengyuan Group and Yuehui. I did find out the legal person of the company, a 30-year-old from the mainland named Xu Huichong, and I didn’t find out about the others.”

Yuxi's mind was in a mess, it turned out to be from city g, if it was from city g, there was really no connection with their family, the only one with contact was the Zheng family!

She didn't think she was thinking too much, but felt that she had discovered something extraordinary.

He Feng saw that his apprentice didn't leave, What are you thinking?

Yuxi said ah, It's okay, I'm just feeling emotional, no wonder Yuehui has developed so well, it turns out that it has experience, and the film and television industry in City G is incomparable.

He Feng said: G City's golden period is coming to an end, and the movie market in the mainland has grown up these years. Our population base is large. With the improvement of people's living standards, the movie market will slowly usher in spring. In the future, the mainland will be home.”

Yuxi admires Master, she always remembers that the film market in the Mainland is developing rapidly from the information she read.

Seeing Yuxi, she saw that she was at the school gate, Master, my aunt will be discharged from the hospital soon, when will you have a wedding?

He Feng almost choked on his saliva, We just established our relationship, but you are in a hurry than me.

Yuxi snapped her fingers, Look, look, I'm going to have winter vacation, I'm going back after winter vacation, of course I hope you guys settle down and go back to my hometown with me!

He Feng has a heart, he is not young anymore, he will not fall in love like a young man, and the relationship lasts for a year or two. He cherishes time and will not waste it, but he also has worries, Zhou Yao is very kind to me. Contradictory, this is a problem.”

Yuxi really didn't know, Zhou Yao resists you?

He Feng nodded, Well, don't look at me young, I know everything I need to know. I used to be called uncle when we met, but now I don't want to see me.

Yuxi thought for a while, He doesn't trust you. This child has been injured by Zhou Guangming and lacks trust. In this regard, I can't help. It depends on Master himself to build trust.

He Feng was also worried. It's okay to teach the students, but it's difficult to coax the children, You have two younger brothers and raised a younger sister, so you must have something to learn, pass it on.

Yuxi, ...my younger siblings are obedient, they are obedient, they are adults, they have not yet puberty, and I have no experience.

He Feng, ...then help me find a way.

Yuxi suggested: Children, you can play games with him more and tell stories. You should show your presence in front of him more. Don't keep a straight face and let him think that you will treat him badly. Playing games, there is a common language, and there is trust.

He Feng, ...game?

Yuxi nodded, Yes, it's a game.

He Feng recalled the games played by his little nephews, his eyes lit up, Okay, I see.

Yuxi was a little confused, You really know?

He Feng felt confident, Okay, go get busy, I'll accompany your aunt.


Yuxi watched her master get into the car, thinking about Yuehui, her feeling was very clever, Hengyuan Group must have some secret.

She always thought that she jumped out of the game, but now she realizes that she has always been in the game, but her fate has changed, so her calculations have changed.

Yuxi missed her father and stepmother even more.

When Yuxi returned to the store, she called home. Yuzhi answered the phone very happily, Sister, the clothes you mailed to me have been received.

Just receive it, where are your parents?

Yuzhi said: They haven't come back yet, they will come back at night, sister, you are going to have a holiday!

Yeah, as long as you come first in the final exam year, I'll buy you a Walkman when I go back.

Yuzhi blinked, Okay.

Yuxi chatted with Yuzhi for a while before hanging up the phone, knowing that everything is fine at home.

In a blink of an eye, the day when the aunt was discharged from the hospital, Yuxi finally saw how Zhou Yao rejected her master, her face was sullen, and He Feng didn't dare to stay any longer and left.

Seeing Zhou Yao squatting by herself, Yuxi leaned over, and the little guy was venting his anger with a stick, Let me see my little cousin, look, he doesn't look happy at all.

Zhou Yao dropped the stick, pursed her lips, and looked at Yuxi with dark eyes. Regardless of how small she was, she was very clear, Cousin, is your master trying to take your mother away?

Yuxi, He's not trying to take Dagu away.

Zhou Yao puffed her face, I only have my mother, can you tell your master not to rob me of my mother?

Yuxi was touched a lot, Zhou Yao was extremely insecure, a divorced family, Zhou Yao looked normal, but there was something wrong in his heart, he raised his hand and touched Zhou Yao's chest, He didn't grab my aunt, he I want to take care of you with my aunt.

Zhou Yao turned her head angrily, Liar, they will have a new child.

Yuxi narrowed her eyes, Who told you?

Zhou Yao snorted, Neighbor, the neighbor said that I am going to have a new father, and told me that my mother will not like me when I have a new child.

Yuxi grinds his teeth, there are tongue-twisters everywhere, how old is this kid, tell him this, get angry and point to himself, Look, my mother treats me very well, she has her own child, treat me Also very good.

Zhou Yao tilted her head, Auntie?

Yes, my mother is so kind to me. Of course, there are some who are sincerely bad, but there are also good ones. My cousin's master, who can save my cousin's life, has a good character.

There was some hesitation in Zhou Yao's eyes, What my cousin said seems to be true.

It's not like, it's right. Also, let me tell you a little secret, you just need to know it yourself.

Zhou Yao blinked, Okay.

Yuxi whispered in Zhou Yao's ear, Master and Auntie won't have any new children.

Zhou Yao's eyes were full of disbelief, but Yuxi heard from her cousin that the master chased the aunt, and was very frank, and told his own problems, and directly solved Zhou Yao's problems, and would treat Zhou Yao as himself, of course the master rescued her. She added a lot of points, she can sacrifice her life to save her apprentice, and she will treat her stepson well in the future.

Unbelief flashed in Zhou Yao's eyes, Yuxi said, When you grow up, you will understand, but promise cousin, this is our secret.

Zhou Yao bit her lip, Well, that, I, I'm not selfish, I'm just, only my mother.

Yuxi stroked Zhou Yao's head, she knew that this child only had his mother in his heart.

Yuxi talked with Zhou Yao for a long time before Zhou Yao entered the house. Zhou Lingling came out from the hiding place, Fortunately, I can listen to your words. As soon as I opened my mouth, this kid ran away.

Yuxi rubbed her numb legs, Because you are a real sister, if you don't stand in his position, of course he resists, even my aunt resists, so I am different.

Zhou Lingling, I hope Zhou Yao can slowly accept He Feng. There is a man in the family. I'm not afraid that Zhou Guangming will make a fuss over Zhou Yao's custody one day.

Yuxi patted her cousin on the shoulder, You, worry about your life.

You have the nerve to talk about me, don't you too.

Yuxi smiled, We are all worried about our lives.

On the third day, as soon as Yuxi arrived at the store, Special Assistant Ran came. Yuxi was overjoyed, Don't talk, I have something to ask you.

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